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Support Pilot Love

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I would ask the powers that be for one change to the battle report at the end of each GSF match. Add the amount of healing - shields or hull - contributed by players for other players. :D I'm usually flying a support role, trading kills for flying around buffing shields or repairs wherever I can. I do get a few kills be understandably that's not the priority compared to support ops. Problem is, at the end of each match, I'll be the first to say it looks like I haven't been terribly busy supporting the team. :eek: The exception is the medal that says 2K healing delivered, 4K healing delivered, but I don't know many players who look at each player's medals.


I dunno, it's a vanity thing and it doesn't crash the experience for me at all, but just so people know who's got their back when they're being tailed and suddenly they get a vital fix (and support fire from the side to boot). :D

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So much yes to this. I always roll support, and although I can rank on the scorebored for damage and kills, that isn't my focus - i just happen to be good at multitasking. It would indeed be nice if it showed how much love I gave to my felow pilots.
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It would also be nice to see who dropped the drone, which would have the added benefit of being able to help newer players if they drop them in the wrong place. I don't use support ships in TDM but I do notice those who do, it would just make it easier to see if the name is on the drone.
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Requisition via repairs (and therefore anit-afk via repairs) will most likely not happen. The reasoning behind this is simple. If you could gain requisition via repairs why not simply use a ship with repair drone and just bump into the spanwship the whole match? And why not use Hydrospanner to avoid being kicked for not participating on other ships?


I agree with repairs (hull only) being displayed at the end of a match and when mouseovering them it should display "shields repaired" (not including regenerated shields) and "ammo resupplied".

Edited by Danalon
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Buffing shields isn't particularly helpful, especially if you gave up the ability to provide ammo to get it. I agree with the sentiment, though: repairs should at least prevent you from getting flagged as not contributing. Currently they don't.


Buffing anything that's falling apart is hardly useless, ammo buff or no. Most people die even with my repairs pretty quickly, so they refill their own ammo. It's worked just fine for the most part.

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Requisition via repairs (and therefore anit-afk via repairs) will most likely not happen. The reasoning behind this is simple. If you could gain requisition via repairs why not simply use a ship with repair drone and just bump into the spanwship the whole match? And why not use Hydrospanner to avoid being kicked for not participating on other ships?


I agree with repairs (hull only) being displayed at the end of a match and when mouseovering them it should display "shields repaired" (not including regenerated shields) and "ammo resupplied".


Well, I'm not sayin' I need Req for it, but I wouldn't stop it from coming in. More like, "Hey guys, I was helping too, even if I don't have ten million kills." Just so they know they were supported.

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Buffing anything that's falling apart is hardly useless, ammo buff or no. Most people die even with my repairs pretty quickly, so they refill their own ammo. It's worked just fine for the most part.


Yeah, no. I'm gonna quote myself here:


Choose "Refill Ammunition" as the T5 talent on Repair Probes on a Clarion/Imperium

The other talent, Shield Restoration, doesn't help you, and it doesn't help your team either. The shield regen only restores 150 shields every four seconds. One hit from stock RFL - the worst weapon in the game - is just under 200 damage. It won't even soak up one hit from the worst weapon. Ammo, on the other hand, keeps the scouts on your team supplied with rocket pods and missiles, and pods or clusters are a very efficient way to kill just about anything. If your teammates can kill whatever is shooting at you, you will survive much longer than you would with a crappy 150 shield boost every four seconds.


Additionally, your healing becomes less valuable as a match goes on if you don't have the ammo refill talent. When a scout or a strike runs out of ammo, they have to choose between playing with a greatly reduced damage potential or self destructing. This could make a difference in a close game.


While a bomber restores slightly more, it's still not enough to make even a small difference in a competitive match. If you want to play support, choose the option that actually offers support. You help your team more by giving them a reliable source of ammo than you do in giving them a negligible boost to shields. The shields the probes/drones repair are not enough to make a difference. Your stated goal is to keep people alive longer. If you're successful, a lack of ammo available actively harms your team.


If I know I have ammo available, I will play much more aggressively, because I can afford to do so. I can take chances with rocket pods or missiles where I might otherwise choose to try to conserve them.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Well, they seem to be doing okay in my games. They're certainly keeping me alive of late. When I get a T5 option I'll consider it, but I'm still going up the ladder as it is. Right now, I've got a setup that seems to be working okay. I don't save like that Jesus fellow, but I do what I can. The spread I have right now is doing wonderfully for me.
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I don't think you see the part where I said it doesn't restore enough to make a difference. Shield restoration on the repair drone or repair probes is negligible at best.


Sounds like you're flying a T3 Strike, so I assume you're also running shield projector. That's probably a wasted component (in that Directional Shield is tankier) but it's not what I was addressing.

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Saw what you said just fine. Going to go my own way on this. I'm flying a Clarion right now and having great fun with it. That's all there is to my side of it, at least. I've got no problem with your perspective, but right now I want to fly my own way through. When I get T5 on anything that offers that option I'll at least consider it, but for right now it just isn't on the radar. You can judge that as harshly as you like.
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As I was specifically addressing a component upgrade you don't even have yet, I'm not sure where the point of disagreement is. I didn't say anything about shield projector in my initial post, and, based on your response, it appears that you didn't even realize what the options for repair probes are in the first place.


No one can stop you from choosing that talent once you get enough requisition, of course, but you're wasting the requisition if you do. 150 every four seconds is literally nothing. It does nothing.

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I've found that the sheild repair drone/probe, useless as it is overall, does have a niche of helping a very specific build of a T1 gunship in GS duels. So it isnt entirely useless. It can also help to soak up just a tiny bit of damage while defending under a sat in doms. But other than that, unless you are running niche premades, it is utterly useless.


I still roll sheild repair time to time, especially when rolling off-build premades or in insanely easy matches to provide just that tiny extra boost when rolling engine-to-sheild dogfight bomber, but I wouldn't touch well over 96% of the time. It's just overall a really, really, poorly balanced component.

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Eh, I'm fond of it for now. At it least helps -me- stay alive when I pop that and repair/hydrospanner. I like supporting and I do what I can, but I'll sort it all out in my own time. I'll look at the upper levels when I qualify for them. No big deal for the most part.
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You should really consider changing to Running Interference. It will, even on a Strike, prevent more damage than Hydrospanner will repair. It has the added benefit of providing your nearby teammates with an evasion buff as well, and in this game, evasion is the best defense available. You might also want to check out the guide I posted recently right here in these forums.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Hydrospanner also has its niche uses, but is also generally useless.


That being said, we can give advice but we can't tell you - or anyone - how to play. Everyone has their own affinities, and everyone likes their own builds. The advice we offer is simply that, advice. You are free to run off builds all you like, to become a buildmaster like myself. (A title someone else made up and gave me) The main thing is, although we want you to do well, we also want you to have fun. If you have more fun rolling what many people would consider "bad" builds, then most pilots will still have your back. Some just may not want to group with you, and we may advise you to roll "better" builds.


In the end, all we can say is good luck, have fun, and good hunting ^.^

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My problem with putting the repairs and shield heal on the board is, we don't want to incentize silliness. We already see bombers messing their hull up on a node so that they get healing for cheeves, adding any more incentive than this seems silly. Certainly wouldn't want someone to sit near a repair drone set to derp-mode instead of Rocket Pod Emporium, toggling F2 for extra shield capacity (repaired by derp mode drone) then F3/F1 for lesser shield capacity (loses overage), repeat for whole game -> "hee hee look at numbers".
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My problem with putting the repairs and shield heal on the board is, we don't want to incentize silliness.


Hey, look at that, we're back on topic.


I would argue that:

  1. The point of the game is to be fun. Silliness is fun.
  2. The sort of person who would farm silliness in a competitive match would not likely contribute much to victory if they were playing seriously.
  3. The sort of person who would farm silliness in a non-competitive match likely currently contributes approximately as much as their absence.


I'm also very curious as to the average healing delivered per pilot, and this would help me get a better idea of that.

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We never really left topic, just kinda hit a tangent directly related to topic and gave a mid-ranged pilot some advice while we were at it.


The type of sillyness that is being spoken of isn't the fun kind, it's the abuse kind. No one likes abuse, that's why its called abuse.

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We never really left topic, just kinda hit a tangent directly related to topic and gave a mid-ranged pilot some advice while we were at it.


It was pretty far off the topic of "should damage repaired be displayed on the leaderboard".


The type of sillyness that is being spoken of isn't the fun kind, it's the abuse kind. No one likes abuse, that's why its called abuse.


We have two records threads devoted to this kind of silliness. I don't think it's abusive.

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I have to agree with Sriia, ammo replenishment is more valuable then shield repair in every situation. Shields regen on their own but ammo doesn't. A lot of the best pilots take on the role of gunship or bomber hunting in scouts, one of the best weapons for that is rocket pods which you run out of quickly so by replenishing your best players, you keep them more effective longer which means a better chance of winning against gunship/bomber spam.


I do however run Shield Projector on a T3 striker on satellites in Dom because you can LoS a lot of the incoming fire and when you got evasion and power dive you don't get hit as much. Shield Projector is effective on sats because everyone is tightly packed together. It's pretty useless in TDM though because everyone is spread out or moving too quickly.

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