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KOTFE new villian not scary enough


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There are always certain villains who's presence alone strikes fear into the hearts of others. Darth Vader and Darth Maul are good examples. They are scary, threatening, and menacing. Emperor Vitiate is the same way, just a total monster. At the end SOR it seemed the were continuing a story arch with Vitiate as the main antagonist, but now with KOTFE they seem to be going in whole other direction with this new immortal emperor who just came out of the blue. No doubt there has to be a connection between Valkorian and Vitiate... How many immortal emperors can there be out there after all? However If Vitiate is indeed included in the new story he will take more of a backseat role while Valkorian and his son or sons will be center stage. The new trailer was cool and certainly made the expanding story arch look interesting and mysterious, but Valkorian and his sons just don't come off especially threatening or give off that special menacing aura. The sons come off a couple spoiled rich kids with daddy issues and Valkorian just looks like some regular dude you would see shopping at Home Depot if he lost the fancy extravagant outfit. They just don't invoke the fear in me that Vitiate does. The one son is kinda scary to a degree after he receives cybernetics, but pales in comparison to someone like Darth Malgus. Hopefully as the new story progresses these guys will become far scarier than they appear at first.
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Yeah, he's just a normal plain old guy, that everyone in the neighborhood goes, 'He's such a nice guy, I can't believe he would do something like that. He used to help me take my garbage to the curb.' That's when you discover the 120 bodies buried in the backyard.
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Yeah, he's just a normal plain old guy, that everyone in the neighborhood goes, 'He's such a nice guy, I can't believe he would do something like that. He used to help me take my garbage to the curb.' That's when you discover the 120 bodies buried in the backyard.


As the saying goes.


"It's always the quiet ones"

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It comes down to personal preference. I've always found Vitiate to be a pretty boring and shallow villain.

The best thing about him was that he was voiced by Doug Bradley, but other than that he was nothing special.


So far I don't know enough about the new bad guy yet to have much of an opinion on him, except that he's obviously a ruthless bastard.

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I'm not sure we've seen enough of Valkorian to know how truely "scary" he is or not and obviously what his connection is or isn't to Vitiate. Though I will say this it takes a man with a trick card up his sleeves to stare death in the face and not flinch when one of your sons is about to stab you in the back with a lightsaber. Unless of course he knew the other son would 'step in' and save him at that final moment because there can only be one heir to the throne of zakuul / enternal empire. Edited by Aussie
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I'm not sure we've seen enough of Valkorian to know how truely "scary" he is or not and obviously what his connection is or isn't to Vitiate. Though I will say this it takes a man with a trick card up his sleeves to stare death in the face and not flinch when one of your sons is about to stab you in the back with a lightsaber. Unless of course he knew the other son would 'step in' and save him at that final moment because there can only be one heir to the throne of zakuul / enternal empire.


At the beginning of the trailer he had a vision of it happening. That's why it quickly flashed to his sons as babies. He had that vision when he saw them.

Edited by Nightblazer
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It comes down to personal preference. I've always found Vitiate to be a pretty boring and shallow villain.

The best thing about him was that he was voiced by Doug Bradley, but other than that he was nothing special.


So far I don't know enough about the new bad guy yet to have much of an opinion on him, except that he's obviously a ruthless bastard.


QFE. Darth Pinhead is all I could think when I first heard his voice in the game, and it was glorious.


Also pulled that real strong demagogue sociopath vibe from what little we've seen so far, which is far more unnerving than the -10,000 Dark Side Generic Baddie A we're used to for most of our villains. The kind of person who will speak calmly and properly to you but has the look of cold calculations, death and a total lack of empathy in their eyes; total assurance of their own view of right and wrong and willing to destroy whatever it is that stands between them and their seen 'birthright'.

Edited by Amaste
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Makes a nice change that he's not all covered in spikes and skulls and cartoonish nonsense like that.


And while we know this fellow and his Musco Twins are the antagonists, do we know for sure they are bad guys? Maybe he's not evil at all. Maybe he has a good reason to be doing what he's doing, or at least thinks he does. Maybe he's trying to save the Galaxy from our very own cuddlesome psycho-crackpot of an Emperor.

Edited by PLynkes
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Yeah, he's just a normal plain old guy, that everyone in the neighborhood goes, 'He's such a nice guy, I can't believe he would do something like that. He used to help me take my garbage to the curb.' That's when you discover the 120 bodies buried in the backyard.



EXACTLY!!! I was personally thinking when I 1st saw the video, that I *liked* the fact that he wasn't made up to look "scary and evil". Let's face it, most of the evil folks who have ever trodden across the Earth in history looked like the rest of us. Why shouldn't it be the same in the SWU?

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And while we know this fellow and his Musco Twins are the antagonists, do we know for sure they are bad guys? Maybe he's not evil at all. Maybe he has a good reason to be doing what he's doing, or at least thinks he does. Maybe he's trying to save the Galaxy from our very own cuddlesome psycho-crackpot of an Emperor.

I've realized recently how often it occurs that the "Empire" in a story is the bad guy, when there is nothing inherently wrong with the system--just our western mindset that empires must be bad because one person controls it or whatever. I think it'd be a brilliant change of pace if the Eternal Empire ended up being the good guy for once. Maybe heartless tyrants, but on your side for once. Like Thrawn's Empire.


Because seriously, outside of historical fiction, how many empires are protrayed as the good side?

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There are always certain villains who's presence alone strikes fear into the hearts of others. Darth Vader and Darth Maul are good examples. They are scary, threatening, and menacing. Emperor Vitiate is the same way, just a total monster. At the end SOR it seemed the were continuing a story arch with Vitiate as the main antagonist, but now with KOTFE they seem to be going in whole other direction with this new immortal emperor who just came out of the blue. No doubt there has to be a connection between Valkorian and Vitiate... How many immortal emperors can there be out there after all? However If Vitiate is indeed included in the new story he will take more of a backseat role while Valkorian and his son or sons will be center stage. The new trailer was cool and certainly made the expanding story arch look interesting and mysterious, but Valkorian and his sons just don't come off especially threatening or give off that special menacing aura. The sons come off a couple spoiled rich kids with daddy issues and Valkorian just looks like some regular dude you would see shopping at Home Depot if he lost the fancy extravagant outfit. They just don't invoke the fear in me that Vitiate does. The one son is kinda scary to a degree after he receives cybernetics, but pales in comparison to someone like Darth Malgus. Hopefully as the new story progresses these guys will become far scarier than they appear at first.


Darth Maul was not scary to me at all...


To this day Hannibal Lecter is the scariest mofo to me, the TV show makes me squirm.


I think what scares people varies eh?

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You know what's creepy about him? Look at the end of the video, when the camera pans upward from the body of his son, and he is standing there... ever so calmly... look that man in his eyes. His Dark Side ridden eyes. When I looked at it, the scene made me shiver... I really cannot wait for the expansion.
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