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KotFE and Beyond -Tying up loose ends. Dangling plot points that should be recognized


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I think people are forgetting the overall Makeb Story.


The isotope 5 that the Hutts originally had WAS used, HOWEVER, your imperial player stopped the planet from blowing up, and mining of Isotope 5 was to resume under imperial control at the end of Makeb. Extraction was said to need time to get things up to snuff, but by the time of KotFE, it would have been what, 5-6 years post Makeb of the Empire mining Isotope 5?


The issue with your last paragraph though is that it is an assumption. Its nowhere stated what became of the Isotope 5 mined by the Empire.


Not to mention the Isotope 5 itself - its not just "fuel" - it was extremely powerful fuel - able to power droids and starships on a fragment of it, and able to create super-weapons like the Golden Fury and the Archon's weapon with enough of it. That the Empire DOESN'T have weapons like this speaks to the lack of Isotope 5 being in the mainstream forces.


You didn't read my post very thoroughly it seems...


I never said the Empire doesn't have any isotope. I stated that it is entirely possible that Empire CANNOT build weapons like Golden Fury or Archon's Walker, because they lack the genius of Dr. Oggurobb, who is now safely in Republic hands.


Also, given that Republic still continues to operate on Makeb (the Staged Weekly), it is likely that Empire cannot mine it in large quantities.


Also, by the time Chapter 3 of KotFE begins (invasion presumably begins ~2 years after RotHC, seeing as SoR is 1 year after), I would hazard a guess that any Imperial operation has been throughly cleansed by the Eternal Empire, as it is a common practice to target enemy resources as priorities.

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Also, given that Republic still continues to operate on Makeb (the Staged Weekly), it is likely that Empire cannot mine it in large quantities.


Nopes! Reason being that, as Jace Malcolm states, at the completion of the weekly, that the planet will be " uninhabitable within weeks " due to some gas liberating from the core or something like that ... despite this bringing into play if the makeb week is the same, conventional terrestial 7-day week, and the fact that 2 years onwards, we're still happily able to chug along sunny on makeb, that's probably the story reason why the mining stopped... :confused:

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Sorry, but I find your stances VERY Myopic.


The Hands serve Vitiate, but who is Vitiate really? Perhaps Valkorian is the man behind Vitiate and they serve him?



And nowhere, NOWHERE does it EVER say the isotope 5 was used.


Vitiate us the Emperor of the sith, Valkorian is not Vitiate nor seems to control him. Especially since Viate implies during the Ziost story that he has only recently found other galaxies.


And you're right, ABSOLUTLEY NO WHERE. If only somebody like Marr or Lana had told you that Isotope was being used... Like over Mail or somthing...

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Nopes! Reason being that, as Jace Malcolm states, at the completion of the weekly, that the planet will be " uninhabitable within weeks " due to some gas liberating from the core or something like that ... despite this bringing into play if the makeb week is the same, conventional terrestial 7-day week, and the fact that 2 years onwards, we're still happily able to chug along sunny on makeb, that's probably the story reason why the mining stopped... :confused:


Hmm, right, sorry, been a while since I bothered to go through the Makeb Weekly.

However, it probably still would be possible to continue mining operations even on planet that cannot support human lives. I am sure that remote mining using droids is a thing in Star Wars.

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You didn't read my post very thoroughly it seems...


I never said the Empire doesn't have any isotope. I stated that it is entirely possible that Empire CANNOT build weapons like Golden Fury or Archon's Walker, because they lack the genius of Dr. Oggurobb, who is now safely in Republic hands.


Also, given that Republic still continues to operate on Makeb (the Staged Weekly), it is likely that Empire cannot mine it in large quantities.


Also, by the time Chapter 3 of KotFE begins (invasion presumably begins ~2 years after RotHC, seeing as SoR is 1 year after), I would hazard a guess that any Imperial operation has been throughly cleansed by the Eternal Empire, as it is a common practice to target enemy resources as priorities.


They don't need the genius of that hutt to mine though. They already were able to get some of the people who mined for the hutts in the first place that can leverage their expertise. And given the empires experience with building super weapons, do you really think the hot is the only one in the entire galaxy who can utilize isotope 5 in the super weapon?


What I put forward it isn't out of the realm of possibility.

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And given the empires experience with building super weapons, do you really think the hot is the only one in the entire galaxy who can utilize isotope 5 in the super weapon?


The Republic was able to build super weapons as well. Just think of the Hammer Station.

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They don't need the genius of that hutt to mine though. They already were able to get some of the people who mined for the hutts in the first place that can leverage their expertise. And given the empires experience with building super weapons, do you really think the hot is the only one in the entire galaxy who can utilize isotope 5 in the super weapon?


What I put forward it isn't out of the realm of possibility.


I was never talking about mining.


I have been talking since beginning about utilizing of what they mined. it seems that every scientist you meet during RotHC is baffled by Isotope-5, and even more by the constructions that Dr. Oggurobb managed to think up from it.


Sure, they manage to use it in simple ways, like powering ships in lieu of hypermatter, or use it to enhance bomb yields (which could be something simple like naquadah-enhanced nuke from SG-verse). I think it is safe to assume that the Isotope-5 droids are something more than regular droids with Iso-5 fuel cells.


They could certainly make something work, but I would not count on Darth Marr arriving with a cavalry of Iso-5 droids to save the day, unless you manage to recruit Dr.Oggurobb for him to accelerate the research. I would be glad to be proven wrong, but I just do not see it happening.

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+5 more characters or so.


He's referring to Marr believing he doesn't have a long time to live as years of being dark side have taken a toll on his body.


That said, its all relative - he's never exactly been shown to have been on death's door, and in my scenario, his overall health could also add to the eventual fracturing of a Galactic Sith Empire.


I think people need to look at what makes for the best story here. There are ways true to the Star Wars mythos that what I said can happen.

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Personally, I think that would make for a hell of a story over several expansions.


You've got some very interesting ideas. I wish the game devs were as thoughtful about their story. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll hire you to write for them!

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You've got some very interesting ideas. I wish the game devs were as thoughtful about their story. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll hire you to write for them!


I appreciate the kind words.


Really though, its about utilizing what is already there for storytelling rather than there always being some "new, external threat" - that runs old after the first time you do it, while doing callbacks to some forgotten enemies gone-by helps breed the "big galaxy, small world" sandbox Star Wars usually plays in. It's always better to tie up your loose ends first before moving on to something new, unless you plan on mixing old and new in a really compelling way.


And that's just it - the stories need to be compelling, and the characters true to themselves, else have a hell of a motivation for changing. Don't discard the past - use it to build a future.

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You really like to assume, don't you OP? Even if Malgus was alive, that doesn't mean he will be coming back in a later expansion. In fact, I really have no idea what Bioware will be doing with this game after all the KotFE chapters are released. Could be anything from maintenance mode to a new engine to just a new SoR-ish expansion every year or two until they get tired of it.


Also, OP, I think that you are secretly Darth_Wicked. He disappeared right around the same time you came around. I thought you were off playing Dragon Witcher Effect 3 1/2 or whatever.

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