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Can you please make the Revan weekly a little less obnoxious?

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Pro Tip: He only stuns you if you do any amount of significant threat. Simply auto attack and run behind a pillar and afk until the orb phase and repeat.


So, your advise on making the fight less boring is to make it more boring by only using autoattack and AFK-ing?

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Sorry but you need to re-evaluate your own reading skills. The OP and anyone who does agree with him finds the fight too hard because they do not know how to properly avoid the stuns in the easy fight. If the OP and anyone that agrees with them didn't find the fight hard they wouldn't have made this thread complaining about something that's easily avoidable.


Lazy man's Tip: He only stuns you if you do any amount of significant threat. Simply auto attack and run behind a pillar and afk until the orb phase and repeat.

TL;CANNOT READ PAST THE SECOND GRADE: It's not that hard to avoid his stuns in such a faceroll fight, Learn to play.


I fixed that for you.

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So, your advise on making the fight less boring is to make it more boring by only using autoattack and AFK-ing?


Biggest complaint is the OP doesn't like being stunned during the fight when he can fully avoid it completely.


Apparently you didn't read past first lines either. They didn't say it was hard, they said it was tedious. There is a big difference.


Try again, because it's the same thing.


If you find something tedious, then you do find it hard because it becomes a struggle for you to get thru. If you avoid the stuns for majority of the fight then it becomes a matter of time. Unless you think 4-6 mins for a fight is too long when in that case you shouldn't be playing MMOs if your time is that valuable.

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So your solution is to run away and hide until you're needed? Maybe we should try that in OPs, HMs, and NiMs and see how well it works.


Sorry My personality won't allow me to run and hide behind a rock and let the NPCs do all the work for me.

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So your solution is to run away and hide until you're needed? Maybe we should try that in OPs, HMs, and NiMs and see how well it works.


Sorry My personality won't allow me to run and hide behind a rock and let the NPCs do all the work for me.


If you don't care about being stunned then jump in if you want, my suggestion is directed at the OP and others who were complaining about being stunned when it's easy to avoid.

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I think the main reason why they put in so much overinflation CC/stuns to make the fight "longer" is because they had to rush release SoR before the end of the year (remember how Ravagers was broken at release and not fixed for almost a full month?).


Ah well, I run it as part of my weekly routine with Ziost, Black Hole, Makeb and GSI.



Edit: I am not part of those progression/raiding/whatchamacallit guilds. I am a casual and it's ridiculously easy, cleared it with my Defense Guardian, Sawbones Scoundrel, Bodyguard Merc, and Healer Spec Sorc.


Of course, it makes sense for the Jedi to be in stunned mode most of the time, he's a flipping tank.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Biggest complaint is the OP doesn't like being stunned during the fight when he can fully avoid it completely


Because it makes the fight tedious, not hard, not easy, nothing, just tedious.

Your suggestion is to make it even more tedious, so it solves nothing

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Because it makes the fight tedious, not hard, not easy, nothing, just tedious.

Your suggestion is to make it even more tedious, so it solves nothing


It solves the issue of being stunned which was a focal point of the OP, so you can't say it doesn't solve anything.

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"The Enemy Within has too much CC."


"The Enemy Within is too easy."


So the solution to the first "problem" is to take out CC and make it even more "too easy," apparently. It take less than 10 minutes (timed it just last night on a PT tank with Gault as companion). Sure, my PT spent a fair amount of time CC'd because I didn't bother to try to interrupt Revan because it makes no difference. Reno_Tarshil's point is that if the CC really bothers you, you can play in such a way that the CC is nowhere near as bad.


There is a core group of control freaks who simply can't stand that "control" of their precious character has been taken away from them, even for a few moments. That's what this thread is about. This forum and the LotRO forums both get their share of "Too many stuns!" posts form this type player. I wonder how many of the "haters" also hate the rakghoul event, or anything else along those lines. It's very easy for these players to forget that it's just a game.

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It solves the issue of being stunned which was a focal point of the OP, so you can't say it doesn't solve anything.


The point of OP was that the fight is too tedious because you spend a great deal of it stunned, not actually fighting.


You and branmakmuffin seem to be going out of your way to ignore that claim, focusing on things like fight difficulty, which is irrelevant to the argument.

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The point of OP was that the fight is too tedious because you spend a great deal of it stunned, not actually fighting.


You and branmakmuffin seem to be going out of your way to ignore that claim, focusing on things like fight difficulty, which is irrelevant to the argument.


Which can be avoided easily with what I suggested. It's not that hard.

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The point of OP was that the fight is too tedious because you spend a great deal of it stunned, not actually fighting.


You and branmakmuffin seem to be going out of your way to ignore that claim, focusing on things like fight difficulty, which is irrelevant to the argument.


No, I'm not. So, again, "The fight is too easy and the fight has too much CC so let's make it even easier by taking out the CC."

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No, I'm not. So, again, "The fight is too easy and the fight has too much CC so let's make it even easier by taking out the CC."


Actually yes you are. You're completely missing the point. Being stunned has nothing to do with difficulty.

Edited by Vallerine
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I had to (temporarily) remove two posters from my ignore list to see why is there even any discussion, and needless to say I wasn't disappointed (or rather "disappointed"); one is polluting the thread with nonsensical nitpicking and believes that tedious = hard, the other thinks that placing player into role of unwanted spectator is a good game design ...


My respect to anyone who is still trying to argue with them; but honestly, it's just a waste of time.

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Actually yes you are. You're completely missing the point. Being stunned has nothing to do with difficulty.


Nope. Being stunned with a loss of control to your character increases the likelyhood of you being killed thus ramping up the difficulty as you become defenseless. Therefor being stunned has something to do with difficulty.


Fortunately you can erase the difficulty of this fight by avoiding the stuns and only doing the orb mechanics since the npcs will do the work for you anyways.

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I had to (temporarily) remove two posters from my ignore list to see why is there even any discussion, and needless to say I wasn't disappointed (or rather "disappointed"); one is polluting the thread with nonsensical nitpicking and believes that tedious = hard, the other thinks that placing player into role of unwanted spectator is a good game design ...


My respect to anyone who is still trying to argue with them; but honestly, it's just a waste of time.


But it is good game design as the entire quest was designed so the solo player could see the conclusion to the Revan story without much effort.

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But it is good game design as the entire quest was designed so the solo player could see the conclusion to the Revan story without much effort.

What I want to see is someone's suggestion for how to solve the "problem." How do they propose making the quest "more epic" (or whatever) but still keeping it easy for ultra-casuals to finish the story? So far all we have seen is generic complaints of "It's too easy" and "It has too much CC." Do they want a "hard mode" where Revan has little to no CC but does something "epic?" Someone early one did mention how the final encounters in the Makeb storyline have "stop/avoid this or die mechanics." Is that what they mean by "epic?"

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What I want to see is someone's suggestion for how to solve the "problem." How do they propose making the quest "more epic" (or whatever) but still keeping it easy for ultra-casuals to finish the story? So far all we have seen is generic complaints of "It's too easy" and "It has too much CC." Do they want a "hard mode" where Revan has little to no CC but does something "epic?" Someone early one did mention how the final encounters in the Makeb storyline have "stop/avoid this or die mechanics." Is that what they mean by "epic?"


The revan fight actually has this. If you don't do the orb phase you will die.

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What I want to see is someone's suggestion for how to solve the "problem." How do they propose making the quest "more epic" (or whatever) but still keeping it easy for ultra-casuals to finish the story? So far all we have seen is generic complaints of "It's too easy" and "It has too much CC." Do they want a "hard mode" where Revan has little to no CC but does something "epic?" Someone early one did mention how the final encounters in the Makeb storyline have "stop/avoid this or die mechanics." Is that what they mean by "epic?"


I think Revan just needs more attacks to use, so that it doesn't feel like he went "Force Choke, Twin Saber Throw, Heavy Kickback, one of these will stun you, if not all". More attacks, like maybe lightning or Throw Rocks. And there was that short period of time where he didn't use a lightsaber and was a regular Joe with grenades, so why not toss a few of those around?


Imp Makeb's ending was great once you realized why you were dying, get knocked back, passive Comp, run, heal if you got'em, run along the side and keep fighting after the Laser Of Doom was done and unpassiving Comp. Also, kill assistant droids. But there were more than just Knock Back and Laser Of Doom that droid used, launched missiles at us, its buddies fought us if we attacked them, it went into defensive lock down to recharge health...


To;DR: More variation in attacks, not just back to back stuns.

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The revan fight actually has this. If you don't do the orb phase you will die.


According to other posters, it doesn't, as they managed to AFK through the entire thing.


What I want to see is someone's suggestion for how to solve the "problem." How do they propose making the quest "more epic" (or whatever) but still keeping it easy for ultra-casuals to finish the story? So far all we have seen is generic complaints of "It's too easy" and "It has too much CC." Do they want a "hard mode" where Revan has little to no CC but does something "epic?" Someone early one did mention how the final encounters in the Makeb storyline have "stop/avoid this or die mechanics." Is that what they mean by "epic?"


Storywise the fight is already epic, by the fact that greatest heroes of both factions, if not counting player characters, join you in that fight. The mechanics should reflect it, it certainly does not feel epic to spend majority of the battle lifted or knocked down.


Succeed or Die mechanics would be welcome addition, possibly as a replacement to one of the stuns. One stun ability would be fine, but should be used so that every class can interrupt it (or it should be avoidable).

If orbs worked as intended, they would be fine as this "SoD" mechanic. Maybe make them a bit more "action" based, like for example, having to defeat some apparition to get one kind to spawn, you have to do this before Revan finishes some channel (say "Unlimited Power"), which causes enrage and death.

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The revan fight actually has this. If you don't do the orb phase you will die.


I believe this is incorrect. A guildie of mine afk'ed the entire fight, including the orbs, in about 15 minutes. The orbs and stasis bubbles despawn after about 3 minutes, and the fight continues.


I will test this out today myself just so I know I'm not mistaken.

Edited by Taramayne
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