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Can you please make the Revan weekly a little less obnoxious?

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It's not a difficult fight, it's pretty much impossible to fail...but...


Is it really necessary to spend half the fight on your back or floating in the air due to force choke and knockdowns? I mean it's at least every 10 to 15 seconds he spams one of those attacks.


A quote I often use in MMOs...


Tedium is not difficulty.

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Not sure if there is something to it, or it's just my perception, maybe someone else has noticed it too...but I find I spend more time on my back and abused when I play Sith, especially my SI.


The least amount of abuse is felt by my Jedi Knight. I don't get knocked down so much, and it feels slightly more epic, though not much.


But I do agree, it would be nice to abbreviate that fight...either let it be epic and make us feel like we're fighting and not always on our backs, or shorten it for the daily to one round of orbs. As a daily it feels like a dull chore. I mean they all are, but some more than others lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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... but I find I spend more time on my back and abused when I play Sith ...


I don't think so. But then I've taken to AFK'ing that fight.


Which I think is the ultimate expression of how poor that fight is. I mean, you cannot fail it. It is, therefore, not a 'fight,' but a SWTOR version of a QTE.

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I don't think so. But then I've taken to AFK'ing that fight.


Which I think is the ultimate expression of how poor that fight is. I mean, you cannot fail it. It is, therefore, not a 'fight,' but a SWTOR version of a QTE.


You can actually AFK it, ignore the mechanics and win? Okay, easy comms, here I come!

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I don't think so. But then I've taken to AFK'ing that fight.


Which I think is the ultimate expression of how poor that fight is. I mean, you cannot fail it. It is, therefore, not a 'fight,' but a SWTOR version of a QTE.


My hubby would do that too, he'd let it run, go get a beer, snacks, run the globes, fiddle with his cell phone lol You get the picture. I'm weird I guess, I like to stay involved.:o

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Yeah, being stunned every 5 seconds isn't really that... Epic.

Seriously, who is the genius who decided to give Revan 5 different stuns that he only uses on the player character?


My guess is probably like in movies and some games, where the protagonist gets dazed by something and sees the battle carrying on all around him, to see how the allies keep fighting against the enemy.. or something along these lines ...

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You can actually AFK it, ignore the mechanics and win? Okay, easy comms, here I come!


Oh, yeah. It is sad. Just alt+tab out, give it 3-5 minutes and do the first round of orbs and then another 3-5 minutes for the second and a final 1-2 minutes to kill him off. I tend to read the forums and reddit during the 'fight.'

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It's a shame this fight isn't really 'lose-able' :confused:


This and the solo FP's with the GSI Droid make it feel like the player is just a passenger / observer.


I understand that Bio's aim was to allow solo play through them, but wish there had been a better way than to give players 'unkillable' NPC companions.

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I stand at the doorway, send my comp in then tab out, have a drink and watch some videos on Youtube, tab back in to a rough guess of 75% do the orbs then tab back out till the 35% and rinse and repeat


You guys are silly with this afk garbage.... The fight takes a whopping 5 min if done right lol

Edited by tdmaha
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Yeah, being stunned every 5 seconds isn't really that... Epic.

Seriously, who is the genius who decided to give Revan 5 different stuns that he only uses on the player character?

That's been my thought as well.

It's like they said, "Hey! There really isn't much to our climactic fight so let's add about 4 minutes worth of stuns to stretch it out"

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My hubby would do that too, he'd let it run, go get a beer, snacks, run the globes, fiddle with his cell phone lol You get the picture. I'm weird I guess, I like to stay involved.:o


I like to stay involved too, which is next to impossible when I'm CC'd the entire fight.


I was disappointed in the fight on solo mode. It was so much less epic because of all his stuns.

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It helps if you don't stand around and let all the stuns effect you. You can easily dodge at least some of them by moving out of the reddish indicators on the ground. Also, position yourself in front of one of the pillars helps, because you don't get knocked back there. Seriously, don't be that lazy. It's easy enough. ;)
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You can't dodge the force choke and the double blade throw moves as you move - so once you've been targetted you are always going to be hit by it.


Yeah, but it makes them feel superior to say that stuff.


Of course it also makes them look like they haven't even done the fight.

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I'd like to see them do one of the following:


Remove it, change it to a cut scene, or make it an actual semi-challenging fight.


As it stands - it is nothing more than a virtual live-action NPC show that doesn't fit with the rest of the game where content is either passive cut-scenes (Can't fail / can skip) or active game play (can fail / can't skip).


Oh and stuns and knock-backs are over-used throughout the game, and at times have even been addressed by the developers with 'we'll try not to over-use / create new mechanics' only to see them fall back to their 'Stun Wars' toolbox.

Edited by DawnAskham
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But what's the point? This 'fight' is the perfect 'fill-up-the-cup-with-your-choice-of-beverage' moment. And more to the point: you cannot lose. That's the saddest part. You cannot lose. You can AFK it and not lose. Your allies fight it for you. Other than this, I enjoyed SOR. I really did. But I adamantly believe that this is a sad, sad way for Revan to exit. I actually hope he is the Kephess of KOFE just so that Bioware has a chance to give him a proper exit from the game.


EDIT: Conundrum obviously understood but whilst writing this Dawn posted as well and she gets it too. Its a sad QTE and nothing else.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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It's not a difficult fight, it's pretty much impossible to fail...but...


Is it really necessary to spend half the fight on your back or floating in the air due to force choke and knockdowns? I mean it's at least every 10 to 15 seconds he spams one of those attacks.


A quote I often use in MMOs...


Tedium is not difficulty.


I have to agree here that fight is in no way hard it's just annoying as **** with all the stuns he spams ad nauseam ad infinitum ad mortem but this is a trend with Boss fights in SWTOR so it really wasn't a surprise that he was loaded down with stuns.


The Guy who decides the skills used for bosses needs to learn that giving the bosses stun heavy load outs is getting annoying.

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Yeah, being stunned every 5 seconds isn't really that... Epic.

Seriously, who is the genius who decided to give Revan 5 different stuns that he only uses on the player character?

When I do it, Marr, for example, is stunned, choked, knocked back, etc., as much as my character is (more depending on the type of character). It's interesting that the game let's you play as Darth Marr. It doesn't let me do that.


For you, the OP and anyone else who finds it too tedious, don't do it. "Problem" solved. I find raiding tedious, so guess what? I don't do it.


Or would y'all be happy if they put in a button labeled "Click here to defeat Revan?" Would that be simple enough?


But what's the point? This 'fight' is the perfect 'fill-up-the-cup-with-your-choice-of-beverage' moment. And more to the point: you cannot lose. That's the saddest part. You cannot lose. You can AFK it and not lose. Your allies fight it for you. Other than this, I enjoyed SOR. I really did. But I adamantly believe that this is a sad, sad way for Revan to exit. I actually hope he is the Kephess of KOFE just so that Bioware has a chance to give him a proper exit from the game.

You do understand that the point of this quest is to allow non-raiders to finish the storyline, right? After that, it's an entirely optional weekly. Hey, if it's too non-epic you, run the op instead.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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