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Will Bioware Add Same-Gender Relationships to Class Companions with KOTFE?


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Better yet, don't respond to those who drag real-word controversy into a game. Talk about how and why it would affect the story, for good or for ill, and leave the real-world stuff "out there".


STAR WARS IS REAL!!!!! git guud:confused:

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This SGR is getting quite old, you people need to realize you aren't taking over the world and that there are still morally sound people and families in this world who would like to keep things as NORMAL as possible especially in video games that their kids play. It is a game. Leave it at that. Im sure I will get reported for voicing my opinion but I am not harassing anyone or using any bad language. You will cry the discriminating card but I feel like I am being discriminated against not being able to voice my opinion over this matter. Let BW make the game the way they see fit. If disney introduces this kind of behavior into the SW universe then a lot of people will be done with it.


And those people won't be missed. Like it or not, this is part of the world now. Trying to pretend it doesn't exist or that you're more "morally sound" than those who fall into that category won't change that fact. That's the thing that always gets me. People that use that argument, how it's not "morally sound" or anything similar to that, explain to me this. How does it affect you if they add the choice for SGRs in the game? Or in the more broad sense, how do the activities of two consenting adults in their private life affect you? The answer is: it doesn't. It never has and it never will. You can pretend that it's a plague that's just ruining your life at every turn but if that's the case, it's because you're making it affect you by pushing your nose into the personal lives of others.


How is that morally sound? Honestly. You're turning your nose up at the LGBT community with this whole "morally sound NORMAL people" crap but you're the one that's going after how somebody else spends their personal time. It doesn't affect you and it doesn't concern you what somebody else does on their own time but you're still making it a point to get in their business and let them know how much you dislike their choice of personal life. And that's the word of the day here: choice. If you don't like SGRs in this game, don't do them, and if you don't swing that way in your personal life then go do what makes you happy. But don't sit here and try to push that you're being "morally sound" by putting others down and trying to limit diversity and choice just because you disagree with somebody's personal life choices. That's incredibly selfish.


And, just to point out, you're more than welcome to your opinion but everybody else is equally as welcome to disagree with that opinion and voice their own. Welcome to the internet.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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And those people won't be missed. Like it or not, this is part of the world now. Trying to pretend it doesn't exist or that you're more "morally sound" than those who fall into that category won't change that fact. That's the thing that always gets me. People that use that argument, how it's not "morally sound" or anything similar to that, explain to me this. How does it affect you if they add the choice for SGRs in the game? Or in the more broad sense, how do the activities of two consenting adults in their private life affect you? The answer is: it doesn't. It never has and it never will. You can pretend that it's a plague that's just ruining your life at every turn but if that's the case, it's because you're making it affect you by pushing your nose into the personal lives of others.


How is that morally sound? Honestly. You're turning your nose up at the LGBT community with this whole "morally sound NORMAL people" crap but you're the one that's going after how somebody else spends their personal time. It doesn't affect you and it doesn't concern you what somebody else does on their own time but you're still making it a point to get in their business and let them know how much you dislike their choice of personal life. And that's the word of the day here: choice. If you don't like SGRs in this game, don't do them, and if you don't swing that way in your personal life then go do what makes you happy. But don't sit here and try to push that you're being "morally sound" by putting others down and trying to limit diversity and choice just because you disagree with somebody's personal life choices. That's incredibly selfish.


And, just to point out, you're more than welcome to your opinion but everybody else is equally as welcome to disagree with that opinion and voice their own. Welcome to the internet.



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I leave the rest of that mess of a post to the people you replied to but... Do tell, what purpose was there to put romances in the game at all? Why does this purpose work for straight romances but not same gender ones? ANd really, do tell me how saying that LGBT people aren't morally sound and normal isn't homophobic? It's textbook homophobia. You don't have to say "I hate gay people" or become physically violent to be homophobic, you just have to perpetuate homophobic ideas that in turn perpetuate the oppression LGBT people face to be, surprise! homophobic.


Incidentally, the lack of good representation in media is harmful for the mental health and self esteem of members of marginalized groups. Adding representation is purpose enough and the fact that they do, whatever pitfalls they may sometimes fall into, is one of the reasons why I'm a fan of Bioware.

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As part of the original base 1-50 stories - extremely doubtful.


As part of dialogue with companions old and new in the expansion, probably.


That's my thought on this. If they're going to expand companion stories in any way at all, it would only make sense - especially with how many SGNPCS are flirtable since 2.0

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Nobody knows whether a person is born gay or not actually. This is common knowledge, so take your offensive behavior and badly researched claims elsewhere


Being gay is so obviously not a choice. People kill themselves because they are gay. Idiot.



Edited by NoahRedden
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Guys, I think this might be the point where we should stop feeding the troll. There's no arguing with someone whose argumentation basically comes down to "well personally attacking people for who they are isn't bad and who cares because w/e homophobia is nbd and who even needs a word for it but how dare!!! you say!!!! that people who make argumets that are hateful towards LGBT people!!!!!! are actually hateful! towards LGBT people!!!!!! I must now personally insult you for this, bigoted swine!!!!!!" and then brings up groups of people... completely unrelated to the discussion. (Newsflash: I'm not discussing the immorality of Romans or any other group of people that aren't people hateful towards LGBT people because shockingly, this is a thread about same gender romances and I was responding to someone who was being hateful towards those that pursue them. ...I also wasn't the one to start bringing morals up, for that matter.)


Though last thing; nice ableism there and yes, representation of marginalized groups is indeed important, might wanna read up on that.

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If it makes sense to the character the writer is writing, then sure include them.


Story > Forced Romances.


Like maybe meeting a character/companion that's motive is over losing his lover, it could be male *shrugs*.



A wish I have for the Smuggler is they could have put in a unique Jedi Healer companion to oversee its actions and report back. Things that make sense and add to the story.


Edited by Darturion
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Take a good look at your own post. You just did exactly what you're accusing him of


I don't need to take a look at it, I wrote it. I know exactly what I said and nowhere in my post did I say anything about how I was "morally sound" or "NORMAL". If you want to go back and read it and show where I said something like that then by all means, but you'll be looking for a while because I didn't say that.


If this is the case why be so pushy about putting SGR in this game and why scream insults and belitting comments at people who oppose such decisions? Because it sure sounds like it affected him, given what was said to him by others in this thread


And where did I belittle or insult anybody? The most "insulting" thing I said was that trying to limit choice and diversity because you disagree with somebody else's life choices is incredibly selfish. That's not an insult. I also want to point out that any insults they are getting don't come from anybody's sexual orientation. It comes from their decision to make the comments that I was talking about above on a public forum where anybody else is allowed to speak their opinion in response. As I said in my post, this is the internet. Everybody's welcome to their opinion, but that doesn't make you immune to criticism if people disagree with that opinion. You opened yourself up for that when you posted that opinion in a public forum.


Honestly, I think you need to reread my post because you missed the point entirely. If you don't like SGRs, that's fine. I'm not trying to convince you to like them and more importantly I could care less what options you take in the game or in your own personal life. That's your business, whatever floats your boat. What I take issue with is people pushing to limit your ability to make those choices in the first place because they disagree with the personal decisions of others. I'll say it again, that's selfish. Whether you agree with their life decisions or not, there are people that play this game that fall into the LGBT community and if it's possible to make it happen I see no reason for them to not be able to have that option as long as it's just that: an option. A choice. I can fully understand not wanting to take part in them and I'd be just as willing to argue against somebody saying it should be forced upon you. I haven't seen that asked for, though, I've only seen outrage over the possibility of the choice being there.


That's my point. Let people choose how they want to play. If they want to take part in the SGRs then awesome, have fun. If not, just as awesome. Enjoy the game how you want to play it. Including those options merely allows for more people to have a chance to play the way they want to play and I don't see that as a bad thing so long as, again, it's not forced upon anybody.

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...in a non-confrontational manner...


The people in this thread are why there are homophobes. You loud, entitled children are the isis to the gay rights movement's Islam. You are a minority within your own minority, but you are the loudest, meanest, most ignorant, and disrespectful sect of the LGBT movement. I was happy on June 26th, equal rights had won. But you people are why there will always be homophobes, and for that I feel sorry for those of you that just want to lead normal lives.




Setting oneself as a moral superior is confrontational... your rant here is confrontational. The person's post basically was requesting GLBT people be invisible and don't deserve a space in the game. How can you say this isn't confrontational?


FYI, I'm okay with him/her/it voicing their opinion because at the end of the day it's Bioware's call. However guess what, everyone posting here is a customer of theirs in some way so are entitled to also voice their opinion. I would agree they shouldn't attack that poster, I just know I can only control myself and set an example for others.

Edited by Darturion
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You guys aren't logical when you argue your point. You all have this cult mentality where one person peacefully voices their opinion on the subject in a non-confrontational manner, and they are ruthlessly attacked.

Asserting one's moral superiority over others based purely on their sexual orientation isn't what I would consider particularly "non-confrontational."


The players who oppose the inclusion of same-gender romance in TOR due to its being "pushed on us" might have a valid argument if the storyline actually forced people to accept gay flirt options; I've yet to see this be the case. If the flirts offend you, choose another option.


I am interested to see whether SGRs are expanded with companion revamps, or merely through the addition of new crew members/NPCs.

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I think that it should be added to the new companions, while the old ones should stay the same. Unless there are plans to add Romances to formerly unromanceable companions (I know Broonmark wants me).


In all seriousness, I'd love to see romances expand to our less humanoid fellows. After all, they're all intelligent enough to grasp the idea. Making a few of them Gay or Bi would be interesting.


But changing the sexual orientation of established characters bothers me.

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Considering canon wise there is now a lesbian character (one of the new books) and BW has had SGR with the Revan expansion, I say do it.


Those who don't want to pursue it will avoid it, like they do in RL.

Those who are interested will pursue it, like in RL.


Its not hard, just don't click on kissing Theron and you won't have him kiss you. Gosh you people are a disappointment :rak_09:

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Personally i dislike the SGR in the game. I dont like it in the real world and i dont like t in game.


That being said its my opinion which i have just as much right to someone saying thry want it in game and are ok with it in real life.


for me i can just not choose the option but for my kids that play id like an option to have it not in the conversations

I know it would be difficult to do and too much work but meh worth asking for

Edited by Mounds
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Actually the choice/genetics debate is ongoing, and people can and have killed themselves for a plethora of reasons. Saying that it can't be a choice because someone would kill themselves for it is absurd. Most religions have extremists willing to die for their beliefs, but even if they have been pressured into a particular faith they weren't genetically predisposed to make that choice.


Threads like this outline why the homosexual rights movement is so disappointing. It doesn't make me angry, it just makes me sad. You guys aren't logical when you argue your point. You all have this cult mentality where one person peacefully voices their opinion on the subject in a non-confrontational manner, and they are ruthlessly attacked. And instead of trying to have a debate you immediately resort to ad hominem and fabricated facts. If that's your first line of defense in situations like this, then it reflects poorly on your movement as a whole. Your whole movement has a victim complex, even though you stage confrontational, disgusting, and utterly indecent gay pride parades. This is why there are homophobes. You have this image of a homophobe going "eww gay is icky and gross" but in truth most people wouldn't care if you lot weren't so hellbent on clawing your way into every facet of our entertainment lives. Then, when someone doesn't agree with your opinion, you whine and point fingers. You yell insults until the person leaves, realizing they aren't getting anywhere, and you pat yourselves on the back for another great victory against "bigotry".


The people in this thread are why there are homophobes. You loud, entitled children are the isis to the gay rights movement's Islam. You are a minority within your own minority, but you are the loudest, meanest, most ignorant, and disrespectful sect of the LGBT movement. I was happy on June 26th, equal rights had won. But you people are why there will always be homophobes, and for that I feel sorry for those of you that just want to lead normal lives.




Since I am a gay person myself, I can assure you being gay is not a choice.


There you have it people, there's your answer. No further discussion or speculation needed.


Being oppressed for my entire life you have a big mouth saying I'm the reason there is homophobes, that really irks me. And makes me sad actually. The reason there are homophobes is because of religious beliefs and plain ignorance. I think some gay people get so aggressive with their arguments is because they feel like they can never fully get their point across to certain people and get frustrated.


It's sad that you feel that way, I hope some day you learn to understand someone's frustration in certain times. Good day

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Personally i dislike the SGR in the game. I dont like it in the real world and i dont like t in game.


That being said its my opinion which i have just as much right to someone saying thry want it in game and are ok with it in real life.


I am a father of 4 who lives his life the way i was brought up and teaching my children the same.

I am a Christian who has an atheist Daughter. We disagree on something big in a sense BUT i dont punish her for her view or opinion. I except it and we are still close.


So everyone has a RIGHT to not have or have this SGR, im on the id rather not have it. Now the only thing for me is i can choose not to play that option. My kids that play Id rather there be something in game thta can stop that option since i dont believe in it (again my opinion which i have a right to have)


So call me a bigot or homophob or whatever , it wont matter to me since i know who i am and only my childrens view of me matters most. No one else.


Yea but you gotta admit a kid playing those options smacks of growing up as LGBT so what then. Remember lots of parents on death beads atm and no kids visiting because of history.

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Personally i dislike the SGR in the game. I dont like it in the real world and i dont like t in game.


That being said its my opinion which i have just as much right to someone saying thry want it in game and are ok with it in real life.


I am a father of 4 who lives his life the way i was brought up and teaching my children the same.

I am a Christian who has an atheist Daughter. We disagree on something big in a sense BUT i dont punish her for her view or opinion. I except it and we are still close.


So everyone has a RIGHT to not have or have this SGR, im on the id rather not have it. Now the only thing for me is i can choose not to play that option. My kids that play Id rather there be something in game thta can stop that option since i dont believe in it (again my opinion which i have a right to have)


So call me a bigot or homophob or whatever , it wont matter to me since i know who i am and only my childrens view of me matters most. No one else.


Very fair post.


I think having the option to "shield" people from SGR options is a bit much. Considering IRL, if you get hit on by the same sex you don't have meltdown (hopefully) and you can't "shield" yourself from the world of LGBT. You can avoid them, like in game, but they still exist whether you like it or not.


Its fair that people would be offended by this, but it is unfair to exclude it completely from the game. Canon wise, it is okay to have SGR now and plus its a BW game.


If the choice comes up, you can simply avoid it like IRL.


Shielding your kids IRL is fine, but in a video game I think people are demanding too much from the devs .on a subject that is irrelevant to what "you believe in" because by that logic you shouldn't be murdering people on the Sith side but I'm sure you do anyways because it's "make believe."


Just don't choose it, not hard. :rak_03:

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Very fair post.


I think having the option to "shield" people from SGR options is a bit much. Considering IRL, if you get hit on by the same sex you don't have meltdown (hopefully) and you can't "shield" yourself from the world of LGBT. You can avoid them, like in game, but they still exist whether you like it or not.


Its fair that people would be offended by this, but it is unfair to exclude it completely from the game. Canon wise, it is okay to have SGR now and plus its a BW game.


If the choice comes up, you can simply avoid it like IRL.


Shielding your kids IRL is fine, but in a video game I think people are demanding too much from the devs .on a subject that is irrelevant to what "you believe in" because by that logic you shouldn't be murdering people on the Sith side but I'm sure you do anyways because it's "make believe."


Just don't choose it, not hard. :rak_03:


BTW i repect your post and agree with it.

i was just voicingan opinion and i am happy to respond to other opinions when they are done repectful THANK YOU!!

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My kids repect me my grown daughter still repects me even though we see things differently.

that is the difference I REPECT my kids and they REPECT me!




Please dont use word like Respect if you dont know what that is!!!

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Provide me with your PHD.

Don't have one? Then by all means, go tell the educated men and women that have spent their whole careers studying this very topic they can go home, because you, sir, know the truth. It's nature vs nurture, a debate older than psychology, and anyone who's actions are affected by nurture would claim that said action wasn't a choice. Please don't belittle your cause with this ignorance.


Yea funny how younger educated scientists are finding different results by conducting year long studies with LGBT families but let me guess thats probably not sufficient for you I guess you think Alex Jones is smart also.

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