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What percentage of users will cancel their 1st months sub?


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I'm pretty sure all the doomsayers in this thread are the same doomsayers in every mmo released in the past few years.


I love the "gw2 is around the corner comment" and 2 days after release you will all be QQ'ing again about whoever knows what thats not like YOU want it , or "wow has that and gw2 doesnt!! blasphemy".


The people crying here are like 1% of the total community,the people who like it play the game, they dont have the time nor the urge to come to the forums and ***** about something that will be fixed anyway within 2 to 3 weeks.


Kids will be kids and haters will hate.

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Well hopefully the percentage will be the criers such as you mister OP. I am truly in love with this game, compared to sitting in queue for pugs on WoW. If the idiots want to leave, let them. Ill be happy once the QQers quit.


Where is your faith in this game coming from? What do you think will happen once you reached lvl 50 on several chars? No, you will not sit in LFG queue. You will sit in a city spamming the chat with "LFG XXX". Where´s the difference?

Edited by MaDLock
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im gunna hit 50 see what BW say, if they dont acknowledge this ability response problem i will not re sub. I f they at least say thay are going to try and sort it ill be staying. Games great but i want to PVP and with this ability delay it makes it more hard work and annoying than fun.
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Where is your faith in this game coming from? What do youu think will happen once you reached lvl 50 on several chars? No, you will not sit in LFG queue. You will sit in a city spamming the chat with "LFG XXX". Where´s the differnce?


Right now very very few people are at level 50. Thats why you spend a lot of time looking for groups 6 days after launch at lvl 50. Its not rocket surgery people its simple logic. Most people are lvl 20ish or less right now if its anything like other games at launch. Why do people think a new game will have well thought out and tested end game I have no idea. Lord of the rings online launched with no raids and no skills above lvl 30 (cap was 50). It was almost a year before we got out lvl 45 class quests and lvl 50 skills. The first raid did not come for months.


I have to wonder if any of you have ever been around for a mmo launch.

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So you think every NPC in the game stays loaded all the time? If so I can see your confusion.


Nope, but the closer ones don't disappear before the ones that are further. Try again.


So if it's an engine issue (LOL) why that happens only in some places? Why doesn't it happen in all cantinas or other areas? And why it doesn't happen to everyone? Look, I know what you are trying to do but it's not working. Because you lost any credibility. Everyone knows you.


Feel free to prove me wrong, go to those 2 places (tatooine cantina 2nd floor and the place showed in the video) and prove to me that it doesn't happen to you.


It will. Try harder.



Edited by Skeelol
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I am pretty sure the NPC popup issue is fixable and not the straw that breaks the camel's back. It has nothing to do with specs as it happens with 95 fps and 16 MBit (no torrents, avg 70ms latency to server) as well here and it's most likely a bug. Bugs can be fixed, when they get fixed depends on priority. As it stands now and since it does seem to affect non-combat NPCs (and only in desert type of maps) only it is not critical. It breaks immersion a little but there are more important issues.
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atm many people are unable to stay connected to swtor, getting error 9000. Their internet connection is terminated after 5 -45 mins ingame.


a 100 page and a 60 page thread in the csr forums, with users from all over the world, with providers from all over the world, using routers of all kinds are suffering from this problem.


Personally it started occuring to me yesterday after I had levelled to 50. I was just getting immersed in the heroic content, the dailies and the more in depth knowledge of how the game actually works with neutral and faction based auction houses. Was enjoying the game very much, but right now I have no reason not to cancel my subscription as I and thousands of other people cannot rely on having access to the game due to the error 9000 which we have no power to fix ourselves.


Ive been playing EVE today because my internet does not vomit all over itself playing that game, only swtor shuts it down for 30 seconds after random intervals of ingame play.


Fix that and Ill keep my sub, leave it hanging for much longer and I have nothing to sub for.

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No that´s not what i mean. I said once people have several chars at max lvl ( meaning in a few month )


Ive been playing lord of the rings online since launch and I have one character at lvl cap geared up hehe. Some of us only play casually I would hazard to say the majority. I know I will most likely never have "several" characters at level cap.

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I am pretty sure the NPC popup issue is fixable and not the straw that breaks the camel's back. It has nothing to do with specs as it happens with 95 fps and 16 MBit (no torrents, avg 70ms latency to server) as well here and it's most likely a bug. Bugs can be fixed, when they get fixed depends on priority. As it stands now and since it does seem to affect non-combat NPCs (and only in desert type of maps) only it is not critical. It breaks immersion a little but there are more important issues.


Obviously, that wasn't the point though.


Mr funny guy insisted it has to do with specs and/or connection (for obvious reasons that don't need mentioning) when anyone with a clue can tell it's got nothing to do with that, because if it did it would act differently :


Farthest npcs/players would disappear first.

Edited by Skeelol
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I would like it if the starting quest line were not so long. I would also like to be able to do a few phases with a party. Not all of us want to waist time on a bunch of side quests on a STARWARS game, we want to get our lightsaber and freely explore in our starship... Not what I was expecting at all...
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Obviously, that wasn't the point though.


Mr funny guy insisted it has to do with specs and/or connection (for obvious reasons that don't need mentioning) when anyone with a clue can tell it's got nothing to do with that, because if it did it would act differently :


Farthest npcs/players would disappear first.


Why? Just curious what makes you think this.

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Feel free to prove me wrong, go to those 2 places (tatooine cantina 2nd floor and the place showed in the video) and prove to me that it doesn't happen to you.


It will. Try harder.




Actually, it's you that are trying to prove something, with little success, by using some video we know nothing about. Not working,mate

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Actually, it's you that are trying to prove something, with little success, by using some video we know nothing about. Not working,mate


Oh it did work. You're not gonna get me even remotely angry because it's obvious what you're trying to do.


I've got proof, you got none. Provide proof and i might consider continuing this silly conversation my friend.


That won't happen so better luck next time. :rolleyes:

Edited by Skeelol
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Oh it did work. You're not gonna get me even remotely angry because it's obvious what you're trying to do.


I've got proof, you got none. Provide proof and i might consider continuing this silly conversation my friend.


That won't happen so better luck next time. :rolleyes:


Your proof is invalid



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Man, some of you people really need some perspective. This video sums it up pretty well for most of you, I'd say.




"Like, how quickly the world owes him something, that he knew existed only ten seconds ago"

Edited by genghiscon
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Oh it did work. You're not gonna get me even remotely angry because it's obvious what you're trying to do.


I've got proof, you got none. Provide proof and i might consider continuing this silly conversation my friend.


That won't happen so better luck next time. :rolleyes:


Again Id like to know why you think that connection cannot be a cause because background npcs would also not "pop up". You have any facts to back up that statement? Just curious I like to have facts and not just believe something simply because another person says it.

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I think the game is great at storytelling, but after that it is kind of boring. Not to mention the fact that the game is missing a lot of features that make other MMOs great. I have a few friends that are just fanboys for the entire thing, but I actually look back and point out the flaws.
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Again Id like to know why you think that connection cannot be a cause because background npcs would also not "pop up". You have any facts to back up that statement? Just curious I like to have facts and not just believe something simply because another person says it.


Because that's how every single online game acts. It first loads what's closer to the player and then step-by-step towards the farthest part of the "cell" defined by rendering distance.


Hence if there would be anything related to "network" issues it would keep the closest characters visible while the furthest ones would disappear, not the other way around.


Also even if you disconnect the characters dont disappear, they just stop doing what they're doing, in which case they'd still be there until the game forces you to the login screen. They just don't update anymore.


Anyone knows that.


Mutharex just seems to have grown extremely fond of me judging by these last pages. :rolleyes:

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Because that's how every single online game acts. It first loads what's closer to the player and then step-by-step towards the farthest part of the "cell" defined by rendering distance.


Hence if there would be anything related to "network" issues it would keep the closest characters visible while the furthest ones would disappear, not the other way around.


Also even if you disconnect the characters dont disappear, they just stop doing what they're doing, in which case they'd still be there until the game forces you to the login screen.


Anyone knows that.


Mutharex just seems to have grown extremely fond of me judging by these last pages. :rolleyes:


Ah so you really have no idea and you just basing this off previous games. I think you are assuming a lot this is a different game with different servers. Also a different engine. You cannot put your assumptions out as fact. In THIS game maybe things are different. You cannot simply say it like this in other games so it is fact it is like that here.

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A very small percentage that will be completely outweighted and overwhelmed by the many that will join as soon as the bulk of the reviews hit.


As much as the trolls wish with all their might for it to go otherwise, that's all there's to it.

Edited by Abriael
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