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Conquest Planet Won Solo


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Schfink from The Progenitor server solo won a conquest planet with 10 alts.

The story behind it....


After <ice> conquered a planet one week one of our guildies commented to Schfink that he could probably win a planet all by himself.This planted a seed in dear old Schfinks head and he came up with the idea of taking 10 of his 11 rep alts to his own guild.So he got a few friends to help create <The One> guild promptly kicking them and spent 3 weeks slicing on Yavin for the 50 million credits to buy his guildship,and collecting mats on various planets.When he thought he had enough he did a trial run and finished mid table, deciding that the following week would be his attempt.


And what an attempt it was ! Over 3 million points scored. He not only won but won by 1.3 million points. He never had any friends run him through lockouts or heroics or accepted any mats or credits as he wanted to win totally solo. Also he has a full time job and thought his plans were in chaos when his boss refused to give him 2 days off work over the weekend.

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That's pretty good - I bet no big guild wants Nar Shaddaa by now, and those guilds that do don't make a serious attempt, so 10 crafters can win by a wide margin. Heck, if a disorganized social guild can win Balmorra, why can't a serious-minded solo GM conquer a planet with his twinks? Well done!
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And there lies the entire problem with conquest - it's a crafting race. It's not about playing the game, taking part in the activities that give the most conquest points, making the right decision on where to invade.

It's the guilds with the deepest pockets who can buy the most materials and craft the most.


Revamp, so removing crafting from at least 1/4 or a 1/3 of all conquest weeks would make it a lot more fun for the guilds who cannot afford to buy a conquest win.

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And there lies the entire problem with conquest - it's a crafting race. It's not about playing the game, taking part in the activities that give the most conquest points, making the right decision on where to invade.

It's the guilds with the deepest pockets who can buy the most materials and craft the most.

THIS!!! This is exactly why Conquest is so unbelievably worthless and a massive missed opportunity by Bioware.


Thank you OP, thank you for highlighting the major flaw with the entire system. In other MMOs, crafters look forward to making things...in SWTOR they look forward to playing solo and winning conquests...

Edited by TUXs
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Before all of you start to QQ, complain and moan, why don't you all try to do it solo and then come back and comment. What he did was Amazing however you look at it. GRATZ SCHFINK.


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it's a crafting race.


Yes, they should reconsider how conquest works. It should be tied to doing stuff in game, not queueing up tons of crafters to do the work for them.


Schfink from The Progenitor server solo won a conquest planet with 10 alts.


Tons of materials and a clock to start the crafting, I do not actually understand how this is a accomplishment.

Edited by Icestar
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Its not always about crafting. There are weeks where crafting have minimal impact as to the outcome of the conquest week. My guild will often run things like GSF and Warzones nonstop if the week demands it, as well commanders, conquest related ops and raiding bases. In fact, there was 1 week of conquest where we lost because we were wasting too much time on certain content, even though we are one of the biggest guilds on the server and had people crafting nonstop.


I do think there should be alot more weeks where crafting does have minimal bonuses though.

Edited by Nickious
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Before all of you start to QQ, complain and moan, why don't you all try to do it solo and then come back and comment. What he did was Amazing however you look at it. GRATZ SCHFINK.


I'm laughing, not QQing. Doing it solo simply proves what an absolutely worthless system it is. He gets more conquest points for NOT playing the game and NOT being online, than he does for actually doing something with other subscribers.


Bioware has Conquest so completely backwards that it blows my mind...but at least they can sell CC's to help people win it easier.

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It usually is, check the first hours when the pre queued crafting guilds log in. You can see them with over a million points after a very short time.


Don't get me wrong, crafting does matter but on extremely competitive weeks, you will eventually run out of mats and what will make or break a conquest week is how many people are running the current conquest objectives.

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I'm laughing, not QQing. Doing it solo simply proves what an absolutely worthless system it is. He gets more conquest points for NOT playing the game and NOT being online, than he does for actually doing something with other subscribers.


Bioware has Conquest so completely backwards that it blows my mind...but at least they can sell CC's to help people win it easier.


Someday people will realize everything in TOR is pure trash except the story.


Until then, though.

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Don't get me wrong, crafting does matter but on extremely competitive weeks, you will eventually run out of mats and what will make or break a conquest week is how many people are running the current conquest objectives.


Yes but at that time you only have the top crafterguilds grasping at straws for that single point that could tip the scale.


So crafting is still factor here

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Not much of a competition if one can win with use of only 10 alts. Has happened before and it's also nature of conquests. We as a guild experienced similar situations on our way to (as a guild, not toons spread in many guilds) to server first (if not world) in getting Rishi and then Yavin the first time those were available (iirc). We had rest of the planets by then. Anyway, now that the boasting is done. Such grinders can be found in many many guilds at least on TRE. We had more than one who could do that with ~8 characters.



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THIS!!! This is exactly why Conquest is so unbelievably worthless and a massive missed opportunity by Bioware.


Thank you OP, thank you for highlighting the major flaw with the entire system. In other MMOs, crafters look forward to making things...in SWTOR they look forward to playing solo and winning conquests...


Conquest, from BW's end, was never about anything more than a massive time/credit/mats sink.

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Probably true...God forbid they actually stick to what they claimed it to be.


I have no problem with Conquest, to be honest. It's a bragging rights contest that favors the largest, most dedicated groups of players. It's not very fairly balanced toward smaller guilds, but at the end of the day, it's just a big old sink for the excesses in the game.


I'd have been 'very' upset if it'd had PVE repercussions. Like, in WoW, winning Wintergrasp back in LK days meant access to a loot pinata boss that dropped good PVP/PVE gear. And for months and months, the faction with the biggest numbers won, locking the smaller faction out of that loot.


Had that happened here, I'd have raged. As it was, the rewards never amounted to much beyond encouraging people to dump millions of credits into opening rooms on their Guild ship.

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Before all of you start to QQ, complain and moan, why don't you all try to do it solo and then come back and comment. What he did was Amazing however you look at it. GRATZ SCHFINK.




I can crank out about 150K in conquest in a single day by myself if I put effort into it...so...sorry, not that impressed. Like others have pointed out, all this does is point out that the conquest system isn't working as it (probably) should.

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Tons of materials and a clock to start the crafting, I do not actually understand how this is a accomplishment.


I find it absolutely endearing how there are actually people petty enough to claim this isn't a a major feat. " pssh i could have done that..just cba..whaeva.."


Grats to dude OP knows. Major feat to pull. World first, I'm sure. GREAT WORK


Prote is the only European RP server and as such, quite a lively place. I'd never call it dead.


I wish they tuned Conquest some - it is a great system with many flaws and some untapped potential.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Oh I don't want anyone to think I was being negative to the achievement - actually reading back my own posts, I don't think I have been.

However it did just show the massive flaw in the system. That one may doing crafting can beat any sized guild.

It was summed up by someone earlier:


He was rewarded for not playing the game and being offline - far more than a group of people online and playing content.

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