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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's your legacy surname?


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My Legacy name is "Pewpewpewpewpew", my main is "Mia Goespewpewpewpew". She is a bounty hunter and with title her entire name is "Mia Goespewpewpewpew Pewpewpewpewpew, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt".


Yes, I do it to get noticed. Even in PVP. I like having an annoying long name. =)


If you see me on Fleet (Imperial side) on Harbinger, come say hello!

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The Romanova Legacy on the Harbinger. It's not just a Black Widow reference, it's a reference to a piece of Russian history I've always found intriguing and I find the feminine variant of surname quite elegant and striking. Sun-crichton (I wouldn't have put in the dash had I known the second name wouldn't capitilize) of one character is just a shameless Farscape reference on the Ebon Hawk.
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I`m a big fan of George. R.R. Martin`s a A Song of Ice and Fire-series, the Tyrells are amongts the most intriguing houses of the entire Westeros: Thye can be charmful and loyal, and kind to those they deem as their allies but shrewd to their enemies and others. I like their family in general: the ever sarcast and snarky Lady Olenna who is the matriarch of entire house, always having something to say which makes me laugh :D (Love Diana Riggs portrayal of her in GoT, it`s so close to original:)), her pompous son Mace who appears to be bit ineffective ruler, his loving wife Lady Alerie of House Hightower, who appears to have done great job in raising their children (Though we don`t know how much Olenna has had influence in that). And their children: the kind and book loving Willas, Garlan the Gallant (A man who recognizes Tyrion`s efforts!), Loras, the Knight of Flowers who everyone want and who all want to be (And his relationship with Renly in books <3) and Margaery, the little flower who plays the game in her own way and is actually good to Tommen (as is Loras in books) (Natalie Dormer did good job in portraying Margaery, she made the char even more independent player) :)

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