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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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Just because you and everyone here get bored with something doesn't mean others do.


It seems to me that you have the impression that everyone plays with a Zerg Rush I need to do it now attitude. Not everyone does. Ever hear of casual gamers? You know the ones that take their time? I'm one of those. I will have plenty of content to well into December and January and the rest of 2016 up until the last chapter is dropped which I'm betting BW will have even more content to release for in between now and then. So Chillax for a little bit.




It'll be new with new armor models and new improved stats for character progression so the hard core raiders can easily progress to harder content.


Again like "Q" up above you seem to think that everyone plays with a Zerg Rush mentality. Makeb held my attention long after I completed and still to this day when I go back there on a new alt or for money.




No, that's a fact. The amount of Content for HOTFE at End Game (Which starts at 50 thanks to bolster up to 65) 8 Operations vs. Launch's one Operation and KOTFE including the many multitude of FPs Tacts HM FPS, Warzones, Arena, GSF.


You can't call it an opinion when the numbers of launch vs the numbers of KOTFE will be widely different.


It's an opinion based simply on the fact that you equate running old content at new levels is "new". It is not new, it's old with new loot and buffed to higher levels. A used car that is rebuilt isn't sold as new, neither can operations be called new.


There won't be any more stuff to do in October, raid wise, as there is right now. You keep trying to say there is and you are still very, very wrong. But you go ahead and cling to your delusions that everything will be better come October while those of us with realistic expectations await your forum rage when you don't get what you think you are getting.

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It's an opinion based simply on the fact that you equate running old content at new levels is "new". It is not new, it's old with new loot and buffed to higher levels. A used car that is rebuilt isn't sold as new, neither can operations be called new.


There won't be any more stuff to do in October, raid wise, as there is right now. You keep trying to say there is and you are still very, very wrong. But you go ahead and cling to your delusions that everything will be better come October while those of us with realistic expectations await your forum rage when you don't get what you think you are getting.


No, it's a fact because you keep trying ignore what end game means. Which in MMO terms means, content you do at max level. Which according to KOTFE will be 50-65.


And there will still be stuff to do, raid wise. They are not taking raids away from the game. You will have stuff to do at End Game.


So KOTFE will have more end game content than Launch. That's a fact.

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No, it's a fact because you keep trying ignore what end game means. Which in MMO terms means, content you do at max level. Which according to KOTFE will be 50-65.


And there will still be stuff to do, raid wise. They are not taking raids away from the game. You will have stuff to do at End Game.


So KOTFE will have more end game content than Launch. That's a fact.


You are arguing semantics to justify your untenable position. Try harder.


We are talking new content. There will be no new operations. There will be no new FP's. There will only be old ones boosted to current levels. That is not new.


But you keep believing what you will. Your mind is closed to the simple facts while you grasp at straws to try to convince everyone that this is a good thing.


Good luck.

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You are arguing semantics to justify your untenable position. Try harder.


We are talking new content. There will be no new operations. There will be no new FP's. There will only be old ones boosted to current levels. That is not new.


But you keep believing what you will. Your mind is closed to the simple facts while you grasp at straws to try to convince everyone that this is a good thing.


Good luck.


It's not semantics, if it's a fact.


It's new to those who haven't done before, and a new challenge to those who haven't been around to do at the appropriate challenge. I get you're upset that BW isn't catering to you, but you need to chillax, it's not the end of the game.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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It's not semantics, if it's a fact.


It's new to those who haven't done before, and a new challenge to those who haven't been around to do at the appropriate challenge. I get you're upset that BW isn't catering to you, but you need to chillax, it's not the end of the game.


Now you throw out a non-argument like "it's new to people who haven't done it"?


Wow, you really are reaching now. Most people who were going to do the old content have already done it. Any new players who have never, ever played the game get to experience the ENTIRE game as new. That doesn't do anything for all of the long time players who have supported the game for years.


And if I'm upset, it's because people are satisfied with just one little part of the game getting the focus while the rest of it is left to languish and thinking that somehow, this time, it'll be different.


BW focus on story over end game didn't work at launch, it won't work now. They aren't going to magically get sub numbers to sustain with this new story system and revamping old crap. Believe it or not, I want the game to succeed but I can look realistically at what has already happened and infer what is going to happen in the future.


Maybe BW will surprise me and actually keep to the release schedule they say they will for the story content. Maybe the new crafting and companion stuff will be enough. Maybe they'll have new and engaging daily quests to keep us busy.


But being a realist, I only have to look back at SoR and Ziost to see what will probably end up happening. I will relish the thought of being proven wrong, but I don't believe I will.


I don't think the word "fact" means what you think it means. The only fact here is that one of us will be proven wrong after October. Everything else is opinions based on limited data.

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im sad there isnt new ops due to the loss of pve'ers, but bioware is best at story, and im glad they are working toward their strengths.


that said, i would rather they continue the 8 stories they started with, so i will be excited about playing to continue 8 more stories, and getting to level as a bonus. as opposed to having to play through the same story 16 times in order to level.

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Now you throw out a non-argument like "it's new to people who haven't done it"?


Wow, you really are reaching now. Most people who were going to do the old content have already done it. Any new players who have never, ever played the game get to experience the ENTIRE game as new. That doesn't do anything for all of the long time players who have supported the game for years.


And if I'm upset, it's because people are satisfied with just one little part of the game getting the focus while the rest of it is left to languish and thinking that somehow, this time, it'll be different.


BW focus on story over end game didn't work at launch, it won't work now. They aren't going to magically get sub numbers to sustain with this new story system and revamping old crap. Believe it or not, I want the game to succeed but I can look realistically at what has already happened and infer what is going to happen in the future.


Maybe BW will surprise me and actually keep to the release schedule they say they will for the story content. Maybe the new crafting and companion stuff will be enough. Maybe they'll have new and engaging daily quests to keep us busy.


But being a realist, I only have to look back at SoR and Ziost to see what will probably end up happening. I will relish the thought of being proven wrong, but I don't believe I will.


I don't think the word "fact" means what you think it means. The only fact here is that one of us will be proven wrong after October. Everything else is opinions based on limited data.


Fact means truth and the truth is KOTFE will have more end game than SWTOR's launch did and that's a fact.

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It's new to those who haven't done before, and a new challenge to those who haven't been around to do at the appropriate challenge.


Around the time you realize this is your argument is just about when alarm bell or two should start ringing.


Everything in SW:TOR is new to somebody who has never played the game. I'm not sure how valuable it is to celebrate this when current subs speak of the new anti-expansion.

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"To bad we're losing one" They arn't taking raiding away from raiders. In fact they are making it even more player friendly accessible than currently. You should be happy to have more people who will want to raid./


If you somehow think no new ops coming in game for over a year if not longer is somehow adding to end game you're delusional. And extremely unrealistic if you think taking end game OPs and boosting their level is somehow providing fresh entertainment to the ones that have been here.


Happy we get story. Not at all happy about nothing new to run once I'm done with the story that might, if BW is lucky, last till mid Nov.


Hey if you want to zerg rush thru the new gaming content, so be it. But don't complain that you have nothing to do because you'll have plenty to do at end game.


No need to zerg. It will be short. No more than length in play than makeb and Sor combined. You might get 20 hours tops.


Hell, I haven't even hit the story content and I know to much reliance on story is a screw up. You have to have both options. The idea that 8 very old OPS is somehow suppose to keep long time gamers entertained is laughable. They might make it to December. New gamers will come in and run it but for any real length of time? Thats a longshot.


And as a casual, I do raids when I can fit them into my time table called life. I don't play 24/7.


Good for you. Neither do I but I know from experience short content when I see it.


Believe it or not, I have no problem against new raids being added, but I'm a man of realistic expectations when it comes to BW. If they're going to focus on story content for the rest of this year, that's because that's what their budget is prolly allowing them to do. Remember EA Finances them.


I'm pretty realistic myself. I know for the pat 2 expansions we have gotten story plus end game group content. It's realistic to think they would keep that up. Unrealistic is killing off end game so you can milk ops that are from 1 to 4 years old.


Yes, chillax. Sorry you arn't mature enough to be hip with it like the rest of us.


9 it is.

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Hmmm, if this new planet I go to has Heroic 2+ or 4+, I will be enjoying an MMO aspect of grouping with others but I also will be enjoying MMO style by running by dozens of players standing around in a circle chatting away too.



Err....,,. did I just say its new MMO content regardless if grouping or not on that new world? :p




EDIT: Oh sorry, a FP and OPS is the only thing MMO worthy, not running by the many people that just ran the other direction by me.....

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Around the time you realize this is your argument is just about when alarm bell or two should start ringing.


Everything in SW:TOR is new to somebody who has never played the game. I'm not sure how valuable it is to celebrate this when current subs speak of the new anti-expansion.


Besides this, couple of thoughts.


Why would an alarm bell ring if I'm excited for it? It can't be called an anti expansion when only a handful of the minority are calling when the majority that's been asking for this since day 1 is excited for it.


If you somehow think no new ops coming in game for over a year if not longer is somehow adding to end game you're delusional. And extremely unrealistic if you think taking end game OPs and boosting their level is somehow providing fresh entertainment to the ones that have been here.


Happy we get story. Not at all happy about nothing new to run once I'm done with the story that might, if BW is lucky, last till mid Nov.


No need to zerg. It will be short. No more than length in play than makeb and Sor combined. You might get 20 hours tops.


Hell, I haven't even hit the story content and I know to much reliance on story is a screw up. You have to have both options. The idea that 8 very old OPS is somehow suppose to keep long time gamers entertained is laughable. They might make it to December. New gamers will come in and run it but for any real length of time? Thats a longshot.


Good for you. Neither do I but I know from experience short content when I see it.


I'm pretty realistic myself. I know for the pat 2 expansions we have gotten story plus end game group content. It's realistic to think they would keep that up. Unrealistic is killing off end game so you can milk ops that are from 1 to 4 years old.


9 it is.


I wasn't aware that you actually played the new expansion yet. How is it? Oh you haven't actually played it and are just speculating that it'll too short for words?


This goes back to the experience thing I mentioned earlier. They're taking the experiences of launch and making it better by improving the amount of end game available for when KOTFE drops vs. the amount launch had. So that's already a plus. They are giving people who haven't done the content in game a chance to experience more accessibly which leads to more raiders for raiding guilds. And Raiding guilds get new gear to progress their characters so they can harder fights and challenges easier.


Idk how you can say they are killing off end game, when we're about to get the best polished end game so far in October.


Btw I'm fine with the number 9 as it's an upside down 6 which is half of 12 which is 3x4 and 3x3 is 9. So thanks for the good luck. :)

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You can absolutely try to nitpick and smartarse the argument away by some thoughtful " But guys, what 'is' MMO content, really?


You could also start using same way to define it and make the divide that lead dev of the game uses behind the link in OP:

According to him, there are "Deep MMO Fans" who are not forgotten. Then there is the " story content" that most assuredly is not forgotten. He sees a big, significant divide between the two. it is perfectly okay for you, as players,to do so as well.



When it comes to the news of Bioware bringing 2000000 same, old familiar FPs and Ops as content for new level cap.. two thoughts. One thought is really simple and undeniable, other is less simple and something you can try to argue and/or it takes the release of the expansion to prove me right.



Old content is not new content. Old content is old content. Turning lvl 50 boss into lvl 65 boss does not make it new content in eyes of anyone. It'd be different matter if they did something remarkable like providing old FPs with entirely new bosses, mobs and boss mechanics. Then absolutely, the revamped old content would be..new content. There isn't a single reason to assume this would be the case. Fact they are not underlining with big red pen how this is what they mean to do kinda strongly suggests the opposite.



Making a balanced, difficult FP or Ops with genuinely challenging and engaging gameplay is very difficult in and of itself. It takes lots of time, playtesting and work to get it all just right. I have absolutely zero faith that BW has focused on any of this at all. Makking balanced, engaging FP/Op is hard, but making a very easy, simple Op/FP is very easy. Wanna guess which is the category where the 20000 old, recycled Ops/FPs are gonna fall in?

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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You can absolutely try to nitpick and smartarse the argument away by some thoughtful " But guys, what 'is' MMO content, really?


You could also start using same way to define it and make the divide that lead dev of the game uses behind the link in OP:

According to him, there are "Deep MMO Fans" who are not forgotten. Then there is the " story content" that most assuredly is not forgotten. He sees a big, significant divide between the two. it is perfectly okay for you, as players,to do so as well.


MMO is simply other players in online multiplayer setting along side you.

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MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. Please tell me how what I said was wrong.


Please don't try to sideline or nitpick your way out of this argument.


If you honestly feel running past somebody counts as "new MMO content" in a context such as this conversation..well,. go right ahead. But II'm sure you realize it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. You know perfectly well what people frustrated over lack of new MMO content are being frustrated about. Your totally :rolleyes: approach to it isn't of any value.


Lead Dev of SW:TOR is able to see clear, notable divide between coming expansion and " MMO CONTENT" for " Deep MMO fans." It is perfectly alright for you to see it as well.

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Please don't try to sideline or nitpick your way out of this argument.


If you honestly feel running past somebody counts as "new MMO content" in a context such as this conversation..well,. go right ahead. But II'm sure you realize it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. You know perfectly well what people frustrated over lack of new MMO content are being frustrated about. Your totally :rolleyes: approach to it isn't of any value.


Lead Dev of SW:TOR is able to see clear, notable divide between coming expansion and " MMO CONTENT" for " Deep MMO fans." It is perfectly alright for you to see it as well.


It's adorable to watch you trip over yourself when someone catches you in the wrong, especially over something so simple as what MMO stands for. As long as there are other players playing the game along side you, w/e they are doing is considered MMO content. Because that's what MMO means. "Massive Multiplayer Online" You have other players playing alongside you online in a massive virtual world. Please tell me I'm wrong, cause you know I'm right.

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It's adorable to watch you trip over yourself when someone catches you in the wrong, especially over something so simple as what MMO stands for. As long as there are other players playing the game along side you, w/e they are doing is considered MMO content. Because that's what MMO means. "Massive Multiplayer Online" You have other players playing alongside you online in a massive virtual world. Please tell me I'm wrong, cause you know I'm right.


Read the OP. Find out what this thread is about. Figure out the appropriate and relevant context for something like " MMO content. " None of these things are difficult. Dropping by to share absolutely awesome valuable remarks like " MMO means Massive Multiplayer Online, guys!" has absolutely no value in eyes of anyone at all.


Jeff Hickman sees there is a notable difference between " MMO content" and " Story content" Follow his example.


Maybe we are approaching point where there isn't much left to be said about your decision to prove everything is awesome because you know what MMO stands for. So have some sort of a last word about it, and lets wrap it up and go back to other parts of conversation mkay?

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Please don't try to sideline or nitpick your way out of this argument.


If you honestly feel running past somebody counts as "new MMO content" in a context such as this conversation..well,. go right ahead. But II'm sure you realize it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. You know perfectly well what people frustrated over lack of new MMO content are being frustrated about. Your totally :rolleyes: approach to it isn't of any value.


Lead Dev of SW:TOR is able to see clear, notable divide between coming expansion and " MMO CONTENT" for " Deep MMO fans." It is perfectly alright for you to see it as well.


Im curious about their plans for the new "MMO" aspect they mention, Ops/FPs intended. It would be fun to group with people through new higher FPs. Even though I still havent gotten through some previous FPs as of yet but will get there. :)

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Read the OP. Find out what this thread is about. Figure out the appropriate and relevant context for something like " MMO content. " None of these things are difficult. Dropping by to share absolutely awesome valuable remarks like " MMO means Massive Multiplayer Online, guys!" has absolutely no value in eyes of anyone at all.


Jeff Hickman sees there is a notable difference between " MMO content" and " Story content" Follow his example.


Maybe we are approaching point where there isn't much left to be said about your decision to prove everything is awesome because you know what MMO stands for. So have some sort of a last word about it, and lets wrap it up and go back to other parts of conversation mkay?


We've been over this already. We are getting new MMO Content. Shall I explain it again for you?

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I wasn't aware that you actually played the new expansion yet. How is it? Oh you haven't actually played it and are just speculating that it'll too short for words?


Just as short as you would expect an expansions story content to be. I wasn't aware you couldn't do a small bit of critical thinking.



This goes back to the experience thing I mentioned earlier. They're taking the experiences of launch and making it better by improving the amount of end game available for when KOTFE drops vs. the amount launch had. So that's already a plus. They are giving people who haven't done the content in game a chance to experience more accessibly which leads to more raiders for raiding guilds. And Raiding guilds get new gear to progress their characters so they can harder fights and challenges easier.


Sorry but I don't follow the belief that content as old as we have being scaled up is some kind of improvement. IT's been done way to much. Yo're relying on new gamers to keep things going and that doesn't historically seem to be what has been happening. And if you think raiding guilds are just all about gear you would be as mistake as BW. They clear content with inferiors gear well before they get the drops from a raid. Its' what they do.


If you're talking about everyone else, I'm not sure these old ops can sustain them. They have ran it way to much.



Idk how you can say they are killing off end game, when we're about to get the best polished end game so far in October.


I don't know how you can say its great end game when its all been done before. IS rather odl and no amount of polish will get back that initial times we ran then years ago.



Btw I'm fine with the number 9 as it's an upside down 6 which is half of 12 which is 3x4 and 3x3 is 9. So thanks for the good luck. :)


Thank goodness cause with chillax in your vocab I can't give you much credit except for simple math.



We've been over this already. We are getting new MMO Content. Shall I explain it again for you?


MMO content and new end game group content are not the same thing. You're getting old OPS scaled to the next max level. There is nothing new about them unless you haven't raided.

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Just as short as you would expect an expansions story content to be. I wasn't aware you couldn't do a small bit of critical thinking.


Sorry but I don't follow the belief that content as old as we have being scaled up is some kind of improvement. IT's been done way to much. Yo're relying on new gamers to keep things going and that doesn't historically seem to be what has been happening. And if you think raiding guilds are just all about gear you would be as mistake as BW. They clear content with inferiors gear well before they get the drops from a raid. Its' what they do.


If you're talking about everyone else, I'm not sure these old ops can sustain them. They have ran it way to much.


I don't know how you can say its great end game when its all been done before. IS rather odl and no amount of polish will get back that initial times we ran then years ago.


Thank goodness cause with chillax in your vocab I can't give you much credit except for simple math.


MMO content and new end game group content are not the same thing. You're getting old OPS scaled to the next max level. There is nothing new about them unless you haven't raided.


Critical thinking tells me that you're paranoia in regards to how short you think the content will actually be means you need to chillax.


You might not follow that belief but that's the truth and what we are getting. They are targeting the more chillax players who may not had the time or chance to experience this new op content we are getting for KOTFE, they are also target new players who haven't played at all. Those people will come in and experience the wonderful streamlined experience with us and then potentially subscribe and help make the game even better than it is.


It's great end game, because now anyone level 50-65 and group up together for any amount of content at end game and still recieve equal rewards and provide equal benefits to their group. It's really great.


MMO Content and New End game content are the same thing since you're going to be doing new end game content with new and old players in an update new setting filled with new gear to progress your character so you can tackle hard challenges more easily.

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Critical thinking tells me that you're paranoia in regards to how short you think the content will actually be means you need to chillax.


The use of chillax pretty much nulifies any idea you used critical thinking. The fact you think the coming story will be some long amount of content is laughable at the least. YOu might get a makeb / Sor combined length but that will be a long shot


You might not follow that belief but that's the truth and what we are getting. They are targeting the more chillax players who may not had the time or chance to experience this new op content we are getting for KOTFE, they are also target new players who haven't played at all. Those people will come in and experience the wonderful streamlined experience with us and then potentially subscribe and help make the game even better than it is.


More hope and wishful thinking I see. You are getting a story that will draw in new people and old OPS that will not sustain the game.


It's great end game, because now anyone level 50-65 and group up together for any amount of content at end game and still recieve equal rewards and provide equal benefits to their group. It's really great.


Except its content that is so old, I doubt you will get the sustainability to think it will. IT's old now, it will be really old come OCT. Rehashing content has never be a solid gaming development move.


MMO Content and New End game content are the same thing since you're going to be doing new end game content with new and old players in an update new setting filled with new gear to progress your character so you can tackle hard challenges more easily.


I guess you mean story because there is nothing new about that ops except the gear and that alone wont keep long times gamers playing when they have done it over and over well before they were asked to do it over and over again.

Edited by Quraswren
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