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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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So being nice and supportive is not considered "thoughtful"?


You are completely bashing people with a valid complaint simply because you don't think it's valid. You are apparently getting what you wanted and you make it a point to attack anyone with the opposite view.


That isn't nice and supportive.

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You are completely bashing people with a valid complaint simply because you don't think it's valid. You are apparently getting what you wanted and you make it a point to attack anyone with the opposite view.


That isn't nice and supportive.


I've yet to see a valid point beyond the tidal wave of doom threads that have flooded general discussion.

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I've yet to see a valid point beyond the tidal wave of doom threads that have flooded general discussion.


Then you aren't reading. Plenty of people have made valid points on both sides but a few people want to think that whatever BW does is golden as long as it is exactly what they want, and then they bash anyone that disagrees while trying to paint them as elitists or a minority.


It isn't doom, it's simply the repercussions of having "been there, done that" at launch when end game was ignored in favor of story. I'd rather not see that again. I'd rather not see any update or expansion focus on one thing. I'd rather see some stories added, some FPs added, an Op or two added and some new PvP maps added than have an entire expansion focus on any single one of those issues.

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In all this, you haven't said a single thing to dispute what I've put forth.


Thats because you don't seem to know what a dispute is. I could google it for you I guess but would you read it? Either way, We'll go point by point.


I think a majority of the players don't give a single flying fart about new raids.


Your thought process is way off target. BE has already shown how important new OPS are and without them things turn south. Story alone wont make it. Thats been proven.


I think a majority of the players are excited about the new content that's coming.


We'll sure they are but there is a catch. Problem is the new content is too one sided, easily consumed. We have seen that problem in the past and thinking some old ops is the cure is a mistake. Thats the dispute.


I also think that you continue to ignore the fact that the content won't be easily consumed since the new content is likely to revolve around new rep grinds and companion grinds with weekly caps.


Oh, but I can already hear you say "a player with 15 alts can get all the rep tokens they need to hit legen...wait for it...dary in a WEEK!!!!"


yes, but they can't hit Legendary in a week. So, if some dude decides to rush through with a ton of alts and get all the tokens he needs for maxing rep in a week, he can do that. Yay for options. But I'll sit there and mock him when he whines about having nothing to do while the rest of us are still doing the content.


You being in denial thinking it wont happen is all on you. It happens now, it will happen then unless BW comes out and says they are doing away with alts helping out in rep grinds. Till they do that I'll go with what we know. Rep grinds are easily completed.


Also, you thinking gamers should postpone a rep grind till the next week and for 5 weeks just so they can stretch it out since they will have little else to do is a an irrational way of thinking.


So another dispute.


In short, I really really really don't care what the locust players think, say or do. This game is not designed around them.


So in short, pretty much everything you said is in dispute and has been disputed in various ways. You grasping it is another matter entirely. You seem to think past experiences will bear no weight on future endeavors in SWTOR because you have some wishful thinking going on but you couldn't be farther from reality.


Id like us to not go down an all to similar path we have already been on. Story and end game group content is a must and neither can be rehashed, redone, old content we have been doing in the last 4 years.

Edited by Quraswren
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Then you aren't reading. Plenty of people have made valid points on both sides but a few people want to think that whatever BW does is golden as long as it is exactly what they want, and then they bash anyone that disagrees while trying to paint them as elitists or a minority.


It isn't doom, it's simply the repercussions of having "been there, done that" at launch when end game was ignored in favor of story. I'd rather not see that again. I'd rather not see any update or expansion focus on one thing. I'd rather see some stories added, some FPs added, an Op or two added and some new PvP maps added than have an entire expansion focus on any single one of those issues.


You'll have plenty to do at end game on October than at launch.


You want a new OP? You might still get one, still time from now till then. But if you don't get one at launch, you will still have plenty of end game content to do with new rewards to obtain. It doesn't matter if it's stuff you've done already before, they don't care about you.


What was it they said that not a lot of people raid? To me this is their attempt at making Raiding more player friendly to get into than before.


It doesn't matter if they can go do 55 and Below OPs now for easy steam rolling. People complain about not having a lot to do at End Game and this is what they're doing to fix that while catering to new players incoming and those who have been playing but haven't been heavily into raiding. They don't care as long as they get money and they're gambling on the fact that you people will actually stay or maybe their metrics have predicted they can afford to lose old players they arn't catering to atm.

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You'll have plenty to do at end game on October than at launch.


You want a new OP? You might still get one, still time from now till then. But if you don't get one at launch, you will still have plenty of end game content to do with new rewards to obtain. It doesn't matter if it's stuff you've done already before, they don't care about you.


What was it they said that not a lot of people raid? To me this is their attempt at making Raiding more player friendly to get into than before.


It doesn't matter if they can go do 55 and Below OPs now for easy steam rolling. People complain about not having a lot to do at End Game and this is what they're doing to fix that while catering to new players incoming and those who have been playing but haven't been heavily into raiding. They don't care as long as they get money and they're gambling on the fact that you people will actually stay or maybe their metrics have predicted they can afford to lose old players they arn't catering to atm.


You hope. You hope that the amount of story they are giving us in October will be enough to carry people through to the middle of January. If we are lucky, we might see some more story in November but after the SoR debacle they might push anything else back past the holiday season. Especially if they are burning the candle at both ends to get KotFE ready for October.


Frankly, I hope the people who want "just story" get enough to make them happy because if they don't BW will have successfully angered their entire player base in a few short months. If the story of KotFE is as short as Ziost was (and the hype is similar) then no one will be happy.

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You hope. You hope that the amount of story they are giving us in October will be enough to carry people through to the middle of January. If we are lucky, we might see some more story in November but after the SoR debacle they might push anything else back past the holiday season. Especially if they are burning the candle at both ends to get KotFE ready for October.


Frankly, I hope the people who want "just story" get enough to make them happy because if they don't BW will have successfully angered their entire player base in a few short months. If the story of KotFE is as short as Ziost was (and the hype is similar) then no one will be happy.


No hope about it. 1 Raid at launch vs. 8 Raids at expansion launch, not to mention HM flashpoints and w/e pvp stuff they announce will be way more end game content than Launch.


They have story content for 7 months out of the next year starting january. They will have plenty of content from October till then. The only way someone could possibly run out of content otherwise is if they only play one character and they zerg rush thru it without enjoying the story for what it.

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I've yet to see a valid point beyond the tidal wave of doom threads that have flooded general discussion.
it's probably because your bw fanboy blinders only let you read posts you already agree with.


which prtty much means you're ignoring ALL threads right now

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No hope about it. 1 Raid at launch vs. 8 Raids at expansion launch, not to mention HM flashpoints and w/e pvp stuff they announce will be way more end game content than Launch.


You have nothing but hope. You're hoping 8 extremely old ops come OCT will be enough end game simply because it has a new loot list. I don't buy into that hope.


They have story content for 7 months out of the next year starting january. They will have plenty of content from October till then.


Thats right, starting in January you will get one chapter. You'll be done with the first 9 chapters by Mid November and have a few rep ginds to complete through the holidays. You will have the month of December to wonder just exactly what was the point of nothing really new at end game besides the old stuff.


The only way someone could possibly run out of content otherwise is if they only play one character and they zerg rush thru it without enjoying the story for what it.


That is one way. The other is to run multiple toons, complete the rep requirements because you got nothing else end game to really do since you've done the OPS and wait around till that one chapter hits in January.


You do know how old those OPS are right? Scaling them doesn't change that. Adding a new difficulty mode doesn't enhance their appeal if you have been doing them off and on for the past 1 to 4 years.


Plenty of content? Not from what we currently know from released information.

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You have nothing but hope. You're hoping 8 extremely old ops come OCT will be enough end game simply because it has a new loot list. I don't buy into that hope.


Thats right, starting in January you will get one chapter. You'll be done with the first 9 chapters by Mid November and have a few rep ginds to complete through the holidays. You will have the month of December to wonder just exactly what was the point of nothing really new at end game besides the old stuff.


That is one way. The other is to run multiple toons, complete the rep requirements because you got nothing else end game to really do since you've done the OPS and wait around till that one chapter hits in January.


You do know how old those OPS are right? Scaling them doesn't change that. Adding a new difficulty mode doesn't enhance their appeal if you have been doing them off and on for the past 1 to 4 years.


Plenty of content? Not from what we currently know from released information.


No hope at all. Just facts. 1 Raid at Launch vs. 8 Raids at Expansion Launch plus HM flashpoints 91 of which is a new HM, Red Reaper) plus w/e pvp content gets thrown in will be more End game content than Launch ever had.


Again, you are speaking as if I only play on one character and speed rush thru it. I have 21/22 (24 in the new expansion) Characters on JC alone, I will not run out of story content to do by Mid November.


Being old doesn't detract from the quality of something. Most of the greatest movies are decades old. Empire Strikes Back didn't come out 1-4 years ago and it's still great to watch as ever.


There will be plenty of content from what I can see of the currently released information and that's not all that's been announced yet, so there will be more.

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No hope at all. Just facts. 1 Raid at Launch vs. 8 Raids at Expansion Launch plus HM flashpoints 91 of which is a new HM, Red Reaper) plus w/e pvp content gets thrown in will be more End game content than Launch ever had.


Again, you are speaking as if I only play on one character and speed rush thru it. I have 21/22 (24 in the new expansion) Characters on JC alone, I will not run out of story content to do by Mid November.


Being old doesn't detract from the quality of something. Most of the greatest movies are decades old. Empire Strikes Back didn't come out 1-4 years ago and it's still great to watch as ever.


There will be plenty of content from what I can see of the currently released information and that's not all that's been announced yet, so there will be more.

yet here are people telling you they dont want to repeat old content because they've already played it so much.


being old definitely detracts from the quality. we are all telling you so.


you just offer your opinion as if it's supposed to override everyone else's.

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yet here are people telling you they dont want to repeat old content because they've already played it so much.


being old definitely detracts from the quality. we are all telling you so.


you just offer your opinion as if it's supposed to override everyone else's.


And people here are saying they want it. If no one wanted, no one would be supporting it.


And guess what? BW is more likely to care about those people than the small percentage of people who don't. As long as they are getting a steady amount of money coming in, they will cater to those who will give them the most money, and who can blame them, they're a business out to make money, not a charity.


"But what about customer relationships and trust?" It's financed by EA, whose sole goal is what? Money and making lots of it. If you want change don't give them money and either the game will nose dive into death or the game will survive and thrive without you.


You can voice your displeasure with no new ops all you want, but as long as you're still here posting that means you gave them money and that's all they care about.


I offer my opinion as my opinion, I certainly don't expect anyone to agree or disagree with it. Afterall it's just my opinion.


But facts are facts. And the fact is KOTFE will have more end game content than Launch.

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No hope at all. Just facts. 1 Raid at Launch vs. 8 Raids at Expansion Launch plus HM flashpoints 91 of which is a new HM, Red Reaper) plus w/e pvp content gets thrown in will be more End game content than Launch ever had.


So the only fact you have is one based on the hope that content that is a year old and up to 4 years old will drive the game once the story is quickly depleted? Thats a lot of hope you got going on there. BW's move stinks of how launch went except this time they hope really old content can fill the gap.


I don't see it.


Again, you are speaking as if I only play on one character and speed rush thru it. I have 21/22 (24 in the new expansion) Characters on JC alone, I will not run out of story content to do by Mid November.


Not just for one toon. It will get old on every toon because it's already old before you stepped into it if you play ops at all. One toon or 22 toons wont change that. You will run out of story content well before December if you play at all because in the given amount of time BW has had, you're choices wont be some astronomical number. You'll get 3 most likely. I'd give it 3 play through and you'll be done with the bulk of it if that and even then the bulk of the story will be the same with just small portions that have really game changing choices.


Being old doesn't detract from the quality of something. Most of the greatest movies are decades old. Empire Strikes Back didn't come out 1-4 years ago and it's still great to watch as ever.


Being from 1 to 4 years old vastly detracts from video game content. Thats why there has been a drive more "new" content since MMO's first hit the market. Thats why the grind of something gets a bad rap it it's over the top and too much tediousness. Thats why gamers want new story because they are tired of the old story or side stories. Thats also why they want a new end game experience other than a rehashed one raiders have done, over and over already. If you are an MMO gamer at all you know this. Old content is old no matter what difficulty level you put it at.


There will be plenty of content from what I can see of the currently released information and that's not all that's been announced yet, so there will be more.


I don't know what you're drinking but it's working if you think there is all this content that will somehow carry you through to Jan. unless you're one of those players that limits yourself to a couple hours a week tops and then moves to the couch waiting till you can play again.

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Revamping old content to a new level cap with new gear does NOT make it new. It won't be any different from "back in the day" when we did the Ops at level.


You can keep trying to tell people that bringing old Ops up to new levels makes them new, but anyone with common sense knows better.


And if you think making them current to the new level cap will make people who otherwise don't do Ops suddenly do them you have another think coming. More players are doing the old ops as they are now because they are much more forgiving. Upping them to a new cap will mean that the casual players won't touch them.


I think too many of the "only story" folks think that the new story chapters will have as much as the first 50 levels of class story did. I'm betting on the fact that it'll be similar to Makeb, where it'll hold your attention for a day or two before you finish it off.


New means something I've never done before, not reworking something I have done and changing the loot tables.

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I hear what everyone is saying , but coming from a guild of about 20 of us who both raid and pvp, this story only content will not be enough to keep us here. Most of us have been here since beta. We have asked for the last year and a half for at least 1 new pvp map and running through the old ops we have already done repeatedly isn't going to help. Good luck with your story, at least someone is getting something
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So the only fact you have is one based on the hope that content that is a year old and up to 4 years old will drive the game once the story is quickly depleted? Thats a lot of hope you got going on there. BW's move stinks of how launch went except this time they hope really old content can fill the gap.


I don't see it.


Not just for one toon. It will get old on every toon because it's already old before you stepped into it if you play ops at all. One toon or 22 toons wont change that. You will run out of story content well before December if you play at all because in the given amount of time BW has had, you're choices wont be some astronomical number. You'll get 3 most likely. I'd give it 3 play through and you'll be done with the bulk of it if that and even then the bulk of the story will be the same with just small portions that have really game changing choices.


Being from 1 to 4 years old vastly detracts from video game content. Thats why there has been a drive more "new" content since MMO's first hit the market. Thats why the grind of something gets a bad rap it it's over the top and too much tediousness. Thats why gamers want new story because they are tired of the old story or side stories. Thats also why they want a new end game experience other than a rehashed one raiders have done, over and over already. If you are an MMO gamer at all you know this. Old content is old no matter what difficulty level you put it at.


I don't know what you're drinking but it's working if you think there is all this content that will somehow carry you through to Jan. unless you're one of those players that limits yourself to a couple hours a week tops and then moves to the couch waiting till you can play again.


Just because you and everyone here get bored with something doesn't mean others do.


It seems to me that you have the impression that everyone plays with a Zerg Rush I need to do it now attitude. Not everyone does. Ever hear of casual gamers? You know the ones that take their time? I'm one of those. I will have plenty of content to well into December and January and the rest of 2016 up until the last chapter is dropped which I'm betting BW will have even more content to release for in between now and then. So Chillax for a little bit.


Revamping old content to a new level cap with new gear does NOT make it new. It won't be any different from "back in the day" when we did the Ops at level.


You can keep trying to tell people that bringing old Ops up to new levels makes them new, but anyone with common sense knows better.


And if you think making them current to the new level cap will make people who otherwise don't do Ops suddenly do them you have another think coming. More players are doing the old ops as they are now because they are much more forgiving. Upping them to a new cap will mean that the casual players won't touch them.


I think too many of the "only story" folks think that the new story chapters will have as much as the first 50 levels of class story did. I'm betting on the fact that it'll be similar to Makeb, where it'll hold your attention for a day or two before you finish it off.


New means something I've never done before, not reworking something I have done and changing the loot tables.


It'll be new with new armor models and new improved stats for character progression so the hard core raiders can easily progress to harder content.


Again like "Q" up above you seem to think that everyone plays with a Zerg Rush mentality. Makeb held my attention long after I completed and still to this day when I go back there on a new alt or for money.


That's not a fact, that's your opinion based on what you feel is "end game content".


No, that's a fact. The amount of Content for HOTFE at End Game (Which starts at 50 thanks to bolster up to 65) 8 Operations vs. Launch's one Operation and KOTFE including the many multitude of FPs Tacts HM FPS, Warzones, Arena, GSF.


You can't call it an opinion when the numbers of launch vs the numbers of KOTFE will be widely different.

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you just offer your opinion as if it's supposed to override everyone else's.


You have been doing that since yesterday. The only meaning behind all those "I'm unsubscribing!" "This is sh*t!" and the hate posts is the underlying want to make Bioware go back on their blog. Enough people have stepped forward and claimed that they are quite fine with the changes. Yet you keep on pressing, you keep pressing, in the hopes of finally silencing some of those people and get your way.


My question: What is it you want?


There are literally two ways this can end:


1. Bioware admits making a mistake. You'll get a little excuse in form of a News-feed entry or a Twitter post.


2. They will ignore you completely. They won't admit anything and just move on, without bothering with the hardcore raiders.


And you know what? Both plans will end with the scenario that there won't be a new Op for launch. Why? Because Bioware has a business plan. Those things are carefully made, revised and approved before set in motion. Do you think, no matter the tantrum you throw, that they will just scrap a plan they had for months, maybe even a year...and abandon work on new FP and the story to give you an Operation?


Answer: No, they won't. The only thing you are trying to do is convince Bioware of your opinion, that's the whole truth behind the tantrum in the past 24 hours. Now stop trying to make it sound like you are doing some righteous thing and we only want our way. We can easily assume that the other way around.


You have your answer already: No new Operation with the launch of KotFE. This year is story, Operation will be Januar-March. That's their business plan. Accept it, love it, hate it. But FFS, move on.

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Just because you and everyone here get bored with something doesn't mean others do.


Well of course they don't but we're not here to sit around and do nothing. If you're playing the game, there are a wide number of ways to do it. To bad we're losing one so they can go back to too much reliance on story. Story is great but we know it wont carry SWTOR.


It seems to me that you have the impression that everyone plays with a Zerg Rush I need to do it now attitude.


And you seem to think gamers are going to somehow regulated in game activity because why? Oh they did to much tonight better wait a few days till it resets. Coem on man. You don't have to rush to complete story content much less rep grinds.



Not everyone does. Ever hear of casual gamers? You know the ones that take their time? I'm one of those. I will have plenty of content to well into December and January and the rest of 2016 up until the last chapter is dropped which I'm betting BW will have even more content to release for in between now and then. So Chillax for a little bit.


If your that casual then having the best of both would would never affect you anyway, yet you seem hellbent on casual play as the only way to do things. As if there wasn't a completely valued other side for gamers that like to hit content a bit harder.


Hell, argue for more balanced content in both areas but damn don't claim, "Oh I'm so casual and how better for the game is somehow suppose to be."


Chillax..? What are you 9?

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Well of course they don't but we're not here to sit around and do nothing. If you're playing the game, there are a wide number of ways to do it. To bad we're losing one so they can go back to too much reliance on story. Story is great but we know it wont carry SWTOR.


And you seem to think gamers are going to somehow regulated in game activity because why? Oh they did to much tonight better wait a few days till it resets. Coem on man. You don't have to rush to complete story content much less rep grinds.


If your that casual then having the best of both would would never affect you anyway, yet you seem hellbent on casual play as the only way to do things. As if there wasn't a completely valued other side for gamers that like to hit content a bit harder.


Hell, argue for more balanced content in both areas but damn don't claim, "Oh I'm so casual and how better for the game is somehow suppose to be."


Chillax..? What are you 9?


"To bad we're losing one" They arn't taking raiding away from raiders. In fact they are making it even more player friendly accessible than currently. You should be happy to have more people who will want to raid.


Hey if you want to zerg rush thru the new gaming content, so be it. But don't complain that you have nothing to do because you'll have plenty to do at end game.


And as a casual, I do raids when I can fit them into my time table called life. I don't play 24/7.


Believe it or not, I have no problem against new raids being added, but I'm a man of realistic expectations when it comes to BW. If they're going to focus on story content for the rest of this year, that's because that's what their budget is prolly allowing them to do. Remember EA Finances them.


Yes, chillax. Sorry you arn't mature enough to be hip with it like the rest of us.

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