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Everyone's favorite topic - SGR!


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I'm sure it will be there, and companions are likely to be flexible (as it were) in that regard. However, I do find the '2 flirts or say something dull' options a little annoying. (and the flirts seem to be generally silly and/or slimy.) And sometimes, a character that can be anything feels more empty and undeveloped, (as opposed to the Sith guy on Makeb, who might actually have been a more interesting long term romance for a male character.)
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How is it homophobic or sexist if they choose not to add SGR? It just means that it wasn't on their list of top priorities for the expansion so better luck next time.

You kinda have to wonder in these discussions if the game romance is people's only form of "intimate interaction.":rak_02:

That would be fine if there is no continuation of Romance options at all but if they add OGR in then that means that they wanted romance in the game and if OGR and no SGR for males then it is a problem.


You cant say "it wasn't on their list of top priorities" if they add any romance but omit SGR that would be like having a all male cast and saying "oh female npc's wasn't on our list of top priorities" it idiotic.

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You're making assumptions about what I said.

I don't want them to remove a male same-sex romance option and leave a female one and/or heterosexual one in place, nothing more, nothing less, which is a distinct possibility from what little information we have so far. They can remove all romance, but if there is some in the next expansion, I want there to be those three options.


And yes, if that doesn't happen, it is homophobic (heterosexual romances available) or homophobic AND sexist (lesbian and hetero romances available). This is where we're at in 2015.


What can I say, someone has to remind corporations of the consequences of pissing off part of their consumer base for marketing purposes!


As for the title, of course same-gender romance isn't everyone's favorite topic. On the contrary, it's a topic that's difficult to approach and discuss without getting... aggravated. So here's to not getting the joke! Cheers!


Man, this game's community is actually one of the most sexually open minded (at least on the forums) I've ever seen, and you're annoying everyone. Maybe take a step back. And saying that if they remove one they have to remove both is the most selfish, entitled little tantrum I've seen in awhile. You sound like a preschooler whose toy broke, you you're demanding every other child in the room have their toy taken away or it isn't fair. On that note, every dad everywhere has some advice for you-


Life isn't fair.


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Anyhow, you can not make an assumption that all decisions are somehow malicious in nature, if they decide to go one way with story or not. If this was any other game company it would be something we can entertain. But BW ? Seriously and again after SoR ?


I guess you didn't hear about BW removing the confirmed SGR sequences from the base release 6 weeks before launch after a bunch of those crazy christian lobby groups complained about how it was going to make everyone gay.

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Yeah they added in a couple of flirt options, such progress!

One step at a time. It wouldn't have been satisfying to add companions whose stories would be inherently shorter than those of the ones you had already either. Lana and Theron have shown their willingness, and the new expansion is the perfect opportunity to release it in full.

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One step at a time. It wouldn't have been satisfying to add companions whose stories would be inherently shorter than those of the ones you had already either. Lana and Theron have shown their willingness, and the new expansion is the perfect opportunity to release it in full.


It would have been a lot more satisfying had they just given us what they promised on day 1. Now it's more a case of 'let us see how long Bioware will lie to people at the behest of EA'.

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Why do threads about same gender romance always turn so vicious and toxic? You can bet if every companion was gay instead of straight the people dismissing those like the OP would be making a stink about it themselves.
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I guess you didn't hear about BW removing the confirmed SGR sequences from the base release 6 weeks before launch after a bunch of those crazy christian lobby groups complained about how it was going to make everyone gay.


This is what I've been talking about in the 400+ page thread, their idiotic and bigoted clerical-fascist response was so totally out of line; to say nothing of being so vicious and final-solution-like that BW was not unjustifiably scared insta-constipation-cure-style into pulling said content. Their mistake was not stealth-including it, like they have done with certain changes/fixes.


Why these people can't just accept that LGBT people have as much right to live as their straight counterparts?

Edited by sentientomega
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Man, this game's community is actually one of the most sexually open minded (at least on the forums) I've ever seen, and you're annoying everyone. Maybe take a step back. And saying that if they remove one they have to remove both is the most selfish, entitled little tantrum I've seen in awhile. You sound like a preschooler whose toy broke, you you're demanding every other child in the room have their toy taken away or it isn't fair. On that note, every dad everywhere has some advice for you-


Life isn't fair.


As usual, I am amazed by how easy it is for some people to dismiss LGBT concerns. Our very existence in cultural products matters.


Second, to the argument : "Oh they removed it for the sake of story", they can add other SGR options easily and with no incremental effort or cost. I mean we're not talking about a whole "gay" expansion, just adding a few lines of dialogue into the development. When SGR isn't added, it's a deliberate marketing decision anyhoo, not something done for any noble reason.


Finally, if some players don't care about SGR, why do they reply here? Be indifferent. But by trying to actively prevent the question from being raised, that's not the attitude of someone who doesn't care or is neutral on the topic...

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This is what I've been talking about in the 400+ page thread, their idiotic and bigoted clerical-fascist response was so totally out of line; to say nothing of being so vicious and final-solution-like that BW was not unjustifiably scared insta-constipation-cure-style into pulling said content. Their mistake was not stealth-including it, like they have done with certain changes/fixes.


Why these people can't just accept that LGBT people have as much right to live as their straight counterparts?


First off, they were TOLD to remove it by the owner of the IP


Second, your ignorant rant there is exactly why so many people have problems with LGBT stuff being forced into games and other media like that - because they're sick of getting it pushed on them and then screamed at, belittled, criticised, ridiculed and called all kinds of insults - like you just did right there, when they don't get their way. The exact same thing happens whenever someone criticizes it. Always 'if you don't give us what we want you're an ignorant gay hating bigot, etc...' followed by threats of boycotts or some other ignorant campaign where people are encouraged to belittle and harass said person or company into doing what they want.


and then you have the audacity to come in here like this and play the victim, while still hurling insults like 'bigot' 'fascist' and 'final solution' over there not being gay talking options on npcs in a video game. there is something seriously wrong with that. Always the aggressor, always the victim.


As usual, I am amazed by how easy it is for some people to dismiss LGBT concerns. Our very existence in cultural products matters


No, it doesn't. This is a video game. There is no reason for this kind of bs over a few lines of spoken dialog. You're creating a problem where there isn't one


When SGR isn't added, it's a deliberate marketing decision anyhoo, not something done for any noble reason.


A false and ignorant claim, bordering on an attack


Finally, if some players don't care about SGR, why do they reply here? Be indifferent. But by trying to actively prevent the question from being raised, that's not the attitude of someone who doesn't care or is neutral on the topic...


It already has been raised. You bring it up, over and over and over again and just like I said, here it comes again. The attacks. The accusations and implied accusations

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Second, your ignorant rant there is exactly why so many people have problems with LGBT stuff being forced into games and other media like that - because they're sick of getting it pushed on them and then screamed at, belittled, criticised, ridiculed and called all kinds of insults - like you just did right there, when they don't get their way. The exact same thing happens whenever someone criticizes it. Always 'if you don't give us what we want you're an ignorant gay hating bigot, etc...' followed by threats of boycotts or some other ignorant campaign where people are encouraged to belittle and harass said person or company into doing what they want.

There's no logical reason to oppose it beyond increasingly ephemeral marketing concerns.

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I would love to know how the ridiculous rumor that someone told BioWare to remove SGRAs came from.


I have been on the forums since before launch, participated in all but the first of the 30+ threads on this topic (back when there was a 100 pages limit on topics), but there has never been any information about this ,and considering the stance of Lucas, Disney, EA and BioWare is all pro-gay it is rather baseless anyway. Also if they were forbidden to include SGRA in the base game, why would they have been allowed RotH ?


Anyway I seriously hope that there will be some changes to elder game companions (either already romance-able or not) to make it possible to carry over a romance into KotFE and not just have the first real companion romance post 60.

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There's no logical reason to oppose it beyond increasingly ephemeral marketing concerns.




I can't help but wonder if Rhodes didn't completely take my remarks out of context, did they even bother to read that section I quoted? It's the anti-gay hate groups I was attacking; so torrential was their response to the very notion of SGR in swtor that BioWare and anyone else who mattered vis-a-vis game development/ownership were justifiably feeling threatened. BioWare ahs done much for SGR in gaming, DA series, ME series, Kotor 1 for crying out loud.


Again I was not attacking BioWare, I was attacking the positions held by the toxic reactionary pressure groups who would like nothing more than to be able to wipe LGBT people off the face of the Earth and claim their performing a public service, marginalisation is just the tip of the iceberg in their efforts here.


You won't hear anyone saying "Death to straights!" unless they're an agent-provocateur acting for anti-gay hate groups, an idiot or completely insane; which makes me wonder, why would Rhodes take my comments out of context in the first place?


A game full of straight characters and no LGBT characters at all is apparently NOT problematic, not to those who don't identify with the latter and certainly not to those who don't support the it, anyway. As you, Xilizhra, have rightly said, beyond the short-term marketing concerns, there's no logical reason not to have it included. And it's more than just a few token lines of spoken dialogue, so when not including SGR is described not a problem, it's generally not a problem for anyone who doesn't support and in fact opposes our right to positive cultural representation. Trust me when I say straight culture is on absolutely NO danger if being marginalised and then rendered extinct, because absolutely NO-one here is seeking that.


It's like if Xena was scripted as a gay character when that show as made (90s), I guarantee someone would've burnt the studios down at the very least; as well as the usual anti-gay rhetoric pouring forth in every medium...


And if you think I'm the aggressor, ask yourself how much violence is done against straight people in a heterophobic context, and then ask yourself the same about LGBT violence that is homophobically motivated a stated above; I'll give you a clue, one of them is pretty much unheard of outside a minute circle of researchers.


I would love to know how the ridiculous rumor that someone told BioWare to remove SGRAs came from.


I have been on the forums since before launch, participated in all but the first of the 30+ threads on this topic (back when there was a 100 pages limit on topics), but there has never been any information about this ,and considering the stance of Lucas, Disney, EA and BioWare is all pro-gay it is rather baseless anyway. Also if they were forbidden to include SGRA in the base game, why would they have been allowed RotH ?


Indeed, questions in serious need of answers.


All I can say is.. I hope Oct brings SGR in.. properly. :D


Fingers crossed...

Edited by sentientomega
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Lana is a homosexual love interest too so how is keeping her there homophobic?


You honestly can't see how someone might take offense at the male SGR option getting nuked, while the option that's there largely to cater to a bunch of straight guys that want hawt girl on girl action stays? :p

I'm not really concerned with SGR, but even I can see why some people would get annoyed there.

Edited by Callaron
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