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Reduce component prices/increase requisition gains the same you did with ground PVP


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As in the title. It is absolutely great move to help encourage more people to do ground PVP (I would never ever even think about doing ranked, now I consider getting into it once 3.3 hits). Exactly the sme thing should be done with GSF.
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*queue experienced pilot rage*


Really it's not a bad idea. GSF isn't gear based, so allowing people to get mastered ships faster wouldn't be terrible. After all, they would still have to fly it. Would also be nice if there was something else for us to spend our req on, like decorations or something. Eventually we run out of things to buy - but that's a different topic entirely.

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Would also be nice if there was something else for us to spend our req on, like decorations or something. Eventually we run out of things to buy - but that's a different topic entirely.

That's another thing. Why in the world are they not doing it to increase GSF incentive??? :confused: The only reason I started doing ground pvp was decorations (I'm very much into Strongholds). Decorations, pets, mounts have nothing to do with ground PVP yet they exist as rewards precisely because they know people care about it. Same has to be done for GSF. These are little simple things to do that can have big effect. It's not like I'm asking to finally add pve-GSF/redesigned pve-Space (which I absolutely think is the last key missing component of the game...)

Edited by Pietrastor
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They've already boosted req gains, should they really reduce costs?



Yes. Yes, they should.


Specifically, the 10k and 15k upgrades could come down in price.


I've mentioned this before in a dev thread:



And it's been in this forum at times, as well as just general raw fleet req:




The current prices aren't unreasonable, but it would be nice if there was a reduction in the higher costs.

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Agreed, on all of this.


At a recent cantina tour I mentioned the idea of rewards (vehicles, pets, decorations, etc) to be purchased with Fleet Comms to incentivize more GSF play, and the other GSF players in the huddle all agreed. The dev agreed too, so now let's see if we can just make the idea stick! I'd also be fine with them being purchasable with requisition as well as or instead of comms, to make it even more exclusive to GSF (because I suppose people could grind the Space missions if they wanted to).


I also whole-heartedly support both all components being free (upgrades still with a price), and with lowering the requisition cost of the 10k and 15k levels. In my case, as with most long-time pilots, that would really only benefit me in the "I'm bored, what next?" grind of mastering the ships I never/rarely fly in order to finish off those few remaining achievements, but I think this would be a real boon and incentive to newer players. I agree with the general opinion that in GSF skill/experience > upgrades, but upgrades don't hurt, and moreover they make you feel like you're accomplishing something - that alone can sometimes be enough to keep people from becoming so frustrated that they stop playing.

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I feel that it should be done like in ground PvP - add another tier of components, costing much more, then reduce the price (or just plainly increase reqs gain) of 1-5/1-3 tier...

Increased gains and large T6/4 upgrades prices (like 100k/upgrade)feels better since there is no cap for reqs...

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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The economy changes to GSF that I feel would be ideal are as follows


1: All daily and weekly req items should be bind to legacy. Hangars should still remain separate. This would reward people who GSF consistantly across several alts.


2: All components should be free to start out with, low teir (non-choice) upgrades should cost less, high teir upgrades (choices) should cost more. This would help pilots both new and old with creating new characters and making builds, and still make upgrades a "Reward"


3: All type 1 "backbone" ships should be free. A standard bomber, standard striker, standard scout, and standard gunship. This way, new players could play with different classes and get a feel for what they like, older players would be able to server hop more easily and jump right into their prefered class.

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