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Assault - Dulfy or Hotwired


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I have a mando which i have been playing Gunnery for the longest time & felt 2 weeks ago that it's time to get better. I pop over to Dulfy & took on the Assault guide there. It was real hard but i sort of get partly the hang of things. The main problem i have with Dulfy's guide is the SB then CB then CB process portion of the rotation which have to cast & leave me standing still for such a long time in Raid. It was a horrible feeling during walkers compared to gunnery. Then i saw Hotwired guide which is totally different in rotation. Before going into it, can any expert pls guide & advise what is truly different from the 2 guides & which is better? Things like better movement, higher DPS, easier to master sort of stuff to compare. I'm still very new to Assault so hope someone can guide me along the 2 paths. Thanks in advance.....
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Hotwireds rotation is the most mobile and uses everything exactly on cooldown.


The difference is what is decided to be optional.


In Hotwireds rotation you have one instant Charged Bolt and extra hard cast Charged Bolts are optional (resources allowing) while Assault Plastique is mandatory.


In the one hosted on Dulfy you have two mandatory Charged Bolts (one instant) while Assault Plastique and/or another Charged Bolt is optional (resources allowing). You fish for the damage back by the slightly faster use of Supercharged Cell.


And while we're at it, many other people do their own versions.




Because as long as you do a 15 second rotation it doesn't matter what order you do things in.


If you look at the highscores right now the one at the top is technically using neither but logically is using a slightly shuffled version of Hotwireds rotation.


If you want to spot someone using a variant of either then look for double Charged Bolts. If they are using that then it's someone using a Dulfy rotation. Any straight rotation/Hotwired variant does nothing twice in a row.


Damage-wise you cannot see a difference between them, again if I refer to the parse highscore board you'll find a mix of both types http://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard


So, bottom line is... do you like being mobile?

Edited by Gyronamics
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I'm gonna quote everyone else in this thread and say Gyro's. Though note, Gyro's is very, very vague. All his states is the rotation has to be:





Filler A being literally anything, whereas Filler B can also be anything, though Charged Bolts / Serrated Bolts placed in Filler B have to be before the mag bolt, not after.


E.g. I use:


Serrated Bolt -> Incendiary Round -> Full Auto -> Electro Net/Charged Bolts/Hammer Shot -> Mag Bolt ->

Assault Plastique -> Charged Bolts -> Mag Bolt -> Explosive Round/Charged Bolts/Hammer Shot


As it follows the basic rotational guidelines of Hotwired's rotation, it is considered a variant of it. If it were Marisi/Fascinates version, then the basic rotation becomes significantly more resource intensive, without much of an improvement in damage as you now have to find the energy for an Assault Plastique, instead of a far weaker Charged Bolts.


I also prefer this option because:

1. No need to alter it for the opener

2. If dummy parsing, you can effectively skip the first GCD because you start with Serrated Bolt

3. Its very easy to get the rotation down, just so long as you remember to leave 1 GCD after full auto before using Mag Bolt

4. With the 6-piece set bonus, you've got the auto-crit Mag Bolt available on the first one. This might be a little dangerous for the tanks though when they try to hold threat...


But as Gyro said above, its a choice of mobility and better damage vs... well I never quite figured out why Marisi + Fascinate preferred their rotation. It never made sense to me mathematically or practically. You lose mobility, synergy with alacrity in your gear, more frequent usage of Assault Plastique, and for what, the ease of not having to remember to delay mag bolt? What does that honestly get ya.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Hey Guys, after playing around with Gyro's guide for 2 days & sort of got the hang of things, i decided to post my parse here to seek advice for improvement. I'm guessing the APM has to be higher but given 2 days, i'm pretty happy with 35.4 atm. Do voice out if you spot any thing that can be of help to improve. My stats as below:




Aim: 4565

Crit: 646

Surge: 480

Accuracy: 772

Alacrity: 0


I also went thru some of the other chat & understand that alacrity plays a part too in higher DPS. Maybe can explain further with my info on what should i be doing with it? Much thx guys again. Cheers!

Edited by BenWalker
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Hey Guys, after playing around with Gyro's guide for 2 days & sort of got the hang of things, i decided to post my parse here to seek advice for improvement. I'm guessing the APM has to be higher but given 2 days, i'm pretty happy with 35.4 atm. Do voice out if you spot any thing that can be of help to improve. My stats as below:




Aim: 4565

Crit: 646

Surge: 480

Accuracy: 772

Alacrity: 0


I also went thru some of the other chat & understand that alacrity plays a part too in higher DPS. Maybe can explain further with my info on what should i be doing with it? Much thx guys again. Cheers!


Looks like the rotation is right, but yeah, your APM is ~10% lower than it should be.

As for alacrity, alacrity has a very important requirement for it to be noticable at all. You HAVE to be doing enough actions per minute for it to be worth it. Right now, you could arguably have -10% alacrity and it wouldn't affect your DPS at all (besides resources cooldowns on OCDs)


So for now, don't bother with alacrity. Eventually, once you get your APM to ~38, start getting alacrity. You can slowly increase alacrity over time, but make sure that you don't go over ~700 with current gear levels, because thats when it starts hurting more than helping.


Now that also has the requirement of full 198s with a 204 mainhand as well, so I wouldn't go getting anywhere near that much alacrity until probably 4.0, unless you're a complete prodigy who not only picks up the spec really quickly, but also go on to find a raid team and get 10/10 in HM ToS/Rav without effort as well. Optimized 192s you'd want probably around ~333 alacrity in a high alacrity build.

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Aside from generally looking to buff up your stats you might try halving your Surge and splitting with Alacrity to see how that works out for you alongside tightening your timings and perfecting the rotation for long periods.


At least part of the reason for your low APM is not having any alacrity at all.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Back again guys & i took both your advice in swapping the alacrity in & made some improvement again on my Parse. Below are my logs again for any further improvement. Gear wise i have also done some research & did the 5x 198 BIS & 3 Augment for my accuracy to be 99.99% so i could slot in an alacrity enhancement for free. The opener i went with Zorz & then flow thru at the end part to Gyro's rotation. Seem to work better for me.




I would really like to thank u guys for the info sharing & advice. It's great to have in our community especially for people like me who wish to learn & improve but not sure where to turn to. Once again, thanks guys & hope to trouble again for feedback. Cheers

Edited by BenWalker
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You look like you're set, respectable result.


Nothing to stress about if you want a different opener or different rotation arrangement. The system is such that changing things is easy as long as you keep it consistent and use everything in the right way. The exact order is not so important.

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