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Highest PVP DPS Matches on Shadowlands (3.1+)


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ent as conceal what utilities do you take? i got my op to 60 and decided to finally become good at it since its the only class i rly suck at, but all utilities seem somewhat important... and oh my god so fukin squishy

for regs only


Nanotech suit: 30% AOE DR is great for when the enemy team has 5 sorcs spamming force storm/death field

Hit and Run: 50% movement speed on shiv is great for running away or engaging on targets

Slip Away: 15 seconds off your hard stun making it a 30 second CD on a 4 second hard stun


Advanced Cloaking: faster vanish is good in all situations and the 15 seconds off sneak works well with ghost

Pin Down: good for catching up and running away


Evasive Imperative: is a must for 30 second evasion

Evasive Screen: so you don't have to blow evasion when you use vanish to clear dots.


You can take revatilizers in regs but I usually regret when I do.


For 1v1 swap out Advanced Cloaking for Sedatives (against dps obviously), usually swap out Nanotech Suit for Chem-Resistant Inlays and usually swap out Evasive Screen for Revaitilizers. Against madness I'd still keep Evasive screen and Nanotech Suit though.

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for regs only


Nanotech suit: 30% AOE DR is great for when the enemy team has 5 sorcs spamming force storm/death field

Hit and Run: 50% movement speed on shiv is great for running away or engaging on targets

Slip Away: 15 seconds off your hard stun making it a 30 second CD on a 4 second hard stun


Advanced Cloaking: faster vanish is good in all situations and the 15 seconds off sneak works well with ghost

Pin Down: good for catching up and running away


Evasive Imperative: is a must for 30 second evasion

Evasive Screen: so you don't have to blow evasion when you use vanish to clear dots.


You can take revatilizers in regs but I usually regret when I do.


For 1v1 swap out Advanced Cloaking for Sedatives (against dps obviously), usually swap out Nanotech Suit for Chem-Resistant Inlays and usually swap out Evasive Screen for Revaitilizers. Against madness I'd still keep Evasive screen and Nanotech Suit though.


i was rly wondering about that 20% dmg reduc, i mean it also has "some" healing and i felt extremely squishy ;/

almost had those utilities, tho i did spec in the 5% dmg reduc in tree 1 ayy lmao

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So I main a PT and I've gotten over 2200 several times, just under 2300, and can't push past it. I'm starting to get irritated cause I see these people doing better than me. I know many people talk about that it has to be the perfect game with right situations, but I feel I could be doing 2300-2400 on my 2200 games. I was wondering if flame sweep acted as a dps increase, or if I really do just need to be more patient and wait for the perfect game. If you have any other tips that you find handy all is welcome.
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Hey Erdface.

Perfect game is what you have to wait for but even then you have to perform right. In those perfect overhealed situations where no one is gonna die, or at least rarely, and you are gonna try and chase numbers, choose a secondary target to put retractable blade on and toss that person an explosive dart every 10-12ish seconds to keep it refreshed. Dart by itself is only mediocre damage or slightly better than average if it hits 2 but if it keeps refreshing a very solid dot on the person it becomes a very good dps+ move. Drop your DFA on any large group you see etc. A DFA hitting 4 people for all hits is likely to be 20k+ in that 3 seconds. Heck if they stack up enough even flamethrower would be a nice overall attack but flame sweep is mostly not worth it.


2614 is the best game I could find in my screenshots folder atm for a PT or Vanguard but it was on Harbinger.


Not the perfect scenario but nice as they had 3 healers but they did die a bit to often so no 3kish game from that.

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