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Azshara being Light or Dark


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Ok, a lot of people have wanted this for a long time. Azshara's alignment needs to be based off of your character. I play a SI and she's one of the most important characters besides Zash and Khem. Khem is an idiot, a bad tank and Zash is... well, Zash. I guess I just want my character to wake up from carbon freeze to an Azshara with yellow eyes, but that's just me. I'm sure you all have companions whose alignment you'd like to see change. Thoughts?
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Ok, a lot of people have wanted this for a long time. Azshara's alignment needs to be based off of your character. I play a SI and she's one of the most important characters besides Zash and Khem. Khem is an idiot, a bad tank and Zash is... well, Zash. I guess I just want my character to wake up from carbon freeze to an Azshara with yellow eyes, but that's just me. I'm sure you all have companions whose alignment you'd like to see change. Thoughts?




I don't have any character whose alignment I want to see changed depending on my PCs and I certainly don't want them to do that with Ashara. (No z anywhere in her first name, btw.) She's her own independent character with her own moral compass and thoughts on the force and should remain that, not an extension of our PC and how we play them. It what makes her a compelling and wonderful character and I'd hate to see them diminish her great writing so far just because some people can't deal with the fact that some companions fit better with certain alignments than others.


It wasn't even all that well done with the one companion they did it with, so I really, really don't want them to mess around with my fave in that regard. (Or anyone else, for that matter. A LS JK shouldn't cause Scourge to go Light Side, Khem shouldn't stop being, well, Khem just because my SI is Light 5...)


(Also Khem is awesome and a great tank :mad:)

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Assuming the companion recruitment missions will have any depth, I would want to see Ashara working with or leading a coalition of Imperial/Republic resistance fighters. Remnants of the Inquisitor's power base plus whatever allies were acquired in her companion storyline.


Whether she remains loyal to you would depend on if you support the unity efforts.

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