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Carbonite Freeze reasons.


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Here's my theory: it's already been said that the characters will be there for the beginning of the war, and so they obviously take part in it. They soon become a thorn in the enemy's side, and a bounty is put in their head, as well as orders to capture them alive or dead.


In the character's next big mission, they are recognized by the enemy, who successfully ambush then and freeze them into carnonite. The companions leave with the intent of returning to rescue them, but shortly after they escape, the location is bombed, leaving no survivors. It is assumed they are one of the casualties, and so the companions move on believing their leader to be dead.


However, as we know, the hero is not dead, and is actually discovered and sold on the black market. The buyer- a wealthy Hutt who also has Nico Okarr in his gallery. After some time has passed, the Hutt's planet falls under attack by the Zakuul army, and the Hutt's palace is raided. The troops accidentally wake both the Hero and Nico from Carbonite, and the two must then fight their way free from the Hutt's palace, and then journey together to find out what happened while they were asleep.


That's my own take on it, anyway.

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My guess:


To stop Vitiate it's decided that getting him to take over/inhabit a person and then carbon freezing that person is the way to go. Obviously there has to be a fight, we win, but then we get too close, maybe Theron gets too close (or Theron is the one that get's made into the new voice) and poof, carbonized. Un-carbonizing us risks letting the emperor loose so they don't do that until all other hope is lost. Ultimately, eventually, Lana decides it's time for the Musco twins to get smacked, risks get taken and...

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My guess:


To stop Vitiate it's decided that getting him to take over/inhabit a person and then carbon freezing that person is the way to go. Obviously there has to be a fight, we win, but then we get too close, maybe Theron gets too close (or Theron is the one that get's made into the new voice) and poof, carbonized. Un-carbonizing us risks letting the emperor loose so they don't do that until all other hope is lost. Ultimately, eventually, Lana decides it's time for the Musco twins to get smacked, risks get taken and...


That would be fun to play, but i don't think they can really pull that off

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Well it has been confirmed that the player is rescued from a carbonite prison by Lana Beniko and Koth here http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/367/feature/9796/E3-2015-Knights-of-the-Fallen-Empire-Preview.html/page/1


So more than likely it wasn't our decision to hibernate. Which I will take as a compliment. My SI was obviously impossible to kill so they resorted to a prison. Only thing better would have been a prison on Belsavis I suppose...

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Heh, I'm definitely liking the....



we are attacked, and frozen, because the Eternal Empire is afraid of our toons. To which I say, they damn well better be afraid because when my girls wake up, they will be out for blood. Especially my Wrath and Nox.


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We finally goad Darth Marr into a drinking contest. And its epic. But it goes awry.


Imperial Guard No.3 “My lords! Thats Carbonite! My lor... Ooooow oops!”

Imperial Guard No.4 “Do.. We just leave them here then?”

Imperial Captain “Of corse not you idiots. We need to thaw them out. You! Go to the ship and...”

Imperial Guard No.1 “OH NO its those crazy twin guys from the trailer! Arrrgauug...”


See the best part of my idea is Darth Marr gets to be a companion. We’ll be like the Dukes of Hazard but with lightsabers.

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Knowing how creative Bioware isn't these days we can expect a scene for scene replica of the opening to Mass Effect 2. All you do is replace reconstructive surgery with carbon freeze.


I wouldn't mind that. I have been a fan of this concept from the start. I know that MMOs require co-operative and competitive aspects between players to be called MMOs, but in order to tell a story, devs want to use single-player.


I absolutely hated the post-50 so-called storytelling in SWTOR, that was same for everyone, weak (Makeb) or forced players to participate in FPs raids which are in no way good medium for storytelling, because 80% of people just want to rush forward and get their weeklies over and done with. I've always considered other players to be the main detractor from immersive gaming experience.


In addition, I like the concept of frozen in carbonite. Only awesome people get locked away in such manner, so it builds the bad-***itude of our characters :rak_01: (unless you're Matt Groening..)

Edited by Karkais
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