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Thana Vesh in 4.0


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So does that mean Dark Bounty Hunter and Dark Imperial Agent is canon also? Does that mean everyone on the imp side kills Thana?


Bioware said there will be no "canon" versions when it comes to the upcoming expansion, because they value player choice so much. I doubt they'll bother with characters where there was an option to kill them, since they'd have to come up with replacements for those who actually killed them, but it won't be on account of "Lucas said so".

Edited by Callaron
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Bioware said there will be no "canon" versions when it comes to the upcoming expansion, because they value player choice so much. I doubt they'll bother with characters where there was an option to kill them, since they'd have to come up with replacements for those who actually killed them, but it won't be on account of "Lucas said so".


Im really hoping that the devs will involve player decisions to the story in a way that actually has an effect. For example, Jaxo and Cytharat that were mentioned earlier, there are player choices that allow them to be saved, so they could theoretically appear in expansion assuming the player chose those options. Same for old favorite Thana Vesh :) If Bioware would do this, it would be cool. (I admit I cant remember Watcher X's fate right now even though Ive done the story)

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Im really hoping that the devs will involve player decisions to the story in a way that actually has an effect. For example, Jaxo and Cytharat that were mentioned earlier, there are player choices that allow them to be saved, so they could theoretically appear in expansion assuming the player chose those options. Same for old favorite Thana Vesh :) If Bioware would do this, it would be cool. (I admit I cant remember Watcher X's fate right now even though Ive done the story)


Yeah, those are pretty much my favorites to see again as well.

As for Watcher X, there was a LS option to kill him (well, I think you try to apprehend him, but he's not having any of it, so he fights you and dies), and a DS option to let him escape.

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I'd certainly want to see her again. A great chunk of it has to do with dat voice (<3 Laura Bailey). The rest is because my Inquisitor is in desperate need of a dark side romance apprentice and I'm tired of Ashara's shenanigans. I admit Thana wouldn't have as much impact for the other classes though. She'd be redundant on the Warrior (though better than Jaesa) and pretty nonsensical on BH or IA, though I suppose not insurmountably so.


Otherwise, yes she's hilariously incompetent in the Taris arc but the emphasis is on hilarious. She made me laugh more than anything. But she definitely has potential. We never see Gravus even try to teach her anything, he just sighs theatrically and shoos her away. He doesn't even try to correct the insubordination. Thus I think these failures are mostly on him. Thana may be very much in the rough but a ****** Sith like the Inquisitor or the Warrior could certainly make her shine.

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But she definitely has potential. We never see Gravus even try to teach her anything, he just sighs theatrically and shoos her away. He doesn't even try to correct the insubordination. Thus I think these failures are mostly on him. Thana may be very much in the rough but a ****** Sith like the Inquisitor or the Warrior could certainly make her shine.


That's exactly what I said on another thread. If she had a Master like Malgus, Marr or the player characters - she'd likely turn out alright. Gravus' attitude is pretty much "When I'm done with this one, I'll just get a new apprentice." :p

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I wonder if haters ever read her codex entry. She burned an entire city block when her Force powers manifested and later "tore through the trials and the acolytes of the Sith Academy". Unless the Sith were plagued with a wave of weaklings around that time, her potential is clear. Even if she got the Pfon/Warrior preferential treatment from an overseer, said overseer wouldn't have done so if they didn't see something of value in her.


I'd say she's quite a bit like the Warrior actually. Baras was a pretty lame master as well.

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I'd say she's quite a bit like the Warrior actually. Baras was a pretty lame master as well.


You can even play a Warrior with her attitude. Except they'll succeed at everything of course, courtesy of being the main character in the story. :p

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I wonder if haters ever read her codex entry. She burned an entire city block when her Force powers manifested and later "tore through the trials and the acolytes of the Sith Academy". Unless the Sith were plagued with a wave of weaklings around that time, her potential is clear. Even if she got the Pfon/Warrior preferential treatment from an overseer, said overseer wouldn't have done so if they didn't see something of value in her.


I'd say she's quite a bit like the Warrior actually. Baras was a pretty lame master as well.


Who cares what she did? All you get to see out of her is her *** being handled to her on every turn. That or turning out to be captured by non-force users. Way to go, worthless sith! :rolleyes:


And she still has the gull to brag. Yes, I would wish her to appear once more, all scarred, burned and holes filled with cybernetics so I can kill her again.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I personally wouldn't want her as a companion, but seeing her a few times during a quest would be funny I agree. Side note, if we do get to decide which companions we want in 4.0 I am choking the **** out of Malavai Quinn. Until he really is dead this time.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thana is good for entertainment. For amusement. I like playing around with her in the dialogues and I've always acknowledged she had potential, described in both her codex and by her master (who isn't an idiot himself). So yes she is good for that, but that is basically squandered with this whole "spoiled brat" thing that has defined her and squandered whatever could've been made of her. Meaning, highly unlikely to ever see her... would I want her? Yes. For amusement. Idk if I even care if she's ever a companion anymore at this point. Bioware clearly isn't doing anything about it.




My theory is Vaylin is suppose to replace anyone's desire for a Thana. One who is twisted, but smarter and far more powerful and not treated like a joke. This would imply, however, that she is to become a companion or at least an ally npc.


Vaylin doesn't like her father, no. Feels held back. Who knows what that means. Rogue enemy or ally. Do we have a choice in her fate? Hopefully they don't waste her potential too.

Edited by Krimlord
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I'm LS on all my Imps, so I actually let Thana live. That being said, I don't particularly like her and feel little urge to see her again, unless she's taking on yet another comedic role by being hilariously incompetent (as per usual). Honestly, how is it possible for one person to end up captured/incapacitated THAT many times on one planet? Well, she did make Taris entertaining - I'm not sure I could have survived leveling my Imp alts without Thana there to provide some humor.
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if she wasn't so annoying, so incompetent among other things and think that she is better which she wasn't my sith inquisitor and Ashara proved her wrong over and over again that it got to the point that I just wanted to kill her out right and preferably in the most horrible way possible accusing me of following her, that she is better and i'm nothing to name a few which I proved her wrong over and over so in the end I just forget this my darkside inquisitor thought and told her after he told her to lock the civilians in and leave them to their grave that Thana has served her purpose and its time to die.


I was half expecting her master Lord Gravus I believe to have a problem with me killing his apprentice but nope.



Now if Thana wasn't annoying incompetent etc then I would have let her live

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Blame her incompetent Master.


That's why my SW wanted to train her himself as she needs a proper Master to teach her to be a proper Sith.


I doubt it. Gravus generally acknowledged when the player suggests better plans than Thana, which leads me to believe he was competent. Or at least competent enough. Thana is just so full of herself that she'll say "f*** you" to any suggestion different from hers.


You wouldn't be any better a teacher for her than Gravus on account of Thana being the kind of Sith who simply cannot be taught.

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I doubt it. Gravus generally acknowledged when the player suggests better plans than Thana, which leads me to believe he was competent. Or at least competent enough. Thana is just so full of herself that she'll say "f*** you" to any suggestion different from hers.


You wouldn't be any better a teacher for her than Gravus on account of Thana being the kind of Sith who simply cannot be taught.


I dunno Gravus IIRC got baited into a pretty obvious trap

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Thana's failures are Gravus' failures, IMO.


She clearly wasn't ready to be let off the leash, yet Gravus continually allows her to operate independently despite repeated failures mostly due to her being inexperienced and rash. He also turned a blind eye to insubordination and allowed her to basically quit as his apprentice.


From the point of view of the thoroughly lawful evil Sith...he fails. A true Sith would have reigned her in and wouldn't have tolerated rebellion. I have to agree with the poster who said his/her Wrath would have been a better master.

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Thana's failures are Gravus' failures, IMO.


She clearly wasn't ready to be let off the leash, yet Gravus continually allows her to operate independently despite repeated failures mostly due to her being inexperienced and rash. He also turned a blind eye to insubordination and allowed her to basically quit as his apprentice.


From the point of view of the thoroughly lawful evil Sith...he fails. A true Sith would have reigned her in and wouldn't have tolerated rebellion. I have to agree with the poster who said his/her Wrath would have been a better master.


Maybe Gravus wasn't perfect.


However, the sheer amount of insubordination Thana shows leads me to believe that another master would not have any greater success at getting her to actually IMPROVE.


My best guess is that under a different master, Thana would not be any better a Sith. She instead probably would've died long ago.

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Maybe Gravus was just hoping she'd get herself killed? Sometimes you can't dispose of people yourself either because they're too powerful or have powerful connections. If Gravus thought Thana could kill him - or her family would seek revenge for her death - it might seem the better option to let her charge off and destroy things until she gets cornered and killed.
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