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Theran Shan?


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I have a great love for Theron so I don't know if it's said in non romanced ones actually. Didn't think about that. But it makes me sad that his joking upbeat personality is gone on empire side. :( It makes me wonder who found the commander on the floor after blacking out on the chair. If it was Theron, did his mind flash back to seeing her father die the same way? He'd have probably gone in full panic mode as twice now he's said he can't lose the commander. CH 5 of kotet is the other time. And twice (three times CH 13 kotfe, CH 2 kotet, CH 5 kotet?) he's claimed that he's nearly had a heart attack.


I thought about that, I can't imagine how he'd feel if you sided with the Empire where he just watched his father die and then also thinking the Commander was dead and double if he was romancing you and thought you had died, he needs to be on heart attack watch. :eek:

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What is the nightmare line you guys are talking about? I've only gotten the sock-in-mouth line (after which I wanted to make an inappropriate comment :D lol )


I'm glad I'm not the only one whose mind went to an inappropriate place when he said that. :p

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I'm glad I'm not the only one whose mind went to an inappropriate place when he said that. :p




Theron: You were talking in your sleep, I almost had to put a sock in your mouth.

Outlander: Again? You know I hate it when you wake me up that w-oh you said SOCK

Lana: :eek:(j/j you know she totally pervs on them)

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Theron: You were talking in your sleep, I almost had to put a sock in your mouth.

Outlander: Again? You know I hate it when you wake me up that w-oh you said SOCK

Lana: :eek:(j/j you know she totally pervs on them)


Lana totally would, I mean we've caught her watching us sleep at least twice now. :p

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I don't think I can do Iokath w/o a romanced Theron. Be too difficult and their is awesome!


Nice to read the chats about Theron and Jace (I'm imperial all the way). Hoping the next additions to the Iokath story give more Theron love :)

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I got an option on my dark Imperial warrior that challenged Jace about using the weapon on his own son. And Jace said that when Theron chose the Outlander over the Republic, he ceased to be his son. I was like :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And then it was brought up again in the throne room. I guess it's all a totally different situation if you choose the Republic.


The F.U.C.K??? But if one of our with characters said that about and/or their offspring, it'd be a perfect example of how depraved, corrupted, and evil the Sith Empire is, right??? Reason # 1,000,000 to not be upset when Palpatine takes these people over.

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Lana totally would, I mean we've caught her watching us sleep at least twice now. :p


Most definitely, like girl what are you doing in my room in the middle of the night watching me sleep? Creepy McCreeperton!

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The F.U.C.K??? But if one of our with characters said that about and/or their offspring, it'd be a perfect example of how depraved, corrupted, and evil the Sith Empire is, right??? Reason # 1,000,000 to not be upset when Palpatine takes these people over.


It wasn't issued as a challenge for Jace to use the weapon on his son. Not in that sense. My SI girl who is romancing Theron said that line and it is more like by using this weapon you can kill your son along with all these people here. Is that your plan? (Like what the heck Jace - your crazy!). Also Theron pulled his gun out at that point and is pointing it at his father. You can tell him to shoot him or choose option 2 which was for him not to that its not worth it. Our love is strong kind of thing. He approves of these responses. Only then does Jace taunt him by insulting my character and Theron opens fire on his own at him. Afterward, when Theron is clearly upset at what has happened to his father, I expressed my sympathies and then we kissed. He approves of all of this. So I don't think siding with the Empire is that bad. There is no romance with siding with republic - only the I love you line in the cut scene.

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It wasn't issued as a challenge for Jace to use the weapon on his son. Not in that sense. My SI girl who is romancing Theron said that line and it is more like by using this weapon you can kill your son along with all these people here. Is that your plan? (Like what the heck Jace - your crazy!). Also Theron pulled his gun out at that point and is pointing it at his father. You can tell him to shoot him or choose option 2 which was for him not to that its not worth it. Our love is strong kind of thing. He approves of these responses. Only then does Jace taunt him by insulting my character and Theron opens fire on his own at him. Afterward, when Theron is clearly upset at what has happened to his father, I expressed my sympathies and then we kissed. He approves of all of this. So I don't think siding with the Empire is that bad. There is no romance with siding with republic - only the I love you line in the cut scene.


Yeah, I honestly felt that the writing was way way way more impactful with the Empire side, at least for a romanced Theron.

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It wasn't issued as a challenge for Jace to use the weapon on his son. Not in that sense. My SI girl who is romancing Theron said that line and it is more like by using this weapon you can kill your son along with all these people here. Is that your plan? (Like what the heck Jace - your crazy!). Also Theron pulled his gun out at that point and is pointing it at his father. You can tell him to shoot him or choose option 2 which was for him not to that its not worth it. Our love is strong kind of thing. He approves of these responses. Only then does Jace taunt him by insulting my character and Theron opens fire on his own at him. Afterward, when Theron is clearly upset at what has happened to his father, I expressed my sympathies and then we kissed. He approves of all of this. So I don't think siding with the Empire is that bad. There is no romance with siding with republic - only the I love you line in the cut scene.


You're right. It read like this to me:


Surely you wouldn't use the weapon on us, your son is here!


I had a son once, but not anymore.


Theron yells back but it's too late.


Meet up at the weapon.


Malcolm pops out, gun drawn at the Commander, demanding surrender. Incidentally, my SI/JK would have surrendered but Theron doesn't give them a chance. He immediately pulls out his gun and claims no deal.


Malcolm is shocked that Theron would do that to his father, to the republic.


Theron remains steadfast. Whatever you choose to tell Theron be it, shoot your dad, or don't shoot him, I couldn't live with myself, Theron shoots at his dad and doesn't disapprove of your choice. (My SW despite being romanced, chose Shoot him!) Theron's mind has got to be in a bad place as he isn't focused enough and misses. Let's be real, he probably doesn't really want to shoot his dad, but his heart is in the right place. He tells his father that his loyalty is to you and your alliance, and pretty much that he couldn't live if anything happened to you so he's taking the shot, for you.


Does this mean that love leads to DS choices and Satele is right? Theron's call to action and refusal to surrender was most definitely a DS choice. I think Theron is disillusioned with the Republic. He no longer believes in it so his decision to stand with the Commander, even a non romanced Commander does make sense. I don't know how our republic/empire decision will affect Theron in the future just as much as I don't know if I'd rather have a rampaging Jadus or Satele as the betrayer. :p

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my DS SI finds the whole idea of Theron being his attack dog delightful, then my SI orders Theron to kill Malcom, despite having his helmet on he is positively giddy with anticipation at watching Theron shooting at his father like that.


Despite that he keeps a keen eye on Theron because he can not trust him or even lana or any other alliance contact for that matter. The perfect excuse to spy on Theron has arrived when my DS SI gave the go ahead to learn more about alliance members including Theron. Something to exploit in the future.

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I just hate how they handled the faction choice and the leaders of said factions. It was so abrupt and with such little lead up, so little interaction, and then both faction leaders are just one dimensional nutjobs after that if you side against them. I hated that Jace and Theron somehow developed a bad relationship off screen, and outside any book or story. I'm guessing their relationship died on twitter like Emily Wong -_- I thought we would be going back and forth, doing missions with each faction or both together with a temporary 3 way truce and choose between them at the end. Instead we got "hey commander, we're both here to steal your stuff out from under you and kill each other with it, now pick a side." Jace being Theron's father was treated as an unimportant detail that nobody was surprised at or cared about. If it wasn't for all the scenes with Theron I wouldn't care about anything that's happening. I mean the traitor idea would be cool if I didn't think it was just some random scion. If it's Satele I'll change my mind.
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Does this mean that love leads to DS choices and Satele is right? Theron's call to action and refusal to surrender was most definitely a DS choice. I think Theron is disillusioned with the Republic. He no longer believes in it so his decision to stand with the Commander, even a non romanced Commander does make sense. I don't know how our republic/empire decision will affect Theron in the future just as much as I don't know if I'd rather have a rampaging Jadus or Satele as the betrayer. :p


I wouldn't say that Theron's call to action and refusal to surrender was a DS choice. Yeah, the guy is is father and that's some heavy stuff, but put that aside and all you have left is an "all or nothing, you're with me or you're my enemy" nutjob who wants to use a weapon that we very well know killed millions upon millions. There was no negotiating. That's where the game writing is pretty neat, because they've gone the way of things not being cut and dry, black and white...

Edited by Dracofish
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You're right. It read like this to me:


Surely you wouldn't use the weapon on us, your son is here!


"challenged Jace about using the weapon on his own son"


Yes "about" - not "to". He was already going TO. Which made no sense to me how he just casually disowned the son he'd only just met. Not just disowned, but would actually *kill* him. I mean, what would your own kid have to do to make you want to kill them? Theron helped save the entire galaxy from the Emperor and this is how Jace repays him? There wouldn't even be a Republic for Jace to choose if it wasn't for Theron's efforts. Jace comes off as a complete brainwashed psycho.



I hated that Jace and Theron somehow developed a bad relationship off screen, and outside any book or story.




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my DS SI finds the whole idea of Theron being his attack dog delightful, then my SI orders Theron to kill Malcom, despite having his helmet on he is positively giddy with anticipation at watching Theron shooting at his father like that.


Despite that he keeps a keen eye on Theron because he can not trust him or even lana or any other alliance contact for that matter. The perfect excuse to spy on Theron has arrived when my DS SI gave the go ahead to learn more about alliance members including Theron. Something to exploit in the future.


Heh, very twisted. Just imagine if Satele has something to do with the betrayal and the pleasure your SI would get out of ordering Theron to shoot her, too :D


Wondering - did you "romance" Theron with your SI?

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Heh, very twisted. Just imagine if Satele has something to do with the betrayal and the pleasure your SI would get out of ordering Theron to shoot her, too :D


Wondering - did you "romance" Theron with your SI?


my SI has no LI, he doesn't care about that aspect. all he loves to do is manipulate people, cause chaos and proudly and boldly walk into a trap and come out the one laughing at the mess he left behind! :D:D Former Dark Council member and he is just as dangerous with his force powers as he is with his words and mind games. But he is no fool, he can see what is coming and prepare for it accordingly for his next display of enjoyment.

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"challenged Jace about using the weapon on his own son"


Yes "about" - not "to". He was already going TO. Which made no sense to me how he just casually disowned the son he'd only just met. Not just disowned, but would actually *kill* him. I mean, what would your own kid have to do to make you want to kill them? Theron helped save the entire galaxy from the Emperor and this is how Jace repays him? There wouldn't even be a Republic for Jace to choose if it wasn't for Theron's efforts. Jace comes off as a complete brainwashed psycho.





Total character assassination IMO, very bad writing. Both Jace and Acina seemed like cool and more fleshed out/multifaceted characters but were both reduced to brainless, villain of the week types. The freaking force sensitive Flesh Raider on Tython was more interesting and compelling than either of them in this "chapter."

Edited by Nefla
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Total character assassination IMO, very bad writing. Both Jace and Acina seemed like cool and more fleshed out/multifaceted characters but were both reduced to brainless, villain of the week types. The freaking force sensitive Flesh Raider on Tython was more interesting and compelling than either of them in this "chapter."


I think Malcolm is being portrayed true to character. Acina acted like a Sith though I thought she was above that.

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I think Malcolm is being portrayed true to character. Acina acted like a Sith though I thought she was above that.


Someone who betrays and steals from someone that was sending them aid, sends someone to assassinate said benefactor with a bomb (which risks killing his son) if they don't agree with him, forces them to make a split second choice between two factions, is unwilling to discuss anything, completely and cruelly disowns his son in 5 seconds rather than trying to convince him or anything, acts pants-on-head retarded and will not listen to any kind of reason, acts like a one dimensional mustache twirling villain with little motivation, etc...That doesn't sound like Jace to me, that sounds like a Scooby Doo villain. I'd also think Acina is more clever and less "ultimate powah hurdur!" than what was portrayed.


Both of them acted like brainless, one dimensional idiots power hungry for a magical MacGuffin that was introduced 5 seconds ago and the whole thing was just thrown into our face so hastily and with such a generic and non compelling motivation. We had such little interaction with either faction, even the one we side with. I hope the next part does a better job :/

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Someone who betrays and steals from someone that was sending them aid, sends someone to assassinate said benefactor with a bomb (which risks killing his son) if they don't agree with him, forces them to make a split second choice between two factions, is unwilling to discuss anything, completely and cruelly disowns his son in 5 seconds rather than trying to convince him or anything, acts pants-on-head retarded and will not listen to any kind of reason, acts like a one dimensional mustache twirling villain with little motivation, etc...That doesn't sound like Jace to me, that sounds like a Scooby Doo villain. I'd also think Acina is more clever and less "ultimate powah hurdur!" than what was portrayed.


Both of them acted like brainless, one dimensional idiots power hungry for a magical MacGuffin that was introduced 5 seconds ago and the whole thing was just thrown into our face so hastily and with such a generic and non compelling motivation. We had such little interaction with either faction, even the one we side with. I hope the next part does a better job :/


I'm in the process of reading annihilation but I have heard that he's ok with sacrificing his son for the republic in there. Apparently Jace and Theron have their falling out when Theron joins the alliance. Jace sees it as an ultimate act of betrayal. This is why Theron greets his father coldly if you choose republic side. You get the codex entry explaining it but if you want to see the cut scene why then you need to choose empire side.


Military men can be like that. I'm pretty sure my dad was joking when I had army recruiters calling. My dad was a naval commander and told me if I joined the army that "dogs sleep out in the yard" :rolleyes::p but still if I went and joined up with the opposition during war time my father would disown me.

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I'm in the process of reading annihilation but I have heard that he's ok with sacrificing his son for the republic in there. Apparently Jace and Theron have their falling out when Theron joins the alliance. Jace sees it as an ultimate act of betrayal. This is why Theron greets his father coldly if you choose republic side. You get the codex entry explaining it but if you want to see the cut scene why then you need to choose empire side.


Military men can be like that. I'm pretty sure my dad was joking when I had army recruiters calling. My dad was a naval commander and told me if I joined the army that "dogs sleep out in the yard" :rolleyes::p but still if I went and joined up with the opposition during war time my father would disown me.


Well Jace eventually did send help though he needed some convincing first hence why Theron was willing to try to know him. And while Jace saw Theron joining the Alliance as a betrayal, Theron was probably hurt by his father's reaction for doing what was right in his mind. I think Theron took some time to think about what to do before making his choice until he realized that Master Zho, his REAL father, would had wand him to do what's right and that's way (if you romance him) he can save the person who truly cares about him and love him.


Also the situation with his father if you choose the Empire side is probably the main reason he always wanted a codename back when he work with the SIS. Not only it must have annoyed him to no end to always been ask if he is related to Satele Shan but also, he didn't want someone from the Empire to learn about it and try to use against his mother and force her to chose between him and the Republic because he had a pretty good idea of what Satele will do in that case. Of course he will understand her reasons but that wouldn't change the fact that she is abandoning him a second time. To know something is one thing but to see/experience it, it's completly another.

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I'm in the process of reading annihilation but I have heard that he's ok with sacrificing his son for the republic in there. Apparently Jace and Theron have their falling out when Theron joins the alliance. Jace sees it as an ultimate act of betrayal. This is why Theron greets his father coldly if you choose republic side. You get the codex entry explaining it but if you want to see the cut scene why then you need to choose empire side.


Military men can be like that. I'm pretty sure my dad was joking when I had army recruiters calling. My dad was a naval commander and told me if I joined the army that "dogs sleep out in the yard" :rolleyes::p but still if I went and joined up with the opposition during war time my father would disown me.

Read up to that part in Annihilation and tell me if you still think he was "ok" with sacrificing Theron. I don't want to spoil anything for you but personally that's not how I saw it.


Character change and development off-screen in a codex entry is just lazy and Theron joining the alliance as the thing that broke their relationship makes no sense. Theron didn't join the Empire, he joined some independent grassroots organization potentially lead by a member of the Jedi council, the Jedi Battlemaster, or the new commander of Havoc Squad that saved the Republic and everyone else from the Eternal Empire because nobody else was doing anything. I find it hard to believe that Jace is so one dimensional that he'd be like "you saved the galaxy but because you saved it with some third party it doesn't count! You should have sat around doing nothing in the Republic instead." The Alliance never acted against the Republic and actively helped everyone by ending Arcann/Vaylin's reign and potentially sending aid once everything was over.


I could see and would even like it if Jace was hostile towards you if you'd done DS things like becoming emperor and sacrificing people and would start out hostile but you could win his trust as an imperial agent or Sith but he treats every player the same regardless of class or actions (lazy again). Which brings up another issue: He apparently disowns Theron for joining the alliance regardless of who is in charge or how benevolent they act but if you side with him, he has zero hangups working with a former dark council member, imperial agent, or Emperor's Wrath. Why would he disown his son for something but then do the same thing himself without a thought? There was no depth or logic to his or Acina's portrayal. Again, just random power-hungry, illogical villains of the week. One-off side quest characters were given more nuance and attention.


Maybe this is just something we're never going to see eye-to-eye on. If you think the story and characterization were well done for this chapter then fine, I don't and unless they drastically change how they do things in the next chapter I'm probably not going to.

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Yeah, I honestly felt that the writing was way way way more impactful with the Empire side, at least for a romanced Theron.


Which is why it'll be difficult for me to pick any other option, and to go through Iokath with a not romanced Theron.

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Which is why it'll be difficult for me to pick any other option, and to go through Iokath with a not romanced Theron.


I felt that Theron showed more love in the dialog as well when choosing empire. Even though he faces a tragedy, he stands by his love.

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