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Theran Shan?


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lol I didn't notice, I thought he was just being nice/friendly but then again in real life people have thought I was being flirty when I was just being nice and friendly so I guess my perspective on it is a bit different.
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Anyone notice that Theron's kinda flirty even if you don't romance him? What a tease :D


(You think that's on purpose? Like he's just naturally flirty? In real life, you can't control who flirts with you, lol.


I hear it in his tone of voice when you dismiss him: "We should do this again some time." *nudge nudge wink wink*

Edited by Tamyn
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I hear it in his tone of voice when you dismiss him: "We should do this again some time." *nudge nudge wink wink*


He's very flirty :) It was noticeable to me in kotet - there's a part where you walk into the room (well it was a ship I think) and he looks at you and smiles and you smile back. You guys know the part I'm talking about.


This only stood out to me because I was playing a character (ds agent, 100% devoted to Vector) that's not romancing him, and isn't even all that nice to him usually. Like, what's going on here? :D Not that I'm complaining, not at all. If a little of the romance stuff seeps through just a little I don't mind :)


After that scene my agent warmed up to Theron just a tiny bit, heh. Maybe he was just being friendly but I think of that scene as part of his romance. My extremely angry and unhappy agent was not expecting such a nice welcome! <3

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  • 3 weeks later...
The War For Iokath: The Alliance Commander's Arrival Trailer, spoilers of course.



Good to see Theron in the trailer. :)

I'm afraid the focus is going to be entirely on Quinn/Elara and Theron is just going to bring us to that character and then disappear like in Kaliyo's chapter :( I need a touching scene with him and my character and Jace Malcom damnit :(:(:(

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I'm afraid the focus is going to be entirely on Quinn/Elara and Theron is just going to bring us to that character and then disappear like in Kaliyo's chapter :( I need a touching scene with him and my character and Jace Malcom damnit :(:(:(


Hey! That might not be the case. With the player base being primarily focused on Theron and Lana interactions along side the original comps coming back, we probably will see them having more face time than the others. ;)

Edited by Venn_Dras
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I need a touching scene with him and my character and Jace Malcom damnit :(:(:(


I really really want to see good interaction with my character/Theron/Jace to. With my character being a SI there is just too many good conversations we could have! My character may be a super powerful Sith but he does really love Theron Jace let me prove it to you. :)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, HELLOOOOOOO add me to the list of Theron fan-girls plz.


And Theron better be front and center in 5.2 with his pappy all up in your business. Especially if you've romanced him as a Sith and choose to fight against the Republic as good Sith do. There better be some *serious conversations* . :)

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There are just so many possibilities there, especially with romanced characters :o A sith is his mortal enemy, a trooper is like his perfect, approved match for Theron (hey, the trooper even inherited Jace's old unit :o ) a jedi would probably make him sad/nostalgic since his romance with Satele ended in tears. Then you have the unexpected combinations like a trooper or jedi supporting the Empire, a sith or agent supporting the Republic, or an agent who was a double agent for the Republic all along (I so wish we could tell Theron that!)
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Hi, I'm on chapter 1 of KOTET w/ my IA who's been romancing Theron since SOR. Is there ever a fade-to-black scene? Or atleast something more than coy flirting and the occasional kiss? I'm feeling irrationally annoyed with how poorly the relationship was handled following the lock-in in KOTFE. If it continues being this spare and underwhelming, my IA is going back to Vector when he eventually returns. :mad:
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No, there is never a fade to black scene with Lana/Theron/Koth. Ye but I really would like to see Theron and Jace interacting. Untill now there was almost nothing in game considering Theron being the child of Satele and Jace (at least not on imperial side).
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No, there is never a fade to black scene with Lana/Theron/Koth..

Are you sure about that? I seem to recall a fade to black on Yavin 4 for Lana/Theron. And a fade to black after the kiss in cantina in KOTFE.

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Are you sure about that? I seem to recall a fade to black on Yavin 4 for Lana/Theron. And a fade to black after the kiss in cantina in KOTFE.


In KotET they mean. The fade to black on Yavin was the only one we got with Theron and I assume Lana and we didn't get one with Koth at all. I guess you could interpret the cantina scene as them leaving and coming back but to me it just seemed like they were in that booth talking the whole time.

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There wasn't anyone else in that back room.......:p


There also wasn't a door. :eek:

...so unless the entire cantina averted their eyes, I think it's a safe bet to say Theron and the Outlander were just talking. XD They have five years to catch up on, after all.

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Yeah it wasn't so much a room as an alcove with no door, kind of private for talking but definitely not THAT private lol! It seems implied from the way Theron and your character act towards each other (much more comfortable and familiar with each other like they're in an established relationship rather than cautious flirting, where do we stand type deal) in KotET that they've been sleeping together during the months between the two expansions but still not to sound like a perv or anything but don't leave me out lol!
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Yeah it wasn't so much a room as an alcove with no door, kind of private for talking but definitely not THAT private lol! It seems implied from the way Theron and your character act towards each other (much more comfortable and familiar with each other like they're in an established relationship rather than cautious flirting, where do we stand type deal) in KotET that they've been sleeping together during the months between the two expansions but still not to sound like a perv or anything but don't leave me out lol!


Reminds me of the fade to black at the end of Yavin, I love the awkwardness of the idea of Satele being right around the corner whilst we totally make-out especially if you're an imp. ;)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Reminds me of the fade to black at the end of Yavin, I love the awkwardness of the idea of Satele being right around the corner whilst we totally make-out especially if you're an imp. ;)


...oh my word, I had not even thought of that... :eek: Oh...oh dear...oh that's so awkward...and Darth Marr's there, too...

I bet Theron did it on purpose just to tick off/rebel against his mom, especially if you're an Imp. XD

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...oh my word, I had not even thought of that... :eek: Oh...oh dear...oh that's so awkward...and Darth Marr's there, too...

I bet Theron did it on purpose just to tick off/rebel against his mom, especially if you're an Imp. XD


Theron: "Hey mom, so uh...remember that guy who stole the Brental Star from you, stole Taris from the Republic, stole a padawan from the Jedi, and became a member of the sith's Dark Council? Well I may have had my way with him in the bushes over there..."


Satele: "...I heard."

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Theron: "Hey mom, so uh...remember that guy who stole the Brental Star from you, stole Taris from the Republic, stole a padawan from the Jedi, and became a member of the sith's Dark Council? Well I may have had my way with him in the bushes over there..."


Satele: "...I heard."


Theron: ...oh geez.

Inquisitor: *facepalm* Now blunt that hammer a little more, Theron...

Theron: Hey, you come up with something better!

Inquisitor: "Hey mom, so...remember that very nice person I met a while ago? We kind of, er, crossed professional lines, so sorry it was so undignified, but we're very happy together."

Theron: ...that leaves out EVERYTHING.

Inquisitor: Oh, right, because you WANT your mother, the GRANDMASTER OF THE JEDI ORDER, to know that you're in love with DARTH FLIPPIN' NOX.

Satele: ...I'm still standing here.

Theron and Inquisitor: *jump a foot in the air* :eek:

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...oh my word, I had not even thought of that... :eek: Oh...oh dear...oh that's so awkward...and Darth Marr's there, too...

I bet Theron did it on purpose just to tick off/rebel against his mom, especially if you're an Imp. XD


Even worse if you're a Jedi Knight. *Break Jedi code and woohoo with Theron* immediately after see Satele who promotes you to battle master as you embody what it means to be a Jedi. And because of your excellence in adhering to the Jedi code she wants you to train younglings. :p I wonder if she's seriously dense, or ignoring the fact that Theron and the knight are obviously becoming attached. I'm going with the latter. She knows and does nothing to stop it because of her own failings.

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Theron: ...oh geez.

Inquisitor: *facepalm* Now blunt that hammer a little more, Theron...

Theron: Hey, you come up with something better!

Inquisitor: "Hey mom, so...remember that very nice person I met a while ago? We kind of, er, crossed professional lines, so sorry it was so undignified, but we're very happy together."

Theron: ...that leaves out EVERYTHING.

Inquisitor: Oh, right, because you WANT your mother, the GRANDMASTER OF THE JEDI ORDER, to know that you're in love with DARTH FLIPPIN' NOX.

Satele: ...I'm still standing here.

Theron and Inquisitor: *jump a foot in the air* :eek:




Guys I so wish I had my graphics tablet right now :eek:

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