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Theran Shan?


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Ouch says the Lana fans :p


But yeah, I don't think she's been that popular and with what looks to be the return of all the companions at some point, which is looking better and better, she may lose more since they won't have to feel "Well, i only get Lana content now...so I have to move to Lana"


Theron, may have the same thing happen, but it doesn't seem to be to the same degree.


I'd say that Lana and Theron have both been fairly popular, compared to many of the other LIs (perhaps ever so slightly less popular than Vette, Kira, and Quinn). It could be that the fandom circles I'm in enjoy the fact that they're same-sex romance options, but as a fan content creator I consistently see more folks liking and sharing my Theron and Lana artworks and etc. than other stuff I've done for some of the vanilla companions.


I wouldn't worry entirely too much about them getting less content right now. Even when the vanilla companions slowly come back, they won't be new romance options. BW seems very content to keep Lana and Theron as the Outlander's right and left hands for the time being, and since neither of them can be banished, or leave, or be otherwise killed (FOR NOW *suspicious eyes*) they can keep slipping in romance-specific lines and scenes and such (which Theron I think got the bounty of in KOTET, compared to Lana). Koth romancers, on the other hand...


Anyway, Theron I know for sure has been a balm for those Smuggler and Knight players who really don't like Corso or Doc... :p

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Anyway, Theron I know for sure has been a balm for those Smuggler and Knight players who really don't like Corso or Doc... :p


*raises hand* Or Andronik..sp? for me.


Poor Theron, one of my warriors played with him during fe/et, even fell in love with her but he'll be getting the boot soon as Quinn arrives.


My salacious mind likes to think Theron's got the whole base bugged and he'll have to listen to every detail of that reunion. Bwaha.

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*raises hand* Or Andronik..sp? for me.


Poor Theron, one of my warriors played with him during fe/et, even fell in love with her but he'll be getting the boot soon as Quinn arrives.


My salacious mind likes to think Theron's got the whole base bugged and he'll have to listen to every detail of that reunion. Bwaha.


What if confirming Theron, Lana, or Koth's romance in KotFE means that you auto-break up with Quinn or Elara when you meet them? :p

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What if confirming Theron, Lana, or Koth's romance in KotFE means that you auto-break up with Quinn or Elara when you meet them? :p


..You're scaring me with this comment, you know that right?! :D I would have to reroll!


(Don't get the wrong idea though, I <3 Theron, I just <3 Quinn more. I saw the two of them standing next to each other on Odessen earlier and I was like hm, hmmm.. nope. No contest.)

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Is there a warning comment said that if you continue the romance with previous characters, you will break up with Theron? I watched Vette's romance and Lana just breaks up with the outlander suddenly since they didn't break up with Vette when you see her again.


Here's a quick video about breaking up with Theron and what happens, gosh this breakup scene really gets to me I don't think I could ever break up with him. :(


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Here's a quick video about breaking up with Theron and what happens, gosh this breakup scene really gets to me I don't think I could ever break up with him. :(



I've seen it, but it's a bit out of nowhere like unless you break up with the old romance when you first meet them, Theron will break up with you without any warning.

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Is there a warning comment said that if you continue the romance with previous characters, you will break up with Theron? I watched Vette's romance and Lana just breaks up with the outlander suddenly since they didn't break up with Vette when you see her again.


I think currently the only pop up is to continue romance with the old LI when reunited, where you have to hit 'ok' or accept or whatever it is just like with Lana/Theron/Koth in the cantina ch 9 kotfe. Then the break-up with T/L/K scene happens, quite sure it is also an unavoidable scene. From what I remember, it's place din as if you should have expected your character to break up with T/L/K after getting it on again with previous lover.


I hope it's a different break up scene now KotET has almost finished personally, as you've moved so much further along the romance now then when the current scene was added. If it isn't different now for KotET (the break up one) that's really lazy writing.

Or as someone stated, no going back to old romance at all now, and I'd actually prefer that one after all the invested time for the two characters involved, since their current relationship lasts almost 1-1/2 years you've been with L/T/K as a couple. Kind of a -censored- move to jump into bed with an ex when currently in a committed relationship with someone, fiction or not, lmao.

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..You're scaring me with this comment, you know that right?! :D I would have to reroll!


(Don't get the wrong idea though, I <3 Theron, I just <3 Quinn more. I saw the two of them standing next to each other on Odessen earlier and I was like hm, hmmm.. nope. No contest.)


*Steeples fingers* mwa ha ha! :D


I love both as well but love Theron more. When it was just SoR and our original companions hadn't said anything or been interactive since we beat the class stories I had about 5 characters cheat on their wives(I play mostly male characters) with him because I thought there would be no consequences. When I learned the companions would be coming back I deleted those 5 characters and made 2 sets of new ones, one set that was single and romanced Theron and one set that were faithful to their original love interest (thank you bonus XP events!) @_@

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I hope it's a different break up scene now KotET has almost finished personally, as you've moved so much further along the romance now then when the current scene was added. If it isn't different now for KotET (the break up one) that's really lazy writing.


That's a good point. Theron confesses his love, it should be a bigger deal at this point than at any time before it.


However, we are given the choice to not reciprocate. It's okay to not fall in love with someone, and it's normal for people to break up, even after much longer periods of time. I can attest to that, hoooo boy.

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*Steeples fingers* mwa ha ha! :D


I love both as well but love Theron more. When it was just SoR and our original companions hadn't said anything or been interactive since we beat the class stories I had about 5 characters cheat on their wives(I play mostly male characters) with him because I thought there would be no consequences. When I learned the companions would be coming back I deleted those 5 characters and made 2 sets of new ones, one set that was single and romanced Theron and one set that were faithful to their original love interest (thank you bonus XP events!) @_@


That's a nifty way to go about it, you get it all :)


I'm the type of person that likes to see everything too, but I also like mixing it up, because I love the drama. I have one warrior that's been utterly faithful since the very beginning, one that cheated with Pierce only, and one that cheated with everybody. I keep hoping to see consequences to these decisions but so far there hasn't been any.

Perhaps I've finally found one, eh? :D


Anyway I've been working on a light inquisitor and I can't wait to do Theron's romance and get to the pub/imp stuff after kotet. Still haven't decided what side she'll pick but it seems like choosing against Theron's original faction would cause the most strife. We'll see..

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Awhile back we talked about the Theron dialogue that you see only if you've killed Senya and many had said that they couldn't go DS on that choice. Well, here's my favorite hidden gem of a romantic line from Theron at the end of kotet.





*goes back in time and murders Senya and Arcann >.> * j/j but seriously thank you for uploading that! I so wish Theron had been there at the end instead of Senya and Arcann but without having to kill them. Like you can choose who is with you :(

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Awhile back we talked about the Theron dialogue that you see only if you've killed Senya and many had said that they couldn't go DS on that choice. Well, here's my favorite hidden gem of a romantic line from Theron at the end of kotet.


Too bad I missed that one. He shot at Senya in KOTFE, but saved them in KOTET. Still, the other little tid bits my male Cathar agent picked up along the way definitely made up for it. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next season. :)

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*goes back in time and murders Senya and Arcann >.> * j/j but seriously thank you for uploading that! I so wish Theron had been there at the end instead of Senya and Arcann but without having to kill them. Like you can choose who is with you :(


There is another one that I'll post tomorrow

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I so wish Theron had been there at the end instead of Senya and Arcann but without having to kill them. Like you can choose who is with you :(


I agree. I have a character that was romancing Lana who saved Senya/Arcann and it really annoyed me that he couldn't' choose to have Lana/Theron come instead, I mean the dialogue is already written for both why not give us the choice?

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*goes back in time and murders Senya and Arcann >.> * j/j but seriously thank you for uploading that! I so wish Theron had been there at the end instead of Senya and Arcann but without having to kill them. Like you can choose who is with you :(

Once you finished the game, you could replay the chapter, killed Arcann and get Theron ending though since replaying doesn't affect the actual outcome of the first time.

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Awhile back we talked about the Theron dialogue that you see only if you've killed Senya and many had said that they couldn't go DS on that choice. Well, here's my favorite hidden gem of a romantic line from Theron at the end of kotet.


I can just see Valky trolling the Outlander and Theron as they try to be intimate. Intentionally showing up at the wrong place and the wrong time.

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I can just see Valky trolling the Outlander and Theron as they try to be intimate. Intentionally showing up at the wrong place and the wrong time.


I've had this scene in my head for a while that I wanted to make into a comic strip where Theron and the sith inquisitor are in the middle of having sex, and as you scroll over you see Valkorion standing there disapprovingly watching, then to the side of him is grandpa Kallig who is also sternly disapproving of his grandson wasting time and not bringing the family back to greatness or continuing the family line, then to the side of Kallig is Horak Mul(the hoth ghost that stays with you if you are LS but free the ghosts rather than redeeming them) who is super excited and pumped up and is shouting tips like an overzealous little league coach XD

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I've had this scene in my head for a while that I wanted to make into a comic strip where Theron and the sith inquisitor are in the middle of having sex, and as you scroll over you see Valkorion standing there disapprovingly watching, then to the side of him is grandpa Kallig who is also sternly disapproving of his grandson wasting time and not bringing the family back to greatness or continuing the family line, then to the side of Kallig is Horak Mul(the hoth ghost that stays with you if you are LS but free the ghosts rather than redeeming them) who is super excited and pumped up and is shouting tips like an overzealous little league coach XD


lol :D love to see this. poor SI too many voices in their head.


I picture Valkorion getting impatient with the Outlander, that they are not doing it right, not going at the right speed and eventually getting so fed up and start saying something along the lines of "accept my power, I only need a moment of control"


the places my mind goes to:o

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Once you finished the game, you could replay the chapter, killed Arcann and get Theron ending though since replaying doesn't affect the actual outcome of the first time.


I'm not sure of that. I don't think it saves from chapter to chapter and since you kill senya in 1 and Arcann in 6 then I don't think you'll get the theron/lana accompany. I could be wrong though

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Anyone notice that Theron's kinda flirty even if you don't romance him? What a tease :D


(You think that's on purpose? Like he's just naturally flirty? In real life, you can't control who flirts with you, lol.


Or is it sorta accidental, like those little looks and smiles are just there because you could be romancing him? I kinda prefer the first possibility. :p)

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