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Theran Shan?


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I don't agree with that. I think love can be very blinding and as we know darkside sith are manipulative and cunning. How many people have fallen for narcissists and psychopaths, so it is not impossible.

Besides it would suck majorly if you punished players not letting them romance Theron and be Darkside sith (or any class darkside).


Darkside sith and Theron for me adds a complexity to them. A relationship that did not start with similar ideology but now with the alliance can have a common ground.


Also a common theme in Star Wars is corruption and while I know it tends to focus on force sensitives fall to the darkside, I don't see it as impossible for a persuasive and manipulative sith to not be able to "corrupt" Theron's thinking or simply introduce him to a different way of seeing the world, not through the lens of the Jedi and Republics' socialization. I think Theron can be morally ambiguous and passionate at times and I think while he believes in what the republic stands for he seems somewhat discontent with it (or more it's failings).

What I'm trying to say is a darkside lvl 5 might pray on this and Theron might excuse certain actions as the circumstances they are in.

As for darkside sith above lvl 5 Theron may see some "humanity" left in them.


Then again Theron may get involved with a ds sith simply for the thrill and danger. Didn't the SIS director say something like Theron would kiss a rodian (I think he said rodian) for the thrill of it :rod_grin_p:


I like that. "It would suck if you didn't let..." goes so well with the popular "We want choices to matter..." :p


Also, it was just a matter of saying canon wise, you know Theron wouldn't. :p Game play wise, of course it's all open.

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You mean you want another Koth? With Theron leaving or dead, his role would be greatly diminished and we would only end up with Lana who still approve of a Light only Jedi who opposes her at every turn.

I didn't say he should or would quit and as you said if he was able to be killed or leave his role would be greatly diminished, possibly fading to almost nothing like other characters. Anyway you can save the galaxy alongside someone you hate because the end goal is saving the galaxy but being in love with someone you see as a monster is another story. My point has never been about game mechanics and has always been about that being out of character for him. As for Lana, I greatly dislike her, have never done her romance, and don't really care if she's OOC or what goes on with her. If you feel like she wouldn't fall in love with LS characters then yes romancing her with a LS character would be dumb although loving someone you find naive or annoying or what have you isn't really on the same level as loving someone who is an evil monster. Lana also doesn't strike me as THAT evil (not even close to the level of DS5 player characters) like she doesn't seem as though she'd go on a murder spree for fun but again I don't really care what happens with her.

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Theron won't be the only character a darkside lvl 5 can romance so I don't really see it as a big issue. Thing is what people consider evil is subjective. What have been many choices as labeled light to me have in my view been wrong or nasty and vice versa. Personally I don't really believe people are one or the other. Humans are too complex for that and really we all just have evil/good filters covering our eyes, judging the actions and motivations of others depending on what filter we see them through.


So yeah maybe Theron is not going for a superficial relationship what a 'mwahahaha' character sure but you can be a darkside lvl 5 without cartoon evil with having your character themselves believe they are doing right or serving the empire. Empire side Makeb was good at that as you can have someone that will commit mass genocide all for saving the empire and the future of it's citizens.


Yes Theron is strong of will but he has weakness and vulnerabilities particularly abandonment issues and as I've said I think that can be prayed on. Or it doesn't even have to be that sinister maybe a darkside sith wants to share their empires' way of life and the sith belief system in letting your passions rule with Theron. Maybe that can bring out more passions in Theron, perhaps more resentment towards the jedi or feel conflicted about the republic. Maybe having a budding romance with a darkside sith, his friendship/coworker relationship with Lana and just having to live in the same area of other sith lords of various commitments to the darkside forces him to question what he sees as good and evil.


So I do think there are many ways to make a lvl 5 darkside sith and still be in-character for Theron to love them.

So if the player feels Theron won't romance cartoonish evil they don't have to.

If the player feels they want Theron/darkside lvl 5 sith romance I think there is enough of Theron's own moral ambiguity, passion, issues with jedi, adventurous nature to make a darkside lvl 5 romance in-character enough.


Pretty sure that is why bioware has it this way to let us shape(even if it is a very small amount) our characters and romances.


I always imagine Theron in my head going for the bad boys/ bad girls, a Sith can bring some more excitement to his life, an extra "spark" if you will. :D


Another reason why I like darkside/Theron romance plus the whole but only I can change them challenge.


I did have a laugh about the rodian kiss thing. Was that in a book? Certainly puts a new spin on the line in SOR for Imp romances where Theron thought that kissing Imps would make him spontaneously implode. ;) Maybe he is more of a thrill-seeker than I give him credit for.


It is in the vol three of swtor graphic novel "The Lost Suns" Theron apparently wanted to spend time with "the skyraiders of Thonboka" which Marcus answers back " Don't give me that leave of absence garbage. You talk about trying new skills, going thrill seeking on alien worlds... you'd kiss a diseased rodian for the novelty. but it won't help you face your real problems."

Yeah I think Theron likes a bit of risk even if there is a deeper reason such as running away from problems. Might be part of the reason he is a spy.

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You can't judge actions by a Sith before Theron meets him. Most of the dark actions in the game after Theron's joining seem to be more practical rather than evil. Killing the Saresh will greatly gain Theron's approval, blowing up cities to create chaos and undermine Arcann, running away instead of saving the city to prioritize your survival, killing traitors like Koth who put everyone at risk, etc. There hasn't been an absolute evil action that you can take. By the time you lock into a romance with Theron, he has already fallen for you. People who are in love can overlook many of the things their lover does, even if it goes against their morality. It happens many times in real life, and I've seen it happened personally.
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I never dismiss anything shown in the game (via choice or not) as not being possible/in character/actual story just because I don't like it or agree with it. ie I don't agree how Theron is all in love with someone willing to make an option that kills thousands, and nearly takes him and Koth out as well (Kaliyo's chapter, blow stuff up choice) among many other things, but I don't go and say, "oh he obviously never would do that and it's just oversight / choices don't matter / not canon". He didn't agree with that choice, and even says so but it isn't a factor for romance, just in general which was fine, at least he comments on the stuff he dislikes that you do.

I like to think I try and keep my mind open, rather then stuck on my definitely present personal bias.


Therefore I have thoroughly enjoyed this discussion, hearing other opinions and perspectives on that topic has been awesome, whether I agree with much of it or not hehe, thanks! been an interesting read so far, I don't have anything to add because I know very, very little about Theron, other what is told/shown to a Imperial player character in the mmo while playing or through codex. Which is actually next to nothing, so I need these discussions that bring out stuff from comics/books. lol.

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Theron certainly isn't afraid to voice disapproval or his mixed feelings on darkside choices.

The below is going from my playthrough at romanced Theron darkside lvl 4 sith inquisitor


-Choosing choice 3 which is usually the more psychotic/aggressive dialogue choice my sith wanted to

melt Scorpio but keep her sensors active so she could still feel it. Theron answers " How very sith of you, in this case I agree"


-Again choice 3 when dealing with Arcann ship before boarding in last chapter of kotfe. My sith says something along the lines of leave no ship flying. Theron responded "Right Imperial tactics then". with "Theron Shan disproves" below . I don't know if this was because I was imperial or not. He still follows up by the romance dialog of my promise to come back.


-Killing Saresh is an obviously one with Theron questioning should he have enjoyed that. Then again everyone wanted to kill Saresh.


-I told him off for saying he is keeping an eye on Acina with my sith saying we have to work together, He seemed a little ashamed even if his instincts are in the right place.


-I said it in a post a while back but when you have to pick between imps, pubs and zakuul to sacrifice my character referred to pubs after killing them as still being my enemy. Theron said "See, that's what I love about us. The mutual respect". I've already stated I believe this is romance specific as I noticed from watching another playthrough without romance he says "That's really comforting"


-Darkside choice I killed Koth and when Theron learned he looked sad but accepted it.


Even before kotfe Theron knew my main was a Darth Nox dark councillor and still does a dangerous thing of opening his heart to this darkside sith, even after Lana's deception on Rishi and Theron's run in with the dark council before


The writers are allowing these things to happen making it canon that Theron can fall for at least darkside lvl 4 sith. Regardless of people believing he can't or should or whatever he does it and it is more than gameplay, it is written dialogue, otherwise a part of the story. Making it in-character in the canon that Theron can go for darkside lvl 4 sith. No matter how others feel about Theron capable of loving a "monster"

(And I don't see a couple of 100 points between level 4 and 5 will make and really difference).


Also one of the things that really made me respect Theron is that scene with Koth after blowing up zakuul. Theron can say Koth has a point but Theron keeps it professional and doesn't take it as personal as Koth (although it is not his people who just got blown up but Theron was in the middle of the chaos). He can see this is the reality of war which Koth didn't want to see due to his people being the victims in this case. Theron can understand where Koth is coming from but also sees that challenging and undermining the commander is not the best way to express disapproval or concern over tactics.

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Evil psycho darkside jedi are not kicked from the order in the story either, doesn't mean it makes sense or is believable.


Then fault the writing but it doesn't mean it is not canon or not in-character when it is coming from the creators of the story.

Anyway everyone has a different view on what is believable, what makes sense and what doesn't.

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Theron certainly isn't afraid to voice disapproval or his mixed feelings on darkside choices.

The below is going from my playthrough at romanced Theron darkside lvl 4 sith inquisitor


-Choosing choice 3 which is usually the more psychotic/aggressive dialogue choice my sith wanted to

melt Scorpio but keep her sensors active so she could still feel it. Theron answers " How very sith of you, in this case I agree"


-Again choice 3 when dealing with Arcann ship before boarding in last chapter of kotfe. My sith says something along the lines of leave no ship flying. Theron responded "Right Imperial tactics then". with "Theron Shan disproves" below . I don't know if this was because I was imperial or not. He still follows up by the romance dialog of my promise to come back.


-Killing Saresh is an obviously one with Theron questioning should he have enjoyed that. Then again everyone wanted to kill Saresh.


-I told him off for saying he is keeping an eye on Acina with my sith saying we have to work together, He seemed a little ashamed even if his instincts are in the right place.


-I said it in a post a while back but when you have to pick between imps, pubs and zakuul to sacrifice my character referred to pubs after killing them as still being my enemy. Theron said "See, that's what I love about us. The mutual respect". I've already stated I believe this is romance specific as I noticed from watching another playthrough without romance he says "That's really comforting"


-Darkside choice I killed Koth and when Theron learned he looked sad but accepted it.


Even before kotfe Theron knew my main was a Darth Nox dark councillor and still does a dangerous thing of opening his heart to this darkside sith, even after Lana's deception on Rishi and Theron's run in with the dark council before


The writers are allowing these things to happen making it canon that Theron can fall for at least darkside lvl 4 sith. Regardless of people believing he can't or should or whatever he does it and it is more than gameplay, it is written dialogue, otherwise a part of the story. Making it in-character in the canon that Theron can go for darkside lvl 4 sith. No matter how others feel about Theron capable of loving a "monster"

(And I don't see a couple of 100 points between level 4 and 5 will make and really difference).


Also one of the things that really made me respect Theron is that scene with Koth after blowing up zakuul. Theron can say Koth has a point but Theron keeps it professional and doesn't take it as personal as Koth (although it is not his people who just got blown up but Theron was in the middle of the chaos). He can see this is the reality of war which Koth didn't want to see due to his people being the victims in this case. Theron can understand where Koth is coming from but also sees that challenging and undermining the commander is not the best way to express disapproval or concern over tactics.

I think the one thing about Koth we need to keep in mind is that there is a difference between killing 1000 Americans vs 1000 French if the the person in question is an American. Theron may have a different reaction if we killed 1000 Republic civilians, which is why he confronted you after you didn't save the Republic people.


You know what Lana says if you kill Imperials?

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Yeah I think people give Koth a hard time although I not his biggest fan either I can see where he is coming from. But then Koth just likes to make things worse for himself even if he thinks he is trying to do the right thing.


Lana is pretty pissed at you as well. Not sure what she says for romance though but she does say (if you're imp I think) "You let Admiral Ranken die.So our own people are expendable now, is that it?"

Senya also isn't happy if you pick zakuul so really it is a no win situation. Someone is not going to be happy with you.

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Then fault the writing but it doesn't mean it is not canon or not in-character when it is coming from the creators of the story.

Anyway everyone has a different view on what is believable, what makes sense and what doesn't.


We are faulting the writers :p


But yes, there is a canon version of things. Just because one can do something, doesn't mean it's the canon version or makes sense.


Let's take for example, Revan. Revan is now, no matter what people want to believe because of their own play through of Kotor, a male. Revan is not, a female. Canon. No matter what choice you made in your Kotor play through.

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We are faulting the writers :p


But yes, there is a canon version of things. Just because one can do something, doesn't mean it's the canon version or makes sense.


Let's take for example, Revan. Revan is now, no matter what people want to believe because of their own play through of Kotor, a male. Revan is not, a female. Canon. No matter what choice you made in your Kotor play through.


Why must you remind me of Revan? T_T I am still sore about her sex change, race change, and personality transplant.

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We are faulting the writers :p


But yes, there is a canon version of things. Just because one can do something, doesn't mean it's the canon version or makes sense.


Let's take for example, Revan. Revan is now, no matter what people want to believe because of their own play through of Kotor, a male. Revan is not, a female. Canon. No matter what choice you made in your Kotor play through.


Revan really is a mess of contradiction canon and I really don't want to get into that. Back when it was just the game kotor, player choice was canon. Male Revan and Female Revan was both canon and left up to the player. You could argue it was retcon to suit the new storyline. But look that is whole other can of worms. So I won't say more on that.


Theron has not been given an official romance other than what we chose to go with. You can either say none of it is canon (which I think is too dismissive) or that the little things we can choose is all possible canon because Bioware have spent time, money, manpower, voice acting, rendering etc and that is a lot to develop for something that isn't meant to be taken as possible canon.


Meaning Theron loving a lightside jedi is as possible as Theron loving a darkside stih.


But if we say none is canon then Theron getting with lightside jedi is just as out of character for him because we determine what is in-character for him from the canon, as what we get about his character is from canon.

The rest is interpretation and your interpenetration is that is not believable or makes sense ( what makes sense is going to be different for everyone) and that is fine but mine is that it is very believable and it can make sense as I've given reasons to before.


Perhaps it is not the intent but saying Theron won't romance darkside sith (any level) comes across as presumptuous and denies the validation of those who have romanced him as darkside sith when Bioware has no problem with it.

So class and any Ls/Ds level is all just preference and is as valid as the other one when Bioware is letting us have it.

It is not up to us to deny who Theron would and would not go for. All is possible.

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Revan really is a mess of contradiction canon and I really don't want to get into that. Back when it was just the game kotor, player choice was canon. Male Revan and Female Revan was both canon and left up to the player. You could argue it was retcon to suit the new storyline. But look that is whole other can of worms. So I won't say more on that.


Theron has not been given an official romance other than what we chose to go with. You can either say none of it is canon (which I think is too dismissive) or that the little things we can choose is all possible canon because Bioware have spent time, money, manpower, voice acting, rendering etc and that is a lot to develop for something that isn't meant to be taken as possible canon.


Meaning Theron loving a lightside jedi is as possible as Theron loving a darkside stih.


But if we say none is canon then Theron getting with lightside jedi is just as out of character for him because we determine what is in-character for him from the canon, as what we get about his character is from canon.

The rest is interpretation and your interpenetration is that is not believable or makes sense ( what makes sense is going to be different for everyone) and that is fine but mine is that it is very believable and it can make sense as I've given reasons to before.


Perhaps it is not the intent but saying Theron won't romance darkside sith (any level) comes across as presumptuous and denies the validation of those who have romanced him as darkside sith when Bioware has no problem with it.

So class and any Ls/Ds level is all just preference and is as valid as the other one when Bioware is letting us have it.

It is not up to us to deny who Theron would and would not go for. All is possible.


No one said, no dark side sith love, said dark side psycho kill them all and feed them to the neku while they're still wiggling from the burnt pine needles stuck into them, burn down to their skin, sith love :p


Someone like Lana? Could totally see Theron going for the love. :p


And of course there has to be some canon involved. Create a time line...we know from point A to point B, Theron may or may not have hooked up with the Outlander. Who is the official outlander? We're not sure, but we know 7 of the original classes died and only 1 of them lived.


That's all that's being said. It's not presumptious, it's looking things over and realizing, while the game gives choices, the official timeline can only go one way :p


I main Consular and Inquisitor, I'd like to think one of them could be the official canon Outlander. I however would put money on Knight being the official Outlander :p

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I pretty much guarantee if BioWare made a canon for SWtOR it would be a white, straight, male human (with the typical short dark hair and stubble/beard), mostly LS jedi knight and if he had a romance it would be Kira. >.< I hate when there are canon protagonists in games where you make and roleplay the protagonist but a set character like Theron having a set personality is another matter. Theron loving a DS1 character is believable, DS5 (if achieved through game choices rather than the false method of crew skills) definitely not. Someone who does the occasional DS thing because it makes sense (ex: not sparing the knights who try to kill you twice) but isn't an evil monster is one thing, but once your character is red eyed Pastyface McVeiny-ton...that's baby eating levels of evil. A sadistic character who has never done anything good. It's OOC for Theron to be like "I know she blows up civilians for fun and anarchy, has left a river of bodies in her wake, shows no mercy or remorse even towards innocents but hey, she's sexy and nobody's perfect :D"
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No one said, no dark side sith love, said dark side psycho kill them all and feed them to the neku while they're still wiggling from the burnt pine needles stuck into them, burn down to their skin, sith love :p


Someone like Lana? Could totally see Theron going for the love. :p


And of course there has to be some canon involved. Create a time line...we know from point A to point B, Theron may or may not have hooked up with the Outlander. Who is the official outlander? We're not sure, but we know 7 of the original classes died and only 1 of them lived.


That's all that's being said. It's not presumptious, it's looking things over and realizing, while the game gives choices, the official timeline can only go one way :p


I main Consular and Inquisitor, I'd like to think one of them could be the official canon Outlander. I however would put money on Knight being the official Outlander :p


I was just being inclusive of all darkside levels from one to five. Cartoonish evil sith lvl 5 on a superficial level of romance Theron most likely wouldn't go for them but I'm saying that doesn't mean he couldn't get manipulated and trapped into a relationship with such a person.it is not impossible for Theron to fall for a very cunning sith's manipulation especially if said sith was to exploit his vulnerabilities. It is something that sadly happens to people in real life.


As for official timeline I don't believe in that it only goes one way.

I guess we just see what can be consider official/canon differently. As I don't think it is only one class, it can be all eight, all romances, all choices depending on the story you as the player want to help shape. Isn't that the point of letting us choose these things.


I pretty much guarantee if BioWare made a canon for SWtOR it would be a white, straight, male human (with the typical short dark hair and stubble/beard), mostly LS jedi knight and if he had a romance it would be Kira. >.< I hate when there are canon protagonists in games where you make and roleplay the protagonist but a set character like Theron having a set personality is another matter. Theron loving a DS1 character is believable, DS5 (if achieved through game choices rather than the false method of crew skills) definitely not. Someone who does the occasional DS thing because it makes sense (ex: not sparing the knights who try to kill you twice) but isn't an evil monster is one thing, but once your character is red eyed Pastyface McVeiny-ton...that's baby eating levels of evil. A sadistic character who has never done anything good. It's OOC for Theron to be like "I know she blows up civilians for fun and anarchy, has left a river of bodies in her wake, shows no mercy or remorse even towards innocents but hey, she's sexy and nobody's perfect :D"


Everyone is going to play their darkside lvl 5 differently so I don't think we can put all lvl5 or how people play them into one "the greatest evil ever known" category. As everyone knows you can pick which DS/LS you want thus your character is made out of dialogue choice and npc reaction to them plus a little of your interpretations to your characters motives. You can get pretty far into the darkside scale with also making some LS choices along the way. I at least got to lvl 4 with a few hundred or so away from lvl 5 and I made plenty of lightside choices along the way too. At this point with all the content given in story, events, op, heroics etc it is not that hard to reach without supplementing it with crew skills.


As I said above I agree Theron would be unlikely to go for someone who is just for the laugh evil but

even if you are lvl 5 and played as the worse of the worst I don't see as impossible through emotional manipulation and Theron does have a lot of issues to manipulate with.


You know even Valkorion most of done something to get into Senya's pants;)

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I was just being inclusive of all darkside levels from one to five. Cartoonish evil sith lvl 5 on a superficial level of romance Theron most likely wouldn't go for them but I'm saying that doesn't mean he couldn't get manipulated and trapped into a relationship with such a person.it is not impossible for Theron to fall for a very cunning sith's manipulation especially if said sith was to exploit his vulnerabilities. It is something that sadly happens to people in real life.

I've never gotten a high DS character without being cartoonishly evil and dickish. Every LS choice cancels out a DS choice so you need MANY more DS points to reach maximum dark. I played one of my agents as someone who unquestioningly follows orders and prioritizes the good of the empire (so kill enemies of the empire, capture enemies with valuable intel instead of killing them, blows up a building if ordered but doesn't go out of his way to murder random people, etc...) he ended up very neutral, dark 1 at most.


Manipulating a character could be interesting if it had been implemented into the game but it wasn't. There are ways an extremely DS character could trick Theron into thinking they're not so bad (lying, excuses, blaming actions on others) but it wasn't implemented into the story/writing. I wouldn't go for that kind of abusive relationship (I could never bring myself to execute Alistair, sell Fenris back into slavery, shock/abuse Vette, etc...)personally but I wouldn't begrudge others who wanted it. It doesn't seem believable to me for a strong willed, force trained spy character like Theron to be manipulated (characters like Corso, Nadia, T7, and other more innocent/simple/naive characters sure) but there are a lot of things in the story that don't make sense and don't make for a good story IMO. Most of the time in the expansions you don't even get a chance to explain your choice as you often did in the base 1-50 class stories.


Anyway nobody is saying you can't play your DS 5 character and romance Theron and enjoy it.

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Being "Psycho" lvl5 sith (or a complete psychopath) charming, manipulative and cunning is not that hard. You can be nice to him even loving and there are some conversations options that lets you undermine him or is somewhat cruel. I don't think i've seen many conversation options that undermine and be as harsh on Lana (at least in 4.0) as much as Theron. Then again doesn't mean they are not there just haven't really seen it.


The conversation choices are versatile enough to play a character like this to mix Theron up.

Yes it is limited from writing in Theron ( as all romances are) responds to class and alignment pretty much the same but also we don't get enough of Theron romance moments for the writers to evolve this.:(


I agree Theron is strong willed but I don't believe he is completely invulnerable.


It will be interesting going forward on how Theron would feel about a lover regardless of alignment who went up against his father or hurt/killed Satele.

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I think we can all agree that the game would be better if the writing, options for actions and dialogue were better, if it had deeper character interaction, and better acknowledgement of your class and specific past actions, etc...I mean imagine all the interesting scenarios that could happen if everything was reactive? Maybe someday games will get there.
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Anyway nobody is saying you can't play your DS 5 character and romance Theron and enjoy it.


I've mentioned my dark 5 warrior romancing Theron until Quinn comes back. The thing is, I only wanted a fling, didn't want him to fall in love. I think a fling is believable but love - no way. I'll be doing him a favor when I break it off with him.


My dark 5 inq though, I've got no explanation for that. I can't see what the appeal would be, for either of them. She's not waiting for anyone, it's not temporary. Is she a different person in private moments? Would that even matter?

Everyone is going to play their darkside lvl 5 differently so I don't think we can put all lvl5 or how people play them into one "the greatest evil ever known" category. As everyone knows you can pick which DS/LS you want thus your character is made out of dialogue choice and npc reaction to them plus a little of your interpretations to your characters motives. You can get pretty far into the darkside scale with also making some LS choices along the way. I at least got to lvl 4 with a few hundred or so away from lvl 5 and I made plenty of lightside choices along the way too. At this point with all the content given in story, events, op, heroics etc it is not that hard to reach without supplementing it with crew skills.


I know I'm not the only dark 5 who still has Senya, Arcann, Koth, etc, right? Any others? (Well actually I don't have Koth, but he isn't dead either.)

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I've mentioned my dark 5 warrior romancing Theron until Quinn comes back. The thing is, I only wanted a fling, didn't want him to fall in love. I think a fling is believable but love - no way. I'll be doing him a favor when I break it off with him.


My dark 5 inq though, I've got no explanation for that. I can't see what the appeal would be, for either of them. She's not waiting for anyone, it's not temporary. Is she a different person in private moments? Would that even matter?

I aree having a fling or one night stand with a DS5 is believable, but not love. But yeah not a lot of reactivity in the expansions :(

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I think we can all agree that the game would be better if the writing, options for actions and dialogue were better, if it had deeper character interaction, and better acknowledgement of your class and specific past actions, etc...I mean imagine all the interesting scenarios that could happen if everything was reactive? Maybe someday games will get there.


It would be brilliant. But sadly takes so much resources and risk that game companies are just frighten to do anything like that. Instead we seem to be going the opposite way with companies trying to get unfinished product out and DLC paywalls.


I know I'm not the only dark 5 who still has Senya, Arcann, Koth, etc, right? Any others? (Well actually I don't have Koth, but he isn't dead either.)


I have Senya and Arcann too (I also let Senya go in ch16). You did better than me with Koth I had kill him (sorry Koth)

I'm still darkside 4, it is like the game just wants me to be bad but then again I kinda of love it:D

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It would be brilliant. But sadly takes so much resources and risk that game companies are just frighten to do anything like that. Instead we seem to be going the opposite way with companies trying to get unfinished product out and DLC paywalls.

Yeah and the things game companies prioritize and pour the most resources into are things I don't really care about such as graphics and combat mechanics(Fallout 4 is a good example of this, they stripped out the things I liked about Fallout and prioritized things I didn't care about). :( The whole microtransaction, DLC, pay to win, etc...stuff I wonder if the games industry will go through another crash like in 1983.

Edited by Nefla
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