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Theran Shan?


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Only the Santa hat? :o That would be a happy Christmas indeed.


But I think he would, wear the hat that is, my Knight would totally sucker him into it. :D


My knight would sucker him into it, too... while also guiding him to the mistletoe! My smuggler as well... she'd get a major kick out of it.


My imagination didn't fail me either... :o only in a Santa Hat, indeed. You give me bad thoughts! :p

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Only the Santa hat? :o That would be a happy Christmas indeed.


My imagination didn't fail me either... :o only in a Santa Hat, indeed. You give me bad thoughts! :p


Naughty, naughty! We'll all get coal in our stockings this year! ;):D


Now Theron, he could read the Betty Crocker cookbook and I would be totally rapt. I can just hear him say, in that all too wonderful voice:


Add a cup of sugar

Sprinkle in some spice

Knead it gently

Pat it tenderly

And put in a warm place to rise


Yep, he can cook in my kitchen any time.


Merry Christmas to all the Theronites.


This is hilarious! :D


Merry Christmas everyone!

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(And I'll join you in wishing for snow! ...even though it's currently sunny and about 40 degrees...oh well.)


No snow where I'm at, but we did get a very thick layer of frost on the ground. Also sunny. I thought it was snow at first! Close enough, I guess. My dog didn't seem very thrilled about going outside this morning!


Naughty, naughty! We'll all get coal in our stockings this year! ;):D!


You and I both know getting coal would be totally worth it when it comes down to Theron ONLY in a Santa Hat ;) And he can read out of the cook book, too! Bread, cookies... anything he wants. I'll even bake it for him. I LOVE to bake.

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You and I both know getting coal would be totally worth it when it comes down to Theron ONLY in a Santa Hat ;) And he can read out of the cook book, too! Bread, cookies... anything he wants. I'll even bake it for him. I LOVE to bake.


I can just imagine myself stumbling out of bed on Christmas morning with Theron standing in the kitchen, wearing only his Santa hat, carrying a tray of freshly baked Christmas cookies and other breakfast goodies... yup that's all I need in life. :o

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I know I did. She is way better than Kaliyo who should be rotting in a ditch on Hutta. I've seen a fair number of other people who have gone with her too.


I romanced her on one of my IA's but back when KOTFE was released and they had that bug where some LI's weren't being recognised she was one that bugged on me. I've never gone back and redone it, there's really no rush anyway since she's not even back yet. :p

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I can just imagine myself stumbling out of bed on Christmas morning with Theron standing in the kitchen, wearing only his Santa hat, carrying a tray of freshly baked Christmas cookies and other breakfast goodies... yup that's all I need in life. :o


I would just wait -in- bed till he got there with the cookies. Who's getting up when you can stay in bed all day? :D

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I know I did. She is way better than Kaliyo who should be rotting in a ditch on Hutta. I've seen a fair number of other people who have gone with her too.


:D I did her romance once since I didn't like Kaliyo at first but her voice is is so annoying (I think she and Holiday must be related!) and you get her so late in the game. She's just boring IMO but my agents end up with Theron anyway so meh :D

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:D I did her romance once since I didn't like Kaliyo at first but her voice is is so annoying (I think she and Hodiday must be related!) and you get her so late in the game. She's just boring IMO but my agents end up with Theron anyway so meh :D


I can't stand Kaliyo or Temple...


It's Temple's voice actress. My husband played A LOT of FF13. I can only hear Vanille's giggles so many times, and not have it in-grained in my head. I was curious one day why I had an outright hatred towards her. Sure enough... voice actress was the same as Vanille. I've hated Temple ever since. Almost as much as Kaliyo. My husband won't romance either of them... think his agent went with the boss :p Lana Beniko.

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At the end of kotet does anyone know exactly what happens if you pick inspire instead of kiss? Do you give him some speech or what? Probably something similar with all the love interests.


I ask because I still want some of my characters to get back together with their spouses (if and when they ever return) but I don't want them to be lonely in kotfe/kotet either. I was hoping maybe if you don't say you love him he'll get mad and break up with you, heh.

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At the end of kotet does anyone know exactly what happens if you pick inspire instead of kiss? Do you give him some speech or what? Probably something similar with all the love interests.


I ask because I still want some of my characters to get back together with their spouses (if and when they ever return) but I don't want them to be lonely in kotfe/kotet either. I was hoping maybe if you don't say you love him he'll get mad and break up with you, heh.

You can't break up with Theron and Lana, but there will be a prompt asking you if you want to get back together with your old LI, and if you do, there will be a breakup scene with Lana and Theron where he said he just wants you to be happy.


You can cheat on them, there is no consequence. They will not tie you up after offering a threesome.

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You can't break up with Theron and Lana, but there will be a prompt asking you if you want to get back together with your old LI, and if you do, there will be a breakup scene with Lana and Theron where he said he just wants you to be happy.


Well yeah that's how it works now.. I suppose in future content it will still work the same, it's just really hard to know with this game. They say one thing and do another, to the point that I don't even know if the other LIs are ever coming back.

If I go through with a Theron romance all the way until the end, there's really no guarantee they'll release me from it later.


It's just.. what a lame story for (some) of my characters: In the end, the empress of the galaxy and commander of the alliance, the empire's wrath and all around bad***, settled for second best to avoid living a nun's life. The end, ho hum.


You can cheat on them, there is no consequence. They will not tie you up after offering a threesome.


Am I reading this line right? Because it's really quite intriguing and a shame if true. :D


Anyway I have more than one warrior, it wouldn't hurt to play them through differently and maybe find out someday if it made any difference.

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I have 3 sith warriors. One with Malavai (faithful), one without Malavai (Theron), and one for Vette (also faithful). If Quinn never comes back then she's just gonna have to HOPE that Arcann is a romance in the future. Seeing as she'll be single again for eternity.


I'm not quite sure why they didn't bring back any of the Imperial romances. Chapter 2 in kotet was the perfect opportunity to bring Quinn back. They could have brought Temple back, too. Even Vector could have been wedged in there with his Imperial diplomat background. I don't understand why NO ONE HAS NOTICED THE OUTLANDER AT ALL. Does no one watch or read the news?!


If it were me... my husband would have been on the first shuttle off whatever planet he was on, and finding me. First mailbox I come across... I'd have sent messages. He's a creature of habit... so he'd keep all his info the same... just in case. I just don't see how they haven't heard from them. It's ridiculous, and there's no excuse. I want Quinn and Vector back, dammit.


Most of mine are either faithful to the original spouse, or with Theron/Lana. I have one JC who romanced Iresso, but I forgot I romanced him. Ended up hooking her up with Theron instead :p

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If they would just just BRING QUINN BACK (and Vector too he's my second fave) I would literally never complain on the forums again. I would just play through whatever mono story they want to give us and I would LIKE IT.


After all my trooper got hers back and I have very few complaints about it. And my SI is perfectly content with Theron. But my warrior, my main, she is incomplete. She is a festering wound.


Most of mine are either faithful to the original spouse, or with Theron/Lana. I have one JC who romanced Iresso, but I forgot I romanced him. Ended up hooking her up with Theron instead :p


haha, oops, awkward :p Poor Iresso, he's such a decent guy.

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At the end of kotet does anyone know exactly what happens if you pick inspire instead of kiss? Do you give him some speech or what? Probably something similar with all the love interests.


I ask because I still want some of my characters to get back together with their spouses (if and when they ever return) but I don't want them to be lonely in kotfe/kotet either. I was hoping maybe if you don't say you love him he'll get mad and break up with you, heh.

Ok I just replayed that part and picked "inspire" and it goes like this:

Theron: "Whatever happens down there, I just wanted to say I love you"

Trooper: "We'll get through this together. Besides, I'm counting on you to liven up our victory celebration."

Theron: "Get enough Corellian ale in me and I'll dance everyone under the table."

Then they just walk away from each other :/ definitely the inferior choice IMO XD

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Ok I just replayed that part and picked "inspire" and it goes like this:

Theron: "Whatever happens down there, I just wanted to say I love you"

Trooper: "We'll get through this together. Besides, I'm counting on you to liven up our victory celebration."

Theron: "Get enough Corellian ale in me and I'll dance everyone under the table."

Then they just walk away from each other :/ definitely the inferior choice IMO XD


Who would pick that! :rolleyes: If I accidentally ever picked that I would exit out. Thanks for checking for us!

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Who would pick that! :rolleyes: If I accidentally ever picked that I would exit out. Thanks for checking for us!

Yeah, so lame! I was expecting something better since I was so pleasantly surprised by the non-flirt response to Theron asking "if I ask you to be careful, would you listen?"

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Maybe he'd even loosen up enough to take his jacket off :rolleyes:

:D Or at least let his guard down so we can close in and pop the shoulders and watch them deflate. There are toddler pool floaties in there and nobody can convince me otherwise!

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Wasn't there a gif posted on the SWTOR twitter a while back that had Theron going nuts with dancing? it was a group of npc's around Kai Zykenn , they were dancing he was.. dancing more. It was a while ago, now I want to find it again.


Safe to say I saw that and don't need imagination now >.> wth Theron lol


EDIT: found it, here


:o I didn't know anyone wanted to see my art, I am so honored T_T <3 I moved to a different state in October and my graphics tablet is still in Alaska but once I get it back I will have to drown you guys in doodles XD


I love seeing people's artwork. I heard it a while back in this thread where you weren't sure about doing anything with your characters and Theron because you romance him with males and I told you not to worry about that at all, there's some of us here who don't care and would love to see them. and... that was all :(

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Wasn't there a gif posted on the SWTOR twitter a while back that had Theron going nuts with dancing? it was a group of npc's around Kai Zykenn , they were dancing he was.. dancing more. It was a while ago, now I want to find it again.


Safe to say I saw that and don't need imagination now >.> wth Theron lol


EDIT: found it, here

OMG I forgot about this XD guys never get Theron drunk, he dances like a demented seal! :p


I love seeing people's artwork. I heard it a while back in this thread where you weren't sure about doing anything with your characters and Theron because you romance him with males and I told you not to worry about that at all, there's some of us here who don't care and would love to see them. and... that was all :(

KotET gave me so many things I want to draw (looking at you bedroom creeper Lana...>_>) but my graphics tablet is still in Alaska D: (I moved to Texas)

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