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Theran Shan?


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XD I'm glad you guys like it :D I might do a serious one with Theron but it would be with a male character since that's what I have romanced him with >.>


Actually, I would love to see artwork with Theron and the character you used to romance him. :)

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You say that like it's a bad thing!

Most people seem to romance him as a girl so I didn't want to disappoint >.<


Theron/Quinn would be pretty hot :o

Apparently I agree...this is the first character I romanced him with, healing operative (actually named Malavai Quinn with special characters) but created before SoR came out! http://i.imgur.com/4a7iF2t.png


Actually, I would love to see artwork with Theron and the character you used to romance him. :)

Really? :D <3

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Most people seem to romance him as a girl so I didn't want to disappoint >.<


Apparently I agree...this is the first character I romanced him with, healing operative (actually named Malavai Quinn with special characters) but created before SoR came out! http://i.imgur.com/4a7iF2t.png


Really? :D <3


So what? you didn't, and since he's available to all player characters as a romance you're not disappointing anyone by drawing stuff of him with a guy character, I think it's really sweet even though I only play female characters. Would love to see more of your work *hint hint*

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Most people seem to romance him as a girl so I didn't want to disappoint >.<



Apparently I agree...this is the first character I romanced him with, healing operative (actually named Malavai Quinn with special characters) but created before SoR came out! http://i.imgur.com/4a7iF2t.png



Really? :D <3


Quinn can rot in Hell :p


But seriously, didn't you make an art a long time ago of Theron having a moment with another guy? That was seriously well drawn; don't let anyone tell you what to art!

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  • 1 month later...
Just finished the new chapter and there was a good amount of Theron romance stuff :D though I think my trooper will be sleeping on the couch since he did something Theron REALLY didn't like...


Does it involve rope, duct tape, a trampoline, whipped cream, a chandelier, and Sith Inquisitor robes? If it does, my smuggler applies the whipped cream onto Theron's helpless, muscular form last, not first.


Just saying. :)

Edited by TarotMage
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The scenes we got with Theron were super sweet :D If only we could have got something like this every now and then instead of waiting so long.


Spoiler Stuff for 16


I'm disappointed we didn't get a chance to chat with him at the end of Chapter 16, maybe a cantina scene like in Chapter 9 just as a cool down after such a big mission. Also the message we get from him afterwards was a let down, was kind of expecting a really sweet letter but it was just talking about Vaylin.



In response to my DS play through on a SI romancing Theron where Koth left,


My DS SI romancing Theron never liked Koth and was happy when he left. Koth's biggest mistake was not just coming back and stealing the Gravestone but capturing Theron (and the others I suppose :p), he let them go but that's no excuse. Seriously Koth you were in deep before but now you've messed with my SI's LI you are in big BIG trouble when he gets his hands on you, Koth has no idea what an incredibly angry Sith can do :jawa_evil:


Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Does it involve rope, duct tape, a trampoline, whipped cream, a chandelier, and Sith Inquisitor robes? If it does, my smuggler applies the whipped cream onto Theron's helpless, muscular form last, not first.


Just saying. :)


I should go...




The scenes we got with Theron were super sweet :D If only we could have got something like this every now and then instead of waiting so long.


Spoiler Stuff for 16


I'm disappointed we didn't get a chance to chat with him at the end of Chapter 16, maybe a cantina scene like in Chapter 9 just as a cool down after such a big mission. Also the message we get from him afterwards was a let down, was kind of expecting a really sweet letter but it was just talking about Vaylin.



In response to my DS play through on a SI romancing Theron where Koth left,


My DS SI romancing Theron never liked Koth and was happy when he left. Koth's biggest mistake was not just coming back and stealing the Gravestone but capturing Theron (and the others I suppose :p), he let them go but that's no excuse. Seriously Koth you were in deep before but now you've messed with my SI's LI you are in big BIG trouble when he gets his hands on you, Koth has no idea what an incredibly angry Sith can do :jawa_evil:


I agree, super sweet scenes and I wish they had been scattered here and there throughout :( (like they were in SoR) So far I've done it with one Theron romance and one Koth romance but I'm excited to see if there's anything with Vette, Jorgan, and Torian (I've still never romanced Lana). I was a little sad that nobody says "I love you" though I guess my smuggler kind of did to Koth "that's the Koth I love" though that's something you might jokingly say to a friend too.

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I'm disappointed we didn't get a chance to chat with him at the end of Chapter 16, maybe a cantina scene like in Chapter 9 just as a cool down after such a big mission. Also the message we get from him afterwards was a let down, was kind of expecting a really sweet letter but it was just talking about Vaylin.


Absolutely this. While I'm appreciative for any romance-centric scenes between Theron and my character, I wished there would have been more since it was the final chapter. A post-campaign scene in the cantina or outside would have been sweet, as also a "I'd die if anything happened to you" sort of letter.


I'm approaching the waiting time for "Knights of the Eternal Empire" with a mix of optimism and trepidation...and a few questions. Will Theron return? If so, will we have to once more play through ten chapters before we see him again? Or will he be available from the beginning? Will there be more intimate scenes between Theron and my character?


While I'm not expecting KOTET to be a dating sim with a story behind it, I'm hoping that the confirmation screen you got when you were just about to start a romance with a character will mean more in the second season. I guess we'll find out this fall.

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I mentioned this in another thread, but Theron's romance is a bad case of the writer telling instead of showing. Showing us, by more letters more scenes with Theron instead of the generic things that all our characters get would go a lot further. As it stands, my JK's conversations with Theron are, for the most part, identical to my Agent's (JK romanced him, Agent didn't).


I'm just not convinced because there's so little personal interaction with Theron. Don't TELL me Theron likes my character. SHOW me!

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While I'm not expecting KOTET to be a dating sim with a story behind it, I'm hoping that the confirmation screen you got when you were just about to start a romance with a character will mean more in the second season. I guess we'll find out this fall.


I'm hoping the dev's saw that a lot of people were missing having little moments here and there with our LI's and they add more, like you I don't want a dating sim but just some acknowledgement every now and then wouldn't go a miss.


If KOTET is 16 chapters (I'm not sure?) at least we can hope Theron will be in all 16 this time and not just come in half way through like in KOTFE. If he's going to be away for half the new season again I'm not going to be very happy :p


I'm just not convinced because there's so little personal interaction with Theron. Don't TELL me Theron likes my character. SHOW me!


This :D

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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