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Theran Shan?


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During the chapter gameplay there's a mention to someone (not saying who for spoiler reasons) that Theron would "not approve" if said someone did a specific something to the Outlander.


Wow, was that vague or what? :D


Do you get that only if you romanced him though, or is it with every character?

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Seems like the "Theron wouldn't approve" line is for those dating Theron only. My Aric loving Trooper did not get the same dialogue option there.


Oh, that's awesome then :D


So much for the awkward "I'm sleeping with your son" talk though lol. Now it's just up to my imp characters who are romancing Theron to go find Jace Malcom for such a scene :D

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Seems like the "Theron wouldn't approve" line is for those dating Theron only. My Aric loving Trooper did not get the same dialogue option there.


I have only done Chapter 12 on two toons, one who romanced Theron (SI) and got that line, and one who did not (IA) who got this line instead,



"And you came to your senses."


If only those who romanced Theron get that line it would be a nice addition, that and Theron's letter (so adorable!) at the end of the Chapter I am quite happy with Theron LI stuff in this chapter. Just little stuff like this is enough for me :)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Oh, that's awesome then :D


So much for the awkward "I'm sleeping with your son" talk though lol. Now it's just up to my imp characters who are romancing Theron to go find Jace Malcom for such a scene :D


Hahaha yeah! It's nice though because in a way, in the underlying tone of that sentence, you basically do point out to her "Hey I'm dating your kid!" which my Jedi and Sith especially got quite a kick out of. Even more so, she kinda waves it off saying Theron's feelings or something don't matter in this but then


if at the end you pick the [Kill Satele] option she's suddenly all "Poor Theron".


*** lady. :D

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Hahaha yeah! It's nice though because in a way, in the underlying tone of that sentence, you basically do point out to her "Hey I'm dating your kid!" which my Jedi and Sith especially got quite a kick out of. Even more so, she kinda waves it off saying Theron's feelings or something don't matter in this but then


if at the end you pick the [Kill Satele] option she's suddenly all "Poor Theron".


*** lady. :D


I think you also get a letter from Lana that tells you to finish off Satel next time, because Satele attempted to tell Theron that you tried to kill her.

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I think you also get a letter from Lana that tells you to finish off Satel next time, because Satele attempted to tell Theron that you tried to kill her.


wait wut? Balls. Now I'm gonna have to make one of my DS toons dating Theron actually stick with that option just to see that. My DS SW clicked it but ESC'd out because I don't want Theron to get mad at her LOL

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My DS SW clicked it but ESC'd out because I don't want Theron to get mad at her LOL


Same here, my DS SI doesn't like Satele and tells her off at every single chance but he didn't take the option to "kill" her at the end because he didn't want to upset Theron (gosh Theron making my SI go all nice for a change just for you ;) ) On my my next toon that romances him I am totally picking that option to see if it effects any dialogue down the track.

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wait wut? Balls. Now I'm gonna have to make one of my DS toons dating Theron actually stick with that option just to see that. My DS SW clicked it but ESC'd out because I don't want Theron to get mad at her LOL


Lana scolds you for being careless and tells you that she intercepted the message and... made a few adjustments.

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Post a screenie or copy the text if you've got it, I'd love to see that!



Fwd: The truth


The original message from Satele painted you in a less flattering light, so I made a few alterations before letting Theron see it. Thought you might want to view my handiwork. The next time you see her, make sure to finish what you started. --Lana


Theron, I need you to understand something. Despite what you may believe, I am proud of the person you've become. You have grown into a strong, capable man who fights for his beliefs. Everything I hoped you would be. I cannot be found now, not even with your formidable skills. The commander is a leader worth following; focus on that. Put all your energy into helping the Alliance achieve victory. The Republic is counting on you, Theron. Use this to give you strength. I will always be proud of you.


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Fwd: The truth


The original message from Satele painted you in a less flattering light, so I made a few alterations before letting Theron see it. Thought you might want to view my handiwork. The next time you see her, make sure to finish what you started. --Lana


Theron, I need you to understand something. Despite what you may believe, I am proud of the person you've become. You have grown into a strong, capable man who fights for his beliefs. Everything I hoped you would be. I cannot be found now, not even with your formidable skills. The commander is a leader worth following; focus on that. Put all your energy into helping the Alliance achieve victory. The Republic is counting on you, Theron. Use this to give you strength. I will always be proud of you.


Damn!!! For real? Makes me wonder what her original message DID say lol.

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Fwd: The truth


The original message from Satele painted you in a less flattering light, so I made a few alterations before letting Theron see it. Thought you might want to view my handiwork. The next time you see her, make sure to finish what you started. --Lana


Theron, I need you to understand something. Despite what you may believe, I am proud of the person you've become. You have grown into a strong, capable man who fights for his beliefs. Everything I hoped you would be. I cannot be found now, not even with your formidable skills. The commander is a leader worth following; focus on that. Put all your energy into helping the Alliance achieve victory. The Republic is counting on you, Theron. Use this to give you strength. I will always be proud of you.


Thanks for sharing!



What I'd give to see the original before she changed it. I find it very interesting where it says, "The Republic is counting on you." I would think that'd be a bit suspicious especially after we tell Theron that Satele and Marr are working together at the end of Chapter 12 and then the "letter" from her tells him that the Republic not the Alliance is counting on him. Maybe I'm reading too much into it :p


Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Thanks for sharing!



What I'd give to see the original before she changed it. I find it very interesting where it says, "The Republic is counting on you." I would think that'd be a bit suspicious especially after we tell Theron that Satele and Marr are working together at the end of Chapter 12 and then the "letter" from her tells him that the Republic not the Alliance is counting on him. Maybe I'm reading too much into it :p



If I were Theron, judging by his past with his mother.. I'd instantly raise a billion quest marks at all the flattering and complimenting she's doing towards him and become very suspicious lol.


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If I were Theron, judging by his past with his mother.. I'd instantly raise a billion quest marks at all the flattering and complimenting she's doing towards him and become very suspicious lol.



That too! I haven't read any of the books or comics with Theron in them but I always got the feeling she didn't take much interest in his life and like you said now she's being overly complimentary and "proud" of him :i_confused: Would like to hear Theron's opinion on the letter and on his mother now.


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Hahaha yeah! It's nice though because in a way, in the underlying tone of that sentence, you basically do point out to her "Hey I'm dating your kid!" which my Jedi and Sith especially got quite a kick out of. Even more so, she kinda waves it off saying Theron's feelings or something don't matter in this but then


if at the end you pick the [Kill Satele] option she's suddenly all "Poor Theron".


*** lady. :D

Yeah, it seems as though she already knows and doesn't care at all. Boo, I wanted some awkwardness or drama or something lol.




There is a "kill Satele" option?! Whaaa?! I didn't even notice it! Do you have to pick some other thing previously for it to show up or was I just not paying attention?


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Yeah, it seems as though she already knows and doesn't care at all. Boo, I wanted some awkwardness or drama or something lol.




There is a "kill Satele" option?! Whaaa?! I didn't even notice it! Do you have to pick some other thing previously for it to show up or was I just not paying attention?



It's shown up for me each time near the end of the chapter in the Oasis cave when you've stared down/beat the creature thing.


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Might only be for Imp players as I didn't get the option on my Smuggler but did on my SI and IA?


My JC got it too, she was like :eek: Might be alignment related? I didn't pay attention to it on my LS trooper, my JC is neutral I think and my DS Sith got it too.

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My (very) LS sith assassin also got the option to kill Satele. I'm guessing it's faction specific, not alignment. But he didn't take it... because she (and Darth Marr) knew something he didn't... and he's got a 'LEARN ALL THE THINGS!' mentality. He's also my non-Theronmancer... that's my JK, and several other characters. But seeing that letter made me giddy. Lana Beniko's letter was pretty good, too... I was just happy to see... some acknowledgement of the romances.
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I know my DS SI got the option to kill Satele. I honestly don't remember if my LS sage got it or not. I did not take the option on my inq. but will probably on my warrior. Have not taken any Theron LI toons through yet. Will probably get at least 1 of them through today. Looking forward to the letter, I did not read any of the spoilers about content so have something to look forward to.


I am not taking my trooper married to Jorgan through it until I find out what happens to Jorgan. So I am playing through with those not interested in Jorgan or Kaliyo first. Sent Aric as the distraction on one and Kaliyo as the distraction on the other. I didn't level a character specifically to get back with Jorgan only to have him possibly die due to a bad decision. I am pretty ambivalent about Kaliyo but may try to save her on one of my agents.

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My (very) LS sith assassin also got the option to kill Satele. I'm guessing it's faction specific, not alignment. But he didn't take it... because she (and Darth Marr) knew something he didn't... and he's got a 'LEARN ALL THE THINGS!' mentality. He's also my non-Theronmancer... that's my JK, and several other characters. But seeing that letter made me giddy. Lana Beniko's letter was pretty good, too... I was just happy to see... some acknowledgement of the romances.


My warrior didn't. Maybe it's depending on how you interacted with Satele in the chapter? Or how you dealt with the beast.

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