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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Theran Shan?


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I don't feel that bad about cheating on Ashara, Raina, or Nadia with Theron but I'm guilt stricken and miserable about doing that to Elara T_T I thought she would never be interactive again otherwise I never would have done it :< and I don't want to break Theron's heart either! This is a lv 60 trooper I played before 12x exp and I'm seriously considering deleting him in favor of two new troopers (one for Elara and one for Theron).




I feel like some of the LIs would beat the crap out of you if they found out that you cheated on them (namely Akaavi), which would obviously hurt. Then I feel there's some that would probably give you the silent treatment, and strangely enough I think that would hurt more. I haven't romanced Elara, but I can bet it'd hurt to have her stop talking to you. She's such a sweet person, I'd feel awful for her to always look disappointed.

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I feel like some of the LIs would beat the crap out of you if they found out that you cheated on them (namely Akaavi), which would obviously hurt. Then I feel there's some that would probably give you the silent treatment, and strangely enough I think that would hurt more. I haven't romanced Elara, but I can bet it'd hurt to have her stop talking to you. She's such a sweet person, I'd feel awful for her to always look disappointed.


Cheating on Elara definitely makes me feel like a terrible person >_< pretty sure I'm going to delete the offending trooper (he was a totally loyal and 100%LS person before SoR too)

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I feel like some of the LIs would beat the crap out of you if they found out that you cheated on them (namely Akaavi), which would obviously hurt. Then I feel there's some that would probably give you the silent treatment, and strangely enough I think that would hurt more. I haven't romanced Elara, but I can bet it'd hurt to have her stop talking to you. She's such a sweet person, I'd feel awful for her to always look disappointed.


After the way in which the male Trooper was the only one there for her or who believed her when that bureaucrat was giving her sh*t over her defection, I imagine the betrayal of infidelity would completely destroy Elara emotionally.


I'm also finally leveling my Sentinel so in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to see what the Theron romance is like. I'm looking forward to it since he's such a deep character compared to some of the others we've gotten. (And with the benefit of all the extra interaction from Pub-side; romancing Lana as Pub on my Shadow felt really... fractured since you never interact with her like you do Theron.)

Edited by Diviciacus
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I'm also finally leveling my Sentinel so in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to see what the Theron romance is like. I'm looking forward to it since he's such a deep character compared to some of the others we've gotten. (And with the benefit of all the extra interaction from Pub-side; romancing Lana as Pub on my Shadow felt really... fractured since you never interact with her like you do Theron.)


It's the same way when you're an Imp romancing Theron, you just don't get a whole lot. That's why my Imp girls are going to stay with their guys (I love Torian, Vector, and Quinn too much to leave them anyway) and my Consular and Smuggler are going to leave Iresso and Corso for Theron, if he's a full romance in the expansion. (fingers crossed!)

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I feel like some of the LIs would beat the crap out of you if they found out that you cheated on them (namely Akaavi), which would obviously hurt. Then I feel there's some that would probably give you the silent treatment, and strangely enough I think that would hurt more. I haven't romanced Elara, but I can bet it'd hurt to have her stop talking to you. She's such a sweet person, I'd feel awful for her to always look disappointed.


Man, the potential reactions of some of the LI's is just going to kill me. The ones with no self-esteem, the ones who can't believe you'd notice them--ie Elara, Vector, Ashara, Vette--something like this would just crush them. Same for Torian and Akaavi, what with how important marriage is to Mandos. I predict an angry "I thought you changed" from Risha/Corso, too, or maybe just a resigned "I guess you'll never change". I might watch it on Youtube but there's just no way I could play through that kind of emotional guilt-tripping.


Calling it now: Jaesa's going to take it the worst. I don't think she'd harm the Warrior, but I'm seriously concerned for Theron/Lana's safety. Like if any of these scenarios were to be a Virmire one, where you pick one lover and the other dies, this would be it.


I think Kaliyo and Quinn would take it the best, funnily enough. Kaliyo, not because the Agent's job involves sleeping with people--this wasn't a job--but because Kaliyo strikes me as the kind of girl to be into threesomes. I can totally see her not caring about being cheated on and just complaining about not getting invited along.


And Quinn because he's still hating himself for the whole "betrayal" thing, so he just views this as him deserving it.

Edited by Abvora
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:( A little disheartening to hear this, as I was now working on my Rep and Imp to romance the other side. Also, just because I like them both :) Both their romances are better than the companions in terms of playing out.


Don't lose heart. Just think of SoR and Ziost as a prelude to something greater. We know Lana returns, and hopefully she'll be a major romance for people who want that. Since it's all one storyline, there likely won't be any Republic/Empire restrictions, just restrictions based on your character's choices.


And Quinn because he's still hating himself for the whole "betrayal" thing, so he just views this as him deserving it.



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More generous than I. I figure it'll be a "You cheated on me?! You have to decide now! It's either us or not us!" and then you choose if you stay married.


This is what I'm expecting as well.


It would be nice if we could break up with them without resorting to cheating.

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This is what I'm expecting as well.


It would be nice if we could break up with them without resorting to cheating.


That could easily be possible. If you haven't cheated, the first words from them could be something along the lines of "We've made it this far, love, but now you've been trapped in carbonite for five years...who knows what you may have thought during all the time, but if it's that you need to end it, I understand."


No cheating and you can break it off if you want.

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That could easily be possible. If you haven't cheated, the first words from them could be something along the lines of "We've made it this far, love, but now you've been trapped in carbonite for five years...who knows what you may have thought during all the time, but if it's that you need to end it, I understand."


No cheating and you can break it off if you want.


Can you actually think while frozen? I was under the impression you were just asleep. Yes I know I'm nitpicking I'm sorry


But yeah, an option to break up amicably would be nice.

Edited by Abvora
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Can you actually think while frozen? I was under the impression you were just asleep. Yes I know I'm nitpicking I'm sorry


But yeah, an option to break up amicably would be nice.


Well, you seem to be able to dream, I wouldn't be surprised if you could also think. May even be the worst part of it. Not only are you trapped for enternity, you're alone with your thoughts.

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Well, you seem to be able to dream, I wouldn't be surprised if you could also think. May even be the worst part of it. Not only are you trapped for enternity, you're alone with your thoughts.


I'm actually enjoying the thought of this. While my gunslinger is lightside, she is not going to be happy when she wakes up. She cares greatly for the people of the Republic, the leaders she now has the privilege to call friends (possibly in-laws someday, can you imagine Satele and Jace as your Mother/Father In Law? AHAHA), and as Naelah says through the story...


"You aren't just my crew you're family."


If what we have heard is true and...



We dream of our companions dying



Naelah will not be happy. Add to that, if she can think while being frozen she will be left with the thoughts of how she came to be frozen. She will be worried for the Republic, and aside from her family, she would be worried for Theron. I can hear her now, " DON'T DO THE STUPID THING!!"


I really, really hope when we are captured and frozen it's a blasters blazing type of fight. No way will Naelah just say, "okay I'll surrender and be frozen."

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Well, you seem to be able to dream, I wouldn't be surprised if you could also think. May even be the worst part of it. Not only are you trapped for enternity, you're alone with your thoughts.


I always figured it was more of a sub-concious thing (like dreaming is), you cannot form any thoughts by yourself while frozen but some just come and you can do nothing about them.


My lady juggernaut stayed loyal to Quinn so I don't have to worry about it (somehow I doubt he would take it that well, maybe he would not show it but it would break his poor little heart :( ) but my Agent and Trooper? Totally cheated on Raina/Aric, I'm kind of concerned about it but Theron was just too much to say no to :p


Hope Aric will take is as a man and I will be able to part peacfully with ensign Temple :o

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I always figured it was more of a sub-concious thing (like dreaming is), you cannot form any thoughts by yourself while frozen but some just come and you can do nothing about them.


My lady juggernaut stayed loyal to Quinn so I don't have to worry about it (somehow I doubt he would take it that well, maybe he would not show it but it would break his poor little heart :( ) but my Agent and Trooper? Totally cheated on Raina/Aric, I'm kind of concerned about it but Theron was just too much to say no to :p


Hope Aric will take is as a man and I will be able to part peacfully with ensign Temple :o


Such a thing as lucid dreaming. Also, it just makes the experience of Carbon freezing so much more horrible.


Reading the Massively articles on KotFE, I do get the feeling Theron may not be a companion.

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Such a thing as lucid dreaming. Also, it just makes the experience of Carbon freezing so much more horrible.


Reading the Massively articles on KotFE, I do get the feeling Theron may not be a companion.


Do you mean this article?



I didn't get that feeling at all. What part gives you the impression?

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Do you mean this article?



I didn't get that feeling at all. What part gives you the impression?


*shrug* Just that it mentioned it was Lana who is everyone's starting companion for it. Also, that Theron feels a bit more tied to the lore (as the son of Satele) that I would just imagine PCs being more of a footnote than "the one who becomes the one for him"

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I'm letting my agent flirt a bit but not get in trouble.

Now my Jedi Consular on the other hand..... all the way.


While romancing theron is popular I think it varies on the characters due to the reactions. Imp side it turns out to be a make out session before parting ways. You don't get any further. Pub side you can go as far as what we get to assume is a quickie somewhere.


Though I've seen the videos and just started Rise of the Emperor. I feel slightly confused by this. You get two kisses and blackout scene for Revan. You get one kiss from Rise of the Emperor. :( Shouldn't the relationship have progressed?


I would in general as said before, like to see more interactions and scenes both def related to Theron and companions. I saw a meme somewhere that had me cracking up but yeah its about right from a female perspective. "Theron was tortured? Kiss all the boo-boos!" Wow I feel like highschool or something...only 10 years ago :p

I would have been happy to get to fuss over him a bit more when he shows up all bruised.


Theron also made my first dark decision on consular. Wiring the rig. He was so mad sounding when I said I would not do it. XD Also like how in beginning of Rise of the Emperor when you are first talking to him, I did not want my interaction before what happened being pissed off at him for not coming to me sooner. So I backed up and did the stay safe option.


It would be nice as well to see reactions to various classes. My consular lore wise I'm just sitting here going, well...this is going to get very interesting if they let us keep going with this. I def think you should have that choice though as any class. Id drop everything and go be with him as consular. Its funny because it kind of mimics his own mom and dads relationship (lets just hope it goes differently).


It also makes me laugh as headcannon, with the story 'Regrets'. How in the world would his parents react to him dating/marrying a jedi. Meeting the father, having Satele probably disown you... for a bit anyways.


So yes, further story and more interactions would be neat. I'd love to see more cute scenes of just doing flirty cute stuff. Also interactions beyond marriage and max affection. But we will see /fingerscrossed

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My black screen "headcanon" was in the shuttle. It would be close by, and some what private for a little hanky-panky. Hah.


Even if Theron does become a NPC rather than companion, don't lose hope!! Remember that Cullen, in DA:I, is an advisor NOT companion and you can romance him. It would be nice to have some relationship development, though. I, too, was a wee bit disappointed with the ending of Ziost. However, I don't see Theron as the lovey dovey type, at all, and I like to think that second "thank you" was for our characters surviving as well. At least, that's what my head-canon is for it.


Less than 10 days, also, until Gamescom I really hope we get some kind of information.

Edited by Amadahy
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so did we have sex on the shuttle pad? in the shuttle? in the bushes? this is important to me.


I swore he said something like "Let's go to my ship", but it's been a while since I did that on my Smuggler. I'm on Rishi with my Consular right now, so I'll be getting to that point soon. I would hope he had more class than to take us into the bushes! :p

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I'm letting my agent flirt a bit but not get in trouble.

Though I've seen the videos and just started Rise of the Emperor. I feel slightly confused by this. You get two kisses and blackout scene for Revan. You get one kiss from Rise of the Emperor. :( Shouldn't the relationship have progressed?


Well, on Ziost, everything was going to Hell, everyone was becoming possessed zombies, the important people were running around trying to stop the Emperor, it wasn't exactly the place to make out. I mean you can even bring it up to Theron and he goes "yeah, this isn't the place I would have picked for a reunion".


It's only AFTER everything has calmed down (in a way) that the PC and Theron get some time to themselves, whereas in SoR they had more quiet time in between fights.


so did we have sex on the shuttle pad? in the shuttle? in the bushes? this is important to me.


Against the wall of the shuttle.


Okay, no, probably in the shuttle. It's right there after all.

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