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Theran Shan?


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He can come out then, because I'm sure Malavai's really actually gay; and the straight romance options I'm told are available are akin to a mediaeval siege orchestrated by an unrelenting female SW, a beleaguered Quinn eventually gives way. Edited by sentientomega
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He can come out then, because I'm sure Malavai's really actually gay; and the straight romance options I'm told are available are akin to a mediaeval siege orchestrated by the female SW, a beleaguered Quinn eventually gives way.


I've seen the whole romance, and let me tell you it would be 1000x more bad *** if trebuchets were involved.


Actually, every romance ever would be more bad *** if trebuchets were involved.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Not to mention the old Greek fire, fired from any one of those weapons it would ruin anyone's day but entertain the audience, I'd not wish such on my worst enemy, much less Quinn, even if at the expense of entertainment value.


Although, launching Greek fire from a trebuchet at Doc sounds almost too good to resist.

Edited by sentientomega
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I've seen the whole romance, and let me tell you it would be 1000x more bad *** if trebuchets were involved.


Although, launching Greek fire from a trebuchet at Doc sounds almost too good to resist.

I might just launch Corso from the trebuchet instead... :eek:

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And Doc, and Tharan Cedrax, too? All at the same time...?


What'd Theran ever do to you? I mean, apart from his derpy "Did I mention I'm a pacificst? *shoots somebody" that he does when you're actually playing with him as a companion... is it so wrong that he loves his hologram who loves him?


I don't know why he doesn't like... build a physical body for Holiday, though. Seriously.

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What'd Theran ever do to you? I mean, apart from his derpy "Did I mention I'm a pacificst? *shoots somebody" that he does when you're actually playing with him as a companion... is it so wrong that he loves his hologram who loves him?


I don't know why he doesn't like... build a physical body for Holiday, though. Seriously.


If I was going to fling someone with the trebuchet, it'd be Holiday. I hate her with the flaming passion of a zillion flaming suns. And yes, part of that is owing to the creep leading my girl on, spending the night with her, and then dropping the..."oh btw baby, my hologram is a tad possessive, and I'm not man enough to unplug her...you don't mind do you?" :mad:


If I was designing the dialogue wheel 'kick Cedrax in the nads' would have been an option. :p

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Ugh, Holiday. Part of me wants to like her because I tend to like those kinds of stories... But then she talks. Whoever picked her voice actress was clearly a closet sadist, conspiring with whoever wrote her dialogue. Something about that voice just burrows under the skin on the back of my neck and starts yanking.


Man, I've been making a list of companions that I will legit straight up cry if I can't get back.


It's not a long list, but TALOS CAN'T LEAVE MY SITH SORCERER. SHE NEEDS HIS ADORKABLE CHIPPERNESS LIKE AIR ITSELF. Speaking of leading a girl on... My Sorc may be a "No time for love, Dr. Jones" type, but if Talos was an option...


Temple's my agent's moral compass, or what passes for it. Every near-cynic needs an idealist. Plus, I just love her so much. I know she's not one of the more interesting characters, but I actually like her dedication, even when it takes her straight to crazytown with no stops.


Also, if Bliz cannot be found, my hunter's going to be so sad. She killed a Sith Lord just for choking the guy (okay, so it took a whole chapter to do so, but still...) Also, he says the best things on crew skill quests. And all the time.


And yeah, I want Theron back. T'chuh, obviously, since I'm here.

Edited by AKHadeed
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If I was going to fling someone with the trebuchet, it'd be Holiday. I hate her with the flaming passion of a zillion flaming suns. And yes, part of that is owing to the creep leading my girl on, spending the night with her, and then dropping the..."oh btw baby, my hologram is a tad possessive, and I'm not man enough to unplug her...you don't mind do you?" :mad:


If I was designing the dialogue wheel 'kick Cedrax in the nads' would have been an option. :p


Holiday is an AI, which means she's sentient. Turning her off/unplugging her would be akin to murdering her. (Or putting her to sleep, I guess it would depend on if you deleted her.)


Now I'm sure you dislike people, and maybe at times want to kill them... but murdering her because her boyfriend is a philandering idiot is just uncalled for. :p (It's pretty obvious from the start that there's something going on between him and Holiday.)


(Holiday's VA is Tara Strong, who also does the voice of Risha. She's both quite talented and quite prolific.)

Edited by Zandilar
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I've seen the whole romance, and let me tell you it would be 1000x more bad *** if trebuchets were involved.


Actually, every romance ever would be more bad *** if trebuchets were involved.


As long as there are calibrations involved!!

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If I was going to fling someone with the trebuchet, it'd be Holiday. I hate her with the flaming passion of a zillion flaming suns. And yes, part of that is owing to the creep leading my girl on, spending the night with her, and then dropping the..."oh btw baby, my hologram is a tad possessive, and I'm not man enough to unplug her...you don't mind do you?"

I always picture my Sage dishing with Holiday about how Tharan secretly annoys the kark out of us both.


I never pursued the fling beyond maybe one flirt, but apparently Tharan thought we had something, as he dumped me anyway. Whatever keeps him working and out of my hair... :cool:

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(Holiday's VA is Tara Strong, who also does the voice of Risha. She's both quite talented and quite prolific.)


Huh. Risha's voice is just peachy keen by me. I think it's how... pitchy Holiday is. Learn something every day.

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So I just played through Rise of the Emperor again and recorded some decisions I didn't try before. This one had me spam the ESC like crazy:



Aww god I did this too, for science, and I had to lay down a bit afterwards because I felt so bad for Theron. It's just so horrible to say that to him .

Edited by Lichtfaengerin
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So I just played through Rise of the Emperor again and recorded some decisions I didn't try before. This one had me spam the ESC like crazy:





That is all....just :eek:


"After all we've been through...I shouldn't even have to say it" Ugh my heart!!! (Say what?!)

"To think I ever..." :( Ow....(To think you ever what Theron, SAY ITTTTT!)


I'll be over here, in the corner, recovering.


And I'm so glad you spammed that ESC button! On the plus side, now I have seen that option and don't have to finally try it. Yeah!

Edited by Amadahy
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Ugh, Holiday. Part of me wants to like her because I tend to like those kinds of stories... But then she talks. Whoever picked her voice actress was clearly a closet sadist, conspiring with whoever wrote her dialogue. Something about that voice just burrows under the skin on the back of my neck and starts yanking.


I think she's intentionally doing a bad Marilyn Monroe impersonation. And you are right. It's sadistic! I'm just waiting for her to simper out "Happy Birthday Dear Theran" and blow him a kiss.

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Ugh, Holiday. Part of me wants to like her because I tend to like those kinds of stories... But then she talks. Whoever picked her voice actress was clearly a closet sadist, conspiring with whoever wrote her dialogue. Something about that voice just burrows under the skin on the back of my neck and starts yanking.


You're right the voice is like...nails on a chalkboard...actually it's worse, I can stand the chalkboard thing. I definitely think the person who wrote/designed her was a sadist, and is a closeted gamer hater, just doing the job for the paycheck lol.



Holiday is an AI, which means she's sentient. Turning her off/unplugging her would be akin to murdering her. (Or putting her to sleep, I guess it would depend on if you deleted her.)


Now I'm sure you dislike people, and maybe at times want to kill them... but murdering her because her boyfriend is a philandering idiot is just uncalled for. :p (It's pretty obvious from the start that there's something going on between him and Holiday.)


(Holiday's VA is Tara Strong, who also does the voice of Risha. She's both quite talented and quite prolific.)


And yet...I have no problem with turning her off. And I would press delete. Buh-bye bimbette. Sayonara. :D Well, my pixels were real flesh and blood pixels, as opposed to her...not real fake pixel pixels lol. And given the sad choices of romance comps the female JC has...yeah, I'd be gunning to ditch Holiday, big time. 'Oops...was that the off switch? Oh nooo silly me...*giggle* How ever will I live with myself.' :eek::p


I actually didn't realize it was the same VA as Risha...wow so different you're right. I wouldn't have pegged that.



I always picture my Sage dishing with Holiday about how Tharan secretly annoys the kark out of us both.


I never pursued the fling beyond maybe one flirt, but apparently Tharan thought we had something, as he dumped me anyway. Whatever keeps him working and out of my hair... :cool:


Guess that would make it more tolerable, to look at her that way. I don't think there was really much to pursue past the one or two flirts anyways...if there was I would have taken them...though he does get old after awhile, and I would have ditched him for Theron in a flittermouse's heartbeat.

Edited by Lunafox
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Aww god I did this too, for science, and I had to lay down a bit afterwards because I felt so bad for Theron. It's just so horrible to say that to him .


Oh god, I never chose that one...I feel sick. Poor guy. I feel really really horrible. Urgh. :(

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I am a Dark Council member and I am saving Jedi for you Theron! y u no love me? </3 T_T (well actually I am light sided and would save them anyways...but he doesn't know that!) Edited by Nefla
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So I just played through Rise of the Emperor again and recorded some decisions I didn't try before. This one had me spam the ESC like crazy:



Oh god that hurt ;-:


Brb gonna reroll a Knight and rush to get to Theron and all his cute moments. I need to get that breakup out of my head :-:

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