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Theran Shan?


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I was actually just looking at Troy Baker's IMDB page last night... and was stunned by the amount of work he's done. He has an awesome vocal range because I've either played most of the games he's voiced in, or watched my husband play them :p


Like Yuri from Tales of Vesperia... or Snow from FF13... Joel from Last of Us. The funniest one is Gul'dan from WoW. That one made me chuckle because I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. He also sings apparently.




I mean... when I play WoW... I can go click on Lor'themar Theron (yes, that's his last name) and be like... 'That's Gideon Emery! Sounds exactly like Fenris from DA2.

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I am not good at forums, so I apologize for any etiquette breach (and please correct me if I make any, so that I might learn from my mistakes. :) )


Regarding romancing Theron in KotFE:


I'm reading about the notification you get that your character will "officially" be locked into a relationship with Theron and it seems like it was triggered by a single friggin flirt option that I did not take because it seemed cheesy and Zap Brannigan-esque. And now I'm freaking out a little because I have been wanting to romance this character since... well, since he first showed up. My character's pretty damned attached, too. Does anyone know if skipping that one damn flirt means I won't be able to romance him later? Like, is that the only point at which the game will give me the option to advance my character's relationship with him?



Answers, advice, or even just speculation welcome.

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Don't worry


Theron returns in Chapter 9 of KotFE and becomes a companion after


The romance scene she is talking about was in chapter 9 during the party.


Personally I think that flirt couldn't have been the only chance to lock in the romance. I mean if you chose to non romantically talk to Lana about the war or something you wouldn't even get the chance.

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The romance scene she is talking about was in chapter 9 during the party.


Personally I think that flirt couldn't have been the only chance to lock in the romance. I mean if you chose to non romantically talk to Lana about the war or something you wouldn't even get the chance.


That's sort of what I'm hoping - the fact that they bothered to include a warning about locking yourself into a romance shows enough foresight that it seems like they would do the same if you were permanently locking yourself OUT of a romance, or if that was the only point in time at which they planned for it to be possible. Unfortunately since that's at the very end of Chapter IX, there haven't been any scenes afterwards to see if Flirt options still appear and/or work, and Courting gifts are currently still bugged so I can't go by that either.


This was on the second character I ever made, too. :( I wish so many of the Flirting options (for any romance really) didn't boil down to "Be a good friend/partner and show you appreciate ____" vs. "Hey _____, are you you from heaven? Because they'd look better crumpled up next to my floor!"

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I was actually just looking at Troy Baker's IMDB page last night... and was stunned by the amount of work he's done. He has an awesome vocal range because I've either played most of the games he's voiced in, or watched my husband play them :p


Like Yuri from Tales of Vesperia... or Snow from FF13... Joel from Last of Us. The funniest one is Gul'dan from WoW. That one made me chuckle because I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. He also sings apparently.




I mean... when I play WoW... I can go click on Lor'themar Theron (yes, that's his last name) and be like... 'That's Gideon Emery! Sounds exactly like Fenris from DA2.


It's been a while since I posted in this here thread, hey guys *waves*. I've been busy romancing Theron and stuff.. oh and checking out the bug forums because courting gifts.


Anyway, I quoted this post because I always end up in awe of his talent whenever I discover a new role. Gul'dan had me agog too.


Funny story, I was playing Diablo 3 during the summer and I thought I'd have Lyndon (The Scoundrel) tag along with my Wizard because ego's match, I remember thinking to myself "hmm, he reminds me of Dorian (in DA:I), he even sounds a bit like him (I knew it wasn't the same guy), who IS this?" I thought to myself. Off I go to IMDB and lo and behold the answer left me awestruck yet again. Really? I thought, my space boyfriend strikes again? He even does snobby english so well he sounds like Dorian?


He's a freaking voice god.


Anyway, I continued with my Scoundrel who's on Rishi last night, because there are only so many times you can click Theron repeatedly until he says "Vacation, just love the sound the word.. vacation" before you start to miss interaction with him. I'm loathe to hassle January to arrive asap, but.. I need it!

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Guys, I made an insta-60 and managed to finally resist Theron lol (are you proud of me?). I romanced Koth this time instead but as soon as Theron showed up I almost dropped him like a hot potato >.<'


My free insta 60 is my story template character, so she HAD to romance Theron. I'm okay with this.


I actually haven't taken anyone who isn't romancing Theron through KOTFE yet because I'm scared, because of what you said, basically. I don't think I'm that strong.

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Guys, I made an insta-60 and managed to finally resist Theron lol (are you proud of me?). I romanced Koth this time instead but as soon as Theron showed up I almost dropped him like a hot potato >.<'


Heh! My insta-60 went for Koth, but as soon as Theron appeared it was very tempting to throw my smuggler at him.

I am chuckling at all the kissing scenes with Theron, you see my guys tend to be body type 3, the rest body type 4 , so before the kiss there's an animation that looks like my guy is getting on his knees just to be able to kiss him. Which makes some scenes look odd.


Don't know if the rest of you have had this happen. :)


My Jedi Knight also broke all the Jedi Code because of Theron, well he used to be a Darth so maybe that excuses him. :rolleyes:

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My free insta 60 is my story template character, so she HAD to romance Theron. I'm okay with this.


I actually haven't taken anyone who isn't romancing Theron through KOTFE yet because I'm scared, because of what you said, basically. I don't think I'm that strong.


I think the only reason I was able to resist Theron was the fact that I didn't play through SoR on that character so the first you see him is at the very end but even that was hard lol.

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Soooo, my BH married Torian ( oh sexy Torian). Does anyone know if he comes back?? Yes, Theron is a cutie, but I really like Torian. Do you have to romance Theron for the story to progress??


Of returning story companions, we have seen thus far:


-One Consular Companion

-One Knight Companion

-Zero Smuggler Companions

-Two Trooper Companions


-Two Inquisitor Companions

-One Warrior Companion

-Three Agent Companions (Two have returned, and one will next Chapter.)

-Zero Bounty Hunter Companions


Zero non-SOR Love Interests have returned, however, although one is returning next Chapter.

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This might have been asked already but there is a lot of thread I'd have to read through. If I chose to kill Surro on my Inquisitor because gotta go DS, can I still romance Theron or is that door closed for good?


That door is open!


My agent totally went for the mercy kill, and still got a melty letter and a chance to start the romance.


So far, I've had a nomance, Theron, Lana, and stickin' to Torian roll through KOTFE. Variety is fun. Though I might have to doubledip on Theron with my trooper. Choices.

Edited by AKHadeed
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Awww, no BH companions yet?!?!?! That makes me sad. Darn it. Maybe the one from the next chapter will be a BH one. *crosses fingers, toes, eye, arms, legs and anything else that can be crossed*


I'm thinking Torian (and Akaavi) may be next due to all the Mandalorian hints they've been dropping. Anyway, I hope so, since I've finally gotten through all 8 stories/romances and my BH with her much younger but very mature guy is my favorite. :)


On topic, having my Smuggler choose between Theron and Corso at some point is going to be very difficult, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The courting gifts are still bugged. But at least the romance is acknowledged in the 'interactions box' thing under his bio. That's kinda cool :p


I've come to accept that there's no conversations at all... hoping he gets the same amount of content as Lana. One kiss...


I wish it was like Dragon Age (Origins and Inquisition), where I could go up to my love interest and get a kiss. Just for the hell of it.

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I've come to accept that there's no conversations at all... hoping he gets the same amount of content as Lana. One kiss...


The next 9 chapters should be with Theron as the main NPC escorting our characters about. Lana has had her time in the sun, and we've waited patiently. It's Theron's turn now!

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