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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Light/Dark side - Penalized for Neutrality


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Not renewing my sub for January if no neutral gear is patched in.


**** this game.


I've been posting since I got into the November beta weekends that neutral gear should be added.


WOW, really?


so, since you don't have access to a fistfull of items that everyone else has access to you're leaving the game?


think about that.


look, im fairly neutral, and i don't care if i don't get Dark V gear. ill get better gear another way.


you're making mountians out of...nothing.

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This is what I posted in another thread.


When it comes to dialogue choices that do not change your dark or light points, you basically choose whatever makes your companion happy.


Then when it comes to dark and light choices, you choose either all dark or all light.


You can't even make your own decisions if you care about developing a good character.

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there is not need for you to justify to anyone how you want to play your character.


alignment neutral game should have existed since beta. WHAT THE *********** ****.


I am missing out on 40 endurance at least, at my current level because I cant use relics.




Not having enough neutral gear is terrible. But why is alignment in any way tied with gear to begin with? They should have NOTHING to do with one another. Alignment is part of your character's story progression. If you tie it to gear and leave no neutral option you are basically screwing people who want to play their character grey. They either have to continue playing that way and gimp themselves or they have to basically give up on the story route they want to put their character on for the sake of grinding light or dark points for gear. It makes people inclined to just always pick light or dark answers ignoring what they would actually want to choose for an answer. It's a horrible system for a game claiming to focus on story. If they want some sort of incentive/goal for going light or dark they should have chosen something like an achievement or titles. Something that has no actual affect on the gameplay of your character.

Edited by deneeve
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I'm okay with there being some kind of gear that fully light or dard players can get that is different. Cosmetically, at least. But if BW wants this to be a truly dynamic story, they *have* to break Dark/Light out of the silly stereotypes they are in. BW should go look up the Lawful Evil/Chaotic Good alignments....
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When alignment is based on actions, not intent, there is no room for depth of character. By aiming for neutrality, you are following the same blind alignment pattern as someone who goes all dark or all light if you are actually looking at your alignment bar at any point and leaning one way or another.


I just don't see how anyone can consistently answer questions and somehow end up in that thin window between light and dark with the available choices unless the choices are completely inconsistent. I agree with what you are saying conceptually, I have no idea how it can apply to this game's choices as you describe them unless there are fewer light/dark only choices than I remember.


In response to this guy: When I play I'm not in between LS 1 and DS 1, but rather just poking into one end or the other. I don't get to V on either end, nor do I want to, but I'm being forced to grind for one alignment or the other for gear. It sucks. My character isn't a super goody goody, nor is he a evil **** everything character.. Having to go to extremes for gear is pretty annoying.

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Yep, I can't believe this was never brought up during the beta phases... a very large oversight by Bioware. Made me stop playing my BH because being a muderous psychopath and or letting your targets go isn't good for business.
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Yep, I can't believe this was never brought up during the beta phases... a very large oversight by Bioware. Made me stop playing my BH because being a muderous psychopath and or letting your targets go isn't good for business.


It was actually brought up a lot and I remember a BW rep saying that this was something they were going to look into because they too were drawn to that style of play. Its a pity that It didn't make it in for launch. I know that some times its hard to play a certain way and not end up grey for example on my trooper I decided that I was going to follow orders regardless and so far I think I am a little dark leaning but no were near close enough to hit dark 1.

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It was actually brought up a lot and I remember a BW rep saying that this was something they were going to look into because they too were drawn to that style of play. Its a pity that It didn't make it in for launch. I know that some times its hard to play a certain way and not end up grey for example on my trooper I decided that I was going to follow orders regardless and so far I think I am a little dark leaning but no were near close enough to hit dark 1.


For shame, ah well guess I'll just shelve my BH for now and once they have rectified the problem pick it up again.

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