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What do you expect from the expansion regarding your personal story?


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Darth Marr's/Satele Shan's reactions!


The Wrath blasts through the durasteel doors. A hundred corpses and dismantled droids lie at his/her feet, smoldering from lightsaber attacks. An Eternal Empire guard tries to run and flank him from the side and gets knocked and hurled back with a casual wave of the hand. The Wrath walks up calmly.


Wrath: It's been a while, Darth Marr.


Wrath: *frowns*

Darth Marr's assistant, trembling with fear: M-m-m'lord?

Darth Marr: *exhales* Damn.



Darth Marr and his companions are surrounded and utterly outnumbered by elite Eternal Empire soldiers. Marr single-handedly takes on scores of them, but his companions are wearing out.

Darth Marr, midcombat: Fools! Defeating us won't remove the true Sith -

A hail of target missiles rain down from the sky and blasts the soldiers, turning the tide of the battle. Marr looks up and sees the bounty hunter.

Bounty Hunter: That service is free for loyal customers.

Marr and the hunter destroy the soldiers. One by one they all drop dead.

Darth Marr: You're the best thing I've spent credits on since this suit of armor.

Bounty Hunter: I know exactly how you feel.

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This expansion will be a massive fail imo. First of all how can an entire empire of such power "hide" "somewhere"? Second, I'm used to pursuing Vitiate, not some ugly trendy ****faces who think they're ******...

Third, empire and the republic have fallen? Might as well make a new game. There's no chance in hell Wrath and Nox would let that happen.


Also, how did anyone manage to capture Nox, Wrath, Champion of the Great Hunt, Cipher Nine and other 4 legendary republic heroes in carbonite? The intro itself is a fail, lacks sense and connection to our current storyline..:confused:


This should have been a completely different game set in some other timeline, not an expansion to SWTOR. It just feels like everything you worked for till lvl 60 was useless. Sorry BW, but from what I can see now, I think this new "Outlander" garbage won't be worth the play :(:(



Dunno if it's gonna be a massive fail but yes.

Where all the previous story goes?

Where is vitiate and how the heck they re gonna tie them together?


IMO if story take a new different path that have nothing to do with old one then yes....is going to be an epic fail unless the new one is really epic.

As for the cinematic trailer it rocks but this is not enough.This is star wars and story must continue....i think..


Also about this " It just feels like everything you worked for till lvl 60 was useless" , i think this is the main reason that you can start from lvl 60 and not from lvl 1.

Edited by Sotmax
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(Inquisitor Story)


Voice sounding like it's coming from the bottom of a well: "She's been asleep for ten years. I mean, she doesn't even have a lightsaber. We can handle one Sith."

Second voice, sounding a bit closer: "Yeah, and we've even got a force user of our own as a backup. How dangerous can this 'Darth Nox' be?"

Third voice: "Pay attention, she's almost...." (A sharp crackle of lightning interrupts the third speaker, eliciting a hideous scream and the distinct smell of burning flesh).

Second voice: "Oh crap!" (Another distinctive crackle of lightning followed by the sound of bare feet on metal.)

(woosh of a lightsaber being activated.) First Voice: "I can handle three of you."

Darth Nox (after letting the five bound force spirits take a peek): "Killing you will be such FUN!"

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I don't expect my character to kick all kinds of *** as soon as he unfreezes. Remember that Han remained blind for several hours/days/weeks after about a year in carbonite. Even if a longer time period (Rumored to be 10 years) may not worsen the effects, I believe our character will be blind (In a cutscene right after unfreezing) and some new, unseen character will explain *** happened. Or Lana.
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I don't expect my character to kick all kinds of *** as soon as he unfreezes. Remember that Han remained blind for several hours/days/weeks after about a year in carbonite. Even if a longer time period (Rumored to be 10 years) may not worsen the effects, I believe our character will be blind (In a cutscene right after unfreezing) and some new, unseen character will explain *** happened. Or Lana.


yeah I expect after being unfrozen the first chapter to basicly be a "... **** need to figure out whats going on" state of the galaxy demi-tutorial type dealie

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Another smuggler one:


Voidhound: Well, this sucks. I've lost my wife, my ship, and probably my criminal empire.

Random Merc: That does sound bad, but I've still got to take you in.

Void: No you don't. *Reaches for his hat*

Merc: Yes, I do. You're worth a great deal of money.

Void: I know how amazing I am.

Merc: Yeah, so if you could just let me freeze you, that'd be great.

Void: *spins his hat on his finger*

Merc: What're you doing?

Void: *puts the hat on and grabs his guns*

Merc: Hey! None of that, a*shole. *raises his rifle to the Hound's face*


Merc: What in the actual f'ck are you doing?

Void: *Gut-shoots him* Distractions.

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I don't expect my character to kick all kinds of *** as soon as he unfreezes. Remember that Han remained blind for several hours/days/weeks after about a year in carbonite. Even if a longer time period (Rumored to be 10 years) may not worsen the effects, I believe our character will be blind (In a cutscene right after unfreezing) and some new, unseen character will explain *** happened. Or Lana.


Maybe we are too ****** to suffer carbonite side-effects. :)

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I don't expect my character to kick all kinds of *** as soon as he unfreezes. Remember that Han remained blind for several hours/days/weeks after about a year in carbonite. Even if a longer time period (Rumored to be 10 years) may not worsen the effects, I believe our character will be blind (In a cutscene right after unfreezing) and some new, unseen character will explain *** happened. Or Lana.


Oh, it's simple. The Force-users see their enemies through the Force, the Agent and Hunter probably have some sort of targeting or tracking system in their equipment/armor, the Smuggler is lucky enough to be able to shoot people while blind, and the Trooper just kills everyone with a spray of automatic fire.


Blinded by carbonite: (only doing one because I'm tired)


Merc #1: You've been frozen for ten years. It'll take you days if not weeks to recover your sight! Do you honestly think you can fight us?

Inquisitor: Of course I can. The ghosts in my head will tell me where you are.

Merc #2: (starts laughing) Is this guy for rea--

(merc #2 is disintegrated by lightning)

Inquisitor: (sing-song voice) That's one down!

Edited by Abvora
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As a SI the very first thing I'm doing when I'm defrosted is eating some more force ghosts. Also, I imagine my character not saying a word to any enemy once I'm decarbonated. Lackeys don't deserve a response. I don't talk to trash mobs when I'm one-shotting them. It's gonna be the same story in the new exp. When KotFE does finally drop, the inquisitor class better get dark side tendrils like Darth Zannah. So help me God...
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As a SI the very first thing I'm doing when I'm defrosted is eating some more force ghosts. Also, I imagine my character not saying a word to any enemy once I'm decarbonated. Lackeys don't deserve a response. I don't talk to trash mobs when I'm one-shotting them. It's gonna be the same story in the new exp. When KotFE does finally drop, the inquisitor class better get dark side tendrils like Darth Zannah. So help me God...


My character set them all free... Guess I am out of ghosts.

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For my Agent... well, let's see:


Guard 1: Right, let's thaw this guy out and get him before the Emperor.

Guard 2: What's so important about him? He's not a Sith Lord, he's not even Force Sensitive.

Guard 1: Apparently a former Spy. Tactical genius, master manipulator... hell, had he been Force Sensitive, he would have run that joint.

Guard 2: Ha, and now he's a trophy. Twists of fate, huh?

Guard 1: Shut up and thaw him out-

(Guard 2 presses some buttons, the Commander falls out, managing to collapse onto one knee, blinking a lot, but seemingly unphased)

Cmndr: Carbonite sickness... haven't felt that in a while....

Guard 1: Get up, you're coming with us. You've got an audience with the Emperor.

Cmndr: Vitiate? He didn't seem talkative...

Guard 2: Who? Emperor Valkorion. Dunno who this Vitiate is... get up! *He raises him up, placing him in cuffs they go to an elevator nearby.*


Cmndr: This going to take long? This lift ride?

Guard 1: Few minutes.

Guard 2: No talking.

*With a grin, the Commander cannons into the first guard, knocking him back, before wrapping the cuffs around his neck, moving him into the way of the second guard's blade, before releasing him and pushing him into the second guard. Screen goes black*


*Lift arrives at the end, door opens to show two incapacitated guards and the Commander no where to be seen. Yeah, unlike other Agents stories, can't get out of Carbonite that easily.. however, relying on underestimation and positioning them using sound may be a good idea.*


On meeting Arkann:

Cmdr: "There were two of you... your eye is yellow.... you killed your brother in a fit of rage, for what I don't know, and thus fell."

Arkann: "What...? What's that supposed to mean?"

Cmdr: "Nothing. You just made my job easier, that's all."


On meeting Valkorion.

Cmdr: "Well, nice set up you've got here... I'll take it from here, though..."

Valkorion: *Scoffing* "You? You're not even strong with the force-"

Cmdr: "Well, you've not got long anyway. Feel that? That's the poison from your last meal kicking in. Don't worry, it won't kill you. My rifle will do that... or you could... abdicate. You don't deserve the chance, but call me an idealist."


On a side note, I think carbonite sickness increases over time. The agent is able to operate immediately after he is frozen in Carbonite

when going into the Star Cabal vault on Belsavis

or perhaps can be overcome through training against such things, such as what the Agent would have received.


For the Sith Warrior:

Guard 1: Who is this guy?

Guard 2: Some great Sith Warrior guy. Famously feared and admired by both Imperials and Republic alike. He's known as the Empire's Wrath.

Guard 1: Huh. Bigshot, huh? Let's see how big he is when he's blind and groggy-

*They thaw out Wrath, who, when unrestrained by Carbonite, thrust forward, landing on the ground win a three point landing.*

SW: "I've come for your Emperor"

*The Sith Warrior blasts them both back into the walls of the room with the force, then gets up, seemingly groggy, but sensing his way through the force. He finds his lightsaber, and moves on.*


When meeting Arkann

SW: "I sense your anger, your ambition, your arrogance. They will not help you against me, Fallen one. I have mastered my emotion, focus them. You will fail here."

Arkann: "Your prediction means nothing to me."

SW: "It was a promise, not a prediction."


A slight reference to Darth Sion, I know, but I loved how he burst forth from the kolto tank and said "I have come for the Jedi".

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Oooh, this looks fun! :D


Warrior meets Arcann

Arcann: *Laugh* You actually believe you have a chance? I am faster and stronger than you ever will be.

Warrior: Your strength in the Dark Side... Your fury... I sense it. *Draws lightsaber* It utterly pales before mine.


Inquisitor meets Arcann

Arcann: You have no place here Sith. You are nothing but a relic from another time, weak and out of your element.

Inquisitor: I am Darth Imperius. You decimated my Empire. Now you shall suffer the consequences. *Lightning crackles* Come, let me show you just what this "relic" is capable of.


Bounty Hunter meets Arcann

Arcann: Of all the people sent to face me, I get a mere bounty hunter!? *Incredulous* Is this some sort of sick joke?

Bounty Hunter: Tell that to all of the other Force users that have faced me. Oh wait. *Takes aim* You can't.


Agent meets Arcann

Arcann: *Meditating. Face contorts in fury* I know you're there. You cannot hide from me.

Agent: *Steps forward from the shadows, behind Arcann* It was never my intention.

Arcann: *Stands up, turns, takes a look at the Agent* Who are you? You're not in any of our records.

Agent: *Casual shrug* Of course not. I'm a ghost. *Disappears in a small blaze of sparks*

Arcann: *Is promptly stabbed in the back*

Agent: *Materializes behind Arcann, knife in right hand, left hand clasping his target's shoulder* Boo.

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This expansion will be a massive fail imo. First of all how can an entire empire of such power "hide" "somewhere"? Second, I'm used to pursuing Vitiate, not some ugly trendy ****faces who think they're ******...

Third, empire and the republic have fallen? Might as well make a new game. There's no chance in hell Wrath and Nox would let that happen.


Also, how did anyone manage to capture Nox, Wrath, Champion of the Great Hunt, Cipher Nine and other 4 legendary republic heroes in carbonite? The intro itself is a fail, lacks sense and connection to our current storyline..:confused:


This should have been a completely different game set in some other timeline, not an expansion to SWTOR. It just feels like everything you worked for till lvl 60 was useless. Sorry BW, but from what I can see now, I think this new "Outlander" garbage won't be worth the play :(:(


How can entire Empire of such power hide? You serious? Have you forgotten how the Sith Empire remerged...? The Galaxy is HHHHUUUUUUGGGGEEEE. And obviously they wouldn't let that happen, that's why they're in carbonite... Not willingly I would wager.

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How can entire Empire of such power hide? You serious? Have you forgotten how the Sith Empire remerged...? The Galaxy is HHHHUUUUUUGGGGEEEE. And obviously they wouldn't let that happen, that's why they're in carbonite... Not willingly I would wager.


Agreed! I'll be honest, until I saw the "Sacrifice" trailer I expected a lie or a huge fail based on the leak but then I remembered a few things:

-The Sith Empire managed to build a huge war machine in the a few centuries at best.

-They were hidden in the Unknown Regions so well that at the time, only Revan and Malak had found them (Meetra Surik/The Exile only found them by looking for Revan whom she had a bond with).

-There has been several mentions of a possible third Rakata factory/space station akin to the Star Forge and the Foundry.

-In SoR, while on Rishi, there were hints dropped that pointed to a violent event coming. Consular got visions of a intense battle where one of their companions bade the farewell, they could also hear the Moff who leads Nox's fleet ordering it into battle and Aric Jorgan yelling "For the Republic!". The Knight got some help from his deceased master who told him that terrible times were coming (He could have been talking about Ziost, of course, but probably about the Zakuul Empire). The Inquisitor found several machines of unknown technology (Presumed Rakata) that extended his lifespan by an unknown number, those may be tied to what makes Valkorion "The Immortal Emperor" (If he isn't a pawn of Vitiate that is.)

-Finally, at the end of Ziost, Vitiate mentions that there is something that caught his attention. Something that is coming. And since he gains power through war and death, it's good for him to hide while Valkorion beats the sh** out of both Republic and Empire who were on the brink of stopping the war again after a string of costly battles and campaigns.

-And even then, if Vitiate isn't the focus of KOTFE, who said his story would be completely dropped/he would die?

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As of now, no faction knows for sure how to defeat the Emperor and perhaps KOTFE will reveal a solution at some point. Don't forget that just because a new faction is introduced does not mean that the emperor wont be issued in some way thorought the chapters.
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-In SoR, while on Rishi, there were hints dropped that pointed to a violent event coming. Consular got visions of a intense battle where one of their companions bade the farewell, they could also hear the Moff who leads Nox's fleet ordering it into battle and Aric Jorgan yelling "For the Republic!". The Knight got some help from his deceased master who told him that terrible times were coming (He could have been talking about Ziost, of course, but probably about the Zakuul Empire). The Inquisitor found several machines of unknown technology (Presumed Rakata) that extended his lifespan by an unknown number, those may be tied to what makes Valkorion "The Immortal Emperor" (If he isn't a pawn of Vitiate that is.)


I agree with all you said, it's just been a while since I did my Rishi Consular stuff - whereabouts on Rishi was that vision? I remember a vision showing troops running around and seeing a particular person, but not a farewell/moff/Jorgan and such.

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Fallen empire Soilder: Foolish jedi ive killed doesn of your kind what hope do you have?

Knight: Me, Im the Hero of Typhon, ive faced armies, sith lords, ive faced down An Emperor twice, im the battle master of the Jedi, im the light that shines in the darkness and when my light shines on your empire you will wish you stayed in whatever hole you came out of

*ignites Saber*

Knight: Your Move?

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One thing I remembered from the Shadow of Revan intro cutscene, is that Azshara is the one who has the vision, not your SI. So it's possible she plays a vital role in your rescue from carbonite with Lana and Koth, or later in the story.
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