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Knights of the Fallen Empire - Subscription Only and/or Purchase Options?


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I just finished watching the Star Wars: The Old Republic, Knights of the Fallen Empire, showcase and I feel extremely excited about it! As a fan of KOTOR I and II, it will be awesome to get to return to the storytelling that helped make The Old Republic the rich world filled with lore that we know. I'd like to start off by thanking EA for offering the expansion to subscribers at no charge. That was a cool gesture to say thank you however it raises some questions I have. I bought the game back at launch and I'm enjoying it as I just shut it down for the day. As a gamer, I've seen the industry move from business model to business model and I've seen MMO titles go from subscription only to b2p, f2p or just flat out close shop. Now this thread isnt' about impending doom and gloom or any of that nonsense but more to voice my opinion and possible concern on the topic. Hopefully it will be answered with a short and concise answer from the appropriate party.


As stated already, I've seen that the new expansion be touted as a free expansion for subscribers however I think that is leaving out a portion of the community that consumes the entertainment of your product. During the E3 session there was a lot of focus on "Play" and being player friendly as a video game publisher but I'm concerned about whether or not this expansion, which looks to be fantastic from the fresh and stylish cinematic, will be available for purchase like Shadow of Revan for example. I know that I might be in the minority here but I know that I'm not entirely alone when I say that I prefer to purchase the expansions and sometimes roll preferred status. There will be months to subscribe and some months that aren't so great for us personally yet our video games give us a chance to escape from the financial shackles that can sometimes hold us, the players, down. $15 a month isn't a lot and it's about $0.50 a day but sometimes a family, single parent, bachelor(ette) or a student just won't have that extra change lying around.


I know that this would be a day one purchase for me if I were able to purchase the expansion outright for an appropriate cost however if it is only available to subscribers then I'd have to weigh my options as I personally and honestly cannot stay subscribed every month of the year. That is just not an option. I understand that subscription services, season passes and DLC are the current sales meta if you will however I question whether or not this is serving the "Play" mentality that supports the players. I also fully understand that generating a flux of revenue is important however I don't see limiting options such as this for a subset or even a majority of the playerbase as a responsible move.


I really want to play Knights of the Fallen Empire and experience the story telling from Bioware with Star Wars: The Old Republic with a fresh take on story driven gameplay however I do have my concerns.


Thanks for reading this and I hope that it reaches the appropriate parties. If you disagree with me then that is totally ok however please be respectful towards my opinion and stance as they are just that. With that said I wish you well and may the force be with you!



After reading through some fine print I was able to find some more information regarding the current offering details however I still think that this thread can be useful as a positive feedback tool to communicate the player's opinions from all aspects.


5. Can I still get Knights of the Fallen Empire if I don’t have Rise of the Hutt Cartel or Shadow of Revan?

All subscribers will receive access to Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan starting on October 27, 2015.


6. How do I pre-order Knights of the Fallen Empire?

Knights of the Fallen Empire is not available for pre-order as it is free to all active subscribers . You must be an active subscriber to receive the expansion.


7. When will Chapters be released?

Knights of the Fallen Empire will launch with the first 9 episodic Chapters of the story. The remaining chapters will be released monthly starting in early 2016.


9. What if I unsubscribe from Star Wars: The Old Republic after October?

If you unsubscribe after October 27, 2015, you will keep the first 9 Chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire, but will not receive any additional Chapters when they are released.


10. What if I don’t subscribe until all the Chapters are released?

If you subscribe after the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire, you will receive all the content that has been released up to that date. However, as a subscriber you are eligible for great benefits that you don’t want to miss out on such as a monthly Cartel Coin grant and access to the full spectrum of character species.




Edited by usctrojans
Added further information about the current offering details
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Considering that they are increasing the level cap, I am thinking that it could work similar to RotHC; once you subscribe for at least a month, you are eligible for all the chapters released until then or something. Because otherwise, once you unsubscribe, how should you still play your level 65 characters?
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Considering that they are increasing the level cap, I am thinking that it could work similar to RotHC; once you subscribe for at least a month, you are eligible for all the chapters released until then or something. Because otherwise, once you unsubscribe, how should you still play your level 65 characters?


That is definitely interesting insight.

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I suspect f2p players can buy it but I wonder if they'll have to pay for each subsequent story as well...might as well be subbed then eh ;)


this makes me think that they will charge per chapter (aside from the initial launch ones) so itd be like 5-10 per chapter but subs (who are already paying 15) just get them free.

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this makes me think that they will charge per chapter (aside from the initial launch ones) so itd be like 5-10 per chapter but subs (who are already paying 15) just get them free.


There's a good chance of that.

Kinda reminds me of when City of Heroes did monthly episodes. They were also free for subs, but others had to purchase them in the store.

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I was able to find more information regarding the current offering detail for this expansion and further episodes or chapters. I have edited the original post to reflect this information. Edited by usctrojans
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this makes me think that they will charge per chapter (aside from the initial launch ones) so itd be like 5-10 per chapter but subs (who are already paying 15) just get them free.


Nope I was wrong...just saw it on dulfy. There's a Q&A that states that you need to be a sub to get it and to get more chapters. If you unsub you won't get the new chapters until you sub again.

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I just finished watching the Star Wars: The Old Republic, Knights of the Fallen Empire, showcase and I feel extremely excited about it! As a fan of KOTOR I and II, it will be awesome to get to return to the storytelling that helped make The Old Republic the rich world filled with lore that we know. I'd like to start off by thanking EA for offering the expansion to subscribers at no charge. That was a cool gesture to say thank you however it raises some questions I have. I bought the game back at launch and I'm enjoying it as I just shut it down for the day. As a gamer, I've seen the industry move from business model to business model and I've seen MMO titles go from subscription only to b2p, f2p or just flat out close shop. Now this thread isnt' about impending doom and gloom or any of that nonsense but more to voice my opinion and possible concern on the topic. Hopefully it will be answered with a short and concise answer from the appropriate party.


As stated already, I've seen that the new expansion be touted as a free expansion for subscribers however I think that is leaving out a portion of the community that consumes the entertainment of your product. During the E3 session there was a lot of focus on "Play" and being player friendly as a video game publisher but I'm concerned about whether or not this expansion, which looks to be fantastic from the fresh and stylish cinematic, will be available for purchase like Shadow of Revan for example. I know that I might be in the minority here but I know that I'm not entirely alone when I say that I prefer to purchase the expansions and sometimes roll preferred status. There will be months to subscribe and some months that aren't so great for us personally yet our video games give us a chance to escape from the financial shackles that can sometimes hold us, the players, down. $15 a month isn't a lot and it's about $0.50 a day but sometimes a family, single parent, bachelor(ette) or a student just won't have that extra change lying around.


I know that this would be a day one purchase for me if I were able to purchase the expansion outright for an appropriate cost however if it is only available to subscribers then I'd have to weigh my options as I personally and honestly cannot stay subscribed every month of the year. That is just not an option. I understand that subscription services, season passes and DLC are the current sales meta if you will however I question whether or not this is serving the "Play" mentality that supports the players. I also fully understand that generating a flux of revenue is important however I don't see limiting options such as this for a subset or even a majority of the playerbase as a responsible move.


I really want to play Knights of the Fallen Empire and experience the story telling from Bioware with Star Wars: The Old Republic with a fresh take on story driven gameplay however I do have my concerns.


Thanks for reading this and I hope that it reaches the appropriate parties. If you disagree with me then that is totally ok however please be respectful towards my opinion and stance as they are just that. With that said I wish you well and may the force be with you!



After reading through some fine print I was able to find some more information regarding the current offering details however I still think that this thread can be useful as a positive feedback tool to communicate the player's opinions from all aspects.


5. Can I still get Knights of the Fallen Empire if I don’t have Rise of the Hutt Cartel or Shadow of Revan?

All subscribers will receive access to Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan starting on October 27, 2015.


6. How do I pre-order Knights of the Fallen Empire?

Knights of the Fallen Empire is not available for pre-order as it is free to all active subscribers . You must be an active subscriber to receive the expansion.


7. When will Chapters be released?

Knights of the Fallen Empire will launch with the first 9 episodic Chapters of the story. The remaining chapters will be released monthly starting in early 2016.


9. What if I unsubscribe from Star Wars: The Old Republic after October?

If you unsubscribe after October 27, 2015, you will keep the first 9 Chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire, but will not receive any additional Chapters when they are released.


10. What if I don’t subscribe until all the Chapters are released?

If you subscribe after the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire, you will receive all the content that has been released up to that date. However, as a subscriber you are eligible for great benefits that you don’t want to miss out on such as a monthly Cartel Coin grant and access to the full spectrum of character species.





I only have one issue here really and this is what it is. $15 a month is really nothing. If someone really wanted to play the game in its fullest, they could simply skip that 20oz soda everyday and have enough money to pay for a sub in in a litle under 2 weeks. The average cost of a 20oz soda in the US is $1.31, skip that for 12 days and youve got your $15 to subscribe. I know what people will say to this, they will say that some people are just too bad off to even afford that. My response is.....if its really so bad that you cant scrape up $15 a month, or sacrifice that soda once a day, then you probably dont need to be paying for internet in the first place to even play the game for free. Just my $0.02.

Edited by mpddispatch
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Nope I was wrong...just saw it on dulfy. There's a Q&A that states that you need to be a sub to get it and to get more chapters. If you unsub you won't get the new chapters until you sub again.


Yes, my understanding of it is when you subscribe you will gain the first 9 chapters and if your subscription lapses you will not receive the future episodes. If you decide to subscribe again afterward then you will receive the episodic content that has been released prior to that point. I find that this model might be a good compromise as you keep what you have if your subscription lapses but you can continue on by continuing your subscription. That is at least my understanding of how this will work.


Also, subscribers will receive Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan expansions for free as well which is a great bonus. Shadow of Revan provided me with one of my favorite and most memorable gaming moments in the last 4 years and I think it's awesome that new subscribers will be able to experience that same excitement more or less .


It's a pretty good deal as far as I understand it. It also allows a great place for newer subscribers to get caught up on the stories without having to figure out which content to purchase.

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I only have one issue here really and this is what it is. $15 a month is really nothing. If someone really wanted to play the game in its fullest, they could simply skip that 20oz soda everyday and have enough money to pay for a sub in in a litle under 2 weeks. The average cost of a 20oz soda in the US is $1.31, skip that for 12 days and youve got your $15 to subscribe. I know what people will say to this, they will say that some people are just too bad off to even afford that. My response is.....if its really so bad that you cant scrape up $15 a month, or sacrifice that soda once a day, then you probably dont need to be paying for internet in the first place to even play the game for free. Just my $0.02.


Hey there mpddispatch,


Sometimes when all the expenses of life add up whether it be family, kids, utility/rent/medical bills or other expenses you can be put into the red even after working a full time job more than 12 hours a day. So that $0.50 a day that I laid out in the original post might not be available. There are only so many hours in the day and sometimes you get just one hour a night to sit down and enjoy yourself. I think that making that one hour a night worth it is important otherwise I'd probably go crazy.


Thanks for the input though and it's really awesome that you're in a good spot. :)

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Hey there mpddispatch,


Sometimes when all the expenses of life add up whether it be family, kids, utility/rent/medical bills or other expenses you can be put into the red even after working a full time job more than 12 hours a day. So that $0.50 a day that I laid out in the original post might not be available. There are only so many hours in the day and sometimes you get just one hour a night to sit down and enjoy yourself. I think that making that one hour a night worth it is important otherwise I'd probably go crazy.


Thanks for the input though and it's really awesome that you're in a good spot. :)


Oh dont get me wrong, I dont mind F2P people at all, Hell they are what saved this game when it was on the brink of death. The point I was trying to make is that if you LITERALLY cant afford $0.50 a day, I mean honestly cant do without 2 quarters, then I dont see how you can justify the cost of internet service that you play the game for free on. That was the only point I was trying to make.

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  • 2 months later...
does anyone know if fallen empire will give u shadow of revan cause i o not have it
Yes, KotFE will give you Shadows of Revan and Rise of the Hutt Cartel


From the KotFE Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/7418


5. Can I still get Knights of the Fallen Empire if I don’t have Rise of the Hutt Cartel or Shadow of Revan?

  • All subscribers will receive access to Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan starting on October 27, 2015.

Edited by Falensawino
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Well from what I've read on some sites, it was the Cartel Market that saved the game. All the F2P people did was to bulk out the numbers and only a few subbed or went preferred. If it wasn't for all the cartel market profits, EA would have shut this game down a long time ago Edited by Warhams
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Old information I read ages ago? Heres what a quick google found, http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2014/01/swtors-cartel-market-rakes-in-139-million-dollars-in-2013.html . You can find more precise info yourself


Thanks for the link. That certainly states that the CM sales did very well raking in $139 million. But I saw no comparison to that benefit to the game being more than the influx of people helping the population and how many of them in turn made purchases on the CM contributing to the CM revenue themselves. Granted, no longer being F2P, but nothing about how many of those would have bothered playing the game had there not been an option to try it for free. That's just one example, and I'm nowhere near an expert in such things.


Thus, I still wonder how you know "precisely" the fact that you claimed. Sorry I assumed since you made a precise claim, you would have the info available to back that up. If I cared more than the general irritation that such factual claims are made so abundantly around here that is not backed up with links, I might take you up on your advice to research it further.


Interesting question though: What saved SWtoR?

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Well do come back when you got some 'proper' information then, beyond whats currently publicly available. All we got is just general information and conjecture, Bioware hasn't released any proper breakdowns such as total paying sub numbers, cartel market total purchases etc. People so far has been drawing conclusions based on those, its not the best but without any other information, its the best that's currently available
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