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Any tips for learning AS rotation?

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All the tips you need: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7896454&postcount=2


If you want something easy then learn the basic rotation and do that forever.


Thanks, this is a nice guide but I do have some concerns with it. One of the bigger concerns is that there's no opening rotation. There's also no mention of when to pop supercharged cells for max DPS. It also kind of bothers me that the two dot abilities are so spread apart in the rotation. I did however have an easier time maintaining energy with this rotation over the Dulfy general, however no opener and some lack of detail is making me wonder if I should just try to get Dulfy rotations down. Anybody have other thoughts?

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Supercharged Cells is not part of the basic rotation except in a trivial way of boosting DoT damage.


You want the basics you do the basics.


The advanced rotation replaces Hammer Shot with Charged Bolts (and Explosive Round when it is buffed).


You cannot replace a free Hammer Shot with a resource cost ability as high as Charged Bolts or Explosive Round without compensating.


So when you replace a Hammer Shot you use Supercharge Cells for the resource regen to offset the cost.


The other thing you do is replace a Hammer Shot with Charged Bolts or Explosive Round and immediately use Reserve Powercell on the Full Auto afterwards which allows 2 GCD of free regen, again offsetting the cost.


The only Hammer Shot replacement you can use without resource compensation is Electronet.


And of course you deliberately trash your resources by replacing all Hammer Shot for a couple of rotations before using Recharge Cells.


Then when nothing is available for resource compensation you cruise on the neutral rotation using two Hammer Shots per 15s rotation until you have a Supercharge Cell/Reserve Powercell ready and you burn resources with a filled rotation again when you see Recharge Cells cooldown close to coming off.


This is actually in the guide, maybe you missed it.



As for what a trained user of the rotation looks like: http://parsely.io/parser/view/37878


A demo I did for someone else the other day, in fact I might as well link that post since it details how to become better at the rotation: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8245866#post8245866

Edited by Gyronamics
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Supercharged Cells is not part of the basic rotation except in a trivial way of boosting DoT damage.


You want the basics you do the basics.


The advanced rotation replaces Hammer Shot with Charged Bolts (and Explosive Round when it is buffed).


You cannot replace a free Hammer Shot with a resource cost ability as high as Charged Bolts or Explosive Round without compensating.


So when you replace a Hammer Shot you use Supercharge Cells for the resource regen to offset the cost.


The other thing you do is replace a Hammer Shot with Charged Bolts or Explosive Round and immediately use Reserve Powercell on the Full Auto afterwards which allows 2 GCD of free regen, again offsetting the cost.


The only Hammer Shot replacement you can use without resource compensation is Electronet.


And of course you deliberately trash your resources by replacing all Hammer Shot for a couple of rotations before using Recharge Cells.


Then when nothing is available for resource compensation you cruise on the neutral rotation using two Hammer Shots per 15s rotation until you have a Supercharge Cell/Reserve Powercell ready and you burn resources with a filled rotation again when you see Recharge Cells cooldown close to coming off.


This is actually in the guide, maybe you missed it.



As for what a trained user of the rotation looks like: http://parsely.io/parser/view/37878


A demo I did for someone else the other day, in fact I might as well link that post since it details how to become better at the rotation: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8245866#post8245866


Thanks. Just so happens I have reached the point where I need to squeeze more DPS, so I was wondering how to optimize this rotation for that . The opener is what I needed. Adrenal lasts for roughly 10 GCDs, so I presume when reaching normal rotation when its still up replacing hammer shots with charged bolts is mandatory.


Problem is resource cooldowns will be needed when going ammo negative, but the guide just says "use your own judgement" :) This rotation does not have explicit ammo burn and ammo conservation phases so I need to find some other way to determine if I can afford to use charged bolt at any point in time or not. Also it is obvious resource cooldowns should be used "on cooldown". At least on dummy there should be a single most optimal rotation, just need to figure out some system to do it reliably.


Also, I presume supercharge should be delayed for when adrenal comes off cooldown again? What is the most optimal point of using them when these cooldowns are available mid-fight - before mag bolt segment?

Edited by Arunas
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I use Supercharge Cells immediately because I'm overspending with my opener and then I tend to use it when available every time after that.


If there are special reasons to save up resources then I will cruise on neutral and hold whatever is available until then.


For example you need to get the boss to 50% and then kill him as fast as possible because he starts doing 300% damage or something.


So I'd hold off and make sure I had everything ready for that burn phase.


Fight experience will tell you if you can cram in any of your resource abilities and still have them back when you actually need them. Just one of the ways you improve yourself on a fight.


A neutral rotation is +3 to Supercharge so just as you're doing your 4th rotation (which is 15s) it will come up again. And then again if you have to pause it could be faster because you'll spam Med Shot to build stacks if you have nothing to do.


So bit of judgement and fight planning on when you can cram in resource abilities and when you need to just hold on because they won't be back in time.

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You spike the start with empowered DoT which will kick your damage to about 6000dps roughly half a rotation in:


GCD01 Serrated Bolt (buffing DoT and 2pc 2% damage increase)

GCD02 Incendiary Round (required to trigger Supercharged Burn)

GCD03 Electronet + Adrenal + Supercharged Cell


And then you roll cleanly into the rotation.


AKA you continue from the bold red text marker here:

GCD01 Incendiary Round (debuffing the target and applying the elemental DoT)

GCD02 Mag Bolt (making next Charged Bolts instant) THIS BIT HERE

GCD03 Charged Bolts (making next Mag Bolt free)

GCD04 Mag Bolt (generating 5 energy)

GCD05 Serrated Bolt (debuffing the target and applying internal DoT)

GCD06 Assault Plastique

GCD07 ------ Filler Slot

GCD08 Full Auto (making next Mag Bolt free)

GCD09 Full Auto continued

GCD10 ------ Filler Slot


That would then continue


GCD01 Incendiary Round (reapplying the elemental DoT)

GCD02 Mag Bolt (generating 5 energy and making next Charged Bolts instant)

GCD03 Charged Bolts (making next Mag Bolt free)

GCD04 Mag Bolt (generating 5 energy)

GCD05 Serrated Bolt (reapplying internal DoT)

GCD06 Assault Plastique

GCD07 ------ Filler Slot

GCD08 Full Auto (making next Mag Bolt free)

GCD09 Full Auto continued

GCD10 ------ Filler Slot


That is exactly what I am doing here: http://s21.postimg.org/ujehik3pj/tmp.jpg


From this demo parse posted earlier: http://parsely.io/parser/view/37878

Edited by Gyronamics
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Step up to a 1M dummy and see if you can keep going for long periods.


Your timings look a little high but they are consistent so I'm guessing you have no alacrity. A portion of stats in alacrity will also improve APM but if you have lower grade gear it's not very meaningful to shuffle about with those kind of stats compared to flat out getting better grade gear.


You can see here some guide ability times down to http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8245866#post8245866


Longer parses, best stims and adreals and better gear (with any luck) are the ways up once you control the rotation.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I'm ok with the idea that if you get to freecast for eternity you might get ahead with stacked alacrity but when GCD count in short burst windows surge is more effective.


In other words, there is a difference between optimal stats for hitting a dummy and for a fragmented fight.


I go for a reasonably even split between alacrity and surge as a safe compromise for all scenarios of sustained and burst damage.


@ 198/204 BiS I'm split 250/360 surge/alacrity


Still suggest it for lower gear to split between them after getting the required accuracy.

Edited by Gyronamics
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