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Best Alignment for Each Class?


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Making Light Side and Dark Side choices is usually a matter of player preference, but how much does it influence the class stories and how appropriate are those choices for the theme of the characters?


For example, it may seem obvious to go light side choices on a Jedi Knight and dark side choices on a Sith Warrior, but what about Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters, and Agents? Is it really as myopic as Republic = Light and Empire = Dark?

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Depends on the class, more or less. I went mostly LS on my BH (BH alignment is more about personal honor than LS/DS of the Force, so it's really a question of whether or not you're a scumbag), and rather neutral on my Agent (no excessive cruelty, but the mission cannot be compromised so I left a lot of DS-point leaking corpses). Smuggler and Warrior can go either way, although chapter 3 is a bit weird on the Warrior if you're heavy LS.


Sith Inquisitor doesn't make much sense as LS - the thirst for power both literal and Force-based doesn't make sense from a LS pespective. Conversely, I don't think Knight makes much sense DS, unless you switch flip after the end of chapter 2 (for reasons that are spoilery but obvious if you've played it).


I have yet to finish Consular, but I don't think it makes a great deal of sense going heavy DS, and I haven't played trooper at all so I can't comment.

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Most classes work neutral really well but I prefer to play them as:


Jedi Knight - Neutral but leaning towards Light like Revan

Jedi Consular - Light

Trooper - Most Light

Smuggler - Neutral


Sith Warrior - Mostly Light

Sith Inquisitor - Dark

Bounty Hunter - Mostly Dark

Agent - Neutral but leaning towards Light

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Knight - Neutral

Consular - Light-ish

Trooper - Neutral/Dark

Smuggler - Neutral (Mostly because latter half of Act 2/3 gives you some choices that feel like whimsy.)


Warrior - Light (except for Nomen-f'cking-Karr. I seriously needed that guy dead.)

Inq - Neutral/Light (Interesting how little some of the missions actually require you to do when you don't fry people on the spot.)

Agent - Neutral/Dark

BH - Neutral/Light (Would've been full light, except for *ahem* certain things that happen 'round the end of Act 2)

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The only class I would definitively say "you should really go this alignment" is the Sith Inquisitor for DS. I played a LS Inquisitor through the entire story and it was... completely stupid. The game wants the Inquisitor to be evil.


When you make LS choices, the voice actress (can't speak for the male voice actor, I've only done female) delivers the "nice" lines with a completely sarcastic lilt. And you end up forced to later kill an awful lot of people you had previously spared, like "... why did you even give me an option to spare them in the first place, then? -_-"


Other than that, I've had fun trying different alignments on classes. LS Sith Warrior was very interesting to me, felt very Imperial Military-ish to me (since a Sith Warrior's LS options often end up being more "honorable person" than flat-out "nice person"). A DS Smuggler is very believable even though you're Republic, given the Smuggler's reputation and the fact that a ton of their DS choices boil down to "you opted to take the money rather than help someone". Etc etc.

Edited by Timorelle
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The only class I would definitively say "you should really go this alignment" is the Sith Inquisitor for DS. I played a LS Inquisitor through the entire story and it was... completely stupid. The game wants the Inquisitor to be evil.


This. I tried to play a mostly LS Inquisitor so I wouldn't bork my alignment after I acquired Ashara for romance purposes but... it just was so dumb. Deleted the toon after finishing Alderaan and rerolled a female and MASSIVELY unhinged SI. Much more fun!

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From what I can gather the intended alignments by the writers are as follows (and to be perfectly frank these can be debated quite a bit):


Jedi Knight - Lightside

Jedi Consular - Lightside

Smuggler - Neutral

Trooper - Neutral

Sith Warrior - Darkside

Sith Inquisitor - Darkside

Bounty Hunter - Neutral

Agent - Neutral


The stories vary in terms of working as the unintended alignment (Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor are the worst culprits here). In particular the Warrior works pretty well as Lightside, and the Smuggler works pretty well as any of the three. Most of the stories can work well as any of the three (except for Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor), so it's mostly up to however you want to play it.

Edited by Sangiban
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The only class I would definitively say "you should really go this alignment" is the Sith Inquisitor for DS. I played a LS Inquisitor through the entire story and it was... completely stupid. The game wants the Inquisitor to be evil.


When you make LS choices, the voice actress (can't speak for the male voice actor, I've only done female) delivers the "nice" lines with a completely sarcastic lilt. And you end up forced to later kill an awful lot of people you had previously spared, like "... why did you even give me an option to spare them in the first place, then? -_-"


Who all did you spare that came back on you later?

Only one that comes to mind is Master Nomar Organa.


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Jedi Knight: Light


A Dark Jedi can be written well, but this story just isn't suited to one.


Jedi Consular: Light


Haven't made it as far in this one, but so far light just seems to work best. I'd intended for my character to be neutral-ish, but that's not how it worked out.


Smuggler: Any


I have a lightside Smuggler, and he's still fun to play. It just boils down to what you're looking for.


Trooper: Neutral/Light


Dark Side Trooper kind of feels like a mindless thug.


Warrior: Light


It's just more fun playing Lightside Sith


Inquisitor: Neutral


Occlus is just so much more evil than Nox, because he's rational and manipulative. That's where the lightside choices come in. I mostly played a male Inquisitor, and the voice suited him really well.


Agent: Light


Everyone around you is willing to make sacrifices and compromise their values to get what they want. The story's good regardless, but Light just makes the Agent stand out a bit better.


Bounty Hunter: Dark


I'm playing a vaguely lightsided BH, and it's just not working for me.

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Inquisitor: Neutral


Occlus is just so much more evil than Nox, because he's rational and manipulative. That's where the lightside choices come in. I mostly played a male Inquisitor, and the voice suited him really well.


Happy to see someone make this point. Light side choices aren't necessarily about being nice and good. Even Darth Imperious doesn't have to be about that. Doesn't take much to get to light side 1.

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Yeah, that's what I've gotten from the Sith. "Light Side" choices tend to feel more "Lawful Evil," while Dark Side choices tend to be more "Chaotic Evil."


It really changes the feel of the class, being Lawful versus Chaotic. Both are good, though. If you're ever going to do a class twice, the Sith ones are the way to go, with opposing alignments.


Most others are kinda obvious from the get-go. Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, the two "Underworld" characters can work with whatever alignment you throw their way. Jedi definitely fit better with a Light Side alignment, with Consular probably stronger Light Side than Knight. Trooper and Agent are definitely more neutral, doing what is necessary for their respective governments while still following a strict code.

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Knight: Either Light or Neutral. Light for a true hero story, Neutral for more of an Anakin Skywalker mix. Dark should have gotten you kicked out of the order.


Consular: Light or Neutral. Act I becomes very, very stupid as a Dark character, and being a diplomat requires a willingness to talk to people, not go for your lightsaber first. Neutral has you being more of a Qui-Gon "Grey" type of Jedi, which also works--just don't take the Dark choices involving the Jedi Masters in Act I. Really, don't.


Smuggler: Any. Light is very Han Solo-esque, in that you're a good guy fighting for the Republic who just happens to skim on the law. Dark has you out to build your criminal empire. Neutral is "whatever benefits me" without going out of the way to harm others.


Trooper: Darkish. Staunch loyalist to the Republic, always follows orders no matter what it involves, and gives traitors their just dues. Light can work as "that idealistic cadet who forgoes orders but always pulls through", but feels unfitting for someone in special forces.


Warrior: Light. Act I changes significantly if you're Light, and being Light completely inverts the "dumb, bloodthirsty brute" stereotype. It also makes the conflicts with Jedi more interesting, as they can't believe a Light Sith exists, and often draws out their own Dark traits.


Inquisitor: Dark. A Light-side Inquisitor should have defected during Act I, and wouldn't be nearly as power-hungry. Neutral works, but feels kind of unmotivated. Dark is full-on anarchist reveling in his/her newfound freedom, vowing to hurt those who hurt them and gathering as much power as possible to never be enslaved again.


Agent: Any. Like the Smuggler, Light, Neutral and Dark Agents all have completely different motivations and flavors, and all work well with the story. Light is the patriotic idealist, Neutral is the "whatever needs to be done" extremist, and Dark is that self-centered psycho who joined just to get a license to kill people.


Hunter: Light-ish. Mandalorians and Mandalorian honor get a big focus during the story, and joining them feels more natural than not. The Act III villain is so much more interesting as a foil if you're Light, and you can get put in several interesting quandaries where you have to choose between your job and your morals.

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Smuggler: Any. Light is very Han Solo-esque, in that you're a good guy fighting for the Republic who just happens to skim on the law. Dark has you out to build your criminal empire. Neutral is "whatever benefits me" without going out of the way to harm others.


Funnily enough the dark side smuggler felt more like a Tyber Zann style character. Which was awesome. Now if only we could get our criminal empire acknowledged, that would be great. Or at least, if our character could be called "Voidhound" rather than the generic "Captain", since that's our fancy title.

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