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Full Premades In Lowbie Warzones


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As a very new PvP player. 18 lvl 60 PvE toons and just rolled 1st PvP today. I may have a more reasonable take on this.


When you are first starting out, you are supposed to die a lot!.


I am not in a PvP guild and i queue solo. Unitil you get the gear needed that is the reality. I play a vanguard DPS. I get focused as soon as i enter and as soon as i respawn. Maybe because i am playing a tanking class and it is easier if you get those toons off the field asap, but when i get focused, i just get back in the match as quick as i can. My skill level is not the same as it is in PvE. Yes it is frustrating, I am a very good PvE player. I have those skills. I do not however have many PvP skills at all. I do not fault those that focus me and hunt me down. They are simply better players than me at this time. I will get better and i will have more fun as I do.


So, just relax, play the game. Sometimes it will be fun. sometimes it will not. Play more and get better. that is my plan.

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As a member of Red octagon I'm sick and tired of getting my butt kicked by Blue octagon. what I want to know is when will we get more people in Red octagon so we can Q up against blue and kick your Pubby behinds back to the login screen.



One and Lonely RO


Mr. Z

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It makes you a bad player when your TS server sounds like this:


>lulz, we r farming these nubs lowbies


>alright we got 2 four man teams lets sync q in 3..2..1..


>we triple capped and spawn killed them within one minute


>lulz they all quit, because were 8 veteran players on TS, gg m8'z


>gawd, why are the warzone queues taking so long, this is bullshyt m8


>you want to play team ranked?


>nah we always lose, lets just wait for the lowbies to pop again


Haha, this post is hilarious and still with so much truth in it ... Only true losers premade in regs. :D

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To me, you sound like someone kind of blackmailing someone into something ... and at the same time let it sound so as if it came down from a throne ... Very creepy, if you ask me. You are very likely a Troll, too.


The offer stands for you as well.

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Haha, this post is hilarious and still with so much truth in it ... Only true losers premade in regs. :D


You become a loser if you win warzones? I've been doing it wrong this whole time! I need to start losing to be one of the cool kids then. :(

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There is 2 of us in Lemon Party. We are leveling pub toons and are going to play pubside a little more. If you ever see anyone (of the 2 of us) in the guild <homies>, hit us up. We can group up and try to balance the scales, because like you said, most pub v imp games just aren't very competitive. As much as I love winning, triple cap games are not that fun.


Strange, because I could have swore the other night there was 4 people running in there with that Guild Tag on. Is there a mock guild of you guys??

I saw someone from homies the other day. Cool.

Yeah exactly. I like the challenge.


Not all premades sit there and coordinate targets and strategize, etc. For instance, last night we had a pretty interesting conversation about what caused American corporations to shift their focus towards short-term goals and stock valuation, and the impact that is having on American innovation and our ability to compete internationally.


Other times we just discuss Taco Bell.


ROFL Exactly! I was in a "Premade" if you want to call it the other night. My friends from another guild & I were queue syncing (they had a full group) & in Mumble! *gasp*

It did not help us win & we were not rolling over people left & right. We were more shocked at how we were getting rolled. In all the "pre-mades" I've been in before we will call out inc to each other but for the most part we just talk, or get silent as we PvP then resume convo after match.


On the Taco Bell subject, better discussion next time would be the new pizza @ Pizza Hut! Have you seen it?! lol :D

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what is it called when i 1v4 a premade in 10-29 pvp? its called actually being good and not using premades as an excuse for being bad





^true story, lowbie guardian tank, 1v4 on node in civil war

Edited by thatPERSON
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All I know is that on the IMP side (pre-60 PvP), I've occasionally inspected the gear of some of the players. Most of the players don't have relics, half the players don't even have an offhand item, and probably half don't use implants. Now, I get it if you're level 35 or something, but when you see level 50-59 players without these items you just can't help but shake your head. Ironically, the least geared people often seem to complain the most in ops chat when losing.
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All I know is that on the IMP side (pre-60 PvP), I've occasionally inspected the gear of some of the players. Most of the players don't have relics, half the players don't even have an offhand item, and probably half don't use implants. Now, I get it if you're level 35 or something, but when you see level 50-59 players without these items you just can't help but shake your head. Ironically, the least geared people often seem to complain the most in ops chat when losing.


Offhands are bugged and often to not display.

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I wish I could "like" some of these posts as if it were frickin' Facebook! LOL!


@ Domi: When we manage to actually get 8 people together, yes we try to even split the groups up with equal damage/heals/tanks since more than half the time we end up against each other vice same teams. This makes the TS conversations very quiet if the opposing team guildies don't swap TS channels. If we end up on the same team, we send one to each node to get an idea of the strength of the person/people guarding/capping that node. Then we focus on capping the 2 seemingly weaker nodes and holding those. As for targets, usually one of the stronger DPS players will start calling out targets and occasionally we'll even swap the reticle/target over the head of who we're on so we can all hit the same target. As for CCs, it depends on who i'm playing with. When i'm running with some we have a predetermined "You stun first, i'll stun 2nd" prearranged so we don't waste a stun. But most of the time it's just a roll of the dice for us. We try to call out if we're stunning or AOE stunning but it doesn't always happen. When it comes to burning 1 player down, it only takes 2 good DPS'ers to kill the target off in the time their two 4 second stuns elapse. If there's a healer trying to keep them alive, then 3 can do it without much trouble. Keep in mind this is within the lowbie bracket. At higher levels, players get their debuffs/shields/self heals etc and then it takes either more players or longer to burn an individual target down.


@ Kevin & Zore: Almost everyone that has toons in Blue Octagon also has toons in Red Octagon. We occasionally swap to Red Octagon but play Blue Oct characters more often since we have the guild flagship unlocked on that side and not on the Red side. We're working towards conquest points and unlocking new areas on the flagship. It is funny though when someone gets all quiet in TS and we realize why when they're suddenly on their Red side toon and whippin' up on us in the WZ's! :-P


For the most part though, the tactics that Kevin mentioned are not necessary until you hit 60. Our premades are much more similar to what some of the other guys said: shootin' the breeze with friends and occasionally calling out incs to a node or declaring which target we're on.


@ Dax (& Sundragon when it comes to gear): I agree.... You're going to die a lot when you first start out regardless of how long you've been playing. You have to be level 19 or 20 to even be fully equipped when it comes to gear. Gear makes a HUGE difference. I take the time to gear my toon out with blue quality or better (to include augments). Some say this is a waste of time since you level so quickly, but my motto is, "You can't bolster what isn't there." I firmly believe that spending the time & $$ on your gear is as important as you skill. And on the gear note, that includes the hardware you're gaming with. Buying an MMO mouse and getting familiar with it is a complete game changer. You can easily tell the "keyboard turner" and "point and click" types in the warzones. But like you said, you're going to die at the lower levels regardless of everything mentioned above. You have to just get back on that horse and ride again. I like your outlook on this one Dax!


@ Bobba: If you read my first post and can't see any logic to why we continue to do premades in the lowbie bracket then there is no chance of talking any sense into you. I will resign that you win and I will continue to be a "true loser" & "never one of the cool kids." Thank you for your remarkable insight.

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As someone who plays PvP only in a group(stays in denova) low level PvP is a great way to teach people the basics. We use it as a way to help PvE people get into PvP without being killed by 3 shad/sin 10000 times each match. When we come up against another group its all the more fun and Blue Octagon is great to pit yourself against.
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This has been an interesting read.


I'm also a member of Blue Octagon, so I figured I'd share my experience. Take it or leave it, but it may open your eyes to some behind the scenes behavior. Here's my story:


I've played this game since Feb of 2012. The plan was to pre-order and be part of early access, but I only had a MacBook pro laptop. No go. I'm no computer wiz, but a co worker of mine is, and he told me how to bootcamp windows onto my mac and be able to play the game, so I happily marched myself to the nearest bestbuy, bought the collectors edition of this lovely game, a copy of windows 7, and a case of red bull.


The computer wiz and another co worker friend were already playing the game, so they told me to make a character on the Anchorhead server, which I did. I soon found out my computer was incapable of rendering boss fights. This was a problem, as they were working on being server first to down Soa. You can't attack and free a friend from a mind trap, if there is no mind trap to shoot.


I enjoyed the game, but I was really only doing pvp, since pve was out of the question. 10 FPS in a warzone was crap, but better than not playing at all.


Anchorhead died, and we were merged into POT5, and that's where I've been until a few weeks ago. On POT5, a pvp server, I was again the lone pvp'er in a pve guild. I didn't mind. I liked the guys and gals in the guild, and we even started doing pvp nights. These were great fun. Drunken pvp Monday night with Bowtiejones and friends was a hit, but the rest of the week, I solo queued regs. I tried ranked, but the crap computer I had allowed for 10 FPS on ultra low settings and that didn't help myself, my rating or my team. I think I finished last season with 1150 rating or something equally embarrassing.


Then I got a new computer, and let me tell ya, it's awesome. I can run the game on max settings and still get 50 FPS. The game is nice to look at, and fun to play. When I activate an ability, it actually activates. The problem is I don't want to wait 20 minutes for a reg wz to pop or longer for ranked. I decided to transfer servers and after reading the forums, I decided to go to Harbinger.


I didn't transfer any 60's though. I started fresh.


I'm not an amazing player. I'm good, but I often see people that are better than I am. What I am, is aware. I play the objective. I know how to sap cap, I keep an eye on the respawn door in voidstar so I can time my burst and make sure the person I just killed gets met with a full door. I don't mindlessly attack a jug that just popped enraged defense. etc etc. I noticed blue octagon players on my team, and against me when on my imp. They seemed decent as well, and friendly. So when the guild invite came, I said sure. Suddenly I was no longer the lone pvp'er in a pve guild. Now there's one or two pve'ers in a pvp guild. I log in and everyone is in a warzone.


Yes we are on teamspeak. Yes we are calling incomings. Yes we are talking about who to focus and why. Yes we are talking about cc's and why you shouldn't force leap to a flashbanged target, or dirty kick someone that's got full resolve. Yes we are talking about how I think I drank some spoiled coconut water, but how can you tell since coconut water tastes strange anyway...


We also talk about gearing for pvp and what to do to have the best stats possible in lowbies and midbies before you can buy pvp gear at 60. Here's a tip. Diplomacy. I don't care what you plan on doing for your crew skill, but take diplomacy. Pick light side or dark and run those missions non stop until you have either light or dark 2 as your alignment. That will allow you to equip relics purchased from the light/dark vendors in the gtn section, and up your bolster. If you have treek, send her out as well, as she's faster at returning.


I run with my guild premades because it is sooooo much more fun than queuing up solo. I've queued solo since just after launch. I've been there and I've been here. Here is better.


It's not that I want to stomp pugs in lowbies and mids. It's that I like to level up with pvp. That's all. I and many in the guild will be in those brackets till we natural out level them. Don't worry. We don't twink or whatever it's called. We stay till the end of the match, take our comms and xp, and re queue. We also don't rage quit a match if we are losing. We like to pvp, and playing with friends is more enjoyable than solo.


Now, I have noticed that we on occasion will win some lopsided matches over and over. That's not fun either. We do have an imp guild, and I do jump over there to up the challenge. If you feel the teams aren't balanced, tell us in game that Red Octagon needs to come off the bench. We aren't a bunch of elitist jerks that only want to roll our foreheads on the keyboard for the win. We're just I guess moderately above average players that like warzones.


It's not about stroking an e-peen by stomping clueless players. It's about truly enjoying playing with the teammates you have. I'm sorry your feelings got hurt. I don't know if that's a proper description of your situation, but there it is.


Also, we are all happy and helpful people. Whisper us in game and ask questions. Or group up with us. You might like what you find.

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I wouldn't worry about it. I just find it funny all the trash talking by people in their pre-mades beating a bunch of PUGs in lowbie PvP. Then of course, the losing team players start complaining, and you then decide to inspect the guy complaining and he doesn't have an earpiece, no relics, and a bunch of blue 172 mods giving him a whopping 1200 expertise rating despite being level 55+.


I just wish the people who complained actually, like, took time to get their own gear in lowbie PvP mode before they start complaining about pre-made groups. I realize this is a PvE server and most folks are going to PvE, but still when they open their mouths about PvP and they have no gear, you have to laugh.


I'm enjoying the lowbie PvP despite the premades because the game has added quite a few new warzones since I last played. I must say that I truly despise Quesh Huttball map, but I've gotten the hang of the others. Soon to be 60 anyway....game on everyone!

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This has been an interesting read.


I'm also a member of Blue Octagon, so I figured I'd share my experience. Take it or leave it, but it may open your eyes to some behind the scenes behavior. Here's my story:


I've played this game since Feb of 2012. The plan was to pre-order and be part of early access, but I only had a MacBook pro laptop. No go. I'm no computer wiz, but a co worker of mine is, and he told me how to bootcamp windows onto my mac and be able to play the game, so I happily marched myself to the nearest bestbuy, bought the collectors edition of this lovely game, a copy of windows 7, and a case of red bull.


The computer wiz and another co worker friend were already playing the game, so they told me to make a character on the Anchorhead server, which I did. I soon found out my computer was incapable of rendering boss fights. This was a problem, as they were working on being server first to down Soa. You can't attack and free a friend from a mind trap, if there is no mind trap to shoot.


I enjoyed the game, but I was really only doing pvp, since pve was out of the question. 10 FPS in a warzone was crap, but better than not playing at all.


Anchorhead died, and we were merged into POT5, and that's where I've been until a few weeks ago. On POT5, a pvp server, I was again the lone pvp'er in a pve guild. I didn't mind. I liked the guys and gals in the guild, and we even started doing pvp nights. These were great fun. Drunken pvp Monday night with Bowtiejones and friends was a hit, but the rest of the week, I solo queued regs. I tried ranked, but the crap computer I had allowed for 10 FPS on ultra low settings and that didn't help myself, my rating or my team. I think I finished last season with 1150 rating or something equally embarrassing.


Then I got a new computer, and let me tell ya, it's awesome. I can run the game on max settings and still get 50 FPS. The game is nice to look at, and fun to play. When I activate an ability, it actually activates. The problem is I don't want to wait 20 minutes for a reg wz to pop or longer for ranked. I decided to transfer servers and after reading the forums, I decided to go to Harbinger.


I didn't transfer any 60's though. I started fresh.


I'm not an amazing player. I'm good, but I often see people that are better than I am. What I am, is aware. I play the objective. I know how to sap cap, I keep an eye on the respawn door in voidstar so I can time my burst and make sure the person I just killed gets met with a full door. I don't mindlessly attack a jug that just popped enraged defense. etc etc. I noticed blue octagon players on my team, and against me when on my imp. They seemed decent as well, and friendly. So when the guild invite came, I said sure. Suddenly I was no longer the lone pvp'er in a pve guild. Now there's one or two pve'ers in a pvp guild. I log in and everyone is in a warzone.


Yes we are on teamspeak. Yes we are calling incomings. Yes we are talking about who to focus and why. Yes we are talking about cc's and why you shouldn't force leap to a flashbanged target, or dirty kick someone that's got full resolve. Yes we are talking about how I think I drank some spoiled coconut water, but how can you tell since coconut water tastes strange anyway...


We also talk about gearing for pvp and what to do to have the best stats possible in lowbies and midbies before you can buy pvp gear at 60. Here's a tip. Diplomacy. I don't care what you plan on doing for your crew skill, but take diplomacy. Pick light side or dark and run those missions non stop until you have either light or dark 2 as your alignment. That will allow you to equip relics purchased from the light/dark vendors in the gtn section, and up your bolster. If you have treek, send her out as well, as she's faster at returning.


I run with my guild premades because it is sooooo much more fun than queuing up solo. I've queued solo since just after launch. I've been there and I've been here. Here is better.


It's not that I want to stomp pugs in lowbies and mids. It's that I like to level up with pvp. That's all. I and many in the guild will be in those brackets till we natural out level them. Don't worry. We don't twink or whatever it's called. We stay till the end of the match, take our comms and xp, and re queue. We also don't rage quit a match if we are losing. We like to pvp, and playing with friends is more enjoyable than solo.


Now, I have noticed that we on occasion will win some lopsided matches over and over. That's not fun either. We do have an imp guild, and I do jump over there to up the challenge. If you feel the teams aren't balanced, tell us in game that Red Octagon needs to come off the bench. We aren't a bunch of elitist jerks that only want to roll our foreheads on the keyboard for the win. We're just I guess moderately above average players that like warzones.


It's not about stroking an e-peen by stomping clueless players. It's about truly enjoying playing with the teammates you have. I'm sorry your feelings got hurt. I don't know if that's a proper description of your situation, but there it is.


Also, we are all happy and helpful people. Whisper us in game and ask questions. Or group up with us. You might like what you find.


This was a heartfelt, touching story that really moved me (or maybe that was the burrito I had for lunch).

I would like to option your story for possible film adaptation.

Kevin James could play you, on your harrowing quest for pvp immortality.

Rosie O'Donnell can play your disgruntled wife.

The fat kid from 2 1/2 Men can play your neglected son, who falls in with the wrong crowd, leading him to troll general chat on starter planets.

Robert Iler can play the brash, hot-shot guildie who types "git gud" and "you n00bs g0t rekt" after face rolling lowbies.

Sally Struthers can play the female guildie all the guys are in love with.

And Cameron from Modern Family can play the guild gm who keeps the machine in motion, through the highs and lows that are inevitable in the intense world of lowbie pvp, finally realizing his month old dream of building the greatest guild in lowbies.

Edited by RooRider
correct sentence
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Hey, guys, thank you for taking your time to respond. I have never actually seen Blue Octagon, save for one particular player. It's a different play style. I know that it is actually hard to even keep track of another player in a zone for me as an average player (the guy who is my focus) & takes efforts on both parts so it takes time to set up and get used to playing as an actual op group. Anyway, thank you for sharing :)
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I wouldn't worry about it. I just find it funny all the trash talking by people in their pre-mades beating a bunch of PUGs in lowbie PvP. Then of course, the losing team players start complaining, and you then decide to inspect the guy complaining and he doesn't have an earpiece, no relics, and a bunch of blue 172 mods giving him a whopping 1200 expertise rating despite being level 55+.


I just wish the people who complained actually, like, took time to get their own gear in lowbie PvP mode before they start complaining about pre-made groups. I realize this is a PvE server and most folks are going to PvE, but still when they open their mouths about PvP and they have no gear, you have to laugh.


I'm enjoying the lowbie PvP despite the premades because the game has added quite a few new warzones since I last played. I must say that I truly despise Quesh Huttball map, but I've gotten the hang of the others. Soon to be 60 anyway....game on everyone!


172 rishi mods in armor pieces is actually pretty good.

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IF Blue Octagon/Red Octagon are so big & bad, why do we never see them in 60 PvP? Are they just stuck in noobie PvP? Purposefully staying there or what?

Because if they're as bad as this thread makes them out to be & they're PvPing that much, then my goodness some of them should be wrecking 60 PvP by now. :rolleyes:

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IF Blue Octagon/Red Octagon are so big & bad, why do we never see them in 60 PvP? Are they just stuck in noobie PvP? Purposefully staying there or what?

Because if they're as bad as this thread makes them out to be & they're PvPing that much, then my goodness some of them should be wrecking 60 PvP by now. :rolleyes:


See my first post on Page 2, about half way down :D

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