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Full Premades In Lowbie Warzones


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If your e-peen is so small you need to faceroll brand new players in lowbies warzones with 4+ man premades it probably means you're bad. Premades are fair game in 60s, but when you farm brand new players to stroke your e-peen you are actually hurting the PvP community by discouraging new generations of possible PvPers.


You're are like the middle schoolers who steal the kindergardeners milk carton. You can't compete on your own experience level so you prey on the ignorant to nurse your own frail ego.


And yeah I'm talking about you <Blue Octagon>

Edited by KevinQCowart
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Wait till you hit 60 & face the teams Hustle & Tryhard in the same Warzone. Or Lemon Party.

Yesterday warzones were bad on Harb. Worse I've ever seen it. Pubs couldn't play worth crap.

"Lets run here like idiots & not guard anything!" The imps I faced were almost completely premades and with what they were doing to us Pubs, I am going to assume they were ranked geared too.


And I'm not one that's ever been against premades, but sorry, if you get in a warzone & as soon as members of your team see who we are facing start quitting, that's BAD. Bad for PvP, bad for players. That happened a TON too. Pubs constantly quitting matches because we were 3 capped, constantly being zerged, couldn't defend. *smh*

Hustle, Lemon Party, Tryhard, and any others that are doing that need to just queue ranked against each other. See who's better then. Battle of the guilds.

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OR people can get better and not be crytits.


You seem to completely miss the point of competitive play. A good game is a close match, that tests all your skills, and you have fun rather you win or lose, and you congrats to your enemy for the good times. When its just a zergfest its not fun for either parties. Sure the winning team will get some lulz but that gets tiresome quickly. When this happens people need to switch factions and re-balance the game.

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If your e-peen is so small you need to faceroll brand new players in lowbies warzones with 4+ man premades it probably means you're bad. Premades are fair game in 60s, but when you farm brand new players to stroke your e-peen you are actually hurting the PvP community by discouraging new generations of possible PvPers.


You're are like the middle schoolers who steal the kindergardeners milk carton. You can't compete on your own experience level so you prey on the ignorant to nurse your own frail ego.


And yeah I'm talking about you <Blue Octagon>


How does queuing with friends in an MMO = bad player?


I take issue with a premade queuing 2 heals, dps and tank because I hate boring warzones, but accusing normal premades of "discouraging generations of possible PVPer's" is just drama queen exaggeration


You seem to completely miss the point of competitive play. A good game is a close match, that tests all your skills, and you have fun rather you win or lose, and you congrats to your enemy for the good times.


In my experience these types of matches are far more likely to happen vs. premades.

Edited by stridemachine
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How does queuing with friends in an MMO = bad player?.


It makes you a bad player when your TS server sounds like this:


>lulz, we r farming these nubs lowbies


>alright we got 2 four man teams lets sync q in 3..2..1..


>we triple capped and spawn killed them within one minute


>lulz they all quit, because were 8 veteran players on TS, gg m8'z


>gawd, why are the warzone queues taking so long, this is bullshyt m8


>you want to play team ranked?


>nah we always lose, lets just wait for the lowbies to pop again

Edited by KevinQCowart
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Yesterday, indeed was a day when the premades were perfectly comp'd and coordinated. The particular one I was looking at, was 3 PT (gold ranked players Included), 3 Sins, a Juggernaut and an Operative. Note that 7 out of 8 players have innate ability to move fast, and coordinated, they have burst and they have pressure. I saw people quitting, and saw people sticking to the end as well and fighting tooth and nail.


It's not against the rules, and if they can organize like that simply to win a reg warzone and get their dailies done faster, well, all power to them. That's the only way to see the ranked guys play and get an idea of how well a player can control a character, and how deadly coordination is. It is almost to the point of defying belief.


I would certainly want to see this group running during the testing phase on the PTS tomorrow.

Edited by DomiSotto
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:p salt :p


Most people do get salty when Supercop arrests them and throws their lowbie *** in jail.



PS. You know you're Supercop's b|tch when he is leading you to his Czerka Enforcer, wrists cuffed and head down.



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Wait till you hit 60 & face the teams Hustle & Tryhard in the same Warzone. Or Lemon Party.

Yesterday warzones were bad on Harb. Worse I've ever seen it. Pubs couldn't play worth crap.

"Lets run here like idiots & not guard anything!" The imps I faced were almost completely premades and with what they were doing to us Pubs, I am going to assume they were ranked geared too.


And I'm not one that's ever been against premades, but sorry, if you get in a warzone & as soon as members of your team see who we are facing start quitting, that's BAD. Bad for PvP, bad for players. That happened a TON too. Pubs constantly quitting matches because we were 3 capped, constantly being zerged, couldn't defend. *smh*

Hustle, Lemon Party, Tryhard, and any others that are doing that need to just queue ranked against each other. See who's better then. Battle of the guilds.


There is 2 of us in Lemon Party. We are leveling pub toons and are going to play pubside a little more. If you ever see anyone (of the 2 of us) in the guild <homies>, hit us up. We can group up and try to balance the scales, because like you said, most pub v imp games just aren't very competitive. As much as I love winning, triple cap games are not that fun.

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It makes you a bad player when your TS server sounds like this:


>lulz, we r farming these nubs lowbies


>alright we got 2 four man teams lets sync q in 3..2..1..


>we triple capped and spawn killed them within one minute


>lulz they all quit, because were 8 veteran players on TS, gg m8'z


>gawd, why are the warzone queues taking so long, this is bullshyt m8


>you want to play team ranked?


>nah we always lose, lets just wait for the lowbies to pop again

This guy is totally funny. He's obviously never been in a group in TS in a WZ before. You can tell by the salty tears rolling down his cheeks and the incredible BS he spews forth from his pie-hole.
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As a member of the small e-peen brigade, I feel obligated to reply (plus it helps bolster my peen up a few levels). Blue Octagon has been around about a year. In that time I'd say that there's probably only 3 players who have been there the whole time and continue to be active players. We 3 are veteran players as you have surmised. But to say we 3 can't compete in other brackets is highly inaccurate. We all have level 60 toons with 100 valor and get on those toons for warzones as well (admittedly not as much here lately due to reasons listed below). The guild had not grown very much since we primarily PVP'd in the 60 bracket. It turns out that by the time a toon reaches 60, they've likely already been recruited to a guild. So 2 of us made new toons and began recruiting people on intro planets and within lowbie warzones. We tend to only recruit quality player that enjoy PVP and want to get on TS with us. With this strategy, the guild has more than doubled in a relatively short period of time. Since we have started playing new toons, us veterans also need time to learn the different abilities and figure out the best rotations early on instead of working it out in WZs when you have 3-4 bars full of abilities. At the same time, we're learning how to work together as a team in the lowbie bracket instead of trying to figure out everyone's strengths and weaknesses at a higher level. Furthermore, quite a few of our new recruits are new to the game or warzones in general. We get on teamspeak with the new guys so we can coach them and give them real time tips/OJT as we all level our toons together. We have fun first and foremost but we also take it seriously and like competing against good, equally challenging teams. We have definitely been on the receiving end of our share of major butt whoopins'! But to sum it up, we're working towards leveling these toons up and hitting the higher brackets all while enjoying time with each other within the game, learning our new toons, learning to work together and recruiting new players. Anyone want to join? Google "SWTOR Blue Octagon" and come to the guild enjin website. Standing by for complaints about premades within the middle bracket (coming soon).
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What is it like, actually? How does a premade operate? Please, don’t get offended, it’s just one doesn’t get to see it from the inside and it’s fascinating.


So, say you did get a composition like I have described, with Jugg tank, Op healer (consistent heals), 3 PT, 3 Sins. Goes without saying that, most of your players are well above average, and well-versed in their rotation and are dialing it blind, while seeing the fight/moving. I sort of seen it in streams because the ‘not available’ tag would show up on the ability for a player, so they are not checking if it’s off the CD/proced, just hope it is there for them.


How do you break it in 4’s? Keeping the tank and heals + 2DPS and the other half – all DPS on the off chance you get split up?


How’s movement is assigned if the goal is 3 caps? If it’s Off Node- Home Node – Mid Node configuration, what I think I see is leaving 2 to guard home node, and then the main group moves together and fast between the other two nodes. Am I correct? But I have also seen 2 burst DPS go off-node (not stealth) to quickly take off-node.


How’s the whole VoiP thing works? Do you have one person calling the targets? Or DPS just pick ToT?

In terms of CCs, how are CCs coordinated, is it pre-established order, or called?


How many DPS does it take to focus each player in turn when the player dies really fast so a pugged healer can’t keep up? Is it 3? All 4? That DPS coordination I guess is what really looks impressive. I remember seeing the 4 DPS half in one of the reg arenas, and the damage applied was so huge and so immediate, that there seemed to be simply no way to counter.

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As a member of the small e-peen brigade, I feel obligated to reply (plus it helps bolster my peen up a few levels). Blue Octagon has been around about a year. In that time I'd say that there's probably only 3 players who have been there the whole time and continue to be active players. We 3 are veteran players as you have surmised. But to say we 3 can't compete in other brackets is highly inaccurate. We all have level 60 toons with 100 valor and get on those toons for warzones as well (admittedly not as much here lately due to reasons listed below). The guild had not grown very much since we primarily PVP'd in the 60 bracket. It turns out that by the time a toon reaches 60, they've likely already been recruited to a guild. So 2 of us made new toons and began recruiting people on intro planets and within lowbie warzones. We tend to only recruit quality player that enjoy PVP and want to get on TS with us. With this strategy, the guild has more than doubled in a relatively short period of time. Since we have started playing new toons, us veterans also need time to learn the different abilities and figure out the best rotations early on instead of working it out in WZs when you have 3-4 bars full of abilities. At the same time, we're learning how to work together as a team in the lowbie bracket instead of trying to figure out everyone's strengths and weaknesses at a higher level. Furthermore, quite a few of our new recruits are new to the game or warzones in general. We get on teamspeak with the new guys so we can coach them and give them real time tips/OJT as we all level our toons together. We have fun first and foremost but we also take it seriously and like competing against good, equally challenging teams. We have definitely been on the receiving end of our share of major butt whoopins'! But to sum it up, we're working towards leveling these toons up and hitting the higher brackets all while enjoying time with each other within the game, learning our new toons, learning to work together and recruiting new players. Anyone want to join? Google "SWTOR Blue Octagon" and come to the guild enjin website. Standing by for complaints about premades within the middle bracket (coming soon).


I really appreciate your calm and sincere response. If you are open to suggestions, make an alliance with a imp sister guild or form one. When the lowbies turn into a faceroll, and be honest its only fun a bit, form a team on the opposite alliance. You will keep the queue going, keep it competitive, you can teach your new players on both sides and maybe not discourage any new players from trying warzones. Its a profit for everybody, SWTORs PvP scene is in bad enough state right now, and with the heavy influx of migrating players from other servers you could foster a great PvP community on Harbinger.

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.... the damage applied was so huge and so immediate, that there seemed to be simply no way to counter.


You basically nailed it, if a team is coordinated on voicecomms many new tactics become available. If 3-4 DPS can coordinate focused burst on a target, they are going to be out of the fight soon. You can even ignore the tired old "kill the healer" tactic because their HPS cannot keep up. Taking an enemy DPS out - who is the more immediate threat - becomes the tactic.


The only way to counter this is to have very competent tanks and healers. When somebody is getting focused tank swap to them and pump them full of heals, same thing as ranked. Only a combination of fast guard swaps and burst heals can counter that kind of coordination.


This, of course, is just a common tactic of many.

Edited by KevinQCowart
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Have you done it yourself, though, Kevin? I just want to hear how people do from the folks who actually do, kind of behind the scene look, you know? Is it voice or is it ToT? And stuff.


Yeah I've ran with premades in 60s. You get on voicecomms, prioritize your targets, marks them and take them out. You can almost always count on any team not having a good tank, most tanks perma guard their healer and never utilize their cc and taunts completely. Take out the squishy ranged dps (mercs, snipers, dps sorcs) then the squishy melee (maras, PT) and finally the juggs, tanks and healers. It is important for the burst classes to save some of their procs to unleash at the same time so the damage can't be healed through. For example, the vanguard will hold their cell burst, launch two grenades, and while the timers lineup the sniper will laze target, penetrating blasts, then takedown/battle-focus/cellburst at the same time. That will net a guaranteed 30-40k or more damage and instakill just about anybody.


If they are coordinated you'll have to use more advanced tactics. Like harpoon the tank away from the healer and burn the healer. Or separate two healers that are cross healing. It also helps if you know the team, if they have an hero DPS that always posting big numbers prioritize them.


If the healer and tank are in lockstep, swaping guard and heals to your targets, and you have pressure classes then tank tunnel. Tanks, like everyone, have little mitigation to internal/elemental damage. DoT them up and AoE them since the tank will take 150% of the damage.


I'm an average PvPer at best but this some of the things I've figured out.

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I just want to hear how people do from the folks who actually do, kind of behind the scene look, you know? Is it voice or is it ToT? And stuff.


The majority of premade's I'm in are spur of the moment: we just see who's on in our Friend list and team up. We play whichever character we feel like at the moment and at best queue with 1 healer, at worst no heals, but we never stack Fotm's or double heals, because quite honestly it makes for lame games. We want challenging matchups played with our friends, win or lose; we're not interested in stacking the deck in our favor. When we get in Mumble or TS most of our strategy consists of backing up nodes or sometimes focusing a particular target. Beyond that we don't coordinate -- the hardcore playstyle you described earlier has its place in ranked, but in regs we're just here to relax and have fun.

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Yeah I've ran with premades in 60s. You get on voicecomms, prioritize your targets, marks them and take them out.


Not all premades sit there and coordinate targets and strategize, etc. For instance, last night we had a pretty interesting conversation about what caused American corporations to shift their focus towards short-term goals and stock valuation, and the impact that is having on American innovation and our ability to compete internationally.


Other times we just discuss Taco Bell.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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