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Sniper PVP defensive cooldown guide


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So i've seen a lot of people complaining both in game and on the forums that snipers don't perform well in pvp due to the inherent lack of self heals or the lack of something like a sorc's bubble or an operative's stealthout. While I do not believe this to be true, and I dearly hope that bioware doesn't listen to these complaints (if they were to buff the sniper defensives, they would have to severely nerf the damage potential the class has.)


About Me


A little about me- I have played sniper since about 2.0, I pvped in team ranked enough to get All Galaxy Sniper on my main sniper Cinerjizz, (although after transferring and renaming a million times my name has been taken off of the leaderboards for that season like many others cough cough plzfix bioware.) I also cleared nim df dp on sniper pre 3.0 (I was carried) so I have seen the pve side of life for a sniper as well, but this thread is mainly focused on pvp.


However I am not here to debate any incoming nerfs/buffs to the class, I just wanted to give a guide for players who are new to the class on the wide array of defensive cooldowns and abilities they have in their arsenal to stay alive longer. I've never written any sort of guide for SWTOR, so bear with me and feel free to provide any thoughts on the guide as you read it.


So without further ado, lets get started, first I will list all the abilities (passive and active) that I feel are important to a sniper attempting to stay alive, then I will talk about how to actually use them and why the defensives are good in their own right.





1. Not a defensive cooldown, but still a nice passive that many people over look I am sure. Being in cover instantly grants you 25% ranged chance (base of 5% plus 20% from being in cover for a total of 25%) which is something you can keep in mind depending on what type of classes you are going against . Again, not a big thing due to all the yellow damage in game, but still a nice passive ability that is overlooked by many.\


2. Entrench- Entrench has a 60 second cooldown (45 if specced into it) that makes you immune to CC and knockbacks for 20 seconds (23 if specced as Marksman). The reason this is such a powerful cooldown is bc so many players in solo ranked that have been on my team say they get stunlocked right at the begining and that is their excuse for putting up zeros across the board..no excuse bc entrench protects you from CC as long as you are in cover<----very important to remember that it only works while in cover.


3. Ballistic shield- Has a 3 minute cooldown, but provides 20% DR to every ally inside the shield. Yes it has a long cooldown, and you will most likely only get to use it once in solo ranked for example, but 20% DR definitely helps to mitigate some of the opening burst of many classes. Not only does it help you stay alive, but it helps your team as well, which is never a bad thing.


4. Diversion- An immensely strong cooldown that lasts 8 seconds and reduces the accuracy by 45% of any enemy who enters its radius. There is no reason this shouldnt be used, not only do normal attacks that do damage miss, but I have seen flashbangs and hardstuns ect miss as well due to the effects of diversion. This cooldown is especially strong when playing Marksman (targets remain affected for 3 seconds even after leaving the radius of diversion) as well as the heroic utility that slows the enemy by 50% while they are in the diversion.



5. Shield probe- While not a very strong cooldown on its own, it will take the edge off of some of the opening burst of classes such as powertechs that have a lot of front end burst when the match begins. Off the top of my head I don't know how much it protects, but I have gotten my 6k healing medal off of it, so I know that it can at least do that much. Has a low cooldown (30 seconds unless specced into the 4 second cooldown reduction in the heroic utility) which is great bc while it doesnt protect a large amount, it is up again fairly quickly.


6. Evasion-This cooldown underwent a pretty significant change in 3.0, no longer does it remove dots and hostile affects like in pre 3.0, but now, in addition to gaining 200% chance to dodge ranged and melee attacks, it now (thanks to the passive ability Hold Position) grants 75% DR from force and tech attacks. Lasts 3 seconds with a 60 second cooldown. Great for mitigating burst or to make you live long enough for your healer to prop you up a little bit more.


7. Covered Escape- This is in my opinion, one of, if not the strongest cooldown a sniper has at its disposal. Not only do you roll 18 meters away, allowing you to disengage a bit from melee, or to LOS ranged, but you also take 0 damage while rolling, the rolling lasts about a GCD, so in turn your damage immunity lasts about a GCD. This ability has a 20 second cooldown..so every 20 seconds..you can take 0 damage for a GCD..every..20..seconds. The only thing players need to watch out for is that you cannot roll when electro netted or rooted, so if a juggernaut ravages you w/ the root, and you planned on rolling it, sorry m8.


8. Cover pulse- 25 second cooldown, knocks everyone around you away, and also snares them for 5 seconds (damage after 2 seconds ends the snaring effect). This knockback, coupled with the utility pillbox sniper (makes your knockback hit them an additional 4 meters away, and reduces cooldown of entrech by 15 seconds) makes for a strong disengage to get the melee off of you for a GCD or 2.


9- Don't forget about using your flashbang (on targets you're not hitting), debilitate-your hardstun ability on anyone within range of you that is hitting you, and your knockback from series of shots/penetrating blast to help keep melee off of you even more.


10. Of course we cannot forget, warzone medpac and adrenal. Medpac heals you for 35% of your max health, and warzone adrenal gives you 15% extra DR for 15 seconds.



Putting it all together to not die in 6 seconds


Now, lets talk about how we can tie all of this together to increase your chances of staying alive, even if just by a few seconds. Lets just assume that we're talking about solo ranked here, as in team ranked in theory you would have a tank who is capable of giving you guard, and a healer who can heal you)


1. I've heard some people complain that entrench is great and all, but they get opened on by stealthers and by that point its too late for them to pop entrench and other cooldowns. So what I do sometimes in a solo ranked situation (4 dps vs 4 dps for example) I will pop entrench prematurely when I see the other team closing the distance. This will allow me to avoid being opened on and stunlocked to death by stealthers, allowing you to stay un CCed and able to pop your defensive cooldowns as you see fit...and if you dont use it prematurely..you'll most likely be dead in 5 seconds anyway due to stunlock...so it doesnt hurt your chances.

- Tying into that, sometimes if you get your timing down, you can also prematurely pop your shield probe, its effects last on you for 10 seconds, and if you pop it even just a few seconds prematurely, it can be up again by the time you're starting to run out of cooldowns.


2. Roll, knockbck, roll, can really frustrate melee classes that are trying to tunnel you, because by the time they catch up to you after you roll and resist their damage, you have a giant knockback for them that has a long snare on it. then they catch up to you, maybe use a leg shot on one of them, then penetrating blast/series of shots the other one to knock them back until you get your roll up again and can roll away and /laugh at the poor melee classes.


3. If you desperately need to roll to resist damage, but you are snared by say a juggernaut w/ ravage root, dont be afraid to blow your knockback to get rid of the ravage root, then roll, bc roll is 100% DR, if you were to eat the ravage plus whatever other burst was lined up on you, you can lose a significant amount of health that is hard to recover from in a 4 dps vs 4 dps situation.




5. Feel free to use seismic grenades to keep melee off of you while you destroy the other team's ranged as well. Be sure to keybind those to something accessible, bc they can most certainly save a round for you.


6.Try to not use your ballistic shield right before you roll...the cooldown doesnt help you if you immediately roll out of the radius of it..I generally try to save it for after my first roll, first roll negates some opening burst, then shield probe and ballistic shield really do help mitigate the rest of the opening burst/auto crits that are in the current meta right now.



Useful Utility Points


Skillfull tier

-Reestablish Range-I take this utility point over others because I play Marksman the most, and penetrating blast is an essential part of the rotation, so having a 10 meter knockback on the final tick of PB is def useful for trying to keep melee off of you.

-Cover Screen-I really don't take this bc I play Marksman mostly, and you're really not out of cover all that much in this spec unless chasing someone who is kiting away from you.

-Vital Regulators-Not really worth it to take, especially in solo ranked bc in a 4 dps vs 4dps situation the amount of healing this will do before death is very minimal.

-Ballistic Dampers-This is certainly a good utility b/c when you enter cover you get 3 stacks that absorb 30% of incoming damage each, which can also help to negate a small amount of large burst and help you live a bit longer.

-Flash Powder- I do not take this because unlike the operative flashbang, the sniper flashbang only hits one person, so not worth it IMO.

-Imperial Efficiency-Increasing the damage done by Suppressive Fire by 25% is not bad..but I don't really use this ability much except to get people out of stealth, so not worth it for me bc I would rather kill one person quickly with single target damage than fluff my numbers with aoe.

-Snap Shot-Makes your next Snipe or Lethal Shot insta activate after entering cover, I take this bc of the lack of casting making it harder for players to anticipate the burst, but its just personal preference bc technically the GCD is 1.5 seconds and the cast time is 1.5 seconds so its not THAT amazing.


-So to sum up the Skillful tier, depending on solo ranked or team ranked and comps ect, I like Ballistic Dampers,Reestablish Range, Snap Shot, Imperial Efficiency, which can be useful in team ranked if you suspect the other team will try to LOS you behind a box.


Masterful Tier

-Seek Cover- Not really worth it to me, again, the less you leave cover the better, and don't need movement speed that much bc if you're moving you're not doing your max dps potential.

-Calculated Pursuit- Again, not worth it bc you shouldnt be out of cover that much.

-Stroke of Genius- Not a bad utility, but there are better options I like for my play style.

-Counterstrike- This can be useful in solo ranked to use your aggro dump so you can roll when snared.

-Imperial Demarcation- Not really worth it to me, again, just better options in the Masterful tier.

-Augmented Shields- I definitely take this to increase the amount absorbed by Shield Probe just to be able to survive longer to do more damage.

-Pillbox Sniper- This is most certainly worth the utility point to reduce the cooldown on Entrench by 15 seconds, and to make your knockback even bigger.


-To sum up Masterful tier, Pillbox Sniper is definitely good, Augmented Shields is definitely good, and Counterstrike can be good in certain situations.


Heroic Tier

-Evacuate- Most definitely worth taking in team ranked situations where you are using flashbang to CC the tank or healer.

-Hold Your Ground- Again, another really great utility, 30 seconds off of your CC break should be reason enough to take this utility, but reducing the cooldown on Shield Probe by 4 seconds and your knockback by 5 seconds just sweetens the deal even more.

-Siege Bunker-Can be good, 60% less aoe damage during Entrench is good, but I think there are just better places you can spend your points.

-Debilitating Shots- Not worth it to me, just too many better options in the Heroic Tier, and I dont really use shatter shot that much, and the slow on leg shot isn't worth the utility point IMO.

-Series of Snares-This can be useful in keeping melee off of you, especially when coupled with Reestablish Range from the Skillful Tier to make your penetrating blast/series of shots even more useful at keeping melee off of you.

-Deployed Shields- Flat DR while in cover isn't bad, and Ballistic Shield cooldown reduction isnt bad, but I still think there are better alternatives.

-Crippling Diversion- I really love this utility for Marksman, Diversion slowing targets by 50%, coupled with Marksman's Heavy Diversion which leaves Diversion's effects on the enemies for 3 seconds after they leave the AOE. So coupling the 50% slow with the Heavy Diversion is a great combination for Marksman Snipers.


-To sum up the Heroic Tier, I normally put my points into Crippling Diversion and Hold Your Ground, although Evacuate is really good for certain comps in team ranked.





-First I'd like to thank Shifter (RIP) for first teaching me how to play sniper when I first started playing

-Vee'schwag/Vomil for being the reason I still play this game.

-Regan for being a babe.

-And finally I'd like to thank all of you for reading and showing interest in trying to learn what is arguably one of the hardest classes to play in the game, you guys the real MVPs.




As I said earlier, sorry this was my first guide, hopefully it was helpful to at least one or two people, and feel free to leave comments with opinions, questions, or feedback on the "guide" if you could call it that (i'd prolly just call it a giant cluster f**k of ideas but to each their own)



P.S. I havent said radius that many times since middle school. I feel smart :rak_03::rak_03::rak_03:

Edited by Cinerous
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Gunslinger version



1. Not a defensive cooldown, but still a nice passive that many people over look I am sure. Being in cover instantly grants you 25% ranged defense chance (base of 5% plus 20% from being in cover for a total of 25%) which is something you can keep in mind depending on what type of classes you are going against . Again, not a big thing due to all the yellow damage in game, but still a nice passive ability that is overlooked by many.\


2. Hunker Down- Hunker Down has a 60 second cooldown (45 if specced into it) that makes you immune to CC and knockbacks for 20 seconds (23 if specced as Sharpshooter). The reason this is such a powerful cooldown is bc so many players in solo ranked that have been on my team say they get stunlocked right at the beginning and that is their excuse for putting up zeros across the board..no excuse bc hunker down protects you from CC as long as you are in cover<----very important to remember that it only works while in cover.


3. Scrambling Field- Has a 3 minute cooldown, but provides 20% DR to every ally inside the shield. Yes it has a long cooldown, and you will most likely only get to use it once in solo ranked for example, but 20% DR definitely helps to mitigate some of the opening burst of many classes. Not only does it help you stay alive, but it helps your team as well, which is never a bad thing.


4. Diversion- An immensely strong cooldown that lasts 8 seconds and reduces the accuracy by 45% of any enemy who enters its radius. There is no reason this shouldnt be used, not only do normal attacks that do damage miss, but I have seen flashbangs and hardstuns ect miss as well due to the effects of diversion. This cooldown is especially strong when playing Sharpshooter(targets remain affected for 3 seconds even after leaving the radius of diversion) as well as the heroic utility that slows the enemy by 50% while they are in the diversion.



5. Defense Screen- While not a very strong cooldown on its own, it will take the edge off of some of the opening burst of classes such as vanguards that have a lot of front end burst when the match begins. Off the top of my head I don't know how much it protects, but I have gotten my 6k healing medal off of it, so I know that it can at least do that much. Has a low cooldown (30 seconds unless specced into the 4 second cooldown reduction in the heroic utility) which is great bc while it doesnt protect a large amount, it is up again fairly quickly.


6. Dodge-This cooldown underwent a pretty significant change in 3.0, no longer does it remove dots and hostile affects like in pre 3.0, but now, in addition to gaining 200% chance to dodge ranged and melee attacks, it now (thanks to the passive ability Hold Position) grants 75% DR from force and tech attacks. Lasts 3 seconds with a 60 second cooldown. Great for mitigating burst or to make you live long enough for your healer to prop you up a little bit more.


7. Hightail It- This is in my opinion, one of, if not the strongest cooldown a gunslinger has at its disposal. Not only do you roll 18 meters away, allowing you to disengage a bit from melee, or to LOS ranged, but you also take 0 damage while rolling, the rolling lasts about a GCD, so in turn your damage immunity lasts about a GCD. This ability has a 20 second cooldown..so every 20 seconds..you can take 0 damage for a GCD..every..20..seconds. The only thing players need to watch out for is that you cannot roll when electro netted or rooted, so if a guardian master strikes you w/ the root, and you planned on rolling it, sorry m8.


8. Pulse Detonator- 25 second cooldown, knocks everyone around you away, and also snares them for 5 seconds (damage after 2 seconds ends the snaring effect). This knockback, coupled with the utility Lay Low (makes your knockback hit them an additional 4 meters away, and reduces cooldown of entrech by 15 seconds) makes for a strong disengage to get the melee off of you for a GCD or 2.


9- Don't forget about using your flash grenade(on targets you're not hitting), Dirty Kick-your hardstun ability on anyone within range of you that is hitting you, and your knockback from speed shots/penetrating rounds to help keep melee off of you even more.


10. Of course we cannot forget, warzone medpac and adrenal. Medpac heals you for 35% of your max health, and warzone adrenal gives you 15% extra DR for 15 seconds.



Putting it all together to not die in 6 seconds


Now, lets talk about how we can tie all of this together to increase your chances of staying alive, even if just by a few seconds. Lets just assume that we're talking about solo ranked here, as in team ranked in theory you would have a tank who is capable of giving you guard, and a healer who can heal you)


1. I've heard some people complain that hunker down is great and all, but they get opened on by stealthers and by that point its too late for them to pop hunker down and other cooldowns. So what I do sometimes in a solo ranked situation (4 dps vs 4 dps for example) I will pop hunker down prematurely when I see the other team closing the distance. This will allow me to avoid being opened on and stunlocked to death by stealthers, allowing you to stay un CCed and able to pop your defensive cooldowns as you see fit...and if you dont use it prematurely..you'll most likely be dead in 5 seconds anyway due to stunlock...so it doesnt hurt your chances.

- Tying into that, sometimes if you get your timing down, you can also prematurely pop your defense screen, its effects last on you for 10 seconds, and if you pop it even just a few seconds prematurely, it can be up again by the time you're starting to run out of cooldowns.


2. Roll, knockbck, roll, can really frustrate melee classes that are trying to tunnel you, because by the time they catch up to you after you roll and resist their damage, you have a giant knockback for them that has a long snare on it. then they catch up to you, maybe use a leg shot on one of them, then penetrating rounds/speed shots the other one to knock them back until you get your roll up again and can roll away and /laugh at the poor melee classes.


3. If you desperately need to roll to resist damage, but you are snared by say a guardian w/ master strike root, dont be afraid to blow your knockback to get rid of the master strike root, then roll, bc roll is 100% DR, if you were to eat the master strike plus whatever other burst was lined up on you, you can lose a significant amount of health that is hard to recover from in a 4 dps vs 4 dps situation.




5. Feel free to use seismic grenades to keep melee off of you while you destroy the other team's ranged as well. Be sure to keybind those to something accessible, bc they can most certainly save a round for you.


6.Try to not use your scrambling field right before you roll...the cooldown doesnt help you if you immediately roll out of the radius of it..I generally try to save it for after my first roll, first roll negates some opening burst, then defense screen and scrambling field really do help mitigate the rest of the opening burst/auto crits that are in the current meta right now.



Useful Utility Points


Skillfull tier

-Reset Engagement-I take this utility point over others because I play sharpshooter the most, and penetrating rounds is an essential part of the rotation, so having a 10 meter knockback on the final tick of PR is def useful for trying to keep melee off of you.

-Cover Screen-I really don't take this bc I play sharpshooter mostly, and you're really not out of cover all that much in this spec unless chasing someone who is kiting away from you.

-Cool Under Pressure-Not really worth it to take, especially in solo ranked bc in a 4 dps vs 4dps situation the amount of healing this will do before death is very minimal.

-Ballistic Dampers-This is certainly a good utility b/c when you enter cover you get 3 stacks that absorb 30% of incoming damage each, which can also help to negate a small amount of large burst and help you live a bit longer.

-Flash Powder- I do not take this because unlike the operative flash grenade, the gunslinger flash grenade only hits one person, so not worth it IMO.

-Efficient Ammo-Increasing the damage done by Sweeping Gunfire by 25% is not bad..but I don't really use this ability much except to get people out of stealth, so not worth it for me bc I would rather kill one person quickly with single target damage than fluff my numbers with aoe.

-Snap Shot-Makes your next Charged Burst or Dirty Blast insta activate after entering cover, I take this bc of the lack of casting making it harder for players to anticipate the burst, but its just personal preference bc technically the GCD is 1.5 seconds and the cast time is 1.5 seconds so its not THAT amazing.


-So to sum up the Skillful tier, depending on solo ranked or team ranked and comps ect, I like Ballistic Dampers,Reset Engagement, Snap Shot, Efficient Ammo can be useful in team ranked if you suspect the other team will try to LOS you behind a box.


Masterful Tier

-Heads up- Not really worth it to me, again, the less you leave cover the better, and don't need movement speed that much bc if you're moving you're not doing your max dps potential.

-Hot Pursuit- Again, not worth it bc you shouldnt be out of cover that much.

-Pandemonium- Not a bad utility, but there are better options I like for my play style.

-Dirty Trickster- This can be useful in solo ranked to use your aggro dump so you can roll when snared.

-Trip Shot- Not really worth it to me, again, just better options in the Masterful tier.

-Hotwired Defenses- I definitely take this to increase the amount absorbed by defense screen just to be able to survive longer to do more damage.

-Lay Low- This is most certainly worth the utility point to reduce the cooldown on Hunker Down by 15 seconds, and to make your knockback even bigger.


-To sum up Masterful tier, Lay Low is definitely good, Hotwired Defenses is definitely good, and Dirty Trickster can be good in certain situations.


Heroic Tier

-Plan B&C- Most definitely worth taking in team ranked situations where you are using flash grenade to CC the tank or healer.

-Hold Your Ground- Again, another really great utility, 30 seconds off of your CC break should be reason enough to take this utility, but reducing the cooldown on defense screen by 4 seconds and your knockback by 5 seconds just sweetens the deal even more.

-Holed up-Can be good, 60% less aoe damage during Hunker Down is good, but I think there are just better places you can spend your points.

-Kneecappin- Not worth it to me, just too many better options in the Heroic Tier, and I dont really use flourish shot that much, and the slow on leg shot isn't worth the utility point IMO.

-Compounding Impact-This can be useful in keeping melee off of you, especially when coupled with Reset Engagement from the Skillful Tier to make your penetrating rounds/speed shot even more useful at keeping melee off of you.

-Riot Screen- Flat DR while in cover isn't bad, and Scrambling Field cooldown reduction isnt bad, but I still think there are better alternatives.

-Crippling Diversion- I really love this utility for Sharpshooter, Diversion slowing targets by 50%, coupled Sharpshooter's Percussive Diversion which leaves Diversion's effects on the enemies for 3 seconds after they leave the AOE. So coupling the 50% slow with the Percussive Diversion is a great combination for Sharpshooter Slingers.


-To sum up the Heroic Tier, I normally put my points into Crippling Diversion and Hold Your Ground, although Plan B&C is really good for certain comps in team ranked.




-First I'd like to thank Shifter (RIP) for first teaching me how to play sniper when I first started playing

-Vee'schwag/Vomil for being the reason I still play this game.

-Regan for being a babe.

-And finally I'd like to thank all of you for reading and showing interest in trying to learn what is arguably one of the hardest classes to play in the game, you guys the real MVPs.


Edited by Cinerous
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2. Entrench- Entrench has a 60 second cooldown (45 if specced into it) that makes you immune to CC and knockbacks for 20 seconds (23 if specced as Marksman). The reason this is such a powerful cooldown is bc so many players in solo ranked that have been on my team say they get stunlocked right at the begining and that is their excuse for putting up zeros across the board..no excuse bc entrench protects you from CC as long as you are in cover<----very important to remember that it only works while in cover.


That can happen if 1 or more players open from stealth. Popping it early isn't always the best thing to do, as good players will just wait it out. And if they stagger their stuns you can be in the uncomfortable postiton of potentially having to break early to survive.

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That can happen if 1 or more players open from stealth. Popping it early isn't always the best thing to do, as good players will just wait it out. And if they stagger their stuns you can be in the uncomfortable postiton of potentially having to break early to survive.


That's very true but I'm presuming the OP is referring to trying to gauge the right time in popping entrench. If they wait you out but people are attacking each other then it's going to give you a short window which you can do something good. Still doesn't necessarily mean of course you still won't get focussed :)


Pop entrench too early and it's a waste, pop it too late and........it's a delicate balance. It's a bit like trying to gauge where stealth are to try and knock them out of it with plasma probe. If there are no stealth in the opposite team then it does become easier...if there is stealth then it all becomes that much more difficult to gauge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the Sniper PVP info.

Being a Marksman Sniper is learning how to defend as much as attack.

Would be nice to have Orbital Strike back to previous Sniper days. Do not like having to crouch every time to send an orbital strike.

We will have to see how 3.3 effects PVP.

Edited by DarkDoz
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Great post, but u did some mistakes, like the ranged defense of cover beeing defense. But yeah awsome guide. But snipers and slingers still suck on ranked pvp, because u can flashbang 1 guy, but another of the other 3 will need to hard stun, the other u need to knockback, by that time the dude flashbanged will be again on u, then u roll, then they r all on u agian, and u didnt did a single dmg........it is hard . Just like playing commando dps in ranked. Both classes r from elite ranked pvpers.
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Nice guide, thanks for writing it Cinerous.


I would make one suggestion though, if that's alright. You might want to put some title headers in your guide, and just re-colour them, or try re-colouring some of the sections themselves so it's not one long block of yellow text. It'll help people to differentiate the different sections you have in there.

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This is all well and good and sounds great on paper but there's no solution to the Sin and Powertech problem anywhere to be found. Nearly all of our defensive tools rely on controlling opponents via knockbacks and slows and both of those classes have abilities that a) make them fast as hell and able to close the gap quickly and b) abilities that grant them long periods of immunity to movement impairing effects which makes a great number of our tools useless.


When you factor in those two qualities and the fact that all AP Powertech/Tactics Vanguard abilities are instant casts vs our channeled attacks we simply have no answer to one of the most popular ranked specs in the game. It's only slightly better vs Sins but most of the same applies. They get to choose the time to attack and can close any gaps we open up fast as hell while ignoring most of the tools we rely on to be successful against other melee classes.


TL;DR No amount of wishful thinking changes the fact that PT's and Sins own us. Arenas are miserable because there's almost always one or more or both of those classes at the same time. We have no hope!

Edited by Plicitous
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I hope it arrives here one day ? I don't have a Sniper, so I have to translate everything ... Plus, I'm playing the game in German language, which means even more translation to me. :D


Sorry about the delay, hadn't been playing much, but finally remembered to check the forums and got that gunslinger version posted.


Also edited to add some colors and spoiler tags so it doesnt all look like one giant research paper from college and make it easier to read hopefully. Thanks for the feedback boiz

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Also, edited to put in a utility section, however, it was about 3:30 AM when I was doing the gunslinger section and the utility sections, so if theres anything I mixed up (like Imp vs Pub utility names) let me know
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the guide. Well written and thought out.


That being said, Sniper/Slinger defensive options, when compared to most other classes are still found lacking. Plus, as another poster noted, most other classes have immunity talents making them immune to sniper's primary defensive strategies.


What snipers/slingers lack (and mercs/mandos) are the significant dmg mitigation-health replenishment CDs other classes enjoy. Since it's been 2 years or more that this has been apparent, it is apparently an intended imbalance.

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Thanks for the guide. Well written and thought out.


That being said, Sniper/Slinger defensive options, when compared to most other classes are still found lacking. Plus, as another poster noted, most other classes have immunity talents making them immune to sniper's primary defensive strategies.


What snipers/slingers lack (and mercs/mandos) are the significant dmg mitigation-health replenishment CDs other classes enjoy. Since it's been 2 years or more that this has been apparent, it is apparently an intended imbalance.


I do not disagree with you...however, I can understand the plight of the class developers, because if you look at snipers in a group ranked situation (the highest tier of pvp) snipers are immensely strong. This is due to having heals and guard, in combination with sniper cooldowns, adding on the damage potential the class has? I can see them having issues buffing the class with a defensive buff, because I think this would lead to a damage nerf.


I think that currently snipers are in a pretty bad spot for solo ranked dps vs dps matches, but I am quite pleased with the performance of the class in team ranked, and do not want bioware to change anything with the class, because as we have seen in the past, when they buff/nerf something..they dont do it in small amounts. It is either retardedly OP or a massive nerf (look at powertech pyro 2.0 LEL) and I dont want to see the class I love be destroyed by poor developer choices..so while it could be better..I think it could be a whole lot worse lol.

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I think that currently snipers are in a pretty bad spot for solo ranked dps vs dps matches, but I am quite pleased with the performance of the class in team ranked, and do not want bioware to change anything with the class, because as we have seen in the past, when they buff/nerf something..they dont do it in small amounts. It is either retardedly OP or a massive nerf (look at powertech pyro 2.0 LEL) and I dont want to see the class I love be destroyed by poor developer choices..so while it could be better..I think it could be a whole lot worse lol.


Yes with guard (with is retardedly OP but that is another post) and heals in ranked team play. But that represents what, less than 1% of pvp? And the fact that they need guard and heals to have any survivability just reiterates my point that they are lacking the health replenishment-damage mitigation CDs that most other classes have.


And I agree that Bioware apparently has some rather bazaar ideas when it comes to pvp class balance.

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