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Lowbie pvp relics


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It's been said by the developers several times that they want people to feel they are not restricted in what they can do. I'm only really interested in pvp and have leveled enough toons so that when I level new ones it's class stories and pvp only.


The issue with this is a fresh lvl 10 player of any class will have very low expertise, you gain more when you reach the right level to equip implants and ear pieces. Relics however are another matter. They are all linked to the light or dark rating. This means that if you only wish to level via class missions and pvp it will take some time until you are able to equip an relics.


I would like to see some low level neutural relics so that people who havne't reached the requirement have something to use so that they can gain the expertise when joining a warzone.


For reference yes I know you can farm it in the first flashpoint and via diplomacy but I think it's an oversight that should have been resolved a long time ago.

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There is precious little incentive as it is to gain LS or DS points. No need to push it further into irrelevance.


You likely misunderstand what I'm saying. All I'm after is for a neutral one, a once off at a very early level, just having something in those slots will be enough to get them bolstered. If you don't do any flashpoints or and other missions other than class ones, it will be some time before you gain enough points to get a relic. For a pvp'er this means it will be a long time that you'll be stuck on 1800 bolster instead of 2018.


The fact that a lvl 10 player only has 1200 expertise in warzones when they start off should say it all. For this particular bracket, low level players have it tough because of bolster and that's not even counting for the level diference.

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Agree with OP 100%.


My new scrapper is level 41 and still his dark rating is too low for the lowest level relics(still slightly under dark 2). So I've been pvp'ing with 1800 expertise which isn't too crappy but would be nice to enter the warzone with expertise capped.

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You likely misunderstand what I'm saying. All I'm after is for a neutral one

No, you misunderstand what I'm saying. An easy way to get low level relics is by having the required LS or DS level. If you take that requirement away by offering low level neutral relics, you remove one of the only reasons to go LS or DS.


I understand exactly how WZ Bolster works.


Agree with OP 100%.


My new scrapper is level 41 and still his dark rating is too low for the lowest level relics(still slightly under dark 2). So I've been pvp'ing with 1800 expertise which isn't too crappy but would be nice to enter the warzone with expertise capped.

How long have you been playing? Were you here for the last rakghoul event?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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When you hit lvl 25 you can pick up the Raghoul Relics for 5k each on Nar Shadda. It gives you the full 2018 expertise at lvl 25, as long as you have earpiece and implants. When you hit 35 and then 45 you can get the better versions. This is what I do on all my toons. They are perfect leveling relics and better than the LS/DS ones imo. Edited by DarthVengeant
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No, you misunderstand what I'm saying. An easy way to get low level relics is by having the required LS or DS level. If you take that requirement away by offering low level neutral relics, you remove one of the only reasons to go LS or DS.


I understand exactly how WZ Bolster works.



How long have you been playing? Were you here for the last rakghoul event?

Nup sorry dude I still think your misunderstanding...either that or we both understand perfectly well but simply disagree completely :)


Having a one off relic at a very low level and nothing else would in no way bring ruin to the light/dark side system. Tell me how having say a relic you can buy at lvl 10, or some other extremely low level, break the system? I'm not talking about implementing a ton of neutural relics for the entire leveling process just something to equip so you have additional bolster.


Regarding the rakghoul event...that's the thorn reputation stuff isn't it? Ya see that's another pve event I have no interest in and I would wager a lot of others think the same.

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Signed agreed completely. They could at least just start characters off with earpiece/implant/relics that have no stats as placeholders. It could be fun actaully.


A smuggler would start out with.


Earpiece: Basic-Huttese Translator

Implant: Biometric Monitor

Implant: Sabback Cheating Device

Relic: Lucky Coin

Relic Rabbits Foot

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Signed agreed completely. They could at least just start characters off with earpiece/implant/relics that have no stats as placeholders. It could be fun actaully.


A smuggler would start out with.


Earpiece: Basic-Huttese Translator

Implant: Biometric Monitor

Implant: Sabback Cheating Device

Relic: Lucky Coin

Relic Rabbits Foot


You know what...I like that idea :)

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Having a one off relic at a very low level and nothing else would in no way bring ruin to the light/dark side system.

Now you're just exaggerating. No one said it would "bring ruin" to the alignment system (it's pretty pathetic as it is, in any event).


Tell me how having say a relic you can buy at lvl 10, or some other extremely low level, break the system? I'm not talking about implementing a ton of neutural relics for the entire leveling process just something to equip so you have additional bolster.

You would remove the incentive (little as it is in terms of the overall game given how small a part of the game PvP is) to get the LS or DS level required to get the lowbie relics.


Regarding the rakghoul event...that's the thorn reputation stuff isn't it? Ya see that's another pve event I have no interest in and I would wager a lot of others think the same.

That's your choice, but that is one way to get an alignment-free relic at level 25. If you are not willing to engage in the minimal amount of play required to get to Newcomer with THORN, I guess filling those relic slots is not really that important to you.

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That's your choice, but that is one way to get an alignment-free relic at level 25. If you are not willing to engage in the minimal amount of play required to get to Newcomer with THORN, I guess filling those relic slots is not really that important to you.


You seem oblivious to the fact that some suggestions are made not for the original poster (which is me btw...two accounts) but for other people in mind. I find it annoying but I can live with it, others won't. Telling someone who is interested in pvp only to pve to farm reputation no matter during an event which is not active all the time I have to say....is beyond me. There should be something available 100% of the time in a way that doesn't require reputation.


All there is to it for me :)

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You seem oblivious to the fact that some suggestions are made not for the original poster (which is me btw...two accounts) but for other people in mind. I find it annoying but I can live with it, others won't.

Well then that's their choice, isn't it? If they can't be bothered to get to Newcomer with THORN next time the rakghoul event rolls around, then I guess filling their relic slots at level 25 with alignment-free relics is not that important to them.


Telling someone who is interested in pvp only to pve to farm reputation no matter during an event which is not active all the time I have to say....is beyond me.

Not being willing to go to some minimal effort to get something you imply some players regard as necessary is beyond me. PvEers have to put up with a small amount of PvP interference during the THORN and Gree events (although many do complain about it).


There should be something available 100% of the time in a way that doesn't require reputation.

Because ... you say so?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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But then again any pvper has to grind through 10 levels of pve before they can queue for a single warzone.


Granted, the Rakghoul event is so rare that players could miss it. If you're there though, newcomer rep is so easy to achieve, it would be sad to miss out on the great lvl 25+ relics.



I do like the idea that "relics" are FORCE-imbued items. Therefore needing a minimum attunement to bestow you their blessing or sorcery (which is Light/Dark II).

But then again starting at level 50 relics lose all that aspect. Whether classic or ruusan or exhumed or whatever, all you need is a level. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have some real-deal endgame relics requiring max light/dark too. With different effects, pros and cons.


So seeing that actually the majority of relics (at 50+) is NOT attuned to an ethos, perhaps something else could indeed be placed at lower levels (and grant expertise). I like the rabbit paw!

Actually most of the companion gifts would be great in those slots (splinter of a rakata stronghold, coruscanti soil, etc)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I'm not reading all of this because I don't argue with idiots. If you disagree with OP you are gravely uninformed, learn what you are talking about or don't take part in this discussion.

And thus you prove yourself unworthy to argue with yourself.


If you need relics, then find a way to get them. There are options. You can stick your fingers in your ears and say "la la la la, I can't hear you" all you want, but it won't change anything.


Or, wait a minute, I need WZ gear, but I don't want to PvP to get it. Surely they should just sell me some for credits. Because I need it.

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You likely misunderstand what I'm saying. All I'm after is for a neutral one, a once off at a very early level, just having something in those slots will be enough to get them bolstered. If you don't do any flashpoints or and other missions other than class ones, it will be some time before you gain enough points to get a relic. For a pvp'er this means it will be a long time that you'll be stuck on 1800 bolster instead of 2018.


The fact that a lvl 10 player only has 1200 expertise in warzones when they start off should say it all. For this particular bracket, low level players have it tough because of bolster and that's not even counting for the level diference.


This is a known issue that needs to be addressed, as it exposes a flaw that has been ignored in the bolster system since its inception. Some kind of low-level relic with a very low stat benefit, to encourage you to gather the reputation needed for a more powerful relic. Something with +10 to endurance without a proc or click ability, really make it useless outside of early level bolster.


I see no reason not to do this, obvious trollish arguments aside.

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Regarding the rakghoul event...that's the thorn reputation stuff isn't it? Ya see that's another pve event I have no interest in and I would wager a lot of others think the same.


No, you are wrong. Most people enjoy in-game events. Maybe you don't like new things and events, but most people do.

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Another thing you can do is to train the Diplomacy crew skill, which gives light or dark points for each mission. You can get up to light or dark 2 very quickly and then dump it for whatever crew skill you prefer. It's easy to do if you just want to pvp. Also, you could equip a matrix cube, but only one. Maybe they should let you make more than one cube, after all, the low tiered cubes are mixed shards anyway, so why not...

-Wizzaz, whose toons are on Harb

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