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Time for another name purge


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Kindly consider doing another name purge.


Simply remove all names that resides on accounts that has been inactive for more than 1 year. Don't delete the characters or accounts, but simply rename their characters to something like TJJEODHNFNMDJURT.


Thank you :)

Edited by Lundorff
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I agree! And this time don't restrict to only people below level 30... I was forced to name change when the big server merges occurred and I almost stopped playing if a friend did not convinced me to play. And I also now that the "guy" who has my name still is a level 31 since that time and I've never seen him online since he is on my friends list, I even sent him a in-game mail offering to give him what he wants to delete his character making that name available for me and I got no response. All this probably means he doesn't play anymore or at the very least that he doesn't play that character. So if you do this please take away the names of all the characters that aren't logged in not just those that are below level 30. If a person is in fact a subscriber they can log in once a month in a character to prevent them from loosing the name.
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I agree! And this time don't restrict to only people below level 30... I was forced to name change when the big server merges occurred and I almost stopped playing if a friend did not convinced me to play. And I also now that the "guy" who has my name

That's part of the problem. It's not your name.

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That's part of the problem. It's not your name.


That is only half true because it was my name and it would continue to be if not by the incompetence of bioware. So it is only fair for bioware to correct their screw up.

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I think people need to start getting more creative in their naming. I have no issues naming, but then I'm not trying to be Luke Skywalker or Nihilus or Vader or one of the million variations of Revan. *eyeroll*


I don't see why people need to lose their names, and waste time and resources purging stuff, when people could be more creative. I didn't see this kind of whinging at Age of Conan. It took me twenty minutes to name my main character there, but I managed it. And it was a pretty awesome name too, and I made it up all by myself.

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That is only half true because it was my name and it would continue to be if not by the incompetence of bioware. So it is only fair for bioware to correct their screw up.


well wasn't that true of the other person that selected that name as well. since perhaps they had chosen it before you did.

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I think people need to start getting more creative in their naming. I have no issues naming, but then I'm not trying to be Luke Skywalker or Nihilus or Vader or one of the million variations of Revan. *eyeroll*


I don't see why people need to lose their names, and waste time and resources purging stuff, when people could be more creative. I didn't see this kind of whinging at Age of Conan. It took me twenty minutes to name my main character there, but I managed it. And it was a pretty awesome name too, and I made it up all by myself.


Translating what you wrote: I am awesome creating names, and I don't care if the name i want is taken because I will come up with other as awesome as the other. So **** you all that care about keeping your name.


If you don't care for this you don't need to use but you also don't need to keep others from having the option.

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That is only half true because it was my name and it would continue to be if not by the incompetence of bioware. So it is only fair for bioware to correct their screw up.

A server merge is not a "screw up."


Translating what you wrote: I am awesome creating names, and I don't care if the name i want is taken because I will come up with other as awesome as the other. So **** you all that care about keeping your name

Again, it's not their name.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Translating what you wrote: I am awesome creating names, and I don't care if the name i want is taken because I will come up with other as awesome as the other. So **** you all that care about keeping your name.


If you don't care for this you don't need to use but you also don't need to keep others from having the option.


Not quite, I'm not saying **** you to people who want to keep their names, I'm saying **** you to people who aren't creative enough to come up with a nice name or are blindly persistent in wanting to be Nihilus or Revan and keep on pushing for turmoil and upheaval and inconveniencing everyone else, because *they* want a certain name.


I hate the turmoil when this stuff happens. Same with server merges. There is nothing but moaning and groaning and misery all over the boards, because someone wants a name they can't have. There is no guarantee you'll even get the names you want, if there is a purge.


PS. Just because you wrote a guy begging him to delete his toon cause it's at lvl 31 doesn't mean he's not playing either. Quite honestly, if I got mail like that, I'd ignore and delete it, without answering it.

Edited by Lunafox
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A server merge is not a "screw up."


The merge in itself wasn't a screw up, but they could/should have come up with something to let the players keep their names, since it wasn't the player's fault that they had to merge the servers...


Not quite, I'm not saying **** you to people who want to keep their names, I'm saying **** you to people who aren't creative enough to come up with a nice name or are blindly persistent in wanting to be Nihilus or Revan and keep on pushing for turmoil and upheaval and inconveniencing everyone else, because *they* want a certain name.


I hate the turmoil when this stuff happens. Same with server merges. There is nothing but moaning and groaning and misery all over the boards, because someone wants a name they can't have. There is no guarantee you'll even get the names you want, if there is a purge.


PS. Just because you wrote a guy begging him to delete his toon cause it's at lvl 31 doesn't mean he's not playing either. Quite honestly, if I got mail like that, I'd ignore and delete it, without answering it.


Well, I don't want to have those generic names you mentioned and in fact I think most of those are lame but even so people can name their toons whatever they want, just because someone doesn't like it, doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed.

And I never said the guy I mailed isn't playing, I spoke in probabilities meaning I accounted for that possibility. To give you an example I have a toon stopped at level 37 that I never login into since I got all the 4 class buffs and I am an active player so I know that if he doesn't login doesn't mean he isn't playing. I will also add that if bioware wanted to purge me of that name I would be fine with it since I don't play the character, and If I did wanted to keep the name I could login on it.

To finalize do you see the my name? Chakkal? This is the name of my account and is the name I wanted to use on my main toon, and it has been since beta, until the big server merges in which I was forced to change. If they can find a way for me to get my name back without name purges even better but in my opinion the account name should have been automatically been saved on every server.

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I agree! And this time don't restrict to only people below level 30... I was forced to name change when the big server merges occurred and I almost stopped playing if a friend did not convinced me to play. And I also now that the "guy" who has my name still is a level 31 since that time and I've never seen him online since he is on my friends list, I even sent him a in-game mail offering to give him what he wants to delete his character making that name available for me and I got no response. All this probably means he doesn't play anymore or at the very least that he doesn't play that character. So if you do this please take away the names of all the characters that aren't logged in not just those that are below level 30. If a person is in fact a subscriber they can log in once a month in a character to prevent them from loosing the name.


No, Subs if they are still paying and they are subs then their names should not be taken away. There are reasons why a person cannot log in once a month.


(1) Basic training in the military. My boyfriend is not going to be able to play or log in for about 2 1/2 months during basic training.


(2) Tech training in the military. After basic training they have tech training and most of the times they will be training and not have much time to play.


(3) Real life situations.


If they are still paying a sub then no matter what the reason their names should not be taken away. They are still paying for the game so in that situation you cannot say they will not be playing.

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No, Subs if they are still paying and they are subs then their names should not be taken away. There are reasons why a person cannot log in once a month.


(1) Basic training in the military. My boyfriend is not going to be able to play or log in for about 2 1/2 months during basic training.


(2) Tech training in the military. After basic training they have tech training and most of the times they will be training and not have much time to play.


(3) Real life situations.


If they are still paying a sub then no matter what the reason their names should not be taken away. They are still paying for the game so in that situation you cannot say they will not be playing.


The login once a month was not said as a definitive time table in which you will loose your name, was more like random number because no one is asking to take names of people after a month like in some other post that is around there and to which you replied the same thing that you did know. Here it was asked for another name purged no one said to remove names after one month on inactivity... but a year on inactivity that seams a more reasonable time table to me but I could be wrong. And you didn't seam against name purges just against the one month purge thingy. Do you agree with name purges? Do have an alternate suggestion or a time to which it would be fine to purge a name?

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The merge in itself wasn't a screw up, but they could/should have come up with something to let the players keep their names, since it wasn't the player's fault that they had to merge the servers.

If 2 characters have the same name after a merge, one of them has to change since TOR requires unique "first names."


To finalize do you see the my name? Chakkal? This is the name of my account and is the name I wanted to use on my main toon, and it has been since beta, until the big server merges in which I was forced to change. If they can find a way for me to get my name back without name purges even better but in my opinion the account name should have been automatically been saved on every server.

Since it was already taken on another server, it's obviously not original. According to wikipedialyte, chakal (1 "K") is "from original Portuguese word for 'jackal'; 'chacal' [and] is a thrash/black metal band from Belo Horizonte, Brazil." "Chakkal" with 2 "Ks" has lots of hits when you search. You saw a word or name from another source and decided you liked it. So it's not your name.


Account names have nothing do with it. You don't get to claim a particular character name on every server just because that's your account name.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If 2 characters have the same name after a merge, one of them has to change since TOR requires unique "first names."



Since it was already taken on another server, it's obviously not original. According to wikipedialyte, chakal (1 "K") is "from original Portuguese word for 'jackal'; 'chacal' [and] is a thrash/black metal band from Belo Horizonte, Brazil." "Chakkal" with 2 "Ks" has lots of hits when you search. You saw a word or name from another source and decided you liked it. So it's not your name.


Account names have nothing do with it. You don't get to claim a particular character name on every server just because that's your account name.


First of all don't start making ridiculous assumptions because so far no has and they serve no purpose. And you have no idea on how I came up with the name and no you aren't remotely close on how I got that name, the fact that that name might be around doesn't mean I have known or heard of it.

Second I am Portuguese so I know better than you where Chakkal comes from, except if you are of Portuguese descent.

Third, is it difficult to understand that Chakkal was my name and that I was forced to change it, the key word being FORCED and none of it was my fault? Besides I am not asking to take a name of an active player, I am only asking that in the event that they do another name purge that they don't restrict it to characters below level 30, because in my opinion it doesn't makes sense Because if a player stopped playing the game for the amount of time they deem fit it doesn't matter the level of the character because they stopped playing. Furthermore, I also said that if you can find another alternative I would even prefer it.

And I didn't said account names had anything to do the problem in hand, I merely stated that in my opinion the account names should be reserved to the player in all servers. That doesn't make me wrong nor right it's an opinion to which you may agree or not but it does not entitle you to say what I can claim or not. I am, and always be in favor of options, give people options, not force them to do something they do not want and that wasn't their fault.

As for the "TOR requires unique names" want do you mean? Are you again making assumptions or do you know for a fact that the game engine doesn't allow it? Just one more question, are you or are you not against the name purges? Or are we just discussing the validity of the name purges?

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The login once a month was not said as a definitive time table in which you will loose your name, was more like random number because no one is asking to take names of people after a month like in some other post that is around there and to which you replied the same thing that you did know. Here it was asked for another name purged no one said to remove names after one month on inactivity... but a year on inactivity that seams a more reasonable time table to me but I could be wrong. And you didn't seam against name purges just against the one month purge thingy. Do you agree with name purges? Do have an alternate suggestion or a time to which it would be fine to purge a name?


I am not against the idea of people who are not paying for a sub that haven't logged in within a certain period of time. I would say a year then possibly but then again I would want to be careful even those that are preferred and F2P can have reasons, such as military, real life situations.

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First of all don't start making ridiculous assumptions because so far no has and they serve no purpose

OK, I won't.


And you have no idea on how I came up with the name and no you aren't remotely close on how I got that name, the fact that that name might be around doesn't mean I have known or heard of it.

Sure, you just happened to "create" a variation of the Portuguese word for "jackal.".


Second I am Portuguese so I know better than you where Chakkal comes from, except if you are of Portuguese descent.

Then you bolster my assertion even more, You simply chose a name close to the Portuguese word for "jackal." And I do not have to be able to speak Portuguese or be of Portuguese or Brazilian descent to look up something on the internet.


Third, is it difficult to understand that Chakkal was my name

You keep saying that as if repeating it over and over makes it true.


As for the "TOR requires unique names" want do you mean?

What do I mean? TOR requires that each character have a unique first name. The game does not use @handles or any other alternative identifier.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I agree, but only if the name holder has not log into that account or character in over a year and is not currently sub. If the name holder is paying a sub, they should be immune to any name changes regardless if they have log in or not on the character that holds the name. Edited by Knockerz
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I agree, but only if the name holder has not log into that account or character in over a year and is not currently sub. If the name holder is paying a sub, they should be immune to any name changes regardless if they have log in or not on the character that holds the name.

This seems a reasonable compromise. I also agree with those who said that if a player is not a sub and has not logged the character in (in more than a year, using this suggestion), character level should not make the character immune to rename. A year without either subbing or even logging in is a pretty good indicator that the player has abandoned the game.

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I agree, but only if the name holder has not log into that account or character in over a year and is not currently sub. If the name holder is paying a sub, they should be immune to any name changes regardless if they have log in or not on the character that holds the name.


That is fair. I can live with that. And what would you say to a system in which you could ask the owner of a name for him to give up that name? For example: I am creating a new character and the name I choose is taken, then I could send a request for the original owner of the name if they could give up their name for me. They could accept or deny the request. If they didn't respond, in case of an active player who simply doesn't answer the request he would have a certain period of time which after it he would lose the name (the time can be 6 months, 1 year, 1 year and half depends on what people think its adequate) and in the case of an inactive account if by the time they get the request they already have an inactivity higher than 1 year (the times periods can vary depending on what people think its adequate) he would automatically lose the name and if that minimum time haven't arrived the request would wait till that time arrives and give the name to the player who send the request. And to avoid receiving spams of requests an active player would have an option to automatically block the requests. Would you think this would be a better approach?



OK, I won't.


Sure, you just happened to "create" a variation of the Portuguese word for "jackal.".


Then you bolster my assertion even more, You simply chose a name close to the Portuguese word for "jackal." And I do not have to be able to speak Portuguese or be of Portuguese or Brazilian descent to look up something on the internet.


You keep saying that as if repeating it over and over makes it true.


What do I mean? TOR requires that each character have a unique first name. The game does not use @handles or any other alternative identifier.


For someone who said it isn't doing more assumption you did a few more. Starting with the variant of the word "jackal" I may not have been the first to come up with "Chakkal" but that doesn't mean I didn't came up with it by myself. And if wanted to use jackal why didn't I simply used the direct translation "Chacal"? But since you keep going at it I'll tell you how I got to it. Do you know a tv show called Stargate? There is a race of aliens called Unas that for some reason look at the moon and say something that I thought it was written as "Chakka". When I was naming my druid in warcraft it seamed a good name for it since the Unas, in my opinion, are in communion with nature and the moon, something that fits a druid. When I came to SWTOR I created a marauder and wanted a name that could represent something more savage and violent so the association with "Chakkal" was instant to me. As you can see I didn't need to look up anything to came up with it, even tough it probably already existed. And I do recognize that later on I've realized that the name "Chakka", "Chaka" where very popular due to some game I still don't know which.

I never said you needed to be speak Portuguese or be Portuguese to know that "Chakkal" is a variation of "Chacal" I just mean't that being Portuguese or speaking Portuguese you didn't need to look it up on the internet to know it. I apologize if I didn't made that clearer.

"You keep saying that as if repeating it over and over makes it true." The same thing can be said about you. Repeating that is not true doesn't make it false.

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1) This is a thread for people who also wish to have a name purge. You are free to disagree, but this is the suggestion forum and not general debate, please respect that.


2) That being said, a name purge will not hurt any active player. Even if you if you for some reason are against it, it will not have any negative consequence for you. Again, feel free to disagree but there is no reason to voice your disagreement. But thanks for the bumps.


3) I can be creative for sure, but I don't like special characters in my name and I generally prefer a short and easily recognizable name - see signature. I also use words in place of an actual name e.g. "Meek" or "Veto" or "Copy", but even these are getting harder and harder to find.


Kindly do a nice purge soon :)

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I may not have been the first to come up with "Chakkal" but that doesn't mean I didn't came up with it by myself.

It's like me "creating" the name "Jakkal" and saying "This is my game name."


And if wanted to use jackal why didn't I simply used the direct translation "Chacal"?

I am positive Portuguese has words that mean "a variation of." You didn't use "chacal" because it was already taken (as was, no doubt, "chakal"), so you had to use a variation of it. You are hardly the first Portuguese speaker to play this game. When you want to name your character a name based on a common word that people are likely to think is "cool" (jackal, wolf, saber, night, umbra, dark, shadow, falcon, to name a few), you're going to run into "Darn, it's already taken and so are many of its obvious variations."


You were required to rename your character per the rules Bioware set. That's just the way it is.

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It's like me "creating" the name "Jakkal" and saying "This is my game name."



I am positive Portuguese has words that mean "a variation of." You didn't use "chacal" because it was already taken (as was, no doubt, "chakal"), so you had to use a variation of it. You are hardly the first Portuguese speaker to play this game. When you want to name your character a name based on a common word that people are likely to think is "cool" (jackal, wolf, saber, night, umbra, dark, shadow, falcon, to name a few), you're going to run into "Darn, it's already taken and so are many of its obvious variations."


You were required to rename your character per the rules Bioware set. That's just the way it is.


This is the last time I'll be replying to you because all your post are based on one thing: your continuous accusation that I am a liar and ridiculous assumptions. That being said have nice life.

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This is the last time I'll be replying to you because all your post are based on one thing: your continuous accusation that I am a liar and ridiculous assumptions. That being said have nice life.


I'm sorry, I must have missed it, could you point to where exactly Bran called you a liar?


Anyway, that other Chakkal must have logged in before you did after the merges. That is how they determine who gets to keep the name post-merge. The message you sent was likely just deleted, or ignored. The character could easily be someone's alt they play on another server.


Chakkal also sounds like Jackal in English as well (we likely stole it). Therefore, even though it is your account name, and you likely made it yourself, someone (maybe with less originality) may have used Google Translate to find a word in another language that was a cool way to say Jackal.


Which is what would make the name less 'rare and unique' than you would have liked.


It really is amazing how many people like to use Google Translate to find cool-to-them ways of saying stuff. It's like tattooing Soup in Chinese Characters on your shoulder.


Edit: To OP, I like how you set up this suggestion by not saying something quite like "Someone else has my name and I want it", and by being very simple in how it would be set up.


I'm all for a yearly name purge of un-paying accounts that don't log in.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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I'm sorry, I must have missed it, could you point to where exactly Bran called you a liar?


Anyway, that other Chakkal must have logged in before you did after the merges. That is how they determine who gets to keep the name post-merge. The message you sent was likely just deleted, or ignored. The character could easily be someone's alt they play on another server.


Chakkal also sounds like Jackal in English as well (we likely stole it). Therefore, even though it is your account name, and you likely made it yourself, someone (maybe with less originality) may have used Google Translate to find a word in another language that was a cool way to say Jackal.


Which is what would make the name less 'rare and unique' than you would have liked.


It really is amazing how many people like to use Google Translate to find cool-to-them ways of saying stuff. It's like tattooing Soup in Chinese Characters on your shoulder.


Edit: To OP, I like how you set up this suggestion by not saying something quite like "Someone else has my name and I want it", and by being very simple in how it would be set up.


I'm all for a yearly name purge of un-paying accounts that don't log in.


You don't need to write "you are a liar" or "you are lying" to imply that. Continuously doubting what someone is explaining or basing all your posts saying I did something I didn't is calling me a liar.

And I never said give me my name because someone stole it, because if they have it, it is because they got it legitimately. I only expressed that I agreed with the OP and presented my reasons to want a name purge and explained why I think that restricting to below level 30 doesn't make sense to me. In fact I even had nice discussions with other people in this thread and I even asked for opinions and made some myself without keeping accusing someone of doing something they didn't.

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