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The sniper forums have gotten a little boring, so I'm posting this for fun


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Its fine that everyone wants to ask for help for things or figure out what to buff and all, but I think it can get pretty repetetive. So I have a vid of my favorite ranked match so far. forgive the laughter the adrenaline made me high. Its a 3 v 4 where the sniper's team still won!




Maybe we where playing three v 4 against a bad group of four, but honestly If your 3 v 4 you have no excuse except the people you played against where just awesome.

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Good lord all I could think was "Get a peel for Nysaa already!" then I noticed that a lot of them had full resolve pretty quick. Someone was breaking mezzes or something.


yeah I was peeling and poping the big shield for nyssa as often as I could. we won that mostly because they where out of breakers by the time they actually got her down.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good game.

And kudos to you for playing engineering I could never understand how to play that spec in pvp, it feels so unintuitive to me...


Out of interest what about it specifically did you find unintuitive? I find it's the opposite for me.

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It's mainly the combination of dot, aoe and a small burst with explosive burst, which makes it difficult to get for me.

Aoe in pvp is hard to use, pretty much everyone roll/force speed/jump out of it, the dots are kinda weak compared to Virulence, the burst cannot rival Marksman, so really what is this spec suppose to play like ?

I never got how to 1v1 someone with it when guarding while this seems to be the best spec to guard an objective.

Marksman seems so much more natural to me.

For example I saw you use the plasma probe defensively but it also means that when a melee is on you and you move he'll move out of the probe as well, if you bump he's out of the probe as well and if you stay you're eating his burst while the probe ticks slowly at his hps.

i see you manage to make it work but i don't get the details of how you do it.

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It's mainly the combination of dot, aoe and a small burst with explosive burst, which makes it difficult to get for me.

Aoe in pvp is hard to use, pretty much everyone roll/force speed/jump out of it, the dots are kinda weak compared to Virulence, the burst cannot rival Marksman, so really what is this spec suppose to play like ?

I never got how to 1v1 someone with it when guarding while this seems to be the best spec to guard an objective.

Marksman seems so much more natural to me.

For example I saw you use the plasma probe defensively but it also means that when a melee is on you and you move he'll move out of the probe as well, if you bump he's out of the probe as well and if you stay you're eating his burst while the probe ticks slowly at his hps.

i see you manage to make it work but i don't get the details of how you do it.


Plasma probe and interrogation probe combination will slowing down your opponent (plus stun with EMP discharge when both PP and IP are present), thus delaying them from getting to you. Covered escape also will immobilize our opponents if we roll near them, and there is leg shot, debilitate. All of those abilities are really helpful to staying out from melee range.


That's for facing melee opponent


Range opponent wise, Engineering/Saboteur is highly mobile, and you can LoS-ing range opponents quite well using this spec. Usually I'm using Explosive probe and 4 free-energy Overload shots (using utility) to LoS-ing them. And keep rooting and immobilize them whenever its possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's mainly the combination of dot, aoe and a small burst with explosive burst, which makes it difficult to get for me.

Aoe in pvp is hard to use, pretty much everyone roll/force speed/jump out of it, the dots are kinda weak compared to Virulence, the burst cannot rival Marksman, so really what is this spec suppose to play like ?

I never got how to 1v1 someone with it when guarding while this seems to be the best spec to guard an objective.

Marksman seems so much more natural to me.

For example I saw you use the plasma probe defensively but it also means that when a melee is on you and you move he'll move out of the probe as well, if you bump he's out of the probe as well and if you stay you're eating his burst while the probe ticks slowly at his hps.

i see you manage to make it work but i don't get the details of how you do it.

Putting it like that I can see how it could be confusing, for me plasma probe can be broken into 3 different areas






All you need to do is to work out when to use it, the damage on plasma probe is such that the utility trumps the other two. Sure I do use it for damage because with the slow it's also going to help me move about if I need to any any damage even with any lack of punch is going to help. The thing about plasma probe is there's a skill in positioning it properly to have the best effect in the given situation....I don't always get it right I must point out.


The more you use it the more you'll see how to use it :) That's the best piece of advice without going into a lot of detail I can provide.


In one respect perhaps the best way of looking at it is the damage it does is just a bonus it's the utility it provides that really makes it shine. That's why if they went ahead with the aoe damage interrupts in 3.3 it would have really dented the skill. If they ever come back to that idea....it'll hurt us if they don't give us anything in return.


Spreading the damage out over time instead of front loading it has severely dented the effectiveness in it's damage potential so any utility we lose in plasma probe is going to have a detrimental effect on the discipline.


....of course having said all that it's still an extremely fun skill to use presently :)

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Spreading the damage out over time instead of front loading it has severely dented the effectiveness in it's damage potential so any utility we lose in plasma probe is going to have a detrimental effect on the discipline.


....of course having said all that it's still an extremely fun skill to use presently :)


This is why I don't want it to change to much, I love the utility of it to much to take that trade off

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