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Sniper Buff thread.

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We are going to get buffed (I am not asking you bioware, i am telling you, buff us or else:mad:) so just say all the things that you want from now so they know what to buff here is all the things I want:


Ballistic Dampers now reset automatically while in cover.


Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure - Now restores 1% Hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds.


Hunker Down/Entrench Now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated.


Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds!


Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds.


The effects of series of Snare now also applies to Cull!


Evasion now cleanses ALL negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!


Hold you ground now reduces the CD of Shield Probe by 5 seconds instead of 4.


In addition to the AEO slow on Crippling Diversion, Distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds!

Edited by charlieferari
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Sounds interesting, may I suggest a few changes?

Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds!

I think 15 seconds or even 10 is enough.

Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds.

Activating Laze Target, Target Acquired or Sniper Volley grants (insert name), which causes your next covered escape activated within 20 seconds not to trigger a cooldown. (Basically using an offensive cooldown grants you a free second roll after your next roll)

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isn't more 'dont take damage' rolls a bit OP?

And the 30s reduction sounds a bit to much on scrambling field, I dont think a reduction is necessary.


Agree on all the other stuff though.


EDIT: Scrap that, read the suggestions a bit better, comments in red, underlined:



Ballistic Dampers now reset automatically while in cover.

Am cool with this, but something like 3-6 seconds after loosing last charge

Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure - Now restores 1% Hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds.

Fine with this


Hunker Down/Entrench Now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated.

Already does that anyway, for me at least


Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds!

Not needed and will make it OP in PvE


Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds.

I think 20 seconds is a generous cooldown


The effects of series of Snare now also applies to Cull!

So Virulence can now snare someone for majority of the time, sounds a bit too much to be honest.


Evasion now cleanses ALL negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!

Make it a utility and im cool with it, oh and fix the 75% DR if it isn't already.


Hold you ground now reduces the CD of Shield Probe by 5 seconds instead of 4.

Sounds fine by me


In addition to the AEO slow on Crippling Diversion, Distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds!

Dont we have a low cooldown on a root already?

Edited by Whojoo
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The obvious issue here is how do you improve solo ranked survivability without making the class the ops dps choice?


Auto ballistic dampers would probably be manageable, increase in the heals tick would need to be carefully watched but reduced cd on scrambling field may be a bit much given it's group utility?


I'd possibly start with roll being usable from stun/second stun break. So when opened on from stealth would have a quick escape and just enough breathing room to get the defences set in arenas to feel like we're participating rather than watching the game unfold from beyond the grave.

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one nice up that will not impact PvE environement and DPS is to gain stealth while on cover and out of combat (as passive ability) . that's all.


just this would be a significant gain of survivability. especially in solo Q ranked, where we are the weakest class in performance. (and i don't speak about the logic of this capacity for a class named sniper)


and like they did with maras, bw have to reorganize and changed some of our utilities. too many are useless or in the wrong section.

Edited by Thaladan
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Ballistic Dampers, I'd rather they added it to the base sniper class and do away with the utility entirely.


Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure, I still wouldn't take this as a utility even if they did make your suggested change. In the grand scheme of things the amount of health you'll regenerate will not help the focus we get. Sure if we're left alone without being attacked it'll be useful but is it worth a utility point? Not in my book.


Hunker Down/Entrench, it already does in my experience. I saw your post in the other thread and it's never happened to me at all. The way you described it made it sound like a bit of latency, either way as I said...never exeprienced that myself.


Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield, meh of all the things which could change I wouldn't suggest this one. This skill doesn't help us alone but all friendly people in your ops group, it's for that reason this will never happen. Not without reducing it's effectiveness, they lower the cooldown they lower the damage dished out or absorbed to keep it balanced.


Covered escape, I guess but why? An extra three seconds again in the grand scheme of things is going to have a limited use regarding our defences. I can't say it wouldn't be useful because in certain situations of course it would, any cooldown reduction would help but not 100% of the time. This would be a change of very limited value. Increasing the distance we get from covered escape whilst keeping the same cooldown and energy cost, now that's something which would help out. Of course as an enginering sniper the best thing they could do is to give us back the reset, really it's the change they need to do for my spec.


Series of Snare and cull. Remind me, is that the one with the slow or the one with the knockback? Asusming the slow I don't like this to be honest. With corrosive grenade you already get a slow (30% I think?) I don't like the idea of being able to have that slow on both cull and series of shots either one or the other for that spec. If this change get done why is it marksman gets a double slow on series of shots (with that reset skill of theirs) and virluence gets 2 slows on series of shots and cull and engineering only gets one?


Evasion, sure it'd help and if it got done I wouldn't complain but dots are not the thing that annoys me the most. I'd take it but I'd much rather have a defensive buff that would help against all types of damage rather than dots. Evasion is a very important skill as it is and I am not in favour of adding anything else to it. There's just too many situations we need to use evasion for now not even thinking about the dots. Something I didn't like about it when we had it before 3.0.


Hold your ground, again...sure why not, but what real benefit would this give us? 1 second? What's the point of reducing the cooldown by 1 single second? In the grand scheme of things again that 1 second is not going to be that effective. Sure there will be situations where it is, we all have those but when I think about it generally? Wouldn't be worth the time in changing it.


Crippling Diversion, our class has too many defences which work on cc'ing people. We do not need any more, every new form of root they give us is simply another defence that is countered by the insane amount of cc immunities out there. I would not be in favour of this.

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Slinger/Sniper is one of the few classes in a pretty damn good place right now. Sure we want our cleanse back, but not necessary.


Not in ranked. :\


I made a thread like this not too long ago with a couple of the same suggestions, one of which being the Ballistic Dampener refresh.


Out of this however, I agree with Zoid; most of these changes are just eh. They'll help, sure, but they won't help us too much during the ranked scenario. I'll just toss in what I had before:


Diversion should act like a combination of the Commando's Plasma Grenade and Electro Net, meaning, that Diversion should have a Primary Target while placing a lingering AoE (or perhaps just a DoT like Shrap Bomb) and Hinder the primary target (like E-net) for 6 seconds, in addition to the other effects. However, since this ability should still reduce accuracy, the target should be allowed to either Root-break the Hinder (and the slow if specced) or perhaps even an aggro-drop root purge for balancing purposes. The fact that Diversion is a lingering AoE, and not like a DoT (such as Shrap Bomb), people can totally evade the effect of diversion with the following:


Hold the Line

Force Speed

New Trancendence or Force Camo

Scoundrel's lol immune rolls or a stealth out

Shadow's stealth out

Enure (this less so) and Guardian Leap/Force Leap (I'll admit, Juggs have a hard time here, but that's only 1/8 classes.)

Seek Cover (in other words, Hunker Down speed boost.)


All but one class can counter the effects of Diversion. An almost essential ability can't be used for a full effect on a target. To be honest, the Hinder might even be too much. Perhaps just a change to a Primary Target based AoE ability is all it needs. But this by far is one of the hardest abilities to correctly use in it's current standing.


And I think we need more burst heals from Vital Regs, not more duration based. So adding in something like 2% (the extra % will make a difference) healing every second during the duration of Hunker Down or Entrench would be good.


Ororor, how about this: In addition to the regular effects of Vital Regs, While Hunker Down/Entrench is active, activating defensive screen heals yourself for 20% of your normal HP. This will be half the heals dealt from the above utility, but will provide a burst once every 45 seconds.

Edited by Camelpockets
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What we most need for ranked is simply a reason not to always be focused first.


I've seen stealth mentioned, which would certainly achieve that aim, but seems far too exploitable (double ambush delivered without warning?)


Maybe some sort of 'ricochet' effect on one of our cover/shield/screen tools where it gives a % chance for an incoming damage attack to bounce off and hit a random enemy within (x) metres for a small period would be enough just to stop everyone piling on us at the start, and be quite entertaining to boot :)

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What we most need for ranked is simply a reason not to always be focused first.


I've seen stealth mentioned, which would certainly achieve that aim, but seems far too exploitable (double ambush delivered without warning?)


Maybe some sort of 'ricochet' effect on one of our cover/shield/screen tools where it gives a % chance for an incoming damage attack to bounce off and hit a random enemy within (x) metres for a small period would be enough just to stop everyone piling on us at the start, and be quite entertaining to boot :)

random idea going off your tangent....


Give Ballistic Dampers to all Snipers and have it refresh or build stacks automatically while in cover.

Push Deployed Shields to Skillful.

New Heroic Utility: Return Fire. For the first 3 seconds after you use Entrench, all single target direct damage dealt to you is reflected back to the enemy.

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it's like to speak in a vacuum guys..


we are not maraudeurs, they just don't care, did you see a dev/admin posting in this section ? me not.


we deserve more than other class to be considered in PvP environnement. they totally screw engineering/sabotage in 3.0 although they said to us in sept 2014 that they will rethink this spec for the good.


despite the fact that we can do "well" in a group in ranked, when the healer can do a good job, when the tank can help us, we are terrible in solo ranked, horrible to play.


And even in warzone. it's now impossible to avoid a melee class to stay at 4m now and sorcrerers, specialists and mercenaries are better at distant and are more efficient in survivability or to help the group (by assist heal for example)


oh wait i am speaking in a vacuum...

Edited by Thaladan
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random idea going off your tangent....


Give Ballistic Dampers to all Snipers and have it refresh or build stacks automatically while in cover.

Push Deployed Shields to Skillful.

New Heroic Utility: Return Fire. For the first 3 seconds after you use Entrench, all single target direct damage dealt to you is reflected back to the enemy.



I like it, but would prefer it to be more random, perhaps a % chance of single target direct damage for a slightly longer time. Plus to distinguish it from saber reflect, have it hit a randomly assigned enemy. That would be good for a giggle, the possibility of killing your mara team mate with a ricocheting rail shot might stop so much incoming. (Or, depending on the mara, might encourage it ;))

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I am a scoundrel healer and i really have to admit that the sniper is one of the squishiest (if not the squishiest) class in arenas. HOWEVER their damage is insane when they're left to do their job. I totally agree that the sniper needs a lot of love to become viable in arenas BUT only if their burdt-damage is cut down to normal niveau. Otherwise sniper would be THE ''you needn't even try to win'' class and even worse in pvp than dot assasins.

The problem with this would be that it may not be as great in pve as it used to be.


Buff? Yes, but only if they can't kill me within 3 seconds.

Edited by aristrokratie
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Little suggestion for engineering snipers.


Suggestion 1. Virluence is specced so that their dots will not interupt their own flashbangs. Well BW forces us to use interogation probe as part of our rotations so why is it if we try to use flashbang it interupts it? Add something into one of the tree passives that prevents this. Small little change that would be very handy in certain situations without making the spec overpowered.


Suggestion number 2, engineering snipers are also more mobile than the others (yes I've heard virulence is meant to be the most mobile but...meh). For the class as a whole make it so the buffed evasion effects whilst in cover are base line for when you're out of cover as well (for the whole class not just engineering). It only lasts for three seconds anyway so again a simple change that would not make the class overpowered but improve our survibility slighty..


Suggestion number 3. Again for engineering only. Instead of restoring the resets (shield probe, entrench, covered escape) to emp discharge which would complicate matters somewhat put the resets somewhere in our discipline passives to place the resets on countermeasures (think that's the skill!). Also amend the utility that proves a buff to entrench so the effect can only activate once every 20 seconds. The combination of these two changes would improve the experience (i.e. fun) of playing the class and survibility without making the whole spec overpowered.


Suggestion number 4. The two second stun when doing IP + PP + EMP Discharge, remove the requirement of having to do EMP Discharge and make it so the target is stunned only when first placing pp down, people walking into it and then placing IP will not be stunned (essentially reverting it back to what it was once a upon a time).


These changes if implemented are simple but would help our spec a great deal. They are also all fairly simple to do.

Edited by Zoidrinali
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