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Darth Marr


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He's a member of the Dark Council, and powerful enough (both personally and politically) that the others won't challenge him openly as long as he doesn't kiss Jedi in public. If you played a Sith to 50 you would have seen him, and he also sent the Imperials to Makeb.


Yes, one might even see him as deputy Emperor at the moment.

Edited by Spetulhu
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He's a Dark Council member; one of the most powerful and a long-standing member. He's basically the de facto leader of the Empire right now because of it.


He's also pretty level-headed and reasonable for a Sith. Basically the leader the Empire needs right now :)

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He's a Dark Council member; one of the most powerful and a long-standing member. He's basically the de facto leader of the Empire right now because of it.


He's also pretty level-headed and reasonable for a Sith. Basically the leader the Empire needs right now :)


Dark Council members do tend to be level-headed and reasonable. Darth Ravage and Darth Vowrawn and Darth Vengean appear to be the same as well. Even people like Darth Zash (who is seen as a scheming backstabber) is still portrayed as reasonable and not a raging fool. She appears to very scholarly and intelligent, and always interested in learning more about the secrets of the dark side and the universe, reminds me of Darth Silthar on Tatooine in her quest for knowledge. It's good to see the Empire and Sith being portrayed in a way that doesn't show them as one-dimensional cartoon-like villains. In fact, while the game does haves some very ridiculous mindless psycho options for the player character to say, it does do a good job of portraying a lot of the Sith in charge as reasonable people (of course, they hate the Jedi and Republic, but that's why they are the Sith Empire, because their philosophy differs). The Sith that are portrayed as one-dimensional or the stereotypical raging idiot type on the other hand, the game does a good job of how showing how incompetent they are and how they hurt the Empire (Thana Vesh is a prime example of this, her master is always shaking his head at her foolishness). The Empire needs people like Marr, Malgus, Silthar, Vowrawn, etc, and less people that behave like bad caricatures.

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If you want to see more of him, play through the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor storylines, and through the Imperial side of Makeb. :)

He pretty much stepped forward to lead the Empire after Malgus' rebellion and the disappearance of the Emperor.

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Dark Council members do tend to be level-headed and reasonable. Darth Ravage and Darth Vowrawn and Darth Vengean appear to be the same as well. Even people like Darth Zash (who is seen as a scheming backstabber) is still portrayed as reasonable and not a raging fool. She appears to very scholarly and intelligent, and always interested in learning more about the secrets of the dark side and the universe, reminds me of Darth Silthar on Tatooine in her quest for knowledge. It's good to see the Empire and Sith being portrayed in a way that doesn't show them as one-dimensional cartoon-like villains. In fact, while the game does haves some very ridiculous mindless psycho options for the player character to say, it does do a good job of portraying a lot of the Sith in charge as reasonable people (of course, they hate the Jedi and Republic, but that's why they are the Sith Empire, because their philosophy differs). The Sith that are portrayed as one-dimensional or the stereotypical raging idiot type on the other hand, the game does a good job of how showing how incompetent they are and how they hurt the Empire (Thana Vesh is a prime example of this, her master is always shaking his head at her foolishness). The Empire needs people like Marr, Malgus, Silthar, Vowrawn, etc, and less people that behave like bad caricatures.


Vowrawn! :D. My favorite Sith next to Marr.


But yeah, most of the Dark Council seems to be pretty reasonable, but definitely not all. Darth Acharon wasn't one for sure. Ravage seems to be a bit of a dick most of the time as well. Zhorrid in the IA story was also pretty crazy.


But yeah, I agree for the most part and I'm happy that most of the people leading the Empire are pretty reasonable.

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Darth Marr is awesome. He comes up alot more on imp side. Wookiepedia has a good write up on him if you are interested in the details.


Also, he has the best armour in the game :)



also, being his peer on the dark council is pretty sick as SI


Edited by thebugman
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Vowrawn! :D. My favorite Sith next to Marr.


But yeah, most of the Dark Council seems to be pretty reasonable, but definitely not all. Darth Acharon wasn't one for sure. Ravage seems to be a bit of a dick most of the time as well. Zhorrid in the IA story was also pretty crazy.


But yeah, I agree for the most part and I'm happy that most of the people leading the Empire are pretty reasonable.


Ravage is just typical Sith aristocracy/nobility. If he comes across as the way you described him, I think it's just because he has that attitude of superiority that a lot of Sith have. Tremel is that way too, look how he spoke of Vemrin on Korriban. They aren't portrayed as silly one-dimensional villains though. They just embody how the Sith and Empire of the time was, the culture, the society and how it was. Most of them are pretty snobby and in addition, also are very racist and xenophobic towards non-humans. Marr and Malgus are some of the ones that aren't though, and believe that including some alien species in the Empire would only strengthen it. But the attitude towards aliens of the Sith Empire at this time is generally one where few aliens live in the Empire, and the ones that do are usually slaves. I play my Sith warrior as xenophobic, humans-are-superior, Sith nobility type attitude, but she's pretty reasonable, and not an idiot that just kills for no reason like some of the options have for Sith player characters. I do find it strange that there are too many ridiculous options, yet most of the Sith npc's are shown are not portrayed as lunatics, or silly caricatures.

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Ravage is anything but level-headed. I recall a small episode from 'Annihilation' when some non-sith Imperial (Minister of logistics, iirc) was thinking: "Thank stars it's Marr on the holo, at least he won't yell at you and tromp his feet if something goes wrong like Ravage always does" :D Edited by Yria
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Ravage is anything but level-headed. I recall a small episode from 'Annihilation' when some non-sith Imperial (Minister of logistics, iirc) was thinking: "Thank stars it's Marr on the holo, at least he won't yell at you and tromp his feet if something goes wrong like Ravage always does" :D


Well by level-headed I just meant that he isn't portrayed as a dumb caricature, psycho evil type. It's true he gets angry and isn't as calm as Marr or Malgus, but at least none of the Dark Council members are the stupid mindless psycho type. I really wish the same could be said of certain companions that Sith players receive, or in the options that are given for players to say/do. I try to play my characters as far from that as possible, but eventually you will find parts where the game forces dumb psycho options/lines upon on you and there's nothing you can do.

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Aww, leave Zhorrid alone. She just didn't know how to deal with the fact that she wanted to bang the Agent to little pieces.


I still want to dismember her out of spite. Though if Lana is head of Sith Intelligence and thus my new boss I think Marr might have already killed Zhorrid and robbed me the pleasure.


Oh well Marr is too amazing not to like.


none of the Dark Council members are the stupid mindless psycho type.


Darth Zhorrid.


That is all.

Edited by AnotherSith
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I still want to dismember her out of spite. Though if Lana is head of Sith Intelligence and thus my new boss I think Marr might have already killed Zhorrid and robbed me the pleasure.


Oh well Marr is too amazing not to like.




Darth Zhorrid.


That is all.


Marr probably arranged for her to have an accident, yeah. :p

And the only reason she had that spot was because of her daddy anyway, who actually was a very powerful and dangerous Sith. (It's said somewhere in game that he's second only to the Emperor in terms of power.)

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Marr probably arranged for her to have an accident, yeah. :p

And the only reason she had that spot was because of her daddy anyway, who actually was a very powerful and dangerous Sith. (It's said somewhere in game that he's second only to the Emperor in terms of power.)


Man I really would want to test that with a force using class! It's always very cool the fights and specially the cinematics of force users fighting one another!


On a random note I nominate Darth Marr as a Possible romance in the future! :jawa_tongue:

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Marr and Malgus have charisma in spades, but they are true darksiders at they're core....


They may not seem psychotic if they like you, but if they decide you are an enemy they will get scary pretty fast.. Malgus in particular is dark side incarnate, but he can put up a pretty good front and make people think he is not so bad.

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I vote for that ;) I see it now Darth Nox and Marr the dark council power couple.


hell yes My Inquisitor she would love it.


As for saying most of the DK are level headed Marr does point out on many occasions that there off fighting between themselves to be of any use.

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You guys do realise he's been ravaged by the Dark Side, right? The last person to look on his face committed suicide, which he intended as a punishment for incompetence. Besides, I think he's too busy being awesome for love.


Any artists here? Someone do Darth Marr riding a T-Rex with lasers and Rainbows on top of a huge shark while playing electric guitar... or a xantha, I guess. It will be awesome.

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Vowrawn! :D. My favorite Sith next to Marr.


But yeah, most of the Dark Council seems to be pretty reasonable, but definitely not all. Darth Acharon wasn't one for sure. Ravage seems to be a bit of a dick most of the time as well. Zhorrid in the IA story was also pretty crazy.


But yeah, I agree for the most part and I'm happy that most of the people leading the Empire are pretty reasonable.


Unreasonable people don't usually live long enough to make it to the Dark Council. There are exceptions, of course. Zhorrid inherited her spot, not earned it. Sith who allow their emotions and passions to rule them usually die long before making it to the Dark Council. Those who are there are usually masters of their passions, emotions and anger, not the other way around. They use these things as tools to make them stronger and more powerful, not become a slave or tool of their passions and emotions.


Just like you will notice Jedi Council members are a bit less idealistic than most Jedi. Kids, attachments, things or people they feel passionate about, and so forth.

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You guys do realise he's been ravaged by the Dark Side, right? The last person to look on his face committed suicide, which he intended as a punishment for incompetence. Besides, I think he's too busy being awesome for love.


Well... from http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Marr


After Moff Xerxian failed to quell an uprising on the Imperial-conquered world of Sullust, the man was summoned to a private audience with Darth Marr. After the meeting, Xerxian dictated a letter of resignation and shot himself, leading to many rumors about what had happened. The most predominant one was that the Sith Lord had removed his mask and allowed Xerxian to view his supposedly ruined face.

There's bound to be all kinds of rumors about Marr, and I suspect very few actually know what he looks like under the mask (since his anonymity adds to his intimidating presence).


He did train Darth Lachris though, and everyone who was pretty open to flirtation. :p

I don't think it's ever going to happen with any of the Empire and Republic's top members like Marr, Satele, Jace, etc... but it's not completely off the table either. Bioware's still got the option if they ever decide to go there.

Edited by Callaron
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My personal feeling (and admittedly I have no real proof to back it up, it's just my gut feeling) is that Marr has the Star Wars version of leprosy mixed with some excessive dark side corruption and is kept alive by a crapton of top-of-the-line cybernetics. With that idea it's surprising he's lived this long, but then again Stephen Hawking wasn't expected to live very long either. And I headcanon him as a Pureblood for no reason other than the cool factor.
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I was always hoping he is related to Visas Marr from kotor 2.Though there has been no mention of any relation either descendant or took her name.




That's what I originally thought as well. :p

Well, either him or the Jedi girl with the "Marr" surname that you fight in one of the storylines. As a Bounty Hunter I think when

they set that trap for you on Nar Shaddaa that kills the former champions of the Great Hunt.


She's actually a Miraluka too if memory serves.

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