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Add more Rewards for GSF!


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Well, let's face it. GSF has little reward from participating in it. Exp and credits you gain for your character are so-so, your starfighters--despite all the customization and upgrades you make--will only appear in GSF and not somewhere where you can show off your fighter in your guild's flagship or your own stronghold (which to me, is a major bummer. I see no reason why we can display our hard earned starfighters in our strongholds), there's no commendations or reputation points for GSF (NOT referring to the Kuat Yards flashpoint), and there's no vendor that sells anything we can exchange for the nonexistent commendations.


GSF would get a better and loyal playerbase if BioWare added more rewards or features to establish a solid incentive for us to play it more often. I like GSF, but the queues are long and there's little reward form playing it. Even regular PvP has more going for it than GSF in terms of rewards. HECK! That Starship Railing MINI GAME offers more rewards from playing it than GSF! That's how messed up GSF currently is.

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I agree whole heartedly


Award valor for GSF matches


More decorations for fleet comms


Unique mounts


Ground game gear sets


Ability to convert fleet comms to PvE or PvP comms depends on what else we play besides GSF.


Those are just off the top of my head.

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Ability to convert fleet comms to PvE or PvP comms depends on what else we play besides GSF.

All of what you said, but specially this. I think the queue would greatly benefit if you could trade n amount of fleet comms for Ops gear (not the highest tier so Ops are still relevant) or exotic materials.

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I think that GSF lacks a reputation system like the Space Missions mini game for the same reason that ground pvp lacks a reputation system, and that is likely related to exploitability.


The daily and weekly missions award fleet comms, but the selection of things you can use them on is rather limited. If the game designers would add more color kits, paint jobs, stronghold decorations, flight suits, naval uniforms, titles, or even ground game mounts, that would be cool.


The downside to using requisition is that Fleet Req is very precious and Ship Req is tied to the ship it was earned on unless you spend cartel coins, so unless they add a new currency (which may be cumbersome) they should just add it through fleet comms. The disadvanatge is that, in theory, people could grind the necessary comms through the space battle "on-rails" missions instead. The solution then is to make the prices very high on the vendor but increase the rewarded comms from the daily and weekly accordingly, or even grant fleet comms from the GSF battles themselves.


While I personally would rather see them first fix the bugs as outlined in many threads and then address strike fighters as indicated in the big thread this week, I would be grateful for any rewards "unique" to GSF that they added.


As a side note, I would like a kit that would allow me to select an appearance for an engine, primary, or secondary from the available models, rather than being limited to one model per component. I like the look of the Barrel Roll engines on a Flashfire, but might prefer to run Power Dive from a strategy standpoint. The look of Quads on a Clarion is iconic, but for some strange reason I might want to have LLC's equipped instead of Quads. I think the BLC model looks ridiculous on a S-13 Sting and would prefer anything else really. I can understand that people may have some balance concerns, since they may make tactical decisions on whom to tunnel based on what their target has equipped. Still, the advent of the outfit designer hasn't made tactical decisions impossible in the ground game, so even if it does require pilots to adjust their strategies I think that's a hurdle pilots will overcome.

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All of what you said, but specially this. I think the queue would greatly benefit if you could trade n amount of fleet comms for Ops gear (not the highest tier so Ops are still relevant) or exotic materials.


Oh good Maker, can you imagine the cries?


We can't even purchase MT's with the existing operations rewards. Can you imagine how much uproar there would be if you could buy them with Fleet Comms?


The queue might be larger, but I don't know if the game as a whole would benefit. Look at how much GSF is exploited for conquest right now ... this would increase exponentially if this idea was implemented.



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Oh good Maker, can you imagine the cries?


We can't even purchase MT's with the existing operations rewards. Can you imagine how much uproar there would be if you could buy them with Fleet Comms?


The queue might be larger, but I don't know if the game as a whole would benefit. Look at how much GSF is exploited for conquest right now ... this would increase exponentially if this idea was implemented.




I love it when people criticize other people's solutions to problems and then neglect to offer their own solution.


The issue is, GSF needs to be more rewarding.


How would you go about it?

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I love it when people criticize other people's solutions to problems and then neglect to offer their own solution.


The issue is, GSF needs to be more rewarding.


How would you go about it?


See my post above.


Art and design need to come up with color kits, paint jobs, outfits, titles, and stronghold decorations unique to GSF. Possibly even an appearance kit that let you exchange models of components like engines or blasters for something you liked to further customize your ship the way you like.


Once the assets were made and tested, add them to the Fleet Comm vendor at "high" prices, prices high enough that grinding space on-rails battles would be excruciatingly painful.


I would then increase the rewarded fleet comms from the GSF daily and weekly and possible add fleet comms to the individual battles, such that a player completing GSF content would much more readily be able to afford said rewards.

Edited by phalczen
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Oh good Maker, can you imagine the cries?


We can't even purchase MT's with the existing operations rewards. Can you imagine how much uproar there would be if you could buy them with Fleet Comms?


The queue might be larger, but I don't know if the game as a whole would benefit. Look at how much GSF is exploited for conquest right now ... this would increase exponentially if this idea was implemented.




Focusing on what you said about the Conquest exploitation: Really? If it gets more players queued up and shortens the wait time, it's at least providing more times to play GSF than waiting for an hour or more. Yes, it's not great, but until we can boost the GSF player base, it's better than having to wait forever for a ping for GSF.

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All of what you said, but specially this. I think the queue would greatly benefit if you could trade n amount of fleet comms for Ops gear (not the highest tier so Ops are still relevant) or exotic materials.


If they do exotic materials, it would be in those boxes that rewards you with a random exotic material like the Fleet Vendor has for doing the Starship Railing missions.

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Focusing on what you said about the Conquest exploitation: Really? If it gets more players queued up and shortens the wait time, it's at least providing more times to play GSF than waiting for an hour or more. Yes, it's not great, but until we can boost the GSF player base, it's better than having to wait forever for a ping for GSF.


Not discounting how painful that is, but its the same complaint as the ground pvp'ers have on other servers. I wouldn't increase participation in GSF by offering rewards for other content avenues. I would improve the entry barrier (i.e. like they are trying to do by lowering the comm prices on Exhumed and Dark Reaver gear with 3.3, and like they already did with 2.7 to increase requisition rewards) and the two other suggestions widely tossed about this forum:

1) improve the tutorial (remember ground pvp doesn't have a tutorial, "they" assume the leveling experience on Tython from 1-10 is adequate tutorial for how to pvp)

2) tweak stock components on default starter ships, especially traps like Charged Plating on the T1 strike and Rapids on anything. Just because Drakolich can get 70k damage in a stock Starguard doesn't mean its balanced.

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Not discounting how painful that is, but its the same complaint as the ground pvp'ers have on other servers. I wouldn't increase participation in GSF by offering rewards for other content avenues. I would improve the entry barrier (i.e. like they are trying to do by lowering the comm prices on Exhumed and Dark Reaver gear with 3.3, and like they already did with 2.7 to increase requisition rewards) and the two other suggestions widely tossed about this forum:

1) improve the tutorial (remember ground pvp doesn't have a tutorial, "they" assume the leveling experience on Tython from 1-10 is adequate tutorial for how to pvp)

2) tweak stock components on default starter ships, especially traps like Charged Plating on the T1 strike and Rapids on anything. Just because Drakolich can get 70k damage in a stock Starguard doesn't mean its balanced.


Okay. Would you go for it if the vendor offered unique decorations, paint jobs, ships, and gear (Not ops gear but unique looking gear like what you see from reputation vendors)? And I know about all the balance issues. I'm just focusing on the fact that GSF isn't up to par with the reward system like the Rail shooter and regular PvP in terms of exchanging commendations for rewards.

Edited by Koichi
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Okay. Would you go for it if the vendor offered unique decorations, paint jobs, ships, and gear (Not ops gear but unique looking gear like what you see from reputation vendors)? And I know about all the balance issues. I'm just focusing on the fact that GSF isn't up to par with the reward system like the Rail shooter and regular PvP in terms of exchanging commendations for rewards.


Yes, that's precisely what I wrote in my longer post on page 1.


The rewards need to be unique to GSF.

1) Naval titles

2) stronghold decorations, like ceiling lights that look like fighter engines maybe? The selections currently are limited to ship models, kiosks, and posters. We have flashpoint and operation trophies for SM and up that are tied to achievements, why can't there be artwork related to achievements in GSF to hang on our walls?

3) Engine reactants, blaster gas canisters, paint jobs, and color kits. I am disappointed that the vast majority of options to customize your starfighter required someone, at some point, to pay cartel coins. The only ones that do not were either subscriber rewards for being around a certain point in time, and a bomber paint job that requires you to do the KDY flashpoint several times hoping for a rare loot that everyone else will also be rolling on. The irony of that kills me. It isn't even that bad for artificers and dye modules, and we all know how bad of a shape they are in.

4) Naval uniforms and flight suits. This should be very popular given outfit designer. Now you don't need to negatively affect your gameplay just to proudly wear your jumpsuit.


But really, none of these are new suggestions, they've been around for months.


And, if I had my druthers, I would rather have the design team address Strikes, then worry about the rewards. Not that adding incentives isn't a good thing. But, I think we can all relate to that feeling when you imagine yourself climbing into an X-wing (there's nothing more iconic in a star wars based space combat sim), and presumably that is the analogous fighter to our Strikes. I would enjoy matches more if I could play my strike fighter.


Nevertheless, I would also enjoy matches more if there was more participation (incentivized by cool rewards), or if there were cool rewards towards which I was personally striving.


Either way, the T1 strike is given to every player for free and it shouldn't be nearly as ineffectual as it is, if we want to make GSF more appealing to players brand new to this mini game. If people have fun flying it, because they feel they've contributed to a match in some way by flying an iconic starfighter class, then they are likely to stick around, even without obvious carrots being dangled in front of them.

Edited by phalczen
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Uh, what does "valor" do?


No ground guy should feel obligated to run GSF, any more than I should be obligated to engage in reskinned wow alpha with lightsabers. I seem to recall valor being really important at launch, but less important now? Like, it doesn't gate real gear? If it doesn't gate or make real gear, then sure. But definitely don't drop a real pve or pvp currency in GSF. Then the competitive ground guys would "have to" run GSF at the launch of every season to keep up with those who do.

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No ground guy should feel obligated to run GSF, any more than I should be obligated to engage in reskinned wow alpha with lightsabers.


I agree with this, although being the kind of player who enjoys the majority of game in all its areas, I do harbor a secret desire to see larger content which might incorporate a space battle with a ground battle in different phases. But I digress.


Uh, what does "valor" do?


That depends on whether you are referring to the past, or the present.


At launch, valor was essentially the way that the better players gained access to exclusive gear. Valor awarded at the end of a match was based on the medals you won. So the more medals you won, the higher your valor rating. It was heavily exploitable.


Currently, valor is useful for three things:

1) You need Valor level 40 to be able to convert (unranked) warzone commendations to RANKED warzone commendations at a 30:10 ratio. Since RWZ comms are being discontinued in patch 3.3, this is soon to be irrelevant.

2) Certain valor levels are still a requirement for a couple of pets and mounts, but said pets and mounts can only be purchased with WZ or RWZ commendations anyway, so not helpful for dedicated GSF players who may not earn that currency.

3) Certain valor levels are still a requirement for some gear pieces that can still be crafted, but no longer available. They were part of the pvp sets way back in patch 1.something. You could have purchased the whole piece for comms, or paid a crafter to make it for the chance to have an augment slot on it. (This was before Augmentation Kits were introduced.) Since armormechs and synthweavers could have purchased the schematics to make those armor pieces, they will occasionally show up on the GTN, and the armor piece still requires a certain valor level, but they are an endangered species as more and more of those from-launch players leave the game. Again, really irrelevant for GSF since those armor appearances are geared toward ground players, not new naval uniforms or flight suits.


Ground valor is nearly obsolete and completely inappropriate as an avenue to introduce rewards to GSF. I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of ranked GSF system being developed, or a separate valor system being created for GSF, but that's slightly off-topic. I think you need to have a base set of rewards first, and then if the GSF population is healthy enough, think about the pros and cons of introducing a ranked-GSF system like the ground game has.

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Not sure what I would do as far as giving GSFers more incentive to play. However a system that allows you to swap your fleet coms for basics or the second teir up PvE comms might be ok. That way I wont be over pressured to play a ton of PvE but if I ever get bored I still have good enough gear to join a ops group or PvP group or w/e. Edited by xDELTHYx
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Not sure what I would do as far as giving GSFers more incentive to play. However a system that allows you to swap your fleet coms for basics or the second teir up PvE comms might be ok. That way I wont be over pressured to play a ton of PvE but if I ever get bored I still have good enough gear to join a ops group or PvP group or w/e.


They could offer Achievements that you can get and unlock decorations for your stronghold, maybe.

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