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CONJECTURE: Objective war zones will be added to ranked for season six


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Among the many things revealed in this week's info dump, it was announced that AOE damage would no longer interrupt capture attempts starting with patch 3.3. This sparked some controversy but I think the general consensus is that this will be a positive change (although not without some tweaks).


However, one question remains: why? The logic given was that it would prevent stalemates but how often do stalemates really happen in general war zones? Maybe occasionally on Voidstar but only when the team's are almost perfectly balanced. ACW every so often comes down to whoever captured their side node first but those matches tend to be pretty rare (and actually pretty exciting). It's uncommon for a NC match to go more than three minutes without two turrets being flipped, and I think I've seen a round where neither pylon was capped precisely once in AHG. It's also curious to see unranked to get such a drastic balancing update, especially when, as mentioned, it isn't entirely necessary.


However, I distinctly recall that in the past one of the more legitimate complaints regarding ranked 8v8s was that they would often become stalemates -- that level of play and coordination makes it very difficult to even get a single cap. A change like this would have gone a long way to combatting this phenomenon. Add in the fact that most of the other updates being discussed are clearly aimed at bringing more players into ranked then it creates an argument that they're planning on bringing some form of objective play to ranked.


It also needs to be said that, well, arenas have had their chance and failed. Arenas were originally introduced with the intent of bringing more people into ranked and being easier to balance. Neither of these things have proven to be true: while the inclusion of a solo queue has certainly increased the actual number of ranked players, that number dwindles every season and one of the most cited reasons why people don't play ranked is a dislike for arenas; and arenas are no more balanced today than they were 18 months ago. By this point 8v8s were already on their way out (and they were arguably more popular -- if not as populated).


How they would do this I can only guess. I mention every chance that I get that it would be incredibly prudent to add objective war zones to both ranked queues. They might bring back full 8v8s. They might do both.


Again, I cannot stress enough that this is just conjecture … and more than a little wishful thinking. Still, based on this week's announcements I think it's quite likely that season five will be the last hurrah of pure ranked arenas.

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However, one question remains: why?


Bioware's intention, simply put, is that if a team gets slaughtered so bad that you need one or two players spamming AOE on the door, then said team probably deserves to lose the door

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I hope more than anything they will bring back 8man ranked... I hate Arena and prefer objective pvp...

People say 8 man team ranked failed... But if you go by the DEVS interview, they said that more people play yolo ranked than team ranked

Solution, introduce 8 man yolo ranked as well as team ranked

And/or make another yolo type queue where 2x 4man premades are put together to play 8 man against another 2x 4 man premade team... That way people could still play with their friends in premades, but play other premades instead of just pug yolo...

I think the 8 man failed because people couldn't get full premade 8 man teams together... Plus a lot of players may be online at different times and need a yolo option... There are normally more than enough to reg pug and normally enough of those people are skilled enough for yolo 8 man ranked

It would also allow the reg pug 8 man people to learn to play before trying ranked 8 man... At the moment the good players just farm the new people, when having 8 man ranked would give the better players more of a challenge

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