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New Anni is Awesome in PVP

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I didn't even realized you still played, Fay't. :p


I think the new utility redesign helped Anni and Fury, but hurt Carnage. I also agree that the changes are probably a buff for Anni in PvP, but still a nerf in PvE for most fights and...uh, still really unfun to play, especially compared to post-2.8 Anni. What's annoying is that, if you were on the 3.0 PTS like me, most of the changes that were in the 3.2.1 patch were there. And we told them then that the spec played like garbage because the rotation was awful and rage-starved. They decided we didn't know what we were talking about and 5 months later propose the same changes to a new set of testers on the 3.2.1 PTS who give them the exact same feedback, and again are ignored.


TLDR: I like the utility changes for the most part. Anni changes good for PvP. Still lame to actually play.

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I didn't even realized you still played, Fay't. :p


I think the new utility redesign helped Anni and Fury, but hurt Carnage. I also agree that the changes are probably a buff for Anni in PvP, but still a nerf in PvE for most fights and...uh, still really unfun to play, especially compared to post-2.8 Anni. What's annoying is that, if you were on the 3.0 PTS like me, most of the changes that were in the 3.2.1 patch were there. And we told them then that the spec played like garbage because the rotation was awful and rage-starved. They decided we didn't know what we were talking about and 5 months later propose the same changes to a new set of testers on the 3.2.1 PTS who give them the exact same feedback, and again are ignored.


TLDR: I like the utility changes for the most part. Anni changes good for PvP. Still lame to actually play.


The marauder does have one use left in the game. When you are bored facerolling warzones with PT and sorc test your skills by winning with the most neglected classes in the game.

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For me i think dmg wise it probably has actually dropped a tad but its mobility has greatly increased with the movement speed increase. I don't even bother with the trans/pred on a cd utiliity for the most part though. Generally to get the most mobility you have to sacrifice something pretty big to get there so you have to make compromises..


You can either

Get all mobility buffs (camo cleanse, pred cd, pred root break, camo extra time + 15% movement speed) but lose alot of dr with the 30% aoe reduction and the additional reduction added to the talent with this patch. So you can 2 root breakers one on a 30s and one on a 45 second cd. However you'll be hella squishier :p


Rely on pred for root breaker (take pred cd, 15% movement speed increase +extra camo time, pred root break, 30% aoe reduction) but lose expunging camo which will keep you rooted so you have to rely on pred for root break... so 30s cd root break + speed increase. Camo won't break roots.


or forgo the pred cd and take (30% aoe dmg reduction, 15% movement speed +extra camo time, pred root break, expunging camo) Here you can still use pred as a root break if you need to and have stacks/stack builder so not as often but you'll have camo on a 45s cd. For yourself this is probably a superior root breaker as it stops them from targeting you and stunning you. Plus you have the 30% aoe dmg reduction and ofc the extra dmg reduction.


I always take the last option for regstarring i guess in team ranked i would go full mobility. However i think most of the time i tend to go for the last option.

Edited by AngusFTW
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For me i think dmg wise it probably has actually dropped a tad but its mobility has greatly increased with the movement speed increase. I don't even bother with the trans/pred on a cd utiliity for the most part though. Generally to get the most mobility you have to sacrifice something pretty big to get there so you have to make compromises..


You can either

Get all mobility buffs (camo cleanse, pred cd, pred root break, camo extra time + 15% movement speed) but lose alot of dr with the 30% aoe reduction and the additional reduction added to the talent with this patch. So you can 2 root breakers one on a 30s and one on a 45 second cd. However you'll be hella squishier :p


Rely on pred for root breaker (take pred cd, 15% movement speed increase +extra camo time, pred root break, 30% aoe reduction) but lose expunging camo which will keep you rooted so you have to rely on pred for root break... so 30s cd root break + speed increase. Camo won't break roots.


or forgo the pred cd and take (30% aoe dmg reduction, 15% movement speed +extra camo time, pred root break, expunging camo) Here you can still use pred as a root break if you need to and have stacks/stack builder so not as often but you'll have camo on a 45s cd. For yourself this is probably a superior root breaker as it stops them from targeting you and stunning you. Plus you have the 30% aoe dmg reduction and ofc the extra dmg reduction.


I always take the last option for regstarring i guess in team ranked i would go full mobility. However i think most of the time i tend to go for the last option.


I agree with the idea itself, BUT: we sacrifice much more (not using Zen/Berserk is big dps loss) and some classes don't need to sacrifice at all (see FOTM shadow/assa).

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The marauder does have one use left in the game. When you are bored facerolling warzones with PT and sorc test your skills by winning with the most neglected classes in the game.


Most neglected class in the game? You must be kidding.....you have recieved the most attention out of all the classes since 3.0. Try a merc out, go ahead, see how you do against a skilled team.

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Most neglected class in the game? You must be kidding.....you have recieved the most attention out of all the classes since 3.0. Try a merc out, go ahead, see how you do against a skilled team.


Mercs are better than marauders, m8. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

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Most neglected class in the game? You must be kidding.....you have recieved the most attention out of all the classes since 3.0. Try a merc out, go ahead, see how you do against a skilled team.


I play both regularly. I'll meet in the middle with you, they are both equally neglected, but at least merc is a ranged class with some self-heals. I see good mercs post frightening damage in regs everyday. Mara/Sents that posts good numbers are no where near as frequent.


Both classes get focused hard because everyone knows they have poor defenses. The best tactic I've found with mara/sent is to stay out of the middle of large skirmishes, pick off half dead targets and outliers. Mercs can blast away at 30m and if focused, run, break los, and heal.

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I play both regularly. I'll meet in the middle with you, they are both equally neglected, but at least merc is a ranged class with some self-heals. I see good mercs post frightening damage in regs everyday. Mara/Sents that posts good numbers are no where near as frequent.


Both classes get focused hard because everyone knows they have poor defenses. The best tactic I've found with mara/sent is to stay out of the middle of large skirmishes, pick off half dead targets and outliers. Mercs can blast away at 30m and if focused, run, break los, and heal.


What you say can't be truth. All the mercs say that sent/mara is uber-god-OP FOTM, so it must be true. They say devs always just care about us and constantly buff us, so it must be true. We have Force Camo man, we are invincible!

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I can still make this crap spec perform (i'm not a complete tard like most pvpers), but that doesnt change the fact that in the hands of the same player, gets vastly out performed by other specs, (see SIN/SORC/PT/JUG). Yes even mercs out perform anni in its current form. (I know, i have a merc and a mando).


Vid of L337 skills yo (pocket heals ftw):


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The marauder does have one use left in the game. When you are bored facerolling warzones with PT and sorc test your skills by winning with the most neglected classes in the game.


I don't really do WZs anymore, only arenas. And in solo queue, marauders are perfectly fine. Definitely not as weak as mercs or snipers. And you have more survivability than PTs by far in either Anni or Fury.


I'd only be sad if I mained a marauder in PvE, and I don't, so I won't.

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I don't really do WZs anymore, only arenas. And in solo queue, marauders are perfectly fine. Definitely not as weak as mercs or snipers. And you have more survivability than PTs by far in either Anni or Fury.


I'd only be sad if I mained a marauder in PvE, and I don't, so I won't.



Take your marauder and go try to kill a good merc or good sniper and see what happens. Mercs and snipers are plenty strong and people that know the class regularly keep up in dps with sorc/pt/jug (no one really keeps up with a hatred sin)

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Take your marauder and go try to kill a good merc or good sniper and see what happens.


I'm going to refrain from taking you seriously there. Mercs have beaten Marauders since the introduction of Electronet, and Snipers have always countered Marauders. It doesn't mean they don't suck in solo ranked, and just because one class matches up well against another in a duel doesn't mean the weaker class is actually weak. It just means the matchup is bad.

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Most neglected class in the game? You must be kidding.....you have recieved the most attention out of all the classes since 3.0. Try a merc out, go ahead, see how you do against a skilled team.


You mean the spec that is great in a healing role (even with the 4 set piece not working), and has the best dps spec in IO/Assualt? Thats why they haven't seen much change, they're awesome.

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You mean the spec that is great in a healing role (even with the 4 set piece not working), and has the best dps spec in IO/Assualt? Thats why they haven't seen much change, they're awesome.


There's a reason that Marauders and Sentinels have been getting attention, they aren't good at anything since 3.0. They're finally starting to approach being acceptable.

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You mean the spec that is great in a healing role (even with the 4 set piece not working), and has the best dps spec in IO/Assualt? Thats why they haven't seen much change, they're awesome.


I don't like merc whining about sent/mara attention either. But what you say is wrong, it only applies to PvE. Yes, they are OP in PvE both heal and dps, but in PvP they are underperforming, they are just as easy targets as we are. They do need help.

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Mercs are better than marauders, m8. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.


Lol, keep telling yourself that. Whatever it takes to sleep at night. You have vanish, you have 99% damage reduction, and now you have cc / stun / root immunities.


I play both regularly. I'll meet in the middle with you, they are both equally neglected, but at least merc is a ranged class with some self-heals. I see good mercs post frightening damage in regs everyday. Mara/Sents that posts good numbers are no where near as frequent.


Both classes get focused hard because everyone knows they have poor defenses. The best tactic I've found with mara/sent is to stay out of the middle of large skirmishes, pick off half dead targets and outliers. Mercs can blast away at 30m and if focused, run, break los, and heal.


They cant run if they are stun locked or focused, they drop like a sack of potatoes, marauders can vanish, or use their 99% damage reduction. Making them automatically better. They are in a good place now, any more buffs would put them in FOTM status again. Which seems what people here want.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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What you say can't be truth. All the mercs say that sent/mara is uber-god-OP FOTM, so it must be true. They say devs always just care about us and constantly buff us, so it must be true. We have Force Camo man, we are invincible!


You have force camo, 99% damage reduction, and a HTL equal ability. When you lose 99% damage reduction, and invisibility, and gain the worst off heals in the game, you can start complaining again. Yes sents needed attention, but they do not need much more, they are already at an acceptable level now, they need to start slowly working on gunslingers and commandos and after they got the needed buffs, go back to marauder, there is no need to shift ALL attention to a single AC and completely neglect the others.

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You mean the spec that is great in a healing role (even with the 4 set piece not working), and has the best dps spec in IO/Assualt? Thats why they haven't seen much change, they're awesome.


Commando healer is the worst healer in the game in pvp. No hard focus swap ability, no vanish, no bubble, and not HOT heals that are worth a damn. And assault is absolute garbage in pvp, their ramp up time is so long, if anyone even thinks about attacking them they turn into a wet noodle. I suggest you actually play a commando in ranked before commenting on them.

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Arsenal/gunnery would do good in team 4s if dot specs (and by that i mean.. hatred) weren't so prevalent.... They survive decent against anything else esp with the chaff flare changes...

Also working on gunslingers is kinda treading a line since they're actually really good in team 4s giving them too much would make them crazy op in marksman.

Edited by AngusFTW
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You have force camo, 99% damage reduction, and a HTL equal ability. When you lose 99% damage reduction, and invisibility, and gain the worst off heals in the game, you can start complaining again. Yes sents needed attention, but they do not need much more, they are already at an acceptable level now, they need to start slowly working on gunslingers and commandos and after they got the needed buffs, go back to marauder, there is no need to shift ALL attention to a single AC and completely neglect the others.


I really like that you only read these kind of posts by me. As I said multiple times, I agree mercs need better defenses and even posted some ideas about it. But as far as I see, you don't care about makin your class better, you just wanna pummel sents "because we are so awesome". Yeah, Guarded by the Force/Undying gives 99 dmg reduction for 4S with 3MIN CD, utility makes it 6s with 2:30 min, too powerful. And we have a Force Camo at 45s CD, which is only useful if we have healers that FOCUS us, otherwise useless (I rarely meet healers when I play sentinel, they always heal anyone else. guess why? because everyone else has better dps and higher survivability, so it makes sense to help them, not us). And we can't afford to take the utility that makes it cleanse us from debuffs, so debuffs still tick. The cc immunity exist only for Concentration/Fury, and not even nearly all sents take that tree.

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I'm going to refrain from taking you seriously there. Mercs have beaten Marauders since the introduction of Electronet, and Snipers have always countered Marauders. It doesn't mean they don't suck in solo ranked, and just because one class matches up well against another in a duel doesn't mean the weaker class is actually weak. It just means the matchup is bad.


Stop trying to inject reason. Some people don't want reason, just more rage.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I really like that you only read these kind of posts by me. As I said multiple times, I agree mercs need better defenses and even posted some ideas about it. But as far as I see, you don't care about makin your class better, you just wanna pummel sents "because we are so awesome". Yeah, Guarded by the Force/Undying gives 99 dmg reduction for 4S with 3MIN CD, utility makes it 6s with 2:30 min, too powerful. And we have a Force Camo at 45s CD, which is only useful if we have healers that FOCUS us, otherwise useless (I rarely meet healers when I play sentinel, they always heal anyone else. guess why? because everyone else has better dps and higher survivability, so it makes sense to help them, not us). And we can't afford to take the utility that makes it cleanse us from debuffs, so debuffs still tick. The cc immunity exist only for Concentration/Fury, and not even nearly all sents take that tree.


I only reply to those because that is all I see of yours. And I am interested in making commando a more viable class, I dont want them to be OP, but they are the most underperforming class in the game at the moment in pvp, as it is now, all Marauder players seem to want is every possible advantage against commandos, all we want is a anti focus ability, which again, you have 2 of, yet all mara players act like their two REALLY GOOD oh **** abiliies are terrible. I can tell you now, all mercs / mandos would trade their DCDs for sents ANY day.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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I only reply to those because that is all I see of yours. And I am interested in making commando a more viable class, I dont want them to be OP, but they are the most underperforming class in the game at the moment in pvp, as it is now, all Marauder players seem to want is every possible advantage against commandos, all we want is a anti focus ability, which again, you have 2 of, yet all mara players act like their two REALLY GOOD oh **** abiliies are terrible. I can tell you now, all mercs / mandos would trade their DCDs for sents ANY day.


Check out wikipedia for obsession.

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I didn't even realized you still played, Fay't. :p


I think the new utility redesign helped Anni and Fury, but hurt Carnage. I also agree that the changes are probably a buff for Anni in PvP, but still a nerf in PvE for most fights and...uh, still really unfun to play, especially compared to post-2.8 Anni. What's annoying is that, if you were on the 3.0 PTS like me, most of the changes that were in the 3.2.1 patch were there. And we told them then that the spec played like garbage because the rotation was awful and rage-starved. They decided we didn't know what we were talking about and 5 months later propose the same changes to a new set of testers on the 3.2.1 PTS who give them the exact same feedback, and again are ignored.


TLDR: I like the utility changes for the most part. Anni changes good for PvP. Still lame to actually play.


I only just started playing again in season 5. Quit after season 2 for a long while. Which server are you guys on now?

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I only just started playing again in season 5. Quit after season 2 for a long while. Which server are you guys on now?

Still Jung Ma. Mostly PvE now, since solo ranked doesn't pop very frequently (although group seems to just fine most nights.) Rivik and co still have toons on Harbinger I think. You should come back and teach Taelord how to Carnage.


On paper the Anni self-heals change is a nerf, 'cause 15% of damage dealt is usually less than 1% of max HP in full Dark Reaver. Does it feel like less, or more? Or does it only feel like more with DoT spread?

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