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Weapons in the Outfit Designer.


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Well, having the outfit designer is good in all, it prevents us from spending way to many creds to transfer our mods into a better looking set of armor or just an all in all awesome type that you want to show off the hard work that you've put into getting. Now that we have that removed, what about our weapons? Wouldn't they follow the same route of having to waste countless amounts of credits to switch weapons that would match the current outfits? Like me personally, I have the Mandalorian Hunter armor equipped on my Agent so she could could RP as a Mandalorian (fine not a big deal) I use the new PW-12 Plasma Core Sniper Rifle that a friend gifted to me to use with it (though the sling animation is rather humorous in my opinion because it doesn't interact with anything or exist till unslung.) But when I switch over to my Underworld Instigator outfit, I grow tired of seeing the PW-12 Plasma Core Sniper Rifle and decide to switch to the Tac-HUD Heavy Sniper Rifle (and grow old with the holographic sight) then switch to the WL-29 Sniper Rifle because ultimately in my honest opinion it fits the Instigators outfit a lot better than the Heavy Sniper Rifle due to it being a darker hued and not having the bright blue glowing holographic sight.


So, for most of the Basic level 60 mods we spend about 11.3 or 11.5k creds to remove the mods, not counting the color crystal (depending on the variant) will cost us about 7.5k to remove it So roughly about 50k or close to 50k credits to transfer all mods into another weapon because us style fanatics like to look good when we're out and about killing some things or just all in all want to look good while we're RPing. So, does anyone else have any ideas thoughts, or concerns? Maybe we can get this thread bumped up and a Dev can see it and take it into consideration for the next patch or major update. May the force be with you all!

Edited by FetiqeZamamee
To fix a gramatical Error.
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I was surprised that they didn't do this in the first place.


They do not have to let characters slot the "wrong" weapons, either. I'm sure that a lot of BH players might want to be able to "disguise" their pistol(s) as a rifle, but just keep the slots restricted to the normal class weapons.


It would still let them use different pistols with different armors to suit their mood, as well as give them access to certain skins that do not have a customizable option without sacrificing power to have them.

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This has been said many times before and I absolutely agree with it! It needs to happen! especially for RP servers! This way I can have my main blade, but can cover it for RP as needed and other reasons. Hopefully if we ask enough, we can get this done! :) Even if you can only do your class's weapons still, it'll be better than what there is.
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I agree. I would like to see weapon slots as an option in the Outfit Designer.

I also agree that the slots should be restricted to class-appropriate weapons - mostly to avoid mismatched animation issues.


One question I have is in regards to color crystals in weapons. Which crystal color would be visible for an item slotted into the Outfit tab? Would it work like dye modules currently - in that once an item is slotted into the outfit tab, it uses its natural/default coloration? Or would it revert to the color crystal in the actual weapon?


Concrete example: Lightsabers, even without a color crystal in them, have a default blade color. My current sabers of choice (an Orange quality moddable) defaults to a yellow blade when no crystal is slotted. I am currently wielding the horribly ugly Rishi sabers with my Copper crystals. With the option of the weapons slot in the Outfit designer, I'd love to stamp my preferred empty Orange Shells over top of the ugly Rishi sabers but I am curious if it would default to my active Copper blades or if the empty shells would override with their default yellow. If I wanted blue, could I just grab a low level blue crystal and slot into the stamped shells to override the blade color completely?

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I agree. I would like to see weapon slots as an option in the Outfit Designer.

I also agree that the slots should be restricted to class-appropriate weapons - mostly to avoid mismatched animation issues.


One question I have is in regards to color crystals in weapons. Which crystal color would be visible for an item slotted into the Outfit tab? Would it work like dye modules currently - in that once an item is slotted into the outfit tab, it uses its natural/default coloration? Or would it revert to the color crystal in the actual weapon?


Concrete example: Lightsabers, even without a color crystal in them, have a default blade color. My current sabers of choice (an Orange quality moddable) defaults to a yellow blade when no crystal is slotted. I am currently wielding the horribly ugly Rishi sabers with my Copper crystals. With the option of the weapons slot in the Outfit designer, I'd love to stamp my preferred empty Orange Shells over top of the ugly Rishi sabers but I am curious if it would default to my active Copper blades or if the empty shells would override with their default yellow. If I wanted blue, could I just grab a low level blue crystal and slot into the stamped shells to override the blade color completely?


True, that is so very true, but the default coloring that I've seen that apply to a majority of sabers "Jedi are blue and Sith are Red" and the custom made sabers are yellow, whereas the blaster crystals are anywhere between blue,green,red and yellow for default for what I've seen. I'm also curious to think about the Color Crystals as well, but given the fact that they have a stat increase bonus as well, it would be interesting to see if it just stays with the default color crystal that we've added into the weapon itself, or will we have to add a completely new color crystal to it, or if they will just finally break down and give us a color wheel spectrum that would allow us to just choose whatever color we wish.

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I use Satele Shan's cartel dualsaber with cartel green crystal in it, so maybe they are afraid that fewer people will buy cartel weapons with this change?


IMO, that's unfounded though. I have no idea why this hasn't been implemented. Keep pistols to pistols, etc, but aside from that it's just . . . an oversight on their part, or something.

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It's not an oversight. There was discussion when the Outfit Designer was still on the PTS about both including weapons and doing an outfit designer for companions. I believe it was stated that both were things the devs would like to do at some point, but the way the Companions' gear was handled on the back end, and something about the weapons' systems, precluded them from including them in the Outfit Designer as released.


No real mention was made as to whether it was something they would continue working towards or just something they'd like to do but aren't going to pursue. I'm hoping with the number of times both of these have come up on the General Discussion and Suggestion forums, already, that it will be the former and we'll see either or both in a future patch.

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That has some possibilities you could have a Jedi and he could be holding a blaster as a decoration but his actual weapon would be a light saber think of the crazy possibilities in combinations that


This means that a sorcerer inquisition are would have the ability of having a double light saber has a decoration and also an imperial in agent could have the ability of a holding a sniper rifle butt her class would be operative



Actually if I was redesigning character abilities I would give my warrior the ability to shoe lightning from the scans and then I would have no real need to play an inquisition are I like the inquisition are I just like the other classes ability to have better armor I wish the inquisition are heavy armor instead of like armor


I only bring that up because with the redesigned or in addition it to the clothing adapter or item decoration interface whatever the name of that new thing is to where you can have a character where something in appearance but they're really wearing something that's how we bring that up because it sounds like you guys are talking about character redesign in a way DC universe online has already done this it seems like for a game that's been around for five years star wars is missing some basic key features that other games have like player profiles that just to name one missing component for an example

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