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10 Good
  1. This Stronghold was a disappointment compared to the potential. The amount of decorations required to max out such a small stronghold is ridiculous. Obviously, it's super buggy, that's to be expected. I feel like there needs to be an expansion added in on this thing. From the underwater observatory, there should be an underwater walkway leading to a second section, similar in size comparison to the current underwater observatory. There should NOT be an increase in amount of decos required though. There should be a way to free jump around the roof of this stronghold. It looks beautiful, but to be blocked from exploring the outside so drastically and the amount of explorable space being so restricted from the stronghold's actual size is disappointing. Let us just outside of the rooftop gardens and running around! Finally, the amount of green and centerpiece hooks compared to large and medium are ridiculous. Yes, you can sort of adjust the layouts, but that really only does a minimal amount to help. Oh, and in the center of the underwater observatory, there is a built in light directly above the view glass. There should be a hook there instead, cause duh, emergency escape submersible. Overall though, it's a cosmetically beautiful stronghold and there is definitely some potential, but there could be soooo much more with these changes.
  2. You ARE right that Balance needs to be buffed as well. It's the only class where the DOT spec is weaker than the burst spec, but at the same time, it's nice to change things up and not have EVERY class do DOT spec. But at the same time, this class as a whole is the ONLY class (Though Shadow/Assassin is barely there) to have no person able to break 5k DPS on the dummy. It's pretty obvious that this is the weakest class in the game now. And Consulars/Inquisitors overall are weakest in general. It seems pretty obvious they need a little boost to get on the same level as ALL the other classes. In some form or another.
  3. Um, I specifically said i don't care about the Forcestorm/quake damage reduction and they can nerf it further by removing the PvP effects..... Sooooo... Don't really know where you get that I am wanting to get Forcestorm/quake back and that all I do is spam that... I never used it in my rotation prior to the nerf.
  4. This is officially the weakest DPS in the game, even after the supposed "Nerf" of Watchmen/Annihilation, which for the record wasn't a nerf... at least on a dummy (Just requires a gear and rotation adjustment). Ever since the nerf they've been the weakest in the game and it's getting old. Remove some of their PvP utilities and give them their power back. I'm not talking about Forcequake/storm, though the 3 second channel is a joke now. I'm talking about their 30% to do a bonus attack for 30% damage. Giving that back would put them right on par with all the other classes and make them worth having again. The reduction to 25% chance to do 25% percent extra damage is a HUGE nerf and needs to be addressed. It is the ONLY class on Parsely that cannot break 5k DPS and that's WITH a bunch of Revanite gear. Most of their utilities are defensive anyways, for PvE at least, there are only 2 utilities that increase DPS, the rest are all defensive anyways. For PvP just remove the Force Storm utilities. Forcequake/storm can still be a 6 second channel if you just remove the slows/stuns against other players and keep the overall damage reduced. It's not that hard BioWare. You didn't have to RUIN the class cause people cried in PvP over ONE single ability that's been there since the beginning.
  5. This has been said many times before and I absolutely agree with it! It needs to happen! especially for RP servers! This way I can have my main blade, but can cover it for RP as needed and other reasons. Hopefully if we ask enough, we can get this done! Even if you can only do your class's weapons still, it'll be better than what there is.
  6. The Flag ships are huge. As as such, especially with the various floors, they need more hooks. There are a maximum of 750 hooks, and including entryways, there are 25 rooms. Some of these rooms are MASSIVE i.e the Bridge, Command Deck, and Hangars. However, we only get 30 decorations per room. That really isn't sufficient to fully fill a ship. I've seen many guilds with ships that are 100% completion with multiple empty rooms. This holds particular truth for RP guilds with their ships being set up for various RP events. Please look into upping the limit to say 1000 hooks? I mean it's easily twice as big as the Tattooine SH and that has 500 hooks. Just a thought.
  7. What guilds can make this happen? I want the Wings really bad. And the old 4 piece. I have gloves already.
  8. I ABSOLUTELY support this! I've been begging for this since strongholds too! Everything you can do on your ship I think should be doable in your stronghold too! That being said, I think the ships should be more customizable as well for more incentive to use it.
  9. I do, but I'd rather have the ability to reskin weapons in the outfit designer though. And the Gree lightsaber is sexy! The only one i like better is the cathar honor sword.
  10. In the Outfit Designer, can we PLEASE have the option to Toggle Hoods. Particularly for Twi'leks who CAN'T ever have their hoods up. Like make it so their Lekku wrap around to the front so they can have their hoods up. But especially for RP, it'd be nice to put our hoods up and down.
  11. Can we allow multiple gear tabs, so one could rapidly switch from healer gear to dps gear or other options like this? PvE to PvP.
  12. Can we make it so that Guilds can have multiple Strongholds, like how players do, Tattooine, Nar Shadaa, and the like?
  13. I absolutely agree with this! but like just reskinning the weapons you have, not giving you the option of using different class's weapons. Like if I have the Legacy Gree Saber, reskinning it to use my Cathar Honor Sword, just like you do with the outfit. This NEEDS to be a thing.
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