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How is this server dead?


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Since I've been here, over a month now, I have seen this server offer me everything I need to enjoy this game, active pvp, active ranked pvp, *yes some communication is needed but I met ranked players within the first week and play 4 days a week,* and good roleplay in the worlds and slippery slopes. :)


Yes compared to high population servers, JM has less of everything, but it isn't dead. Mentally those who are pessimistic about JM are writing "dead server" threads. I transferred in and I've enjoyed my time here, maybe those who say its a dead server should transfer out and that'd be that for them. ;)


There's no clear cut answer for everyone, because everyone wants something different, or don't exactly know what they want, so fingers get pointed in all directions. JM haters want high population server access like instant q-pops or group finders without actually leaving their JM home. Understandably the truth is, unless there's a big switch in devs giving us new content more consistently , you wont get that. :confused:


Anyways, I'm just throwing some light on this thread thats seems to be a "Debbie-Downer". This server has a great community that has stuck together. I look forward to enjoying more ranked, open world pvp, dueling tourneys, and rp events with you all soon.


Happy subscriber and a disgruntled dps merc/commando heheh:rak_03:




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Because we don't have as many people we can be a closer community and organize better. Yolos are popping again because people are communicating. There's RP-PvP events because people are communicating and putting egos aside.


Lastly, Jung Ma's death is overhyped ;)

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Agreed. We may be a small server, but that just means we have a tighter community, and I'm really pleased to see all the cool events that have been going on lately, not to mention the frequency with which both solo and group ranked have been popping. A few of us were talking just the other day about how even though we may not be the largest pvp community, we're probably one of the least toxic around simply because of our small size, where pretty much everybody knows everybody else.


To paraphrase Mr. Twain, "Reports of Jung Ma's death have been greatly exaggerated." Keep up the great work everyone.

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I'll have to agree. Not many people can put up with my trolling and still smile at me the next day. JM is a nice server I do think out of the 8 other servers (all the MERCS i lvled to 60 and fully geared pvp) JM still have a better community despite some people like me.


Tried leaving JM but can't its a good server like you said there is a little bit of everything of you look for it.

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Jung Ma is an awesome server. I signed up as a noob over a year ago because it was the first server in a list presented to me when I signed up. I had no idea what RP or PVP meant. I just love Star Wars and wanted to try the game. I'm glad I did. The server is small, but the community is active, helpful and devoted to the game. I've been a part of a LOT of guilds (RP, PVP, PVE) this past year - many of whom decided to transfer to other servers. After a month, I always see the more dedicated players coming back to Jung Ma and grumble about whatever server they went to.
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Kingrami i dont know what your toon name is in-game. But good post brother...



You can find me on Imp-side on my alt Jo'ka :D



Good to get some feedback from the "Natives" of JM :rak_03:


See you all in-game:D

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It only dies after 2-3am central time and kicks back up around 8-9ish am...


Try to remember this was the smallest server for awhile.


He's complaining about midbies. 60s are always popping, and the only time you'll have to wait is getting your queue synced up with everyone else's, the first warzone, since it seems like the matchmaker pops all the warzones at once.

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...many of whom decided to transfer to other servers. After a month, I always see the more dedicated players coming back to Jung Ma and grumble about whatever server they went to.


I see the same thing, all the time. I've been playing this game for a little less than a year, but I have toons on "bigger" servers and I prefer to play on this one. It's always good to see people come back to JM. Our largest asset isn't PVE, PVP, or RP (though for sure we have all of those). It's all about the community we have.

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This serve is dead because it takes forever for the warzone que to pop... FOREVER.


As others have said, everyones taking advantage of 12xp, so of course pre 60 anything is being sidelined until people get tired of it.




PS Bioware, up character slots per server past 22 please ^_~

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