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Just hit 60, now what?


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As a Sentinel


Is the first thing to get the Yavin Pummeler's Mk-1 gear from the vendor in the supplies section with Basic Comms? Then where do I go from there?



Is the first thing to get Exhumed Weaponmasters gear with Warzone Comms? Where do I go from there?


And why is the Yavin's gear better than the Exhumed gear beside expertise mainly? I know its pvp and pve but just seems strange how much worse statistically it is.


-Also looking to join a social and interactive guild on Prophecy of the Five.

Thanks for the help, played after launch and got to 50 and just getting back into the game.

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For PvE, play your class missions through Ziost. The 190 gear that drops there is statistically better than the 186 comm gear. I'd be willing to bet it's better than the 192 stuff as well, as all the comm gear has ludicrously high endurance and all the other stats suffer from it. Basically get your Ziost gear, then go do 60HM FP's and SM Ops. They drop min/max'ed 192 gear, and from there move on to HM Ops! (Don't forget to augment! It's free stats!)


PvP? Fill a set out with the 148 gear from the lvl 53 PvE vendor (unless you've saved the 162 gear from the Forged Alliances Story Arc - that's the most bolster-friendly gear in the game) and then replace pieces with the 168 exhumed stuff as you go. When you've got a full set augment out and pray to god you get good ranked teams.


PvE gear is statistically better than PvP gear to (I assume?) compensate for the expertise in open-world PvE. If that's the case the stat differential isn't nearly enough, as anyone with just a basic exhumed set can easily kill someone in full 198 out in open-world PvE.


My other guess is that it would be to prevent people from using PvP gear in PvE (as you could do in the lvl 55 stuff pre 3.0).

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And why is the Yavin's gear better than the Exhumed gear beside expertise mainly? I know its pvp and pve but just seems strange how much worse statistically it is.


PVP gear has to be carefully balanced. If you make it too strong, then people will use it to run PVE, which is bad. If it's not strong enough, people will do open world PVP using PVE gear, which is also bad.


Don't underestimate the anti-player buffs given to you 2018 expertise. When I was in 168 PVP gear, I was annihilating people on Yavin running in their PVE gear. They just melt like butter. PVP gear does exactly what it is supposed to do. If you're not on a PVP server, the only purpose of PVP gear is to not get punished by bolster in warzones.

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For PvE, play your class missions through Ziost. The 190 gear that drops there is statistically better than the 186 comm gear. I'd be willing to bet it's better than the 192 stuff as well, as all the comm gear has ludicrously high endurance and all the other stats suffer from it. Basically get your Ziost gear, then go do 60HM FP's and SM Ops. They drop min/max'ed 192 gear, and from there move on to HM Ops! (Don't forget to augment! It's free stats!)


PvP? Fill a set out with the 148 gear from the lvl 53 PvE vendor (unless you've saved the 162 gear from the Forged Alliances Story Arc - that's the most bolster-friendly gear in the game) and then replace pieces with the 168 exhumed stuff as you go. When you've got a full set augment out and pray to god you get good ranked teams.


PvE gear is statistically better than PvP gear to (I assume?) compensate for the expertise in open-world PvE. If that's the case the stat differential isn't nearly enough, as anyone with just a basic exhumed set can easily kill someone in full 198 out in open-world PvE.


My other guess is that it would be to prevent people from using PvP gear in PvE (as you could do in the lvl 55 stuff pre 3.0).

+1 to this

Pretty much everything you need to know and do revolves around this.

Aside from that, I'd advise you to try and tackle every [Weekly] Quest bundle from planets such as Belsavis (Section X), Corellia (The Black Hole), Makeb, Oricon, Yavin, Ziost and any other planet I'm failing to mention. These are the baseline methods on making a... let's call it decent income, for doing pratically nothing. It's cakewalk, very easy at level 60, and doesn't have an overwhelming gear prequisite to do. 1 full homerun of these and you'd make approx. 1-1.5 mil if you sell all the drops and behave (by behave I mean not spend your money whilst doing)

This should be able to cover the expenses on the mundane crap... such as getting your gear on Legacy armor, to maintain good integrity in case you decide to reroll etc; augmenting your gear, and of course... affording the dreaded augments themselves and their wonderfully overpriced value that our.... beloved community so decides you to cough up.

Also, DON'T underestimate the Classic Ops/HM dailies and weeklies! Especially the Daily 50 Flashpoints and 50 HM Flashpoints.

These give you Basic Comms. and at level 60, you can solo them with your eyes closed... arbitrarily spamming your resource attack... if you're so inclined of course.

These comms can be really friendly sometimes, you can use them to buy Artifact boxes, and give the gear to your alts if you want so cool purples, or you could just sell the purples... some of the Artifact gear have cool armor appearances, which you can sell for a nice cred or two.

Making money in this game is not hard. You just gotta be creative with it


PS - Don't listen to the OMG REROLL1!! People, they're just butthurt because their playstyle demands change, and they don't like changing something that worked very well... ...it's not their fault

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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PS - Don't listen to the OMG REROLL1!! People, they're just butthurt because their playstyle demands change, and they don't like changing something that worked very well... ...it's not their fault






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