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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Serrated Shots in PVP

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Serrated shot is needed for maximum single target DPS, it's nice to have on a target but in a practical situation it's perfectly reasonable to ignore it.


Serrated shot exists so that the devs can check the "Added new 3.0 ability" box. It's worth noticing that Hatred and Madness which are the only two viable PvP dotspecs were also the only dotspecs that did not have a additional GCD of setup added in 3.0.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Serrated Shots was a horrible change to the class.


The old spec had ~85% damage from kinetic/energy damage with the DoT providing a damage buff to the ranged damage and allowing the resource regen.


The DoT was just elemental and you could use anyones elemental DoT to buff your damage not just yours which meant in a resource pinch you could ignore applying all DoT and leech off someone elses.


Now you need to stuff in a second internal DoT which has a large portion of your damage *because* and ranged damage was gutted to make sure you didn't do much without using DoT.


As a result we have a highly layered rotation demanding many components and resource investment in the target for maximum damage.


Great when you're whacking off a boss for 5 minutes.


How about in PVP against 3 targets who LOS after a couple of GCD, use DCD which delete your DoT and interrupt timed casts?


It's all the junk of caster weakness combined with dot weakness combined with weak resources.


Less a skill cap than a millstone to gimp the spec.

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