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change my surname


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Hey all,


So on all of my characters I create my surname shows up after the character name I chose, how do I either change it or switch it to another made up surname instead of my real one? I don't like my real name showing up on top of my characters,



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You can hide the legacy name in your nametag - open character sheet -> 'select title' button -> uncheck 'display legacy surname'. For actual change you have to buy an item (Rename: Legacy name) from Cartel Market or alternatively GTN.
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Sadly the only way to Change is to get 1,000 cartel coins and buy a "change legacy name" from the cartel market


Spending cartel coins is not the only way. You can buy that rename item from Galactic Trade Networks (GTN) too. ;)

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You can hide the legacy name in your nametag - open character sheet -> 'select title' button -> uncheck 'display legacy surname'. For actual change you have to buy an item (Rename: Legacy name) from Cartel Market or alternatively GTN.


Thanks, I think for now unchecking the option in the chraracter sheet was the best way to go as I spent all my monthly cartel coins lol...

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You can hide the legacy name in your nametag - open character sheet -> 'select title' button -> uncheck 'display legacy surname'.


^^ That if you don't want to pay CC or credits to change the legacy name. Just be aware that "display legacy surname" is the default, so if you make a new character, you'll have to do the above for each new character.

Edited by Trynitris
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I don't like my real name showing up on top of my characters,

Besides all the advice offered here, I'd just like to add that no-one knows, and very few would guess, and even fewer would care, that your Legacy name is your real surname.


BtW, when I moved from one server to another, I took the opportunity to do exactly the opposite - I changed my Legacy name to my real surname. (Because it sounded better.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Why would you use your real name in-game? Why would you think people would be able to tell it was your real name?


If you don't want to spend any cartel coins and your legacy is relatively fresh (no toons above 20 yet), just wipe it and start on a different server. Make a good legacy name this time--one you can actually live with.

Edited by Fidelicatessen
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Why would you use your real name in-game? Why would you think people would be able to tell it was your real name?


If you don't want to spend any cartel coins and your legacy is relatively fresh (no toons above 20 yet), just wipe it and start on a different server. Make a good legacy name this time--one you can actually live with.


It was not be choice, it started showing and I am not sure what I had done to do so, I just rather a made up fake name, whether people realise or not.


I dont mind spending cartel coins but I have very little, I received 600 and spent it on a robe straight away, now I want to save for an animal which is over 3k CC but my balance is very low, I doubt I have enough for a name change.


atm I have 8 characters,


Jedi consular Sage lvl 48 - Shadow - 2 only

Jedi knight Sentinel lvl 60 and guardian lvl 55


I also have all the sith but they are lower lvls, 36 and 11 and another two and lvl 1 so I dont really want to delete them and start on a new server, but within the options I disabled it and its now showing Jedi <mycharacternamehere> so its all good,


ty for your help

Edited by ggregoriou
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